18:00:27 <darci> #startmeeting POSSE IRC #3 18:00:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 18:00:27 2016 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_irc_#3' 18:00:43 <Sgsultana> hello 18:00:48 <darci> HI! 18:00:54 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 18:00:59 <darci> Here is our agenda for today. 18:01:08 <adalal> hello! 18:01:43 <darci> #topic Introductions and Progress 18:02:06 <darci> Let's take a minute to do quick intros and a brief summary of what you've been doing. 18:02:42 <SimonS> Simon Sultana, Fresno Pacific University. Just started the Bug Tracker Activity 18:02:44 <darci> I'm Darci Burdge from Nassau Community College. I've been helping the team get ready for POSSE and am wishing that I was going to be there!! 18:03:05 <ChrisMurphy> Chris Murphy from UPenn. I'm organizing the student presentations for lunchtime on Friday at POSSE. 18:03:06 <darci> Good SimonS ! 18:03:11 <adalal> Amy Csizmar Dalal, Carleton College. I’ve done everything except the second part of the course planning activity. Looking forward to next week! 18:03:39 <lorip> I'm Lori Postner from Nassau Community College, part of the POSSE team. I've been working on a Project Evaluation activity for POSSE and am bummed that I won't be there in person. 18:03:46 <kussmaul> Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College. Busy revising some of the POSSE sessions, and prepping for a month in India visiting friends and leading workshops. 18:03:51 <patricia> patricia lee, California state university fullerton. i'm sorry to say that i'm way behind, and I was unable to come to the 2nd meeting. 18:04:11 <Chi> Chi Zhang, Kennesaw State University. I've been reading OpenMRS and finished a proposal to our college to have a special topic course on it in spring 2017. 18:04:24 <darci> Wow! That is great! 18:04:31 <lorip> chi - that is awesome! 18:04:32 <hochberg> I'm Rob Hochberg, and I direct the CS program at the University of Dallas. We're a small, liberal arts school, with a fairly new CS program. Our students tend to be socially conscious folks, and I believe FOSS in the classroom would work here. I'm currently woriking on part B. "B" for "behind." (Sorry, but catching up...) 18:05:15 <darci> It looks like everyone is making some progress...even if a bit slow is some cases! 18:05:41 <darci> Does anyone have any questions about the activities? 18:06:29 <SimonS> On the Bug Tracker Activity, some of the indicated fields seem to be missing (Sev, Pri, OS). I'm guessing these have been changed/eliminated in the previous years? 18:06:57 <darci> Hmmm...we will check that SimonS 18:07:30 <darci> I'm assuming you were still able to address the main points? 18:07:34 <SimonS> sounds good 18:07:52 <SimonS> yes, I'm making my way through it 18:08:36 <darci> The second topic is about two of the activities that we will be referencing in Raleigh. 18:08:52 <ghislop> Hi all! I'm Greg Hislop from Drexel... part of the POSSE team... will only be here for a bit but wanted to wave to everyone. 18:09:02 <SimonS> Hello Greg 18:09:04 <darci> #topic Discuss B.4 and C.3: FOSS in Courses 18:09:07 <darci> Hi Greg! 18:09:15 <ghislop> :-) 18:09:27 <hochberg> For the FOSS in Courses Activity, in part 4 we are asked to think about concrete class activities. In IRC #2, I got the impression that we should wait until the POSSE before settling on a project for sure. (In my case, I probably want to work with MouseTrap.) Is that still the case, or would it be appropriate for me to start thinking concretely about MousTrap in particular? 18:10:22 <ghislop> hochberg: both. We want people to start exploring and thinking in stage 1, but also allow for flexibility in stage 2 18:10:43 <darci> Yes, you should be thinking about classes and activities that you might want to do in the various classes, and the project can be part of that thinking. 18:11:04 <lorip> hochberg: we want you to pick an initial project and course, but realize this may change when we meet face-to-face 18:11:10 <darci> I would add that often faculty have a project in mind, but then move to a different project at POSSE. 18:11:30 <hochberg> Okay. That helps --- having a concrete project to think about. I'll keep an Open Mind, too... 18:11:44 <darci> :) I think that is good 18:11:52 <lorip> hochberg: so yes, I'd start thinking about MouseTrap concretely so you have questions/thoughts/etc for next week 18:12:13 <ghislop> I like that... an Open Mind for Open source... :-) 18:12:22 <darci> haha, perfect! 18:12:52 <darci> What are others thinking about doing? 18:13:47 <adalal> I went into this thinking about using OpenMRS for our capstone course, but I’m finding it easier to think about smaller activities for our Software Design course instead. 18:14:27 <ghislop> Either approach would be fine. Sometimes smaller activities are an easier way to get started. 18:14:41 <darci> I would agree! 18:14:56 <darci> It's nice to try out a couple and then build more into the course. 18:14:59 <SimonS> I was thinking OpenMRS but am also thinking smaller activities embedded throughout the program might be desirable. We have a "Computing in the Community" course where OpenMRS might fit great 18:15:12 <Chi> Speaking of OpenMRS, I followed the links on HFOSS and found this blog http://blog.karl.w-sts.com/. It has detailed instructions on how to set up the development environment for OpenMRS. 18:15:26 <adalal> Good to know, Chi! 18:15:29 <kussmaul> I'm a big fan of small steps first - "test fast, fail fast, adjust fast" - Tom Peters 18:15:52 <darci> SimonS: That course sounds interesting! What is typically covered? 18:17:02 <darci> Chi: had you tried following the instructions for setting up the dev environment available on the OpenMRS site? 18:17:18 <SimonS> Darci, it's a brand new. It's one of two summative project (semester-long) courses 18:17:25 <SimonS> Focus on non-profit 18:17:34 <ghislop> Chi: not sure if this was obvious, but Karl Wurst is a POSSE alum... 18:17:42 <darci> Cool! 18:17:45 <Chi> I got interrupted right after I started.. so... I haven't, yet. 18:18:43 * darci wondering if Karl tried to contribute these instructions back to the community 18:19:07 <Chi> @ghislop: yes, it was obvious. :) and i thought - great, so i don't have to reinvent the wheel. 18:19:57 <darci> It might be worth noting that we will be using your responses to these activities during the face-to-face workshop. 18:20:15 <darci> Your ideas serve as a starting point for group work! 18:20:52 <hochberg> That is good to know! Thanks. <Note to self: revisit the notes...> 18:21:07 <darci> :) 18:22:10 <darci> It works best if you have provided some detail about what you want to do, so that others can build on your ideas or perhaps your ideas spark new ones! 18:23:35 <darci> Speaking of courses and projects... 18:24:01 <darci> #topic Stage 2 Groups 18:24:09 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 18:24:39 <darci> Everyone should be sure to sign up for at least one course and project from this list 18:24:59 <darci> If you haven't already done so 18:25:42 <SimonS> (done) 18:26:05 <darci> In past workshops we have organized work groups around courses and sometimes around projects. 18:26:10 <darci> Sometimes both! 18:26:38 <darci> Other thoughts on projects? 18:26:50 <adalal> Will we be able to move between groups, say if we’ve identified 2 courses we’re interested in? 18:27:05 <darci> Sure! 18:27:26 <adalal> Yay! 18:27:34 <darci> We certainly have faculty who do that. 18:27:35 <ghislop> There's no rule, but you may find it difficult to keep up with two groups during the workshop... 18:28:06 <ghislop> most people tend to settle in one group after a while 18:28:16 <darci> Sometimes they find that one group is working on something they are more interested in and settle there. 18:28:19 <adalal> OK that’s good to know 18:28:48 <lorip> adalal: you should get a better feel for the groups one in Raleigh - once you see the direction the group is going in, one might be a better choice 18:29:15 <darci> For example, it may be a CS2 group who is looking at Ushahid, but you realize that you want to work in OpenMRS because the code base is in Java. 18:30:47 <adalal> I see there is some overlap in the people listed in the 2 courses anyway, so we might be able to naturally foster conversations within one group about the other course. 18:31:58 <darci> Hmm...I don't recall seeing that before? 18:32:43 <darci> I would also note that it is necessary for you to complete the git activity and have git installed before coming to Raleigh. 18:32:57 <Chi> Will do! 18:33:27 <darci> We will be doing two group-based git activities 18:33:45 <SimonS> darci, where is the git activity? 18:34:24 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Git_Activity 18:34:44 <SimonS> what part was this in? 18:34:49 <darci> It is in part C.2 18:34:52 <lorip> it is Part C: #2 18:35:09 <darci> The title is actually "Source Code Management/Control Activity" 18:35:30 <Chi> I've had a little experience with Github when I took R programming on coursera. 18:35:36 <SimonS> ah, that's why i didn't catch it! thanks 18:35:49 <darci> Chi: that will help! 18:36:20 <darci> Do others have experience using git/GitHub? 18:36:27 <adalal> I do 18:36:47 <darci> cool! 18:36:49 <SimonS> i've seen it. not yet used it 18:36:53 <hochberg> Fortunately, we do use it in our classes for code management. And our research groups use it, too. 18:36:58 <patricia> me, too. 18:37:43 <darci> Fun, it will be good to have some experience in the room. 18:38:39 <darci> Before I move on...any outstanding questions about activities, foss in courses, or projects? 18:39:21 <kussmaul> I think they are _all_ outstanding! :-) 18:39:31 <kussmaul> (sorry, not a question) 18:39:35 <hochberg> Dumb question... I believe I had signed up for "MouseTrap" and "CS2" for my project and courses, but I can not find that wiki page now. Could you send a link? 18:39:55 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 18:40:05 <darci> Thanks lorip ! 18:40:20 <lorip> :) 18:40:38 <darci> And yes, kussmaul they are! 18:40:39 <hochberg> Thanks! <bookmarking...> 18:41:25 <darci> #topic travel 18:41:38 <darci> Okay, last topic... 18:41:43 <darci> #link https://titanpad.com/POSSETravel 18:42:04 <darci> If you haven't already please include your travel information on this titanpad. 18:42:57 <darci> It would be helpful if you could make contact with others who are arriving around the same time as you and plan to travel from the airport to the hotel together. 18:43:46 <darci> If you do not have time, you can do directly to the Red Hat Annex. 18:44:18 <darci> The hotel and the annex are pretty close to one another. 18:44:58 <darci> Are there any questions about logistics/travel? 18:46:16 * darci thinking it is really quiet! 18:46:28 <darci> Can I assume all is good? 18:46:34 * lorip I was thinking the same thing! 18:46:39 <SimonS> what alternatives to taxis are there in Raleigh 18:46:43 <darci> :) Imagine that! 18:46:46 <SimonS> Is Uber there? 18:46:49 * ghislop thinking that the email I sent must have been good! 18:47:02 <Chi> it is very helpful! 18:47:03 <lorip> I'm going to have to run, need to pick up my kids - bye everyone! 18:47:06 <SimonS> Think I saw it was but wanted to verify 18:47:22 <ghislop> yes, there is uber (or so I'm told - no personal experience) 18:47:45 <darci> bye lorip 18:47:55 <SimonS> Okay. I get in around midnight on Wednesday and trying to figure out how to get to hotel 18:48:07 <patricia> i won't be there, but i was wondering if it would be possible to participate remotely? 18:48:32 <darci> SimonS: taxi should certainly work 18:48:50 <darci> patricia: we usually try to keep an IRC channel open 18:48:54 <SimonS> was trying to control costs darci 18:49:15 <SimonS> (My flight already cost over $500) 18:49:32 <ghislop> patricia: we can also share materials 18:49:55 <darci> Thanks SimonS! 18:50:06 <darci> You can try the shuttle as well! 18:50:08 <patricia> thank you ghislop! 18:50:20 <SimonS> does anyone know what a cab/shuttle costs from airport to hotel? 18:50:46 <darci> There will be a link to materials...not sure but probably on the agenda page if I remember correctly. 18:51:16 <patricia> super! thanks, darci! 18:51:49 <darci> SimonS: I don't remember...does anyone else? 18:53:28 <ChrisMurphy> the Internet says that a taxi from RDU to downtown Raleigh is around $30 18:54:01 <ghislop> $30 is low I think... 18:54:19 <Chi> my search shows $47.70:) https://www.taxifarefinder.com/main.php?city=Raleigh-NC&from=RDU+International+Airport%2C+John+Brantley+Boulevard%2C+Morrisville%2C+NC%2C+United+States&to=190+E+Davie+St%2C+Raleigh%2C+NC%2C+United+States&fromCoord=35.88007899999999,-78.78799630000003&toCoord=35.7754011,-78.63702690000002 18:54:31 <SimonS> woah. we'll shoot for Uber 18:54:48 <SimonS> thanks Chi 18:54:52 <ghislop> my recollection is that the shuttle runs close to $40 and less if shared. Cab is closer t o$50 18:54:55 <Chi> you are welcome! 18:55:07 <patricia> http://www.supershuttle.com/ 18:55:15 <patricia> maybe be a good place to look as well? 18:55:28 <hochberg> Okay, just to be sure... You'd like us to email one another to arrange transportation from the airport. Would it be okay to put notes like that on the TitanPad? Three people in an Uber should be pretty economical... 18:55:41 <ghislop> There's a shuttle link in the email I sent. That has worked well for prior POSSE's 18:55:52 <darci> yes, that would be great hochberg! 18:55:58 <patricia> gotta run, but thanks for all the info. 18:56:11 <darci> You might want to exchange cell numbers just in case someone's flight is delayed. 18:56:24 <adalal> Looks like there are a bunch of us arriving w/in a half hour of each other on Thursday so maybe shuttle would make sense 18:56:27 <SimonS> ghislop, when did you send the email? 18:56:27 <hochberg> If I recall correctly, Super Shuttle is per person ... no "grouping together" discount. Is that right. 18:56:32 <Chi> i have a meeting to go. bye for now. thanks all! 18:56:44 <darci> bye Chi! 18:56:50 <ghislop> SimonS: within the last week 18:57:08 <SimonS> I'm not seeing an email from you. Only Lori 18:57:13 <ChrisMurphy> #link http://skyshuttleride.com/category/shared-ride-from-rdu/ 18:57:34 <ghislop> I'll send a copy again before next week... as a reminder 18:57:35 <darci> hochberg: I think you are right. 18:57:46 <darci> thanks ghislop! 18:58:08 <SimonS> Thank you ghislop 18:58:09 <hochberg> Okay. I'll put a note on the TitanPad inviting my co-arrivees to share an Uber. Thanks! 18:58:18 <darci> It is almost 2:00. 18:58:28 <darci> I'm going to end the meeting. 18:58:40 <darci> If you have additional questions, I will be around for a bit longer. 18:59:02 <adalal> Thanks darci! 18:59:13 <darci> The workshop will be great! Wishing I was going to be there! 18:59:30 <darci> #endmeeting