02:59:00 <yn1v> #startmeeting 02:59:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Sun Jul 6 02:59:00 2014 UTC. The chair is yn1v. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:59:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:59:35 <yn1v> #chair aeperezt echevemaster potty wolnei 02:59:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt echevemaster potty wolnei yn1v 02:59:50 <yn1v> #topic Roll Call 03:00:01 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 03:00:02 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 03:00:05 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 03:00:06 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei '' <e@wolnei.com.br> - charged '' <e+charged@wolnei.com.br> 03:00:08 * yn1v Nicaragua 03:00:17 <wolnei> Brazil 03:00:29 <potty> .fas potty 03:00:30 <zodbot> potty: radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> - potty 'Abdel G. MartÃnez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 03:00:35 <potty> Panama 03:01:02 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 03:01:03 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 03:01:09 * echevemaster Venezuela 03:01:27 <yn1v> so, where do we start? 03:02:48 <yn1v> #topic News 03:03:42 <yn1v> #info jsmith said that he will sponsor the event in behalf of bluehost 03:04:23 <wolnei> great 03:04:28 <yn1v> bluehost will contribute with $1000 03:04:31 <echevemaster> glad to hear that. 03:04:39 <potty> good. 03:05:13 <yn1v> #info it was requested more funds from fedora 03:05:18 <echevemaster> already we have the amount available for speakers? 03:05:57 <yn1v> Ruth said that she will look to provide more funds if a good proposal is presented 03:06:15 <echevemaster> what kind of proposal? 03:06:28 <yn1v> the idea is to make the list of speakers to see how much do we need 03:06:58 <echevemaster> ok. until now, we have those 03:07:01 <yn1v> that's the point of the call for papers 03:07:02 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/report/12 03:07:36 * potty have to make his proposal. 03:08:11 <echevemaster> ok, but yeat I don't understand what kind of proposal say ruth? 03:08:26 <echevemaster> group proposal? 03:08:45 <echevemaster> s/yeat/yet 03:08:51 <yn1v> general budget 03:09:04 <echevemaster> oh ok, roger that. 03:09:19 <Fernando_> espasmo.fas 03:09:41 <echevemaster> upside down Fernando_ 03:09:43 <Fernando_> hola 03:09:55 <Fernando_> .fas espasmo 03:09:58 <zodbot> Fernando_: espasmo 'Fernando Espinoza ' <herculesoplimpus@gmail.com> 03:10:06 <yn1v> this is catch ... we don't have budget because we don't speakers, and we don't have speakers because we don't have a budget 03:10:08 <Cristhian> .fas crisvann 03:10:09 <zodbot> Cristhian: crisvann '' <cristhian.vanessa.g@gmail.com> 03:10:25 <yn1v> so, we make a list of speakers to determine the budget 03:10:31 <echevemaster> yn1v: lol. 03:11:02 <echevemaster> I think that there are not much speakers because not there budget. 03:11:15 <echevemaster> so, we have to call more the contributors. 03:11:52 <echevemaster> what is the deadline for call of papers? 03:12:05 <yn1v> probably in the end will be a wish list and then we have to cut the list with the money that we get 03:13:12 <echevemaster> any sponsor aside from Fedora and Bluehost? 03:13:14 <yn1v> I asked for a date that is about 19th but I am checking 03:13:42 <yn1v> I have asked a couple of contact but haven't get reply yet 03:14:01 <echevemaster> :( 03:15:40 <yn1v> dead line is July, 18th. 03:16:03 <yn1v> we need to spread the word to reach for more proposals 03:16:45 <echevemaster> ok, we have to move for call more contributors. I don't seeing contributors filling their proposals 03:16:47 <yn1v> I would like to have people from design, docs and translations 03:17:11 <yn1v> I see that packaging have several contributors 03:18:40 <yn1v> #topic Q & A 03:18:48 <echevemaster> Also I think the goal is win contributors for infra too. 03:19:04 <yn1v> sure. 03:19:10 <wolnei> and QA too 03:19:20 <echevemaster> correct. 03:19:34 <yn1v> QA will be the best 03:20:08 <yn1v> lbazan is in infra and he has requested sponsorship 03:20:16 <echevemaster> above all now that will we release F21 03:20:24 <wolnei> have anyone beside me of latam? 03:20:47 <echevemaster> lbazan is QA too wolnei 03:20:54 <wolnei> great :) 03:20:56 <echevemaster> and I belog to infra too. 03:21:03 <echevemaster> s/belog/belong 03:21:29 <yn1v> I didn't know that about who where in QA from latam ... great! 03:21:55 <echevemaster> well, all the packagers belongs to QA, they are bugzapper. 03:21:58 <yn1v> #action spread the word about the call for papers 03:23:19 <yn1v> questions? sugestions? 03:23:48 <wolnei> send a email for people of the groups we want 03:23:50 <echevemaster> spread the word on the list saying that not there much money but all the proposals will be considered. 03:24:16 <wolnei> to ensure one of which group 03:24:49 <wolnei> or anyone with multiple groups 03:25:21 <yn1v> exactly 03:26:12 <yn1v> more questions or suggestions? 03:26:12 <echevemaster> if you limit the groups many people will feel afraid to propose one activity 03:26:26 <wolnei> not limit 03:26:55 <wolnei> but spread by one people of the groups or their list 03:27:32 <potty> maybe a good idea would be spread the word in the different lists 03:27:52 <wolnei> agree 03:28:16 <potty> but emphasizing that fudcon need specific topics related to fedora groups 03:28:22 <echevemaster> Many of the qualities that you need for create applications and keep the infra is python. so we have to talk more about it and make more activities that are implicated that language. I think. 03:28:44 <potty> if people propose specific topics, you give them 'priority' over general topics 03:28:58 <potty> and that's true echevemaster, many people want to participate on projects 03:29:03 <wolnei> that is good idea 03:29:04 <potty> but they do not have idea where to start 03:29:35 <echevemaster> correct.. 03:29:35 <yn1v> We want to make a productive event, that means getting people on board or get things done 03:30:16 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 03:30:17 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 03:30:22 <echevemaster> python for coding, python for sysadmins, create translations groups and so on. 03:30:36 <echevemaster> aeperezt: hi mate o/ 03:30:39 <yn1v> yes, we need some hacking activities to invite people to do things 03:30:55 <aeperezt> echevemaster, hi 03:31:00 <aeperezt> hi, yn1v 03:31:01 <wolnei> but with different levels 03:31:12 <yn1v> hi aeperezt 03:31:20 <wolnei> noob to pro 03:31:46 <echevemaster> yes, but I think too that we have to take some existent project and do a hacking session. 03:31:53 <potty> maybe what we need is to make fudcon an incremental event 03:32:07 <wolnei> exact 03:32:07 <potty> first part of the day, a fast-track of python (for example) 03:32:19 <potty> then on the second part of the day, learn specific infra-stuff (for example) 03:32:20 <wolnei> progress over days 03:32:32 <potty> on the second day, solve issues reported and so on 03:32:35 <potty> yes, wolnei 03:32:39 <echevemaster> correct and the last day a session of hacking in infra fedora. 03:33:02 <aeperezt> well, unless you have list of specifict task that will be done so people can join to contribute to them 03:33:04 <yn1v> is a three day event not sure how much progression we can make 03:33:22 <echevemaster> we can to list issues from fedora github issues. 03:33:29 <aeperezt> with no goal it will be only a meetup with conferences 03:33:38 <potty> +1 aeperezt 03:33:42 <yn1v> that's what speakers should contribute, be a guide to do stuff 03:33:44 <wolnei> it will depends of the people progress 03:34:08 <aeperezt> you need a task list of what you want to accomplish 03:35:22 <echevemaster> by example, bohdi have much relevancy nowadays and all the fedmsg stuff. 03:35:28 <yn1v> I need help to create such list 03:36:07 <echevemaster> ok I can help listing the github issues and infra issues, anyone else? 03:37:02 <yn1v> so we can locally announce things that we will do and create expectations about those projects 03:37:39 <potty> indeed 03:38:07 <echevemaster> also we can contribute in our local project 03:38:09 <echevemaster> take a look 03:38:10 <echevemaster> http://demo.engineerinme.com/ 03:39:17 <yn1v> echevemaster, that looks cool 03:39:28 <echevemaster> that is fedora college almost finished 03:41:37 <yn1v> echevemaster, that's moodle? 03:41:45 <echevemaster> well, so. yn1v potty wolnei aeperezt let's go to take this week for do a list, from github, infra, and translation agreed? 03:41:56 <echevemaster> no, that is own code. 03:41:59 <echevemaster> made in python 03:42:10 <echevemaster> with Flask micro framework. 03:42:14 <yn1v> wow 03:42:32 <echevemaster> #link https://github.com/echevemaster/fedora-college 03:42:38 <yn1v> #agreed make a list of things to be done in fudcon 03:43:31 <yn1v> there is anything else? 03:43:56 <yn1v> I don't want to keep people up late 03:44:12 <echevemaster> yes, next meeting? 03:44:34 <potty> yes 03:44:38 <yn1v> next saturday? 03:44:43 <echevemaster> agreed 03:44:47 <potty> +1 03:44:58 <echevemaster> with the list made 03:45:07 <echevemaster> and discuss about that points agreed? 03:45:13 <wolnei> ok 03:45:24 <yn1v> okey 03:47:11 <yn1v> can we finish this meeting? 03:47:17 <echevemaster> yeah, go ahead 03:47:21 <echevemaster> thanks for chairing 03:47:26 <yn1v> #endmeeting