14:00:55 <stoney> #startmeeting POSSE IRC Meeting 3.3 14:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 21 14:00:55 2017 UTC. The chair is stoney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_irc_meeting_3.3' 14:01:08 <stoney> #chair lorip 14:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: lorip stoney 14:01:21 <stoney> i all, welcome to the the third IRC meeting for POSSE! :) 14:01:33 <lorip> our agenda is posted here 14:01:36 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 14:01:39 <stoney> and the final IRC meeting before the workshop :) 14:01:54 <stoney> before we begin let's take roll 14:02:00 <stoney> #topic Roll Call 14:02:08 <stoney> If you are participating in today's meeting, please #info your name and institution. 14:02:14 <stoney> #info Stoney Jackson, Western New England University 14:02:28 <lorip> #info Lori Postner, Nassau Community College, NY 14:02:55 <Sabine> #info Sabine Wojcieszak University of Applied Sciences Kiel 14:02:58 <gustavopinto> #info Gustavo Pinto, Federal University of Para (UFPA) 14:03:13 <ajan> #info Vangel Ajanovski, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss Cyrl and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia 14:03:28 <stoney> Welcome lorip, Sabine, gustavopinto, and ajan! :) 14:03:43 <Sabine> Hello Stoney, hi all 14:03:49 <lorip> GaborL - are you joining us? 14:03:51 <gustavopinto> hi there 14:04:38 <stoney> well, if they return, we'll ask them to info up :) 14:04:48 <stoney> #topic Stage 1 Actvities 14:05:01 <stoney> How are folks doing on the stage 1 activities? 14:05:08 <stoney> questions? comments? 14:05:19 <stoney> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities 14:05:23 <GaborL> #info Gabor Laszlo Obuda University and National University of Public Service 14:05:29 <stoney> for reference, that's where they are 14:05:38 <stoney> Welcome GaborL ! 14:05:52 <GaborL> Hi all! 14:06:05 <stoney> While folks are thinking of questions about stage 1 activities... 14:06:14 <stoney> Especially important are the course planning activities... 14:06:24 <stoney> ... and the git and github activities. 14:06:35 <lorip> stephen - can you do a quick intro? 14:06:48 <Stephen> #info Fashoto Stephen, University of Swaziland 14:06:57 <stoney> During stage 2, we'll be thinking about how to integrate HFOSS into our courses. 14:07:17 <stoney> Welcome Guest48907 (formerly Stephen :)) 14:07:20 <lorip> how far have people gotten in the stage 1 activities? 14:08:19 <gustavopinto> Im almost done with part A and B. Going to part C this week 14:08:31 <stoney> excellent 14:08:37 <Sabine> Same with me. 14:09:10 <lorip> sounds good - please be sure to continue logging your activity in the spreadsheet 14:09:16 <GaborL> Almost done. Expect the technical part :-) 14:09:20 <Sabine> yes, of course 14:09:42 <stoney> ah the Git and GitHub stuff? 14:09:43 <lorip> gaborL - what do you mean about the technical part? 14:09:52 <lorip> thanks sabine! 14:09:53 <GaborL> git 14:09:59 <stoney> right good 14:10:01 <ajan> stoney, since there is yet another curriculum accreditaion process starting here, I am thinking about proposing specific complete courses that are dedicated to projects of this kind, so any ready templates and experiences from other institutions would be very helpful. So if there are no such specific and dedicated done within this initiative, I would propose thinking about it, and thinking about joint proposal of such courses and 14:10:12 <stoney> git will be important in stage 2 14:10:28 <stoney> all, please make sure git is installed on your machine before stage 2 14:10:31 <lorip> ajan - we have some complete courses on foss2serve - here's the link 14:10:35 <stoney> also, you'll need a github account 14:10:49 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Category:Courses 14:10:54 <gustavopinto> I'm fine with git and github :-) 14:11:02 <ajan> I am currently mostly into this course planning stage in the activities, as I already have a lot experience with source version management 14:11:13 <lorip> gustavopinto - that will be helpful 14:11:13 <stoney> ajan, that's exciting! 14:11:14 <GaborL> gustavopinto: good for you :-) 14:11:47 <GaborL> I know the basic 14:12:04 <lorip> ajan - the capstone and software development courses might be most helpful 14:12:39 <stoney> we'll do a deep dive into Git and GitHub during stage 2... so everyone will have the chance to work on it :) 14:12:48 <lorip> guest48907 - how are the stage 1 activities going for you? 14:13:12 <lorip> priti - sorry I missed when you joined us - can you do a quick intro? 14:13:50 <Priti> #info Priti Narwal, Assistant professor, MRIU 14:14:05 <stoney> Thank you and welcome Priti ! 14:14:28 <lorip> priti - we are discussing how the stage 1 activities are going 14:14:40 <ajan> lorip: I meant something more specific, similar to these activities we are doing right now - on communities, processes, involvement etc etc , since we have 300 courses that are all about software development, and we even have one that is called Open-source software development, but it is "used" to teach yet another technology (specifically PHP) 14:15:13 <Priti> Lorip: I am complete new for git and github.no prior working experience 14:15:28 <Priti> Stoney: Thank you 14:15:39 <lorip> wow - 300 courses! are you looking for a general HFOSS course? 14:15:52 <stoney> Priti no Git or GitHub experience is required 14:16:11 <Priti> Stoney: I will install git before coming to workshop 14:16:28 <Priti> ok 14:16:35 <stoney> excellent, and you have have a GitHub account? 14:16:58 <Priti> No not yet . I am going to create it now 14:17:03 <stoney> great! 14:17:13 <ajan> lorip: yes well we are a computer science department with 4000 students, so we have something specific for all kinds of interests :) 14:17:20 <lorip> ajan - I don't know of an HFOSS culture (the FOSS course might have elements of what you are looking for) class but ask during the workshop 14:17:52 <lorip> 4000 CS students - that is huge! that is larger than many US institutions 14:19:21 <stoney> Any other questions about stage 1 activities? 14:19:32 <lorip> ajan - rit has an open source minor - this might be of help 14:19:35 <lorip> #link https://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/syllabus 14:19:46 <ajan> lorip: our country has 40% unemployment rate, and computing is the only field where all who have graduated are employed, either here or in US or EU 14:20:10 <lorip> #link https://magic.rit.edu/?page_id=1008planet 14:20:32 <lorip> ahh - that makes sense 14:20:33 <stoney> good stuff 14:20:48 <Sabine> Ajan I have a lot of your talented young stundets in onw of my master courses 14:20:55 <lorip> stoney - sorry for highjacking the chat - probably time to move on 14:21:14 <stoney> no problem... it's good 14:21:20 <stoney> OK... next topic 14:21:24 <ajan> lorip: thanks a lot, all these links will be helpful. 14:21:26 <stoney> #topic Stage 2 14:21:44 <stoney> #link Stage 2 http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities 14:21:54 <stoney> The schedule for Stage 2 is on that link 14:22:14 <stoney> Greg will be sending and email with more details soon 14:22:32 <lorip> as stoney mentioned, we will be using both the github activity and the foss in courses (both parts) in the workshop 14:22:53 <stoney> Is everyone getting excited? how are travel arrangements comming? 14:22:59 <lorip> any questions about what to expect when we meet face to face? 14:23:04 <Sabine> well prepared 14:23:12 <lorip> is anyone having visa problems? 14:23:13 <stoney> good to hear! 14:23:27 * stoney wishes he was more prepared :) 14:23:43 <GaborL> well prepared 14:23:47 <stoney> :) 14:24:02 <stoney> "Well prepared" is quickly becoming our new motto 14:24:05 <stoney> :) 14:24:09 <gustavopinto> I'm almost all set. Just need to book the hotel. Everything else is fine 14:24:12 <GaborL> :-) 14:24:25 <stoney> good good 14:24:48 <stoney> In case it helps 14:24:56 <stoney> I put my hotel in the travel arrangements sheet 14:25:00 <stoney> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MO5iR9VImitx942DYd21V9O4y0Dqkp02OzT8h6SgKXQ/edit?usp=drive_web 14:25:16 <stoney> #link Travel arrangements https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MO5iR9VImitx942DYd21V9O4y0Dqkp02OzT8h6SgKXQ/edit?usp=drive_web 14:25:25 <lorip> gustavopinto - I've heard a number of hotels are already booked - it may take some hunting to find one 14:25:47 <lorip> welcome kchahal - can you introduce yourself? 14:25:54 <stoney> (Google's URLs are pretty meaningless; labels are important :)) 14:26:04 <gustavopinto> where the workshop will take place? at the some place of the conference? 14:26:18 <gustavopinto> thanks stoney 14:26:19 <Sabine> gustavopinto look at trivago.com 14:26:59 * stoney looking for the address on ITICSE's site 14:27:07 <lorip> yes - our workshop will be at the same place ITICSE is held 14:27:08 <gustavopinto> I will do that Sabine 14:27:20 <lorip> here's a link for the hotels recommended by ITICSE 14:27:24 <lorip> #link http://iticse.hosting.acm.org/accommodation/ 14:27:50 <gustavopinto> excelent 14:28:26 <lorip> #link http://iticse.hosting.acm.org/venue-directions-and-wifi/ 14:28:41 <Sabine> anyone there on Friday evening? perhaps meeting for diner? 14:28:46 <lorip> I think this provides the correct address for the conference venue 14:29:22 <gustavopinto> do we need to go register? 14:29:31 <Kchahal_> Bad connection today 14:29:38 <lorip> here's the actual address 14:29:39 <lorip> The conference will be held at the University of Bologna, Belmeloro Complex, Building A. Address: Belmeloro 14, Bologna, Italy. Map: https://eventi.unibo.it/iticse2017 . GPS: 44.495163, 11.356089. 14:29:41 <Kchahal_> Hi 14:30:04 <gustavopinto> thanks lorip 14:30:06 <lorip> gustavopinto - do you not have to register for ITICSE to attend our workshop, but several people are attending both 14:31:25 <stoney> this is good... ironing out the wrinkles 14:31:44 <lorip> with regard to stage 2, if you haven't signed up for stage 2 groups (one course and one project) please do so here 14:31:53 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 14:32:08 <stoney> right, we'll be using that to help form groups during Stage 2 14:32:54 <stoney> Other questions, concerns, thoughts about stage 2? 14:33:00 <lorip> thanks so everyone who has added their travel info to the spreadsheet! 14:33:08 * stoney checks his notes 14:33:28 <stoney> I think we hit the important points 14:34:25 <stoney> I'm not one for making meetings longer than they need to be 14:34:31 <lorip> I agree, we've covered the major points - are there questions people have that we can address? 14:35:08 <stoney> I'm looking forward to meeting you all face-to-face! 14:35:10 <gustavopinto> are you planning to write down some experience report after the workshop? 14:35:24 <stoney> ? 14:35:32 <Kchahal_> Are we supposed to bring our laptops? 14:35:34 <lorip> we haven't in the past - but we can certainly discuss it 14:35:46 <stoney> Kchahal_ yes please 14:35:46 <lorip> kchahal_ yes, you will need a laptop with git installed 14:36:08 <stoney> we'll be working on git and github for a portion of Stage 2 14:36:28 <ajan> I am still thinking about which group to join, since two others are also interesting to me 14:36:30 <stoney> there's (a lot) more than git and github going on during stage 2 14:36:34 <stoney> :) 14:37:07 <lorip> ajan - the groups aren't set in stone - pick one and if that doesn't meet your needs you can switch to another 14:37:08 <stoney> ajan if during stage 2 you change your mind, that's ok... we just want to get a general sense what people are thinking 14:37:13 <stoney> :) 14:37:17 <Kchahal_> I don't find it convenient to carry the laptop 14:37:19 <ajan> ok 14:38:33 <stoney> Kchahal_ if you don't have a laptop, it might mean that you have to observe a bit more during the git and github activities 14:38:36 <lorip> kchahal_ I don't think we've ever had someone attend without a laptop - I'm concerned that you won't be able to fully participate without one 14:39:13 <lorip> but as stoney pointed out you can share with someone else 14:39:19 <stoney> as long as most, or nearly all, have a laptop, we'll probably be fine 14:39:19 <Kchahal_> So we won't get workstations at the uni 14:39:26 <stoney> nope 14:39:44 <stoney> or if we do, I would be very surprised 14:39:48 <lorip> we do have a number of online activities as well as the git/github ones that stoney mentioned 14:39:55 <Kchahal_> Ok..then it is fine..i will bring my own 14:40:16 <lorip> I highly doubt that the room we have will have computers 14:40:29 <Kchahal_> Just wanted to reduce luggage :) 14:40:38 <stoney> totally understand 14:40:41 <lorip> kchahal_ greg may know about local computer use if you want to email him 14:41:03 <lorip> kchahal_ yes, it does add a lot to your luggage... 14:41:22 <Kchahal_> Ok..but it shouldn't disturb the activity 14:41:44 <Kchahal_> No other concerns..just wanted to fly light 14:42:03 <stoney> OK... anything else? 14:42:08 <lorip> I'm going to have to sign off in a moment to pick my daughter up at school - I wish everyone safe travels! Unfortunately I won't be able to join you in Bologna, enjoy the workshop! 14:42:22 <stoney> thanks lorip ! 14:42:25 <stoney> see you soon! 14:42:31 <gustavopinto> thank you lorip 14:42:45 <Kchahal_> Thanks all 14:43:01 <stoney> I think this meeting is done... 14:43:15 <stoney> so if none has anything else... 14:43:20 <stoney> going once 14:43:22 <stoney> ... 14:43:23 <GaborL> Thank you stoney 14:43:24 <stoney> going twice 14:43:26 <stoney> .... 14:43:29 <stoney> sold! 14:43:31 <stoney> #endmeeting