13:22:19 <jsmith> #startmeeting FUDCon Pune planning meeting 13:22:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 28 13:22:19 2011 UTC. The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:22:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:22:26 <jsmith> #chair mether 13:22:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsmith mether 13:22:33 <jsmith> #meetingname fudcon_india 13:22:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon_india' 13:22:47 <bckurera> #link http://bckurera.wordpress.com/ 13:23:35 <mether> I will run through the status updates 13:23:45 <jsmith> #topic Status updates 13:24:11 <jsmith> mether: Please, go ahead :-) 13:25:12 <mether> Harsh and Kishan asked for additional funding since they moved to Bangalore after they were originally sponsored. They have been approved and their tickets have been updated. They have booked the flights and attached the pdf copies. We will accommodate them in the COEP guest house instead of the hotel 13:26:25 <mether> FUDCon venue was changed because we got a better deal elsewhere and we are also arranging pickup and drop from COEP to that venue and back in three buses 13:28:10 <mether> banners need to be printed. we have confirmed the order with the vendor but several days this week has been holidays due to Diwali. Vendors open back only on Monday. This is a bit of a last minute thing as a result but still gives us enough time to do the task 13:29:02 <mether> we still need a RH press release on FUDCon Pune 13:29:56 <mether> thats all the updates I have I think 13:31:15 <bckurera> what about Tshirt and buttons? 13:31:26 <bckurera> i saw a mail regarding them 13:31:31 <mether> t-shirts have been printed - 500 as of 25th 13:31:53 <jsmith> I just heard (in the last five minutes) that my visa might be delayed 13:32:11 <mether> we have some generic fedora t-shirts extra. we have some buttons. also mugs for speakers 13:32:12 <jsmith> Apparently the Embassies here in the United States have had problems processing visa over the past few days 13:32:27 <mether> how much is the delay 13:32:33 <jsmith> Hopefully just one day 13:32:39 <jsmith> They're hoping to have my visa on Monday 13:32:43 <jsmith> my flight is Monday afternoon 13:32:43 <mether> ok 13:32:56 <jsmith> So worst case is probably a 24-hour delay 13:33:01 <mether> ok 13:33:08 <jsmith> I'll let you know what I find out later today 13:33:16 <jsmith> So far, they're being very quiet about the problem :-( 13:33:40 <jsmith> They keep telling me "It's going to be fine", but they keep shifting the day 13:33:48 <mether> ouch 13:33:54 <mether> hopefully that gets resolved soon 13:34:11 <jsmith> I also saw that the Embassy in San Francisco has stopped processing visas as well :-/ 13:34:26 <jsmith> Not sure exactly what's going on, but I'll keep everyone informed on the fundcon-planning list 13:34:27 <bckurera> thanks for the update mether 13:37:03 <mether> I think thats it 13:37:07 <mether> unless there are questions 13:38:15 * Southern_Gentlem steals a "n" from jsmith 13:38:40 <jsmith> Anything else you need me to bring with me? 13:38:48 <jsmith> Also, status update on the booklets? 13:39:45 <mether> jsmith, i will ask ankur. we can only print this on monday as well 13:40:21 <jsmith> OK, just making sure you don't need anything else from me to print it, as I'll be on a plane monday/tuesday or tuesday/wednesday 13:41:33 <mether> jsmith, alright. I just mailed ankur and copied you on it 13:41:53 <mether> jsmith, also. do send me your bio when you find time 13:42:11 <jsmith> mether: Yes, I finally got the approved copy back from PR 13:42:17 <jsmith> mether: I'll send that over right now 13:42:29 <mether> ok 13:42:50 <mether> please copy sviswana@redhat.com on that email 13:43:43 <jsmith> OK, will do 13:43:50 <mether> jsmith, any update on the press release 13:44:09 <jsmith> No, but I'll ask again 13:44:27 <jsmith> I know that Karin Bakis has been in contact with someone over PR in Asia, but I haven't heard a status update 13:44:34 <jsmith> I'll ask Karin about it again today 13:44:47 <mether> ok 13:46:19 <mether> we can end the meeting then? 13:50:03 <jsmith> #endmeeting