19:52:08 <banas> #startmeeting Shaastra Hackfest Fedora/GG 19:52:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 5 19:52:08 2015 UTC. The chair is banas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:52:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:52:23 <oliver___> #agreed 19:52:31 <banas> #topic Roll Call 19:52:44 <banas> everyone who's here, leave your name and say hi. 19:52:51 <banas> .fasinfo sarupbanskota 19:52:52 <oliver___> oliver hi 19:52:52 <zodbot> banas: User: sarupbanskota, Name: Sarup Banskota, email: sbanskota08@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-03-28, IRC Nick: banas, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 19:52:54 <zodbot> banas: Unapproved Groups: summer-coding 19:52:57 <zodbot> banas: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done designteam ambassadors 19:52:59 <karthik_> karthik hola 19:53:03 <Guest11182> nisha...hey 19:53:12 <Catherine> heyy... 19:53:14 <ahuja_ab> ahuja, hi 19:53:23 <Vivekananda> Vivekananda Hai 19:53:25 <banas> as you can see, I got my information out by issuing a .fasinfo command. that won't work for most of you yet. 19:53:35 <banas> so to start with, get yourself a FAS account. 19:53:36 <shine_> shiny, hi 19:53:42 <Vivekananda> rahul hi 19:54:08 <banas> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts, quick, don;t take too long 19:54:16 <oliver___> .fasinfo 19:54:16 <zodbot> oliver___: (fasinfo <username>) -- Return information on a Fedora Account System username. 19:54:27 <karthik_> .fasinfo 19:54:27 <zodbot> karthik_: (fasinfo <username>) -- Return information on a Fedora Account System username. 19:54:39 <oliver___> #agreed getting it! 19:54:48 <banas> #undo 19:54:49 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x1fabbfd0> 19:55:11 <banas> that's zodbot returning you how you should have issued the command 19:55:45 <banas> (zodbot is an "IRC Bot", it's job is to help irc channel managers with providing information to channel participants) 19:56:03 <banas> once you create a FAS account, let me know 19:56:09 <oliver___> so what does it remove actually 19:57:06 <banas> oliver___: you had done an "#agreed". that's a keyword meetbot(the meeting manager) uses to identify agreements. your comment wasn't useful, so i undid it 19:58:11 <banas> and while this happens, can all of you also clone glittergallery? 19:58:26 <oliver___> yeah 19:58:56 <banas> git clone https://github.com/glittergallery/GlitterGallery 20:01:51 <oliver___> my page is not loading properly 20:01:58 <banas> what's the problem? 20:02:14 <Catherine> done with the account 20:02:24 <oliver___> not loading properly 20:03:24 <karthik_> .fasinfo 20:03:24 <zodbot> karthik_: (fasinfo <username>) -- Return information on a Fedora Account System username. 20:03:35 <karthik_> .fasinfo karthiksonti 20:03:36 <zodbot> karthik_: User: karthiksonti, Name: karthik sonti, email: karthiksonti@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-01-05, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:03:39 <zodbot> karthik_: Approved Groups: None 20:03:45 <oliver___> .fasinfo ashwinnmutthu 20:03:46 <zodbot> oliver___: User: ashwinnmutthu, Name: Ashwinn Muttharasappaan, email: ashwinnmutthu@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-01-05, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:03:49 <zodbot> oliver___: Approved Groups: None 20:04:55 <banas> .badges ashwinnmutthu 20:04:56 <zodbot> banas: No such user exists. 20:05:08 <banas> .badges karthiksonti 20:05:09 <zodbot> banas: No such user exists. 20:05:29 <ahuja_ab> .fasinfo haggerhermy 20:05:29 <banas> get youself on fedora badges :) 20:05:29 <zodbot> ahuja_ab: User: haggerhermy, Name: Abhishek Ahuja, email: haggerhermy@gmail.com, Creation: 2014-02-24, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:05:33 <zodbot> ahuja_ab: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done 20:05:40 <banas> .badges haggerhermy 20:05:44 <zodbot> banas: haggerhermy has unlocked 3 Fedora Badges: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/user/haggerhermy 20:06:14 <karthik_> how to unlock badges? 20:07:58 <banas> karthik_: I believe you have to log in to: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/ 20:08:12 <oliver___> right now I have one badges. 20:08:26 <oliver___> so how to increase them ? 20:08:31 <banas> awesome! so the more activity you do, the more badges you earn 20:08:58 <banas> for example ahuja_ab submitted a supplemental wallpaper for fedora 21 few months back. that got him a badge 20:10:07 <Catherine> .fasinfo katherine 20:10:07 <zodbot> Catherine: User: katherine, Name: Katherine Pierce, email: aishiitm@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-01-05, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:10:10 <zodbot> Catherine: Approved Groups: None 20:10:51 <banas> #topic Setting up GlitterGallery 20:10:57 <Guest11182> .fasinfo 20:10:57 <zodbot> Guest11182: (fasinfo <username>) -- Return information on a Fedora Account System username. 20:11:39 <banas> I'd like to introduce all of you to some basic rails, but before that, let;s check out an application that's built using rails 20:12:26 <Guest11182> .fasinfo nishasingh 20:12:27 <zodbot> Guest11182: User: nishasingh, Name: nisha singh, email: nishanitpy@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-01-05, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:12:30 <zodbot> Guest11182: Approved Groups: None 20:12:33 <banas> read this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4507543/2447733 20:15:08 <sakthi95> .fasinfo sakthi95 20:15:09 <zodbot> sakthi95: User: sakthi95, Name: sakthivel.k, email: sakthivels17@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-01-05, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:15:11 <zodbot> sakthi95: Approved Groups: None 20:17:08 <banas> for those of you who cloned it 20:17:23 <banas> move it into another directory, i'll explain why in a bit 20:18:20 <banas> and once you do, cd into what you just cloned 20:18:31 <banas> anyone who doesn;t follow at this point, ask 20:18:41 <banas> if you don't have git inbstalled 20:18:50 <banas> sudo apt-get install git-core 20:18:53 <banas> or 20:19:02 <banas> sudo yum install git-core 20:19:14 <banas> ubuntu/fedora 20:23:13 <banas> yeh once you cd into it 20:23:34 <banas> bundle install 22:32:41 <oliver___> https://gnokii.fedorapeople.org/talks/character_slide_en.svg#3_0 10:38:23 <ass> hi, zodbot 18:04:05 <banas> #endmeeting