15:00:03 <stoney> #startmeeting POSSE IRC Meeting 1 15:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 4 15:00:03 2016 UTC. The chair is stoney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_irc_meeting_1' 15:00:09 <stoney> absolutely 15:00:29 <jadudm> I concur. 15:00:38 <stoney> definately 15:00:51 <jadudm> zodbot: run the karaoke machine. 15:01:03 <stoney> I don't think it has that command 15:01:05 <stoney> :) 15:01:11 <stoney> OK, welcome all! 15:01:19 <stoney> I started the meetbot... that's zodbot 15:01:29 <stoney> It will record what we "say" here 15:01:50 <stoney> And it will post minutes later which I'll link into our agenda page 15:01:57 <stoney> speaking of which... 15:02:10 <stoney> #link Agenda http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 15:02:25 <stoney> That's a link to the agenda for this meeting 15:02:36 <stoney> First item... introductions 15:02:42 <stoney> #topic Introductions 15:03:15 <stoney> So please introduce your self with a brief statement about yourself.... I'll go first to model :) 15:03:27 <stoney> Hi, I'm Stoney Jackson. I'm from Western New England University. I'm a member of the POSSE organizing team. I love software development tools and POGIL. I have used MouseTrap in a project-based course. 15:03:43 <darci> Hi! Darci Burdge from Nassau Community College. I am a member of the foss2serve team. And FYI...I have to leave around 11:30 today for a department meeting...sorry! 15:03:46 <heidie> Heidi Ellis, prof at Western New England University and proud to be Stoney's colleague. Also a foss2serve team member. 15:03:56 <stoney> Feel free to fire when ready... no need to wait :) 15:03:57 <heidie> Also proud to be Darci's colleague! 15:04:04 <darci> :) 15:04:14 <darci> Ditto! 15:04:53 <nanette> Nanette Veilleux, Professor at Simmons College. Ran an HFOSS as a senior seminar last year. 15:04:57 <pearcej> Hi I am Jan Pearce, prof at Berea College. I am eager to involve students in open source projects. 15:04:58 <stoney> I'm proud too, I'm proud too! 15:05:05 <whe> Hi, I'm Wu He. I'm from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. I teach programming and web development in the department of information technology. 15:05:07 <jadudm> Matt Jadud, faculty at Berea College. I have no administrative duties in this group, and have worked with CodeWorkout, Octoprint, and… THE TRANSTERPETER with students. 15:05:19 <nanette> I'm proud, too proud. 15:05:50 <heidie> Folks, I'm going to skip out for 5-10. I'll ping when back. 15:05:52 <stoney> TRANTERPRETER?!?! 15:06:03 <jadudm> Possibly one of the most amazing software projects EVER. 15:06:10 <jadudm> http://transterpreter.org/ 15:06:19 <jadudm> Love it. Use it. Contribute. 15:06:19 <stoney> aha... just found it :) 15:06:26 <stoney> cool 15:06:33 <jadudm> (It was an act of desperation, actually.) 15:06:44 <stoney> whe love web development 15:07:01 <nanette> Yes, looks cool 15:07:07 <stoney> *whe: I love web development 15:07:15 <nanette> http://www.transterpreter.org/ 15:07:43 <jadudm> Old Dominion University 15:07:47 <jadudm> Oops. 15:07:56 <jadudm> It turns out that CMD-T does not open a browser window in my IRC client... 15:07:57 <stoney> you can elevate it to the minutes by starting your line with #link http:... which zodbot will note under the links section. 15:07:58 <darci> cool! 15:08:13 <whe> *stonney: great! 15:08:37 <stoney> oh... and the * before a line indicates to others that you are making a correction to a previous statement 15:08:53 <whe> I see. Thanks! 15:08:54 <stoney> so has everyone introduced themselves? 15:09:15 <darci> I think so... 15:09:34 <stoney> Yup... by my calculations too... 15:09:37 <stoney> So moving on... 15:09:55 <stoney> #topic Discussion of IRC basic features 15:10:23 <stoney> Feel free to try out some of the commands we talk about as we go 15:10:35 <stoney> As I mentioned we have a meetbot running 15:10:55 <stoney> it responds to a specific set of commands that start with # 15:11:29 <stoney> when I started the meeting, zodbot announced some useful ones: #topic, #link, etc. 15:11:46 <stoney> Some can be used by anyone, some only by a chair 15:12:15 <stoney> speaking of which, I should make some other chairs, incase I'm hit by a bus, someone else can conduct the meeting 15:12:23 <stoney> #chair heidie 15:12:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie stoney 15:12:28 <darci> I vote for anyone! 15:12:28 <stoney> #chair darci 15:12:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: darci heidie stoney 15:12:43 <stoney> :) 15:12:45 <anyone> Indeed… anyone can use some commands. 15:12:55 <jadudm> I just used the /nick command. 15:13:10 <jadudm> It lets me change my nickname. I think it is traditionally annoying and juvenile, but I did it for pedagogic purposes. 15:13:12 <jadudm> :D 15:13:13 <stoney> perfect... jadudm demonstrated how to change your nickname! 15:13:18 * darci laughing 15:13:28 <stoney> we forgive you :) 15:13:30 <nanette> :D 15:13:47 <darci> And I used the /me command 15:13:54 <stoney> although it's common to add _ or _afk to the end of your nickname if you are away from your keyboard 15:14:06 <stoney_> like that 15:14:16 <stoney> ls 15:14:19 <stoney> oops :) 15:14:25 <stoney> linux sliping in there :) 15:14:49 * nanette testing 15:14:50 <stoney> right so /me is used to emote 15:15:06 <stoney> right... its intended as an action 15:15:12 * stoney is feeling excited 15:15:15 <nanette> \me is amzed at how much one forgets in a year 15:15:26 <stoney> Or like talking about yourself in the third person 15:15:27 <nanette> \me hmmm 15:15:31 <stoney> forward slash / 15:15:39 * jadudm uses the other slash. 15:15:40 * nanette says /// 15:15:54 <stoney> you got it 15:15:59 <nanette> saturday night fever not matador 15:16:11 * jadudm is confused, but grabs some bell bottoms. 15:16:31 <heidie> Back! 15:17:09 * heidie reads back to get caught up on the conversation 15:17:13 <stoney> other commands... /away and /back should do something to indicate you are away from your keyboard or back.... i don't normally use... trying 15:17:41 <stoney_> ok it won't let me come back :( 15:17:54 <jadudm> Away only said I have returned from away. 15:17:55 <stoney> So /away worked 15:18:06 <jadudm> asd 15:18:13 <stoney> ah... so use /away twice? it's a toggle? 15:18:20 <jadudm> No, I returned twice. 15:18:35 <jadudm> I think I’m about to be eaten by a grue. 15:18:39 * heidie wonders about virtual exits.... 15:18:40 <stoney> seems to toggle mine 15:19:02 <jadudm> could be my client. 15:19:19 <stoney> right... might be interpreted by client 15:19:19 <darci> I'm using Chatzilla. Those who are marked as away appear grayed and in italics. 15:19:47 <stoney> if you mention someone in your text clients usually beep or flash 15:19:56 <stoney> some call this pinging someone 15:20:01 <darci> stoney: it looks like you are still away 15:20:06 <stoney> it's a good way to get someones attention if they are away 15:20:11 <stoney> really!?! 15:20:15 <pearcej> humm... /away seems to only indicate that I am no longer marked as being away... puzzling. 15:20:16 <stoney> not on my end 15:20:34 <stoney> darci I just issued /back... did that fix? 15:21:08 <darci> yep! 15:21:09 <stoney> and putting someone's name first also works to indicate who you are talking to 15:21:25 <stoney> OK then... I'm learning a lot about /away and /back 15:21:38 <pearcej> jadudm - do you get flashing? 15:21:39 <darci> You can also type the first few letters of someones nick and then hit the tab key to complete the nic 15:21:45 <stoney> so I think we covered the list 15:21:56 <stoney> questions about IRC? 15:22:06 <stoney> yes tab completion is handy 15:22:20 <jadudm> pearcej: erm… no? But, again, I’m cheating, and using a Mac native IRC client, so it tends to do weird things. I should just use something simpler. 15:22:29 <jadudm> pearcej: I do get highlights when someone mentions my name. 15:22:34 <pearcej> oooh! I get a beep! 15:22:34 <nanette> does it complete anything besides nic s? 15:22:48 <jadudm> I get tab completion on commands 15:22:59 <pearcej> jadudm... yes, and red highlights 15:23:04 <stoney> jadudm I use Textual trial ed. .... I've also tried colloquy (sp?) 15:23:09 <darci> Me too! 15:23:16 <jadudm> Using Colloquy… spelling also ? 15:23:18 <heidie> I'm using hexchat. 15:23:24 <jadudm> heidie: hardcore. 15:23:30 <nanette> me to. hexchat 15:23:34 <stoney> right now... I'm using textual 15:23:35 <nanette> *too 15:23:47 <heidie> And I've been entirely on Linux since January! 15:23:51 <stoney> #linke Colloquy http://colloquy.info/ 15:23:58 <whe> i am using hexchat 15:23:59 * heidie high 5's nanette 15:24:07 <stoney> #link Colloquy http://colloquy.info/ 15:24:08 <heidie> whe, Cool! 15:24:25 <stoney> #link Textual https://www.codeux.com/textual/ 15:24:27 <nanette> yes, highlights when I'm mentioned. thanks 15:24:33 <jadudm> who! 15:24:40 <jadudm> whoo! /google actually works in my client! 15:24:45 <stoney> interesting 15:24:50 * stoney tries /goolge 15:25:07 <stoney> didn't work for me 15:25:10 <darci> What is /google supposed to do? 15:25:15 <darci> It didn't work for me either. 15:25:15 <stoney> I assume search 15:25:25 <jadudm> My client pops open a browser window and does a google search. 15:25:26 <stoney> probably launch a browser? 15:25:28 <stoney> right :) 15:25:31 <jadudm> Again, it’s a Mac-native client, so it does whizzy things. 15:25:43 <stoney> might have to take a look at it 15:25:50 <nanette> would it be sacrilegious to wonder why we don't use gitter.im or slack? Is it bc of all these other features? 15:26:20 <nanette> /google does nada for me 15:26:38 <jadudm> nanette: good choice of word… 15:26:52 * jadudm feels an essay prompt coming on… 15:26:55 <nanette> had to spell check it 15:27:09 <stoney> nanette some reasons: 1) we prefer to support open source, 2) momentum (lots of open source communities use IRC) 15:27:48 <nanette> I ask bc the OS community we investigated last year did use gitter 15:27:54 <nanette> mifos 15:28:13 <stoney> right... so some HFOSS projects will choose to use other tools 15:28:20 <stoney> then you should go with that :) 15:28:27 <nanette> but I retract the question...was just wondering 15:28:42 <stoney> it's a good question... no need to retract :) 15:28:55 <stoney> Ok... we should probably push to next topic 15:29:08 <stoney> #topic Discussion of HFOSS projects 15:29:11 <darci> Sorry folks, gotta go to a department meeting. Bye! 15:29:17 <stoney> bye darci 15:29:23 * jadudm loves meetings. 15:29:26 <heidie> Bye darci 15:29:34 <heidie> jadudm, you can go to all of my meetings in the future! 15:29:44 * jadudm wiggles with excitement. 15:29:52 <stoney> So have folks had a chance to look at some HFOSS projects? 15:30:00 <stoney> any thoughts or questions about them? 15:30:49 <nanette> after having tried this once, I think understanding the on ramp for various projects is really important 15:31:08 <stoney> right... and they vary from project to project 15:31:12 <jadudm> Yep. 15:31:31 <jadudm> And, oddly, I’ve had better luck with *smaller* projects (that have less-clear onramping), because the community is tighter and more passionate. 15:31:50 <nanette> I found something strange: we had local firewalls -- but that's a separate issue 15:31:51 <jadudm> Whereas some larger projects have great onboarding docs and process… but, don’t actually handle the process well, because they’re too big, or… something. 15:31:53 <stoney> that's an interesting insight 15:31:57 <stoney> I could see that 15:32:20 <jadudm> (Both Karl W. and I had challenges with the same project last spring.) 15:32:35 <nanette> I think you need to look at recent chatter -- what project did you have challenges? 15:32:46 <jadudm> Open MRS. 15:32:50 <stoney> nanette right, it might be hard to engage technologically speaking if your school has stringent controls on the network 15:33:00 <nanette> we had challenges with mifos ... 15:33:11 <jadudm> It was unclear… if they were between versions, or what. But, we could not get build environments set up even if it had meant (no pun intended) saving lives. 15:33:26 <jadudm> http://mifos.org/ ? 15:33:36 <nanette> yes, the firewall thing is not something they disclose transparently 15:34:10 <nanette> yep 15:34:31 <nanette> build environmetns were tough -- we had multiple platforms too 15:34:54 <jadudm> multiple build platforms are *so* difficult. they’re a project unto themselves. 15:35:07 <nanette> but honestly, sometimes I think it was just intermittant network connections 15:35:13 <nanette> kills you in a big download 15:35:14 <stoney> yes... MouseTrap ran into the platform issue 15:35:37 <jadudm> in those cases, I wish that the projects provided a “build VM” that you could run in virtualbox. 15:35:38 <stoney> very hard to test and develop with multiple platforms in mind 15:35:39 <jadudm> or, something. 15:35:54 <stoney> right... and MouseTrap doesn't do well in a VM :( 15:36:10 <stoney> drivers, web-cam thingy 15:36:11 <nanette> we are using vm's on most of our machines so a vm in a vm is an issue 15:36:31 <stoney> oh interesting 15:36:42 <stoney> the vm in a vm issue 15:37:08 <stoney> whe or pearcej any questions or thoughts about HFOSS projects? 15:37:35 * pearcej feeling overwhelmed. advice for getting started? 15:38:17 <stoney> let's see... I think Lori had some good advice in yesterday's IRC meeting... digging ... 15:38:48 <jadudm> pearcej: attend a POSSE? 15:38:54 * jadudm ducks 15:39:08 <stoney> <lorip> Things to consider: student background, level of involvement, language, just to mention a few 15:39:11 <pearcej> jadudm ha ha! will do! 15:39:21 <nanette> \me gotta go: dentist (possibly only thing worse than a dept mtg) 15:39:22 <whe> Me too. I may need to get my TA to attend a POSSE too later 15:39:33 <stoney> And then start evaluating project against that 15:39:42 <nanette> \away 15:39:48 <stoney> also... start talking to folks 15:40:01 <stoney> especially those who have tried using in their classes before 15:40:36 <stoney> and like others have said... attend a POSSE and form connections :) 15:41:07 <stoney> you don't have to have a project selected right now... we just want you to start thinking about and looking at them 15:41:14 <stoney> bye nanette 15:41:22 * stoney is a little slow sometimes 15:42:26 <stoney> So there is only one more agenda item... but I don't understand what "Good of the order" means 15:42:32 <stoney> anyone else? :) 15:43:38 <stoney> Ok... so things have slowed... so let's wrap up 15:43:42 <stoney> #topic Wrap up 15:43:52 <stoney> Any last minute burning questions? 15:44:34 <jadudm> nope. 15:44:36 <stoney> After I close the meeting... I'll post a link to our minutes at the bottom of the agenda 15:44:44 <stoney> Okie dokie 15:45:00 <whe> cool 15:45:14 <stoney> Alright... thanks all for attending 15:45:18 <jadudm> thank you all! 15:45:19 <stoney> Talk to you soon! 15:45:23 <stoney> #endmeeting