17:51:16 <johnmark> #startmeeting Community Office Hours 17:51:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 19 17:51:16 2012 UTC. The chair is johnmark. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:51:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:52:46 * jdarcy o_O 17:53:13 <johnmark> jdarcy: :) 17:54:04 <johnmark> jdarcy: what's yoru google account email 17:56:46 <jdarcy> johnmark: obdurodon@gmail.com 17:57:37 <johnmark> jdarcy: you're invited 17:58:08 <johnmark> let's give it 5 mins 17:58:20 <johnmark> #halp 17:58:27 <johnmark> zodbot: #halp 17:58:46 <johnmark> #topic Gluster Community Office Hours 17:59:22 <johnmark> we're waiting on a rackspace server to install. heh 17:59:42 <johnmark> er respond 18:02:23 <johnmark> w00t 18:02:35 <johnmark> Technicool: remember how ot hand chair to someone else via zodbot? 18:02:42 <Technicool> i do not 18:04:21 <Technicool> technicool difficulties here ;) fsck required on the second demo node 18:04:21 <johnmark> Technicool: can you join the hangout? 18:04:26 <johnmark> haha. ok 18:04:30 <johnmark> how long will it take? 18:05:12 <johnmark> #chair Technicool 18:05:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Technicool johnmark 18:05:22 <johnmark> greetings 18:05:29 <louisk> thanks 18:05:54 <johnmark> louisk: we're takinga moment to finish an fsck :) 18:05:58 <Technicool> might be done now 18:06:10 <johnmark> Technicool: ok. can you join hte hangout? 18:06:11 <louisk> always a good time :-) 18:06:15 <johnmark> indeed 18:07:16 <Technicool> joining now, and demo node is up 18:07:35 <johnmark> here's the video feed location : http://youtu.be/ra7ZWh_otb4 18:07:49 * johnmark tries to set the topic but I don't have ops in the channel. gah 18:11:36 <johnmark> I <3 technology 18:14:38 <johnmark> ok, lkive 18:14:49 <louisk> sounds ok from here 18:16:41 <johnmark> louisk: good ot know 18:17:46 <johnmark> ok, Technicool is going through newly produced user guides 18:17:49 <johnmark> http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Main_Page 18:17:54 <johnmark> #link http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Main_Page 18:19:07 <johnmark> ask questions here, and we'll answer them on air, and here too 18:30:26 <johnmark> anybody else lose the feed? 18:42:22 <johnmark> #topic getting started 18:42:31 <johnmark> #link http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Getting_started_overview 18:43:47 <kkeithley> if I could get my microphone to turn on 18:43:49 * jdarcy can see/hear video, but not send 18:44:21 <jdarcy> Biggest thing in 3.3.1 is bug fixes and performance improvements. 18:46:02 <johnmark> http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/GlusterFS_3.3.1 18:46:06 <johnmark> #link http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/GlusterFS_3.3.1 18:48:45 <johnmark> keep ports open - 111, 24007, 24008 and then 24009- number of bricks 18:48:51 <johnmark> #info keep ports open - 111, 24007, 24008 and then 24009- number of bricks 18:50:10 <johnmark> that's a wrap 18:50:15 <johnmark> #endmeeting