18:10:08 <aeperezt> #startmeeting fudcon panama 18:10:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 26 18:10:08 2010 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:10:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:10:36 <aeperezt> #meetingname fudcon Latam Panama 2011 18:10:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon_latam_panama_2011' 18:10:53 <aeperezt> #pingall 18:11:22 <aeperezt> #pingall meeting start in 5 min 18:11:28 <danielbruno> .pingall meeting start in 5 min 18:11:28 <zodbot> meeting start in 5 min 18:11:28 <zodbot> abadger1999 aeperezt asalles biertie ChanServ ctyler danielbruno dgilmore di3gopa gomix ianweller ilan inode0 jds2001 jsmith-away ke4qqq MarkDude nb rbergeron red_alert ricky rrix sdziallas_afk smooge SMParrish stickster_afk zodbot 18:11:28 <zodbot> meeting start in 5 min 18:12:42 <aeperezt> thanks danielbruno I'm new to the zodbot thinks 18:13:29 <danielbruno> :] 18:14:56 <aeperezt> danielbruno the only way to lear sometimes is doing stuff, like today, the plan was that some one else manage it but seems like every one is here and not here 18:15:04 <aeperezt> *learn 18:16:12 <danielbruno> yeah.. with some pratice you'll be dominating 18:19:34 <danielbruno> aeperezt, let's start or you prefer defer? 18:20:01 <aeperezt> I think we must defer, there is no quorum 18:20:16 <inode0> who is missing that we need? 18:23:15 <aeperezt> inode0, well I was specting dgilmore 18:23:50 <inode0> yes, he was planning to be here 18:24:55 <aeperezt> inode0, what do you think, do we difer? 18:26:09 <inode0> with all the folks having exams and it being a holiday for most in NA maybe next week will have a lot more people 18:26:47 <aeperezt> inode0: yes I did not count on the holiday today. so lets difer for next week 18:26:58 <inode0> ok with me 18:27:33 <aeperezt> inode0: thanks latam does not have thanksgiving o 18:27:54 <aeperezt> danielbruno: thanks we will difer to next week then. 18:28:05 <danielbruno> aeperezt, ok 18:28:12 <inode0> be sure to end the meetbot log 18:28:16 <danielbruno> send a email to list announcing the new date 18:28:23 <aeperezt> inode0, thanks 18:28:43 <aeperezt> #endmeeting