17:01:25 <ghislop> #startmeeting IRC 2 17:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 25 17:01:25 2016 UTC. The chair is ghislop. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc_2' 17:01:33 <heidie> Welcome. 17:01:51 <pearcej> try http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html for commands 17:01:54 <adalal> hello! 17:02:05 <JohnRager> hii 17:02:06 <heidie> Welcome. 17:02:17 <heidie> The agenda for our meeting is here: 17:02:19 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 17:02:37 <ghislop> #addchair heidie 17:02:39 <heidie> Let's start by going around and doing quick intros. 17:02:58 <heidie> I'm Heidi Ellis, foss2serve team member from Western New England University 17:03:07 <pearcej> hi I am Jan Pearce from Berea College 17:03:09 <JohnRager> I’m John Rager, chair of CS at Amherst College. 17:03:16 <Sheggen> Scott Heggen, Berea College 17:03:17 <adalal> I’m Amy Csizmar Dalal from Carleton College 17:03:18 <mario-nakazawa> I am Mario Nakazawa, from Berea College 17:03:24 <SSultana> I'm Simon Sultana, program director software engineering and CIS, Fresno Pacific University 17:03:52 * glikins is Gina Likins from the university outreach team at Red Hat 17:04:00 <Chi> Hi! I'm Chi Zhang, from Kennesaw State University in Atlanta, Georgia. 17:04:20 <heidie> #topic Stage 1 Activities 17:04:31 <heidie> How is everyone coming on stage 1 activities? Any questions? 17:04:51 <adalal> I’m a bit behind b/c I was at Grace Hopper all last week, but making progress. 17:05:07 <SSultana> I'm finally caught up through part B! 17:05:10 <heidie> Good! 17:05:30 <heidie> adalal, I'm sorry that I didn't catch up with you ah Hopper. What a zoo! 17:05:33 <SSultana> Don't quite feel like an expert but maybe enough to be dangerous ;-) 17:05:48 <heidie> How far is everyone else? 17:06:04 <Sheggen> done with A, just started looking at B 17:06:08 <nakazawa> same 17:06:19 <JohnRager> I’m mostly done with part B. Question - in the last part B activity, we re supposed to sign up for things. What are we signing up for? 17:06:30 <Chi> I'm through the major milestones. I'm having a little difficulties adding my wiki page to the "POSSE 2016-11 participants" page. 17:06:54 <pearcej> done with A, just started looking at B 17:06:55 <glikins> #info Last night krish was looking for an "Intro to Open Source" class -- Moorthy at RPI has taught one: http://www.cs.rpi.edu//~moorthy/Courses/CSCI2961-01-Fall2016/ -- for notes to pass on to zir 17:06:56 <heidie> JohnRager, Yes, we'll talk about that in a minute if that's OK? 17:07:07 <JohnRager> Sure. 17:07:14 <Chi> I mean - done with major activites in A and just started at B 17:07:17 <nanette> At some point there was a wiki page to edit but the editing was disabled (my name was there from last year) 17:07:56 <heidie> nanette, We changed the "Roll Call" page on teachingopensource as we had some folks editing who shouldn't have been. 17:08:06 <heidie> Everyone is able to edit the foss2serve wiki. 17:08:07 <Chi> ediitng sould be available after logging in 17:08:12 <Chi> *should 17:08:28 <pearcej> went to one of @glikins at Grace Hopper 17:08:46 <nanette> ok -- don't edit roll call, do edit foss2serve wiki (if appropriate) 17:09:05 <heidie> Chi, can you ping either myself or Darci about this via email or on IRC afterwards if you're still having trouble? 17:09:08 <pearcej> I could not edit wiki when I tried 17:09:15 <heidie> We'll walk you through it. 17:09:22 <Chi> Will do! Thanks. 17:09:56 <heidie> And as Chi noted, please do log your progress on your pages on your foss2serve page. 17:10:19 <pearcej> When I tried it said that editing has been disabled. Has it been re-enabled? I think I was logged in. 17:10:24 <glikins> pearcej: hope you liked it! 17:10:45 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/User:KNarayan is a good example. 17:10:46 <pearcej> @glikins, yes, the session was great 17:11:05 <heidie> Were you trying to edit on teachingopensource.org? or foss2serve.org? 17:11:27 <heidie> Look like pearcej and Chi are having trouble editing. Anyone else? 17:11:53 <JohnRager> I just checked. I can edit the page at this moment. 17:11:56 <emme> I just checked and I can still see the Edit tab okay when I'm logged into foss2serve 17:12:01 <heidie> Ah, thank you! 17:12:33 <heidie> Any remaining questions about stage 1? 17:12:36 <nanette> it looks like I can edit foss2serve as well 17:12:39 <pearcej> @heidie--not sure, but Matt Jadud's info was there and outdated. He could not edit either. 17:12:46 <Chi> I can edit but just am not sure how to add a link of my wiki page to the participants list. 17:12:50 <adalal> Is it ok if we answer the prompts on our blog instead of the wiki? 17:13:18 <heidie> Chi, one way that I learn about wikis is to go and edit a page that does what I want it to. 17:13:37 <heidie> So find a page with a link, press the edit tab, and copy and paste the syntax. 17:14:03 <heidie> pearcej, Yes, teachingopensource is locked down. But you should be able to edit the foss2serve wiki which is where we'd like to see your stuff. 17:14:29 <ghislop> adalal: yes, blogging is OK 17:14:44 <heidie> As long as we can see it adalal :-) 17:14:50 <heidie> OK, so lets talk about stage 2. 17:14:54 <SSultana> The foss2serve wiki is our individual page, right? 17:14:57 <adalal> :) 17:14:58 <heidie> ghislop, will you change our topic? 17:15:04 <Chi> I might not have said it clearly. I've got my page #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/User:Chi.Zhang. I now wanted to add the link to the participants list: #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/POSSE_2016-11_Participants 17:15:12 <heidie> You have an individual page on foss2serve 17:15:18 <ghislop> #topic Questions about Stage 2 17:15:36 <heidie> SSultana, yours is: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/User:Sultana 17:15:55 <SSultana> right, was hoping there wasn't another one out there we were supposed to be editing 17:16:05 <heidie> Yup, you got it SSultana 17:16:17 <heidie> Chi, Now you can simply edit the "Participants' page and add your link. 17:16:25 <heidie> Who has questions about stage 2? 17:16:38 <JohnRager> ghislop - do you mean stage 2 or part B? 17:16:53 <heidie> And I should mention that Gina, Greg, and I are typing this from Red Hat in Raleigh. Getting excited! 17:17:04 <heidie> JohnRager, Stage 2, the face-to-face partt 17:17:13 <ghislop> JohnRager: Stage 2 - the part we do face to face in Raleigh 17:17:28 <SSultana> http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities 17:17:30 <adalal> Can you give us a general sense of what to expect? i.e when we’ll be starting each morning, what a typical day will be like? 17:17:45 <SSultana> but it says welcome to Philadelphia?? 17:17:49 <adalal> Whoops, never mind, the link answers my questions. 17:18:14 <SSultana> The link may be a previous meeting. Sorry?! 17:18:28 <adalal> I’m guessing the activities will be similar, though? 17:18:36 <heidie> No fuss :-) 17:18:43 <heidie> Always glad when folks jump in to answer questions! 17:18:45 <ghislop> SSultana: take that page as approximate - the schedule is right - but we haven't updated it since the last POSSE which was in Philadelphia 17:19:08 <heidie> To be specific. You'll need to be ready to go at Red Hat Annex by 1:00 on Thursday 17:19:15 <heidie> And plan to be there until mid-afternoon Saturday. 17:19:41 <heidie> The hotel is within walking distance and if you arrive early enough, we'll meet folks in the lobby and walk over together. 17:20:00 <SSultana> what hotel? address? 17:20:29 * adalal frantically checks my flight info to make sure I’ll be there on time :) 17:20:37 <ghislop> We'll send out directions and information in the coming days. 17:20:46 <SSultana> ghislop thank you 17:21:16 <heidie> Meals and breaks will be covered. 17:21:19 <JohnRager> Raleigh Marriott City Center 500 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, NC 27601 (a little birdie…) 17:21:32 <Chi> Thanks for the addess 17:21:35 <heidie> glikins, do you think we could get a tour of RH? 17:21:45 <heidie> For POSSE folks? 17:22:23 <heidie> We'll send out information in a bit and ask folks to post their arrival and departure information in a titanpad so that we can coordinate rides to and from the airport. 17:22:28 <adalal> Silly question: is there a safe-ish place to run near/around the hotel? 17:22:42 <heidie> Yup, we're right downtown. 17:22:52 <SSultana> you are coordinating rides to/from airport?! Thank you! 17:22:57 <heidie> Yup. :-) 17:22:59 <glikins> heidie: yes! 17:23:05 <ghislop> adalal: yes, people seem to jog in the area in the early AM 17:23:05 <nanette> I won't rent a car this year bc it looks like we don't need it (hotel is so close) 17:23:11 <glikins> we will plan on it -- let me know when in schedule 17:23:15 <pearcej> Are you also coordinating hotel? 17:23:19 <heidie> glikins, Thanks! 17:23:22 <ghislop> nanette: correct. cars will not be needed 17:23:27 <glikins> My suggestion on cars is to Uber (and Uber together) 17:23:32 <adalal> Great, thanks ghislop! 17:23:34 <heidie> pearcej, Yes, we've made hotel reservations. 17:23:36 <glikins> cheaper / easier than taxi 17:23:50 <Chi> I have reserved a car. Will I need it? I can cancel it if not. 17:24:03 <ghislop> Chi: you won't need the car 17:24:22 <Chi> ok. thanks! 17:24:22 <nanette> There's also the rt 100 bus ... I like taking local transport 17:24:23 <ghislop> Chi: yes, please cancel it. 17:24:37 <glikins> *def.* don't need car. Bigger hassle than it's worth :-) 17:25:10 <heidie> nanette, Yup, bus works too! Might be slow. 17:25:39 <heidie> Are there other questions about stage 2? 17:26:14 <heidie> Please do note that we're expecting that you'll have completed all stage 1 activities before hitting the ground in Raleigh. 17:26:27 <SSultana> heidie should we bring anything with? 17:26:28 <heidie> And do reach out to one of the foss2serve team if you have questions. 17:26:31 <SSultana> (for the work to be done) 17:26:40 <heidie> SSultana, laptop 17:26:47 <SSultana> check 17:26:57 <heidie> Other than that, I think you're set. 17:27:32 <heidie> Dress is casual. 17:27:37 <nanette> Is it best to have a VM? 17:27:46 <glikins> may want an extra extension cord -- we have them in the room, but if you have a spare power strip it can be handy 17:27:49 <heidie> nanette, Doesn't matter. 17:27:56 <heidie> glikins, Good thought! 17:28:17 <heidie> Welcome Rob. Wanna briefly introduce yourself? 17:28:42 <Guest73316> Hi. Rob Hochberg. Computer science professor at the University of Dallas. 17:28:44 <emme> Long laptop cords helpful also, if you have one (like most Apple laptops) 17:28:50 <heidie> Oh, right. 17:28:58 <Guest73316> I am unfamiliar with FOSS, so learning fast in preparation for November's meeting. 17:29:09 <heidie> Super! 17:29:18 <Guest73316> Also, first IRC ever. Thanks for your patience! 17:29:37 <heidie> Guest73316, You'll catch up quickly. 17:30:15 <heidie> Any other questions on stage 2? 17:30:52 <nanette> I found the easiest IRC thing ever: https://webchat.freenode.net/ totally via web 17:30:55 <nakazawa> Hard to think of questions before actually arriving, I think. 17:31:25 <SSultana> nanette, i guess i've been cheating becuase that's what i've been using 17:31:28 <heidie> Sure. And as questions arise, drop one of the foss2serve team an email or pint on IRC. 17:31:35 <nanette> Last time we broke up into projects and spent a lot of time installing builds (or at least my group did) -- any way to get a head start? 17:31:40 <heidie> webchat is fine. 17:31:49 <heidie> Speaking of which.... 17:31:50 <ghislop> #topic stage 2 groups 17:32:14 <heidie> One thing we'd like you to start thinking about is the project that you'd like to work on and the courses that you'd like to focus on. 17:32:25 <heidie> You've already taken steps in this direction during stage 1. 17:32:40 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 17:33:02 <heidie> If you'll migrate to the link above, you'll see that some of our POSSE peers have already signed up for projects. 17:33:53 <SSultana> was sahana a project? or am i thinking of something else? 17:34:05 <heidie> We'd like you to take a look and see which project you might be interested in. 17:34:14 <heidie> Sahana was used in prior POSSEs. 17:34:28 <Guest73316> Does signing up consist of editing the Wiki page? 17:34:28 <heidie> You could use it, but note that we don't have any faculty contact for Sahana. 17:34:35 <heidie> Guest73316, Yes, it does. 17:34:43 <SSultana> heidie, got it 17:34:51 <heidie> Sign up for a project and for one or more courses. 17:34:57 <SSultana> do i need to go change my previous responses where i reference sahana? 17:35:28 <heidie> In the past, we have found that some POSSEs organize into groups based on projects and others based on course. 17:35:30 <ghislop> SSultana: no need to change responses unless you'd like to 17:35:48 <heidie> Also note that you can change your mind at any point. 17:36:04 <heidie> We're just nudging you to look at the options and figure out best fits. 17:36:09 <JohnRager> Can we add courses? 17:36:14 <heidie> Sure 17:36:16 <heidie> :-) 17:36:22 <adalal> What is “stand-alone HFOSS/Openness”? 17:36:52 <Guest73316> Also, because of the computer vision aspect, I believe MouseTrap was most interesting to me. It look like it's available, though nobody has signed up yet. Guess I'll be the first! 17:36:57 <ghislop> adalal: some of us have done courses that are entirely about HFOSS, e.g., as a special topic course or an advanced elective 17:37:48 <SSultana> are any of these HFOSS projects? 17:38:09 <adalal> Oh, ok. I am maybe considering this for a “technical civic engagement consulting center”, so I’m trying to figure out where that would fit in these curricular categories. 17:38:14 <heidie> All of these projects are humanitarian. 17:38:39 <SSultana> thank you heidie 17:38:51 <Chi> that's what I thought. i'm interested in OpenMRS project and thinking of preparing a senior special topic course on open source electronic health records systems and applicaitons. 17:38:59 <heidie> Chi, Super! 17:39:13 <ghislop> adalal: we can discuss your situation at the POSSE, but the full HFOSS course might be relevant. 17:39:33 <adalal> OK, that makes sense! Thanks! 17:40:13 <heidie> Also note that we expect that your ideas will grow and evolve during stage 2 as you discuss them with other POSSE participants. 17:40:37 * heidie "POSSE pals"? 17:41:04 <ghislop> Any other questions? 17:41:59 <heidie> OK, it looks like we're done with the contents of the meeting. 17:42:12 <heidie> Look for information coming soon on organizing travel to and from the airport. 17:42:23 <heidie> And if you have questions, send them along. 17:42:30 <nanette> will you be doing that titan pad thing again? 17:42:40 <nanette> about transportation? 17:42:42 <heidie> I usually hang out in this channel and in teachingopensource so ping me if you'd like. 17:42:46 <heidie> nanette, Yup, the titanpad. 17:43:09 <nakazawa> titanpad? Is that described on the website somewhere? What is it? 17:43:15 <pearcej> So, are we good, then? 17:43:56 <nanette> titan pad is a online text field that people can edit -- we can put our flight info and coordinate 17:44:09 <nakazawa> Ah... Ok. 17:44:18 <emme> it's nice because you can see who made different edits and everyone can edit in realtime 17:44:27 <Guest73316> I'm good. This was a practice IRC for me, squeezing it in after a meeting. I'll be in on the entire meeting tomorrow. See you then! 17:44:57 <nanette> I love your nick, Guest73316 17:45:09 <ghislop> OK... thanks all. Keep going on the stage 1 activities. Ask questions if you need to... 17:45:15 <ghislop> #endmeeting