20:30:11 <stickster> #startmeeting 20:30:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 29 20:30:11 2009 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:30:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:30:14 <stickster> #chair mchua 20:30:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: mchua stickster 20:30:37 <mchua> whoa, that was fast! 20:30:38 <stickster> #topic roll call 20:30:38 * stickster 20:30:44 <stickster> :-) 20:31:13 * mchua here 20:31:14 <stickster> Anyone else here for the meeting? 20:31:30 * stickster pings ctyler just in case 20:31:41 <mchua> ctyler is standing next to me wrapping up a meeting 20:31:43 <stickster> I suspect he's tied up with conference stuff. 20:31:51 <stickster> disco! 20:31:59 <mchua> #info AGENDA #1. Is there anyone who still needs airfare booking, and what are the costs remaining? 20:32:07 <mchua> #info AGENDA #2. Any remaining subsidy requests? 20:32:07 <mchua> hooo yah 20:32:07 <mchua> #info AGENDA #3. Roommate assignment strategy and information blast 20:32:08 <mchua> stickster: ready to go? 20:32:12 <stickster> let's hit it 20:32:18 <mchua> #topic what are the costs remaining? 20:32:24 <mchua> So, yes, we have some people who still need airfare booking 20:32:26 * mchua pulls up list 20:32:40 <stickster> That's Job One, because airfare costs are rising 20:32:46 <mchua> btw, everyone should look at http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/fudcon/ which has up to date info 20:32:55 <mchua> in an easier-to-wrangle-than-wiki-syntax format 20:32:56 <stickster> We really need to have all these completed yesterday, but we can settle for the weekend 20:32:59 * mchua nods 20:33:09 * stickster opens ods 20:33:24 <mchua> so, people who need travel booked 20:33:25 <mchua> EARMARKED - David Nalley Airfare 450 20:33:31 <mchua> Rex Dieter Airfare 350 20:33:37 <mchua> Xavier Lamien Airfare 650 20:33:43 <stickster> sdziallas is in there too, I think 20:33:43 <mchua> Jon Stanley Bus 30 20:33:45 <mchua> Jon Stanley Bus 30 20:33:54 <mchua> stickster: he isn't, because he already booked his ticket and asked for a partial reimbursement 20:33:57 <mchua> so he's set 20:34:02 <stickster> Oh great! 20:34:03 <mchua> Ben Boeckel Bus 160 20:34:17 <mchua> sort of: Pascal Calarco Rental car 120 20:34:19 <|SMParrish_mobil> I'm pretty sure Rex booked his own ticket already 20:34:44 <stickster> I invited him to let us know 20:34:56 <mchua> Pascal may or may not want to handle the overage himself, but in any case the car won't be more expensive booked last-minute (I think) 20:35:16 <mchua> that's all 20:35:19 <stickster> So, if Rex has his done, there are only 2 airfares remaining to buy, David Nalley and Xavier? 20:35:58 <mchua> Yes - let me briefly explain the other round numbers there that weren't listed 20:36:11 <mchua> #info need plane booking David Nalley, Xavier, possibly Rex Dieter 20:36:28 * stickster sits back and lets mchua do her magic 20:36:29 <mchua> #info need bus booking Jon Stanley, Ben Boeckel, 20:36:30 * comphappy wonders about his flight? 20:36:43 <stickster> comphappy: We'll get to that, not there yet. 20:37:22 <mchua> #info people getting reimbursement and handling their own overage (in other words, budget is set here): Clint Savage, Sebastian Dziallas, 20:37:26 <mchua> stickster: there we go 20:37:44 <mchua> the last one being "round numbers that don't need frantic booking to take care of them" 20:37:57 <stickster> OK, that's pretty reasonable then 20:38:07 <mchua> Other things I am not sure we have pinned down quotes for: 20:38:08 <mchua> * bus 20:38:10 <mchua> * tshirts 20:38:14 <mchua> * Saturday food 20:38:21 <mchua> * dave & buster's for FUDPub 20:38:35 <mchua> stickster: do we have final numbers there yet to give us an idea of the wiggle room we need to leave? 20:38:40 <stickster> The bus is still planned at 2700, that's what the manager confirmed. 20:39:12 <stickster> We may need ctyler to confirm the D&B cost but it was in the signed contract assuming they haven't changed prices 20:39:36 <mchua> stickster: oh. the bus is currently budgeted at $2800, ftr. 20:39:47 <mchua> $750 deposit and $2050 balance. 20:39:50 <mchua> in the spreadsheet that I got from the wiki page. 20:39:51 <stickster> Right, that was in case there was an unplanned tax 20:39:57 <stickster> built-in wiggle room 20:40:51 <stickster> Let's assume we're working with $1K for remaining subsidies at this point 20:41:11 <stickster> mchua: All the costs already taken on by Community Architecture are OK within the Q3 budget, is that correct? 20:41:29 <stickster> Those are the costs that Max will be expecting to have filed within the next week or so. 20:41:33 * ctyler hasn't been in conversation, but notes that long-sleeve shirt quote as higher than what he remembered as the shirt budget 20:41:50 <stickster> ctyler: What's the round number for that? 20:41:52 <mchua> stickster: we are going to need to throw some of the room costs towards FE, but all the air travel is way under any CA budget 20:42:55 <stickster> mchua: That should work out -- there is a hard stop of $4K in Fedora Engineering's Q4 budget 20:43:06 <mchua> stickster: with room costs all going to CA we're at about $15.5 k from the CA budget where we have $15k budgeted, and FE has $4k allocated but is spending $2100 of it right now. 20:43:10 <mchua> so yeah. 20:43:12 <mchua> it will be fine, we'll do it when we book the rooms. 20:43:16 <stickster> *nod 20:43:18 <ctyler> stickster: $1490 20:43:25 <stickster> ctyler: OK, thanks 20:43:35 * mchua updates spreadsheet with new tshirt number 20:44:03 <mchua> we are now at $18,048.73 out of $19k 20:44:11 <mchua> leaving us with $951.27 to spend 20:44:37 <stickster> mchua: It might be easiest for FE to take on the cost of the shirts 20:44:58 * mchua does that in the spreadsheet 20:45:17 <stickster> That would make room cost stuff super-easy, because then we would simply get roommates assigned, and know that in the end, CA would be picking up "N" number of rooms. 20:45:42 <stickster> i.e. rooms other than the ones already listed against FE's budget 20:45:52 <stickster> mchua: Does that make sense to you? 20:45:54 <mchua> stickster: Excellent. Yes, that makes the budget work out wonderfully. 20:46:03 * stickster looking for head check since he is coming off weird meds 20:46:04 <mchua> We still have $951.27 total left to spend. 20:46:13 <stickster> OK. 20:46:43 <mchua> $410 from FE, and $541.27 from CommArch. 20:47:38 <stickster> #info FE will take up shirt costs in Q4 20:47:54 <stickster> #info CA will take up remainder of room costs not covered by FE, to make expensing easier 20:48:06 * mchua looks at our agenda item #1 20:48:06 <mchua> AGENDA #1. Is there anyone who still needs airfare booking, and what are the costs remaining? 20:48:12 <mchua> stickster: is that question answered now? 20:48:24 <stickster> I believe so, you've given hashed updates for everyone. 20:48:29 <stickster> But 20:48:29 <mchua> we know there are those two, possibly three people, and I will get them booked ASAP. 20:48:36 <stickster> We don't know what the airfare costs are going to be :-\ 20:48:54 * stickster does a quick check on GSP <-> YYZ 20:49:21 * mchua does a quick check on RDU <-> YYZ 20:49:49 <SMParrish_> dont forget to check buf as well. only a $10 bus ride from buf to yyz but big savings on airfare 20:50:16 <stickster> SMParrish_: What's the length of the BUF --> YYZ bus ride? 20:50:20 <stickster> (in hours) 20:50:37 <SMParrish_> 2 -2.5 hrs 20:50:58 <SMParrish_> Rex and I are planning to do that www.megabus.com/us 20:51:01 <stickster> SMParrish_: Wow, there you have it 20:51:19 * stickster notes that GSP<->YYZ airfare is $535 minimum; GSP<->BUF is $253. 20:51:28 <stickster> Looks like ke4qqq is riding the bus :-) 20:51:36 <SMParrish_> Think Rex saved about 300 by going into BUF 20:51:39 * mchua grins 20:51:59 <SMParrish_> And the bus runs from the buf airport to the yyz airport so it is convienent 20:52:01 <mchua> #action mchua book ke4qqq GSP <--> BUF and then megabus.com/us to YYZ 20:52:20 <mchua> #action mchua book Xavier's plane 20:52:41 <mchua> #action mchua book Ben Boeckel's bus (have info, arrived in inbox 3h ago) 20:52:55 <mchua> #action mchua book Jon Stanley's bus if possible 20:53:01 <mchua> #action mchua make sure rdieter's ticket is booked 20:53:08 <mchua> stickster: done with first agenda item? 20:53:17 <stickster> mchua: I believe so -- thanks for the round up, it was invaluable 20:53:28 <stickster> #topic Subsidies 20:53:47 <stickster> OK, we're left with not much wiggle room here but I believe we have a couple subsidy requests. 20:54:08 <mchua> Yep. 20:54:08 <stickster> mchua: Who's on deck? 20:54:37 <mchua> Francois Cami just withdrew his funding request, sadly. But he will hopefully be joining us remotely with the POWER OF TRANSCRIPTS! (thanks, loupgaroublond) 20:54:41 <mchua> So we only have two requests left. 20:54:52 <mchua> [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bashton#FUDCON_2009 Brennan Ashton] needs 1 night hotel and $255 for travel, for a total of $305. We have already allocated $200 for him, so this is a request for an additional $105. 20:55:04 <mchua> and [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Heffer Felix Kaechele] $650 plane from Germany 20:55:12 <mchua> stickster: that is all 20:55:17 <heffer> i'm here just in case there are any questions 20:55:47 <stickster> mchua: I believe I can get comphappy in the FE Q3 funds remaining 20:55:59 <stickster> Sorry, just his airfare 20:56:36 <stickster> We have something like $350-400 remaining in FE Q3 funds, so I can handle a $255 airfare there 20:57:21 <mchua> stickster: that'll do. the $255 is for both airfare and a bus so I'll just throw Brennan's travel there and CA will pick up his room... funding approved? 20:58:10 * mchua scuttling through spreadsheets making sure numbers match up 20:58:16 * mchua doesn't like accounting very much 20:58:42 <stickster> mchua: That should work 20:58:49 <stickster> #action stickster to book comphappy airfare and bus 20:59:09 <stickster> mchua: What does that leave us budget-wise 20:59:11 <stickster> ? 20:59:13 * mchua looks 20:59:30 * stickster thinks we're running really close to the edge at this point 21:00:06 <stickster> There's always an unplanned cost, and I'm still concerned about (1) a D&B overage, and (2) some misc. room cost 21:00:38 <mchua> #action stickster book brennan ashton's plane and bus 21:00:46 <stickster> :-D 21:00:59 <mchua> #action mchua update brennan ashton funding to $255 travel + 1 night of hotel 21:01:06 <mchua> Brennan has to leave Sunday night due to finals. 21:01:18 <mchua> stickster: We have $846.27 left. 21:01:23 <mchua> I'd say we're running pretty close to the edge. 21:01:37 * stickster had planned to leave ~$500 margin 21:02:04 <stickster> mchua: Let me consult two people 21:02:08 * mchua notes we also haven't budgeted for things like nametags, etc 21:02:08 * mchua nods 21:02:54 <mchua> The overages for plane tickets not yet booked is somewhat worrisome, particularly for Xavier's. 21:03:02 <stickster> Yeah, that's the one I'm really worried about. 21:03:25 <stickster> If rdieter has booked his, we're pretty clear 21:03:28 <mchua> I'd like to leave more than $500 margin. I'd be more comfy with $600 or even $700. 21:03:31 * mchua nods 21:03:37 <stickster> Hey, rdieter! 21:03:39 <stickster> Just in time 21:03:42 <mchua> hey rdieter, did you get your plane ticket yet? 21:04:03 <rdieter> hi, yes, all booked 21:04:15 <mchua> rdieter: reimbursed? can you get us a receipt + final cost? 21:04:24 <mchua> rdieter: we had you down for $350 for travel 21:04:28 <mchua> was that enough/accurate? 21:04:38 * mchua rejoices, budget fuzziness going away 21:04:47 <stickster> yay 21:04:51 <rdieter> yeah, pretty close, will get you the necessary receipts asap 21:05:10 <stickster> OK, that 21:05:11 <stickster> oops 21:05:17 <stickster> OK, that answers that question. 21:05:26 <stickster> rdieter: Thanks for the info :-) 21:06:01 * stickster pings one more radar 21:07:29 * mchua waits 21:08:35 <stickster> mchua: We may have to hold off on heffer for me to hear back about funds. 21:08:48 <stickster> mchua: For now, I think we really do need to have that margin of safety 21:08:52 * mchua nods and agrees 21:09:09 <mchua> we also agreed to cut off new funding requests now 21:09:09 <stickster> Last FUDCon I did, there were about $550 of unplanned costs 21:09:45 <stickster> heffer: I'll see what I can do -- if we can't bring you to the US for this FUDCon I will make sure you are at the top of the list for the next EMEA FUDCon 21:10:01 <stickster> "It's not over 'til the fat lady sings" 21:10:07 <mchua> comphappy: you had a question about your funding? 21:10:15 <heffer> okay. that would be great 21:10:28 <heffer> if a partial funding could be arranged that would also be okay 21:11:03 <stickster> heffer: OK, I'll look into that too 21:11:07 <stickster> I thought our margin would be a little greater than it is at this point. 21:11:13 <comphappy> no not really, I would like to put it out there that I could cover somemore of my travel if it is needed, as I just invoiced some people for work over the last few months 21:11:14 <heffer> i'll just work harder next month then :) 21:11:56 <stickster> comphappy: Our first priority is to get NA volunteers in to the NA FUDCon wherever possible 21:12:13 <stickster> comphappy: Don't be concerned, it's going to be a great event and we have a lot of people arriving 21:12:35 <stickster> The idea is not to make people stretch their personal budgets just to get to FUDCon, when we have the ability to help 21:12:49 <stickster> mchua: OK, are we at closure for point #2 then? 21:13:14 <mchua> #info FUDCon new funding requests cutoff: bam. closed. 21:13:28 <mchua> #info heffer travel still outstanding, pending stickster looking into $ources 21:13:35 <mchua> stickster: now we are 21:13:43 <mchua> #topic Roommate assignment strategy and information blast 21:14:33 <stickster> Okeydoke.' 21:14:37 <mchua> stickster: Not sure what needs to happen here. I've got the info blast queued up to send to folks later tonight when I am back at a connection that allows me to load a fedora wiki page in less than 5 minutes 21:14:46 <stickster> Heh 21:14:52 <stickster> So the idea is, we need to get roommates assigned. 21:14:56 <stickster> Some are finished already on the wiki. 21:15:10 <mchua> aye, I'm pulling them from wiki to spreadsheet for when we book too 21:15:18 <stickster> We'd like to get people covered under a specific budget in the same room. 21:15:20 <stickster> That's easiest. 21:15:36 * mchua nods 21:15:50 <mchua> stickster: aside from noting that when I work out roommate assignments, anything to do? 21:15:57 <stickster> So we can take our best guess at pairing people up on the wiki, and then 21:16:01 * mchua nods 21:16:11 <stickster> send out email to every person we've paired up (one email bulk-sent to everyone, that is) 21:16:15 * mchua nods 21:16:27 <stickster> Giving the list of pairings and having them get in touch with you and me if there are any problems 21:16:52 <stickster> Also to note in the email -- each pair should make sure that one, and only one, of them has a room booked, 21:17:00 <stickster> so everyone will be lodged when they show up :-D 21:17:02 <mchua> #action mchua make roommate pairings given pre-reg wiki preferences and "roommates under same budget" preference 21:17:14 <stickster> Anything else you can think of we'd need to tell people? 21:17:21 <mchua> #action mchua send out room-pairing email, see transcript for details 21:17:28 <stickster> mchua: I can help with pairings directly after this meeting, but not later tonight 21:17:43 <mchua> stickster: oh, okay. if you want to take a first pass with the pairing then, go for it 21:17:49 * stickster won't be online later for a variety of reasons, none of which are relevant 21:18:04 <stickster> mchua: Shall I just send an email to the list with suggestions then? 21:18:06 * mchua nods - was running with the "try to take things off stickster's shoulders" assumption, but equally happy for the reverse to happen ;) 21:18:16 <mchua> stickster: yes please 21:18:19 <stickster> mchua: I think you've been doing plenty what with playing travel agent 21:18:23 <mchua> #action stickster sending out that room-pairing email, actually 21:18:24 <stickster> Let me do something useful here :-) 21:18:39 <stickster> OK 21:18:47 <stickster> And we're agreed on shirts... let's see... 21:18:51 <stickster> I think that may just about do it 21:19:14 <mchua> The .ods is up to date at http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/fudcon/ 21:19:16 <mchua> #link http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/fudcon/ 21:19:20 <stickster> Shall we wrap up another fun filled episode of "Stickster and The Mel"? 21:19:46 <stickster> ("with our very special guest star Chris Tyler! YAAAAAY!") 21:19:52 <stickster> </muppets> 21:19:53 <mchua> *closing theme music* 21:19:59 <mchua> *credits roll* 21:20:01 <stickster> "it's time to play the music..." 21:20:07 <stickster> "it's time to light the lights..." 21:20:16 <mchua> I thought that was the opening theme. 21:20:18 <mchua> Anyway, yay! meeting done! 21:20:19 <stickster> oops 21:20:26 <stickster> #endmeeting