18:25:43 <johnmark> #startmeeting 18:25:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 26 18:25:43 2012 UTC. The chair is johnmark. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:25:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:25:51 <johnmark> #link http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Basic_Gluster_Troubleshooting 18:26:19 <johnmark> #topic Gluster Community Office Hours October 26, 2012 18:26:20 <NuxRo> quick question, if I have a few nodes with 2 NICs, private ip on eth1 and public IPs on eth0, assuming that the volume was created using private addresses on the 2nd NIC then would this work for gluster clients connecting from the public interface? 18:27:45 <NuxRo> what I'm aiming is to have the lguster nodes using the 2nd NIC to sync/replicate/etc 18:28:16 <NuxRo> correct 18:28:45 <NuxRo> cool, thanks 18:29:40 <NuxRo> alright, will keep this in mind when troubleshooting, cheers 18:29:53 <johnmark> NuxRo: cool 18:30:08 <JoeJulian> The fuse client connects to all the servers to do replication. Replication will be done over whatever address the fuse client resolves the server hostname to. 18:31:07 <johnmark> #link http://youtu.be/cB9UkyjIai4 18:31:29 <tc00per> Clients don't always have the 'gluster' command. 18:32:28 <JoeJulian> he's correct. the gluster symlink doesn't exist unless the server package is installed. The command in that case would be glusterfs --version 18:33:02 <JoeJulian> glusterfsd --version would be even more package independent. 18:33:08 <johnmark> JoeJulian: ok 18:33:13 <tc00per> Confirmed. 18:33:17 <tc00per> Thanks 18:34:57 <NuxRo> i have some more questions, I'll paste them here and you guys reply whenever you can (i also posted on the ml) 18:34:58 <tc00per> On client there IS a gluster man page but no gluster executable. 18:35:02 <semiosis> uh, gluster CLI is not a symlink, actual separate binary afaict. #amiwrong? 18:35:04 <NuxRo> 1. how can I use gluster's object storage feature (outside RedHat's storage product) 18:35:07 <NuxRo> 2. is there an API sort of thing that can be used from e.g. web apps to interact with and manage gluster volumes? 18:36:02 <JoeJulian> semiosis: You're right. 18:36:12 <tc00per> Confirmed 18:37:19 <NuxRo> so ovirt is the only gui for glusterfs currently 18:37:27 <NuxRo> cli api, sounds good 18:37:47 <tc00per> Does anybody know of a public Ovirt GUI / GlusterFS demo? 18:37:48 <johnmark> NuxRo: yes, ovirt is the only gui for glusterfs 18:37:55 <Technicool> yum list \*ovirt\* 18:37:56 <johnmark> tc00per: very very soon :) 18:37:56 <JoeJulian> #link http://www.gluster.org/2012/09/howto-untangling-the-ufo-swift-build/ 18:38:07 <tc00per> johnmark: thanks. 18:38:13 <JoeJulian> #link http://joejulian.name/blog/ufo-pilot-web-app-for-gluster-ufoopenstack-swift-object-storage/ 18:39:49 <kkeithley> Er, how interesting is the untangling blog now? Isn't the quick setup more appropriate? 18:39:53 <johnmark> Technicool: can you enlarge your screen text just a tad? 18:40:04 <johnmark> kkeithley: yeah 18:40:11 <JoeJulian> kkeithley: That was the first blog one I could find... 18:40:51 <JoeJulian> Ah 18:41:04 <JoeJulian> #link http://www.gluster.org/2012/10/a-buzzword-packed-return-to-gluster-ufo/ 18:41:04 <johnmark> #link http://www.gluster.org/2012/09/howto-using-ufo-swift-a-quick-and-dirty-setup-guide/ 18:41:16 <johnmark> both are good :) 18:41:18 <kkeithley> sorry, I didn't mean to come across so harsh. 18:41:33 <kkeithley> harshly 18:41:50 <Technicool> harsha? 18:41:59 <johnmark> lulz 18:42:08 <NuxRo> right, so gluster UFO is actually highly dependent on SWIFT? i thought it's completely independent product 18:42:46 <JoeJulian> It's swift with a storage plugin. 18:42:56 <johnmark> #link http://www.gluster.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Gluster_File_System-3.3.0-Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf 18:43:12 <NuxRo> ok, thanks for clarifying 18:43:19 <johnmark> NuxRo: it's the swift proxy-server with magic behind it that maps to GlusterFS 18:43:39 <JoeJulian> yes 18:43:42 <kkeithley> For now UFO is sort of a fork of swift. We're working on straightening things out and just using "vanilla" swift. 18:43:45 <johnmark> Technicool: yes, 3.3 18:43:51 <NuxRo> hm, nice 18:44:45 <johnmark> lulz 18:45:15 <tc00per> gluster volume log rotate VOL on each peer? 18:45:16 <JoeJulian> Or use logrotate. semiosis and I like to use copytruncate 18:45:30 <semiosis> copytruncate \o/ 18:45:39 <johnmark> semiosis: ah, nice 18:45:43 <johnmark> sounds like a blog post ;) 18:45:53 <JoeJulian> pretty sure it's already been... 18:45:58 <semiosis> because sometimes ideal perfection isn't worth the effort 18:46:23 <johnmark> JoeJulian: doh 18:46:28 <johnmark> heh 18:46:46 <semiosis> (i.e. it's possible to lose a log message with copytruncate, see logrotate manual.) 18:47:18 <JoeJulian> I still do mysql on a replica 4x3 volume. 18:47:59 <JoeJulian> No tinkering required... 18:48:07 <JoeJulian> :P 18:48:09 <johnmark> :P 18:48:26 <tc00per> See above ^^^ re gluster volume logrotate 18:48:30 <JoeJulian> Like Jerry's kids. 18:48:32 <NuxRo> another quick question, in order to make gluster volumes available to customers not using the native client (or nfs) which protocol would you recommend (to run on a sort of broker machine)? CIFS, webdav? ftp ? 18:48:34 <johnmark> LOL! 18:49:13 <johnmark> NuxRo: address your questions to Technicool so that he'll be sure to see them 18:49:27 <NuxRo> Technicool: another quick question, in order to make gluster volumes available to customers not using the native client (or nfs) which protocol would you recommend (to run on a sort of broker machine)? CIFS, webdav? ftp ? 18:50:12 <NuxRo> right, but thi swould involve running swift 18:50:15 <NuxRo> but thanks for the option 18:50:26 <NuxRo> it's a nice idea though 18:50:43 <johnmark> Technicool: do we still have a webdav option? we used to 18:52:26 <JoeJulian> 2 18:52:29 <NuxRo> hm, then it's unclear to me, the way I can export a gluster volume through samba I can also do it through apache mod_dav. Should I understand gluster used to have some integrated webdav server similar to how it has for NFS? 18:53:34 <johnmark> NuxRo: there used to be a webdav translator. it's probably still somewhere, although I don't know if it's usable 18:53:44 <JoeJulian> There was once a way to do webdav through booster. That's no longer there. 18:54:11 <johnmark> NuxRo: that's a good question about mod_dav. I don't know - would be interesting to find out 18:54:58 <NuxRo> right, so natively gluster exports via it's native protocol and NFS v3. CIFS i sonly supported via samba-server... or am I missing something? 18:55:19 <johnmark> NuxRo: correct 18:55:34 <NuxRo> ok, cool 18:55:46 <JoeJulian> Technicool keeps seeming to forget... when you peer probe you do need to probe back to your first server from at least one other server or else it won't have a hostname assigned. 18:56:22 <JoeJulian> Technicool: don't bother repeating that in the video 18:56:33 <johnmark> JoeJulian: I've never done that, but then again, that's not to say it's wrong 18:56:35 <tc00per> Credit to JoeJulian (I think) for cssh along with ssh-key based auth. 18:56:39 <NuxRo> I'm planning then to expose a volume via most protocols (gluster, nfs, CIFS, webdav) and see which works better, will report back if I ever get some consistent results 18:57:09 <JoeJulian> lol 18:57:19 <johnmark> lulz 18:57:20 <johnmark> heh 18:57:37 <JoeJulian> Well.. I wouldn't go that far. 18:58:10 <johnmark> JoeJulian: you know I'm going to ask you to be on these in the future, right? 18:58:19 <JoeJulian> Oh, I know. 18:58:22 <johnmark> heheh :) 18:58:32 <johnmark> semiosis: you're not escaping, either ;) 18:58:52 <tc00per> FYI... I'll take up in IRC but I don't think 'gluster volume log rotate VOL' is working even though command replies success. 18:59:16 <johnmark> tc00per: doh. if it's not working, then we need to file abug 19:00:03 * semiosis looks up? 19:00:05 <tc00per> WHICH log should be rotating? I presume the VOL log, correct? 19:00:06 <semiosis> what? 19:00:26 <JoeJulian> It's the brick logs. 19:00:35 <johnmark> semiosis: being on the google hangout 19:00:45 <johnmark> so we can see your lovely mug whiel you talk about GlusterFS 19:01:26 <semiosis> :O 19:01:29 <johnmark> :D 19:01:54 <tc00per> THOSE logs rotated... :) 19:02:08 <tc00per> Yes thanks... 19:02:16 <NuxRo> regarding rsync, is there anyting I can do to tune a volume for using it? 19:02:24 <JoeJulian> btw... "gluster volume log rotate $vol" does rotate the logs for all the bricks for that volume on each server. tagged by unixtime. 19:02:48 <Technicool> JoeJulian++ 19:03:07 <kkeithley> btw, ever since I installed the google audio-and-video driver for google hangout, my mac keeps losing the audio output, so I'm less than thrilled with google right now 19:03:22 <JoeJulian> !!! 19:03:42 <JoeJulian> Good one 19:03:47 <johnmark> sweet 19:03:56 <johnmark> #endmeeting