21:05:18 <pcalarco> #startmeeting 21:05:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Dec 5 21:05:18 2009 UTC. The chair is pcalarco. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:05:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:05:22 <mchua> ianweller: I'll post the old log, no worries 21:05:26 <ianweller> oh whoops 21:05:28 <ianweller> i frogot to end it 21:05:33 <ianweller> sorry! 21:07:16 <pcalarco> #meetingtopic Fedora and OLPC 21:07:32 <mchua> pcalarco: you transcribe smparrish, i transcribe sdziallas? 21:07:45 <pcalarco> mchua: good idea 21:08:27 <mchua> AMD cancelled the geode at the end of last year, so no new geodes will be going into production. 21:08:31 <pcalarco> Stephen Parrish works on getting Fedora 11 to run on XOs 21:08:42 <pcalarco> this is known as Sugar 21:08:46 <mchua> (which is why the XO 1.5 is based on not-the-geode.) 21:09:32 <pcalarco> separate activities to run XO native OS, and Fedora on XOs, with different folks 21:09:51 <mchua> Including downloading GDM, etc. 21:10:10 <pcalarco> last year, OLPC hardware and software people went separate ways 21:11:03 <pcalarco> SugarLabs develops software for the XO 21:11:04 <mchua> <there are 2 XOs on the table; one is an XO 1.0, one is an XO 1.5> 21:11:35 * mchua notes that the software Sugar Labs develops runs on more than just the XO, too 21:11:40 <pcalarco> long term goal would be for every desktop that Fedora offers to be able to run on XOs 21:12:32 <pcalarco> XO-1 is a harder task than XO-2 for this goal 21:13:09 <pcalarco> The XO laptop completely sealed, has a webcam built in, stereo speakers, mic, everything a child could want 21:13:26 <pcalarco> keys are somewhat smaller than on a netbook 21:14:31 <pcalarco> possible to install Sugar desktop on stock Fedora 21:14:32 <mchua> <?> ou said it will take a year to port onto f12, what are the challenges on doing that? 21:14:45 <mchua> pcalarco: I'll take everyone that's not smparrish :) 21:14:56 <mchua> <?> which kde? 21:15:18 <heffer> ? = Hugh Redelmeier 21:15:30 <mchua> <?>what are you doing in that year? finding little thigs? 21:15:34 <mchua> things 21:15:58 <mchua> <?> how does one get the latest release of your work? 21:16:00 <pcalarco> running KDE on XO-1 would push specs of the machine 21:16:35 <mchua> sdz: writing on board 21:17:04 <mchua> #link http://wiki.laptop.org/go/F11_for_XO-1 21:17:05 <pcalarco> wiki.laptop.org search for F11 to get latest release of software 21:18:36 <mchua> sdz: mentioning http://teachingopensource.com, which is a community of people working to teach others how to get into open source 21:18:49 <mchua> <?> I heard a rumor that <some OS> was going to be done within a year? 21:19:01 <mchua> sdz: teachingopensource = professors bringing their students into open source participation 21:19:12 <mchua> smparrish: no (re: <?>) 21:19:54 <pcalarco> smparrish: has been doing two releases per month, but this is hard to sustain 21:20:08 <pcalarco> smparrish: next up would then be F12 on XO 21:21:02 <mchua> bernie: <missed the start of sentence> It'd be interesting to ask what they need in order to switch back to what smparrish is maintaiing. 21:22:06 <mchua> there's a gov't contractor deploying (XO's) and status of communications unknown (I think that's the gist of the summary of this) 21:22:25 <pcalarco> bernie: it has been hard to find out what Uruguay has been doing and what we would need to do to bring their custom deployment back into main release branch 21:23:23 <mchua> (thanks, Pascal. I'm having a hard time following the convo around the room.) 21:23:35 <pcalarco> Peter Robinson: they are likely trying to deploy all of the OLPCs there, and no time to catch up with releases 21:23:46 <pcalarco> Bernie: this also happened in Nepal 21:23:58 <mchua> Bernie: if you diverge enough code-wise, it becomes hard to maintain, you start finding bugs due to the fork 21:24:58 <pcalarco> smparrish: Uruguay should eventually catch up to current release because much has changed 21:27:03 <pcalarco> Bernie: it is a great opportunity if Uruguay would work with Sugar Labs 21:27:40 <pcalarco> Bernie: they have much larger resources than individual developers 21:28:03 <pcalarco> question: what are the politics with all of this? 21:29:12 <mchua> sdz: I wonder if it makes sense to even speculate about future versions of the XO hardware. 21:29:33 <mchua> Fedora is being compliant for ARM, so possibilities are open. 21:30:02 <mchua> All effort is going into the 1.5, the 1.75 isn't really on the radar. 21:31:52 <mchua> sdz: what we're saying about the hardware here is pure speculation; we just don't know, and as software people we can't relaly help them with the hardware. 21:32:05 <mchua> smp: we keep the software current, make it usable, and share as much knowledge as we can. 21:34:05 <pcalarco> question: is G1G1 dead forever? 21:34:06 <mchua> Peter Robinson: <says something I missed> 21:34:08 <mchua> ah 21:34:21 <mchua> smp: yes. 21:34:38 <mchua> smp: so now we have alternative ways to run Sugar. 21:34:44 <mchua> sdz: like Sugar on a Stick (SoaS) 21:34:51 <mchua> We started with F10 on the XO-1. 21:35:14 <mchua> OLPC had forked a lot of stuff in Fedora to try and get their features working. 21:35:23 <mchua> But the maintenance burden was too high. 21:35:24 <pcalarco> Peter Robinson: there were many problems with last year's G1G1, including economy tanking, delivery problems, and this year the XO 1.5 is not yet available in production and the XO-1 no longer being made 21:35:36 <mchua> So after a while we tried merging them again. 21:35:57 <mchua> And now we have it. 21:36:03 <mchua> And this is why Fedora has one of the best Sugar implementations atm. 21:36:20 <mchua> Our release cycles are aligned. 21:36:40 <mchua> We want to have Sugar running not only on the XOs, but on every machine. 21:36:56 <mchua> So SoaS is a liveusb key that boots into a Sugar environment. 21:37:09 <mchua> so what I'm going to do is I'm going to boot SoaS on this machine. 21:37:21 <mchua> This version of SoaS is called "Blueberry." 21:37:24 <mchua> It went gold on Thursday. 21:37:32 <mchua> Spread it! 21:37:58 <mchua> sdz plugs stick into netbook, boots from usb stick 21:38:04 <mchua> soas boot screen pops up 21:38:19 <mchua> now it's booting! 21:38:30 <mchua> this is the latest sugar version plus the latest fedora version. 21:39:08 <mchua> the goal is for every child can have a USB key and then use that to boot into their sugar environment from any computer without touching that computer. 21:39:25 <mchua> <?> will it still work on the XO? 21:39:32 <mchua> sdz: yes, you can use SoaS on an XO. 21:40:04 <mchua> Peter: could hypotehtically work on ppc arch too 21:40:08 <mchua> bernie: I got it to work on a beagleboard 21:40:13 <mchua> which was more powerful than the xo- 21:40:16 <mchua> xo-1 21:40:37 <mchua> tihs was 1.5 years ago that we got it to run on ARM 21:40:51 <mchua> 2 years ago there wasn't an ARM spin of Fedora. 21:41:10 <mchua> Things tend to break more frequently there, drivers are missing, etc. - more experimental to do ARM. 21:41:15 <mchua> What's missing is that hardware is hard to come by. 21:41:47 <mchua> but next year's XO will be ARM-based, so that will chnage. 21:41:47 <mchua> sdz: putting up an emulator on the large screen. 21:41:58 <mchua> to keep things simple, we're not releasing a 64-bit anytime soon (for SoaS). 21:42:17 <mchua> Every time we do another spin of SoaS, it needs to be tested, and we don't have QA resources. 21:42:34 <mchua> So we thought we'd go with this one solution that allows everyone to use Sugar, no matter what. 21:42:58 <mchua> sdz to projector! 21:43:16 <mchua> Tour of Sugar! 21:43:35 <mchua> This is my neighborhood view; it shows available things to connect to 21:43:58 <mchua> both APs and other Sugar users. 21:44:00 <mchua> This is my home screen. You can see my icon, and the available Activities around it in a circle. 21:44:07 <mchua> If I start one - here is Browse - 21:44:36 <mchua> if you go to activities.sugarlabs.org 21:46:34 <pcalarco> in F12 to add sugar can do groupinstall sugar 21:47:52 <pcalarco> #link: http://activities.sugarlabs.org 21:48:35 <mchua> activities.sugarlabs.org is a website that can download and install Sugar Activities for you. 21:48:51 <mchua> It's the same software that you ues to install Mozilla (Firefox, etc) extensions 21:49:03 <mchua> (with much generalization and hacking by the Sugar Labs team to make it work for non-moz stuff) 21:52:19 <mchua> bernie: SoaS gets around one big problem we have with spreading sugar. 21:52:32 <mchua> which is that school admins are very conservative. they won't let you install things on their IT. 21:52:44 <mchua> this lets you use it anyway - piggybacking on the computer without touching it or leaving anything behond. 21:54:04 <heffer> <mchua> how do i help? 21:54:19 <heffer> <sdz> just go to join.sugarlabs.org and get the informatio from there 21:54:29 <heffer> <mchua> what do you need help on at the moment? 21:54:44 <heffer> <SMParrish> getting more sugar activities packaged into fedora 21:54:54 <heffer> <mchua> and how do I do that? 21:55:19 <heffer> <SMParrish> just join the talk by Yaakov Nemoy and Rex Dieter on packaging 21:56:03 <mchua> (thanks heffer) 21:56:13 <mchua> sdz talking about the 4th grade math curriculum project 21:57:33 <heffer> <mchua> what we're really weak on is curriculum 21:57:46 <heffer> <mchua> we need people who do not necessarily do code 21:58:02 <heffer> <mchua> packaging an activity is a good point to start 21:58:45 <mchua> Helping to figure out the logistics of a deployment is also a good place to start. 21:58:53 <mchua> That deployment can be you. Your kid. Your sister, your brother, your little cousin. 22:00:48 <heffer> <mchua> we need feedback from people sitting down with a child for an hour or so and just testing an playing with sugar 22:01:09 <mchua> and emailing a list - hang on I'll ge tthe list 22:01:21 <mchua> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep 22:01:32 <mchua> #link http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep play-test feedback goes here. 22:01:42 <pcalarco> #endmeeting