08:34:20 <hagarth> #startmeeting bug triage 08:34:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 11 08:34:20 2014 UTC. The chair is hagarth. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:34:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 08:34:34 * lalatenduM is here 08:35:22 <ndevos> lalatenduM: oh, right, we're just getting started, you didnt miss anything :) 08:35:41 <lalatenduM> ndevos, :) 08:35:43 <hagarth> right, I missed sending out this on gluster-devel 08:36:09 <hagarth> #topic bug backlog 08:36:18 <hagarth> here's our list of bugs - http://goo.gl/Q1cBHD 08:36:21 <glusterbot> Title: Report: Component / Status (at goo.gl) 08:37:19 <hagarth> the most important question - how do we triage this list? 08:37:38 <lalatenduM> 1015 in total!! 08:37:44 <ndevos> I have some scripts that can automate things a little 08:37:48 <hagarth> lalatenduM: right 08:38:07 <kshlm> First look at modified. Most of those could possibly be closed. 08:38:16 <lalatenduM> do we want to triage bugs which are logged 3 to 4 major releases back? 08:38:17 <ndevos> at least I can check what bugs should have been CLOSED, or in some other state, depending on any patches posted/merged 08:38:24 <hagarth> kshlm: good idea 08:38:36 <lalatenduM> ndevos, kshlm agree 08:38:44 <krishnan_p> ndevos, when you say you can check, do you mean manually? 08:38:46 <pranithk> hagarth: ndevos does it by some script 08:39:18 <ndevos> krishnan_p: no, list all bugs, and compare with details from gerrit - it's a script 08:39:28 <krishnan_p> ndevos, OK 08:39:40 <ndevos> output from earlier this week: 08:39:43 <ndevos> #link http://paste.fedoraproject.org/117188/14050678 08:39:46 <glusterbot> Title: #117188 Fedora Project Pastebin (at paste.fedoraproject.org) 08:39:47 <hagarth> ndevos: how long would the script need to complete? 08:40:08 <ndevos> hagarth: a run takes about 30 minutes, maybe more? 08:40:28 <ndevos> and that is only for the listing and checking of bugs/patches, not updating 08:40:57 <hagarth> ndevos: hmm, once the candidates are identified, we can possibly do a quick manual scan? 08:41:00 <ndevos> my other scripts that I used to move 3.5.1 bugs to ON_QA and later to CLOSED just take a list of bugs and modify them 08:41:37 <hagarth> I propose we do this: 08:41:42 <ndevos> hagarth: yeah, some checks for changes that are proposed, select bugs to change, run a 2nd script to make the changes 08:41:56 <hagarth> 1. move all modified to closed 08:42:25 <hagarth> 2. check manually the results of script that ndevos will execute 08:42:46 <hagarth> 2. (contd.) and update bugs accordingly ? 08:43:07 <hagarth> does this seem ok to everybody? 08:43:09 <ndevos> I dont like 1 08:43:30 <ndevos> users filed a bug, a patch got posted to master, and we'll close it? 08:43:31 <krishnan_p> hagarth, we can't do 1. we should close a bug against a release, for future reference 08:43:46 <hagarth> ndevos, krishnan_p: ok 08:43:57 <ndevos> I think we should only close bugs with a 'fixed in version' 08:44:08 <hagarth> ndevos: agree 08:44:10 <krishnan_p> ndevos, that brings the problem of how long we wait for user to ack the fix 08:44:42 <hagarth> krishnan_p: should we bring about an aging policy? 08:44:49 <ndevos> krishnan_p: not really, we can set the version to the tag that contains the patch, if nobody confirms the fix, we close it when there is a release 08:45:13 <krishnan_p> ndevos, that sounds like a good protocol to follow. 08:45:21 <lalatenduM> hagarth, yes we should have a aging policy 08:45:37 <hagarth> so what's the process here? 08:45:43 <ndevos> krishnan_p: I've moved 3.5.1 bugs to ON_QA when the beta was released, and I've marked them CLOSED when the final release was done - VERIFIED or not 08:46:13 <krishnan_p> ndevos, I got it. It makes sense. 08:46:31 <ndevos> example: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1071191#c3 08:46:32 <glusterbot> Bug 1071191: high, medium, ---, ndevos, CLOSED CURRENTRELEASE, [3.5.1] Sporadic SIGBUS with mmap() on a sparse file created with open(), seek(), write() 08:46:34 <hagarth> bug moves from ASSIGNED -> POST after patches are posted, POST -> MODIFIED after patches are accepted, MODIFIED -> QA when a release is done and the fixed in version gets updated, ON_QA -> CLOSE when GA of a release happens 08:46:45 <hagarth> would this be our process? 08:47:00 <ndevos> yes 08:47:11 <hagarth> is everybody fine with this? 08:47:14 <lalatenduM> yes 08:47:15 <kshlm> Yes. 08:47:19 <pranithk> yes 08:47:23 <krishnan_p> yes 08:47:30 <raghug> yes 08:47:35 <hagarth> I think we should document this in gluster.org 08:47:49 <hagarth> lalatenduM: IIRC, you have a bugzilla workflow/process page right? 08:47:50 <ndevos> #link http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_report_life_cycle 08:47:51 <glusterbot> Title: Bug report life cycle - GlusterDocumentation (at www.gluster.org) 08:48:11 <lalatenduM> hagarth, yup, we need to update http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_report_life_cycle 08:48:12 <atinmu> hagarth, one question, does it need to be manual or ndevos's script does it? 08:48:13 <glusterbot> Title: Bug report life cycle - GlusterDocumentation (at www.gluster.org) 08:48:30 <hagarth> atinmu: some of the transitions are going to be manual I suppose 08:48:51 <hagarth> for example, the post -> modified transition cannot be done automatically 08:48:58 <ndevos> atinmu: I think we should rely on developers setting the correct status of the bugs 08:49:07 <hagarth> since there might be multiple fixes for a particular bug 08:49:14 <hagarth> ndevos: right 08:49:29 <atinmu> hagarth : my short experience in upstream says people don't move the bugs to proper state, just for eg, even if a patch is submitted the bug stays in either NEW or ASSIGNED state 08:49:36 <hagarth> ndevos: will you take care of updating the bug_report_life_cycle page? 08:49:53 <ndevos> hagarth: yeah, I can 08:49:58 <hagarth> atinmu: any ideas on how we can get better there? 08:50:13 <hagarth> #action ndevos to update bugzilla process page 08:50:44 <atinmu> hagarth : so I was wondering whether we can have something automated like whenever a patch is submitted against a bug the bug state should move to "POST" state depending on the release version, can we achieve it? 08:51:08 <lalatenduM> atinmu, I think ndevos script does that 08:51:12 <ndevos> atinmu: thats not so easy, we dont know in advance how many patches for a bug would be needed 08:51:23 <kshlm> we could have the bug-id jenkins job check the bug status and ask the dev to move the bug. 08:51:36 <kshlm> s/the bug/the status of the bug/ 08:51:53 <ndevos> kshlm: either by posting a comment in the bug or in gerrit? 08:51:53 <hagarth> atinmu: yeah, I consider ASSIGNED -> POST & POST -> MODIFIED to be difficult transitions to automate 08:52:12 <kshlm> ndevos, gerrit. 08:52:22 <ndevos> kshlm: +1 08:52:26 <kshlm> The devs obivously will be looking at it. 08:52:39 <hagarth> kshlm: so we need the bug to be in POST state for a patch to be accepted? 08:53:05 <krishnan_p> hagarth, that seems like a good check. Don't know if kshlm meant that 08:53:24 <ndevos> hagarth: no, just a reminder in the gerrit comments, asking the dev to check and correct the status of the BUG in case all patches have been posted 08:53:26 <kshlm> We could make it rigid if we want, but what I meant was more of an FYI kinda thing. 08:53:54 <raghug> yes, giving out a link in the warning would help 08:54:07 <raghug> to bug-id 08:54:09 <ndevos> raghug: right, the link to the wiki page :) 08:54:20 <krishnan_p> kshlm, I won't consider that rigid. Anything that is not part of the workflow is more likely to be missed out 08:54:23 <ndevos> oh, yes and the bug 08:54:36 <hagarth> krishnan_p: agree with you 08:55:06 <hagarth> how about doing this? we make it FYI now and see how the process works 08:55:18 <hagarth> if it doesn't work well, we can make it a requirement 08:55:21 <raghug> +1 to FYI 08:55:26 <ndevos> hmm, now I think about it, maybe merging of changes should only be possible for a bug in POST 08:55:43 <ndevos> that should prevent merging partial fixes 08:55:53 <raghug> hmm.. 08:55:55 <pranithk> ndevos: But we want partial fixes? 08:56:15 <ndevos> pranithk: not really... 08:56:16 <pranithk> ndevos: For example I would hate to raise one bug per spurious failures fix I submitted... Its too much process 08:57:07 <krishnan_p> pranithk, would it be OK if you were expected to move the bug status to POST for the first patch you submitted to be merged? 08:57:10 <pranithk> ndevos: One more good reason for same bug for a set of patches is when you backport you know the complete set in just one bug. which is easy 08:57:29 <atinmu> pranithk, ndevos : whats the problem in having the bug state in POST even if u r sending multiple patches? 08:57:30 <pranithk> krishnan_p: That probably is not a bad idea. Moving to POST is fine I guess. 08:58:02 <ndevos> pranithk: one bug per issue makes it better for tracking... 08:58:07 <krishnan_p> pranithk, I think ndevos was recommending that we don't merge patches that are submitted against a bug that is not in POST state 08:58:24 <raghug> ndevos: its a overkill for cases like pranith mentioned 08:58:32 <pranithk> krishnan_p: Yes that should be fine. 08:58:40 <raghug> for regular bugs, I agree with you 08:58:42 <atinmu> but that opens up another problem, what would be the trigger to move these kind of bugs to MODIFIED? 08:58:52 <hagarth> raghug: but such fixes should be very few in number? 08:59:09 <krishnan_p> ndevos, did I rephrase you to pranithk correctly? 08:59:26 <ndevos> I dont like bugs like 'NetBSD port' that get new patches every time 08:59:40 <ndevos> krishnan_p: yep! 08:59:45 <hagarth> atinmu: I was hoping that POST -> MODIFIED can happen after patch acceptance 09:00:10 <pranithk> ndevos: Imagine these patches need to be backported to 3.5. It is extremely easy to find the set of patches. Even in gerrit the topic will be same 09:00:12 <ndevos> the problem is, how can we say the 'NetBSD port' would be functional, if we keep on adding changes to that bug? 09:00:45 <pranithk> ndevos: I guess the dev can move it to modified? 09:00:50 <atinmu> hagarth : thats for a regular bug, what if its an umbrella bug? 09:01:12 <pranithk> atinmu: +1, I guess we need a good distinction 09:01:16 <lalatenduM> we can some flags for ongoing bugs like netbsd port or coverity fix 09:01:22 <lalatenduM> s/can/can add/ 09:01:23 <ndevos> pranithk: but after a bug went to MODIFIED, no more patches should be posted for that bug 09:01:33 <pranithk> ndevos: Yes. 09:01:41 <krishnan_p> pranithk, while having one bug for related fixes help to determine relationship between fixes. But it makes it difficult for future developers/users to make a connection between the fix and a bug 09:01:44 <raghug> lalatenduM: if there is a provision for it, its a good idea 09:01:53 <raghug> so that we can automate the process 09:02:13 <lalatenduM> yup, and the script can ignore these bugs 09:02:13 <pranithk> krishnan_p: Like Atin mentioned it is an umbrella bug. 09:02:29 <raghug> we can flag patches which need manual transition 09:02:33 <krishnan_p> pranithk, what do you mean when you say umbrella bug? 09:02:35 <raghug> s/patches/bugs 09:02:37 <pranithk> krishnan_p: like netbsd port/spurious failures etc 09:02:43 <hagarth> lalatenduM: great idea 09:02:56 <lalatenduM> krishnan_p, like coverity fix umbrella bug 09:02:58 <atinmu> krishnan_p, take a coverity BZ as an example 09:03:00 <pranithk> lalatenduM: +1 09:03:27 <hagarth> I think we should propose this on gluster-devel to see how everyone feels about the process change 09:03:29 <ndevos> lalatenduM: that works, and in fact I think the script checks for keyword=Tracking and skips those 09:03:32 <atinmu> lalatenduM, +1 09:03:41 <lalatenduM> ndevos, awesoem! 09:04:03 <hagarth> any volunteers to propose this change on gluster-devel? 09:04:26 * lalatenduM vote for ndevos :) 09:04:33 <krishnan_p> pranithk, I think we should see if there are alternative ways of handling related issues via bugzilla 09:04:42 <lalatenduM> anyway he is doing most of it 09:04:46 <hagarth> lalatenduM: I am afraid that we might be overloading him :) 09:05:08 <hagarth> he already has more than one AIs here.. 09:05:26 <lalatenduM> hagarth, in that case I can be his minion :) 09:05:38 <hagarth> lalatenduM: awesome! 09:05:45 <ndevos> thanks lalatenduM! 09:05:52 <ndevos> lalatenduM++ :) 09:05:56 <lalatenduM> np :) 09:06:00 <ndevos> hmm, glusterbot? 09:06:03 <hagarth> #action lalatenduM to propose new gerrit - bugzilla workflow on gluster-devel 09:06:06 <raghug> lalatenduM: :) 09:06:13 <hagarth> ndevos: karma not loaded for this channel 09:06:20 <lalatenduM> raghug, :) 09:06:32 <hagarth> cool, this is good progress 09:07:06 <hagarth> #topic triaging process 09:07:42 <pranithk> hagarth: We need more components and default owners. 09:08:00 <hagarth> pranithk: hchiramm_ is working on getting the default owner assignment right 09:08:12 <hagarth> pranithk: do you have a list of components that we need? 09:08:23 <pranithk> hagarth: put an action item on me 09:08:34 <hagarth> if you have suggestions on default owner assignment per component, please route them to hchiramm_ 09:08:38 <hagarth> pranithk: sure 09:08:53 <hagarth> #action pranithk to determine new components needed in bugzilla 09:09:02 <ndevos> hagarth: will hchiramm__ also be able to add new and modify components? 09:09:21 <hagarth> ndevos: no, he is just a router to bugzilla admins for us 09:09:44 <hagarth> ndevos: feel free to reach out to bugzilla admin directly too, we need not always have it go through hchiramm_ 09:10:02 <hagarth> now for the more important question 09:10:05 <ndevos> hagarth: hmm, but at least the Fedora admins have those permissions, I think we (as Gluster community) should be able to get them too 09:10:21 <hagarth> ndevos: I tried it but got a NO from bz-admin 09:10:29 <hagarth> ndevos: anyway let us try again 09:10:35 <ndevos> hagarth: ok, maybe I'll try it too then :) 09:10:40 <hagarth> ndevos: cool 09:10:57 <kshlm> Sorry but I just remembered this. ppai talked to me about a tool called Zuul which is being used in ovirt. This performs the kindof checks we want for our review/bug workflow. 09:11:04 <hagarth> how do we triage incoming bugs? 09:11:38 <lalatenduM> hagarth, yeah , it is dfficult without support from others 09:12:00 <lalatenduM> hagarth, also what is the role of the triager 09:12:10 <hagarth> should we have a window of time devoted to this? like this IRC meeting on a bi-weekly basis? 09:12:28 <raghug> hagarth: what does triaging process consist of? 09:12:30 <hagarth> lalatenduM: ensure that new bugs get looked into and are assigned to the right developer 09:12:42 <pranithk> hagarth: That is too late. All the debugging info could be lost by then? 09:12:45 <hagarth> lalatenduM: also ensure that bugs are in the right state 09:12:48 <hagarth> pranithk: agree 09:13:10 <hagarth> can each of us take ownership for a few components? 09:13:20 <lalatenduM> hagarth, just putting them assigned , does not help much, 09:13:21 <pranithk> hagarth: that would be a better idea 09:13:25 <hagarth> and do triaging on an ongoing basis? 09:13:28 <lalatenduM> what I experiance till now 09:13:43 <hagarth> lalatenduM: new -> assigned can also come with some initial analysis of the problem 09:13:50 <pranithk> lalatenduM: ^ 09:14:03 <lalatenduM> hagarth, ok, may be I was missing that 09:14:17 <lalatenduM> then it is better comp owner triage bugs 09:14:26 <pranithk> lalatenduM: +1 09:14:46 <hagarth> raghug, ndevos, krishnan_p, kshlm, atinmu: your thoughts on this? 09:15:00 <raghug> hagarth: component owner sounds a natural choice 09:15:16 <raghug> since (s)he would have a better understanding 09:15:26 <krishnan_p> I think the sheer volume of bugs that get opened on glusterd, both correctly and incorrectly, makes me wonder if kshlm and my triage rates would be enough 09:15:26 <ndevos> any triaging helps, get basic information/debugging and an understanding of the problem - it does not need to come from the component owner 09:15:29 <lalatenduM> raghug, we have a page in gluster wiki for bug triage 09:15:39 <pranithk> krishnan_p: you should also take atin's help I guess 09:15:46 <raghug> but yeah as krishnan_p mentions I am worried about keeping track of it 09:15:55 <pranithk> hagarth: I can take up replicate/locks/io-threads/io-stats/index/client/server to begin with 09:16:04 <hagarth> pranithk: cool 09:16:10 <krishnan_p> pranithk, Like ndevos mentioned triaging doesnt need in depth understanding 09:16:26 <hagarth> krishnan_p: we can look at scaling out when the volume becomes higher 09:16:26 <raghug> hagarth: dht on me 09:16:41 <atinmu> I feel like it has to be done by multiple team, individuals can't take the complete burden 09:16:46 <pranithk> krishnan_p: But the bug would be difficult if it misses some critical info. For example in afr, changelog xattrs etc 09:17:01 <hagarth> pranithk: right 09:17:16 <ndevos> pranithk: anyone that triages can ask for assistance from the component owner? 09:17:23 <pranithk> ndevos: +1 09:17:25 <hagarth> atinmu: the volume of bugs on a regular basis is fairly low in glusterfs 09:17:26 <lalatenduM> ndevos, +1 09:17:27 <krishnan_p> pranithk, I dont deny that. In an ideal world I would like to triage all the bugs that enter glusterd component. Only that I haven't and doubt I will be able to :) 09:17:49 <pranithk> krishnan_p: Don't worry I will help ya 09:17:50 <lalatenduM> I noticed that triaging bugs takes lot of time 09:18:01 <hagarth> atinmu: on an average, we get < 5 bugs per day logged from folks outside the development team. 09:18:02 <krishnan_p> pranithk, thanks! 09:18:20 <krishnan_p> hagarth, the real trouble is triaging the backlog. 09:18:23 <atinmu> hagarth, I thought the count is much higher 09:18:28 <hagarth> lalatenduM: over time, the time spent will reduce 09:18:44 <hagarth> atinmu: no, I have bugzilla queries everyday to let me know what happened in the previous day 09:18:46 <lalatenduM> hagarth, yes , to start with we need good size triage teeam 09:18:49 <pranithk> atinmu: DOn't count the ones cloned from downstream. We don't really need to triage them :-) 09:19:01 <lalatenduM> pranithk, +1 09:19:10 <hagarth> pranithk: do you mean RHS by downstream? 09:19:15 <pranithk> hagarth: Yes sir 09:19:23 <hagarth> pranithk: there could be several downstreams to GlusterFS :) 09:19:30 <hchiramm_> hagarth, do u think it will be better to change the default assignee list to gluster-devel or a mailing list of people who are component maintainers ? 09:19:46 <pranithk> hagarth: ah! 09:20:10 <lalatenduM> :0 09:20:11 <hagarth> hchiramm_: I am open to inputs on that one 09:20:21 <pranithk> hchiramm__: thinking.. 09:20:36 <ndevos> hchiramm_: a mailinglist per component (or a group of) might be helpful 09:20:36 <lalatenduM> may be different email alias 09:20:47 <pranithk> hchiramm__: why not different alias? 09:20:50 <pranithk> lalatenduM: +1 09:20:54 <lalatenduM> gluster-bugs@gluster.org 09:21:04 <ndevos> nfs-bugs@gluster.org 09:21:08 <krishnan_p> ndevos, +1. A mailing list for a group of components sounds good. 09:21:19 <atinmu> ndevos, +1 09:21:21 <hchiramm_> lalatenduM, pranithk gluster-bugs@redhat.com is the one we are moving into 09:21:23 * ndevos does not want to see all glusterd bugs :) 09:21:24 <lalatenduM> actually we can have just one to begin with 09:21:27 <krishnan_p> Depending on the size of incoming bugs 09:21:52 <krishnan_p> lalatenduM, a blanket email address is not solving any problem 09:22:00 <pranithk> krishnan_p: +1 09:22:05 <ndevos> one list works too, bugzilla sets all possible headers in emails 09:22:11 <lalatenduM> ndevos, you can choose ignore everythng else except ur comp 09:22:15 <hchiramm_> ndevos, mailing list per component looks an overhead.. Isnt it ? 09:22:16 <pranithk> ndevos: Now you are talking 09:22:19 <krishnan_p> ndevos, what happened to you ignoring glusterd bugs ;) 09:22:27 <pranithk> krishnan_p: I think ndevos' idea is better 09:22:29 <hagarth> here are some numbers 09:22:30 <lalatenduM> :) 09:22:31 <krishnan_p> hchiramm_, what is the overhead 09:22:39 <hchiramm_> krishnan_p, then we will have a meeting like this again :) 09:22:49 <hagarth> we had 26 new bugs logged over the last 5 days - it boils down to around 5-6 new bugs / day 09:22:51 <krishnan_p> hchiramm_, I didnt follow that 09:23:11 <lalatenduM> hagarth, that might increase to 20 as we grow :) 09:23:20 <lalatenduM> I mean per day 09:23:30 <krishnan_p> lalatenduM, that means we are in trouble ;P 09:23:31 <atinmu> hagarth, then we should be able to triage the new bugs on daily basis, not sure about the backlog though, probably gradually we should clean them 09:23:36 <pranithk> lalatenduM: Hopefully devs also increase if we are growing :-) 09:23:48 <lalatenduM> pranithk, agree 09:23:53 <hagarth> so what is the consensus here? one list to start with and proliferate as needed? 09:24:01 <lalatenduM> yes 09:24:04 <ndevos> maybe starte with one list, and we'll see if glusterd needs its own list after a while ;) 09:24:10 <hchiramm_> ndevos, pranithk there are 45 components listed for GlusterFS 09:24:13 <lalatenduM> ndevos, lol :) 09:24:21 <raghug> 45 :O 09:24:24 <hagarth> I can help setup bug whines for your components (if you want to check your own bugs only) 09:24:25 <pranithk> hagarth: yes one list. But like ndevos said '[component-name]' prepended to the bug description 09:24:25 <hchiramm_> are u proposing 45 mailing lists ? 09:24:37 <krishnan_p> hagarth, that will help 09:24:43 <ndevos> pranithk: I mean email headers, not [tags] 09:24:46 <hagarth> pranithk: the component should be good enough for that 09:24:55 <lalatenduM> pranithk, if it is possible, nothin like it 09:25:07 <hagarth> if you need help with bug whines, please ping me after the meeting 09:25:14 <hagarth> another qn 09:25:20 <krishnan_p> 45 mailing lists, no problem. You don't need to subscribe to all of them, unless you are pranithk :) 09:25:24 <hagarth> how do we handle the existing backlog? 09:25:27 <krishnan_p> hagarth, will do. 09:25:48 <hagarth> first degree of cleanup by ndevos's scripts ;) 09:25:50 <ndevos> pranithk: see http://paste.fedoraproject.org/117202/70700140/ for an example of the headers 09:25:52 <glusterbot> Title: #117202 Fedora Project Pastebin (at paste.fedoraproject.org) 09:26:06 <hagarth> then I think it would be appropriate for each of us to triage our own components 09:26:27 <hagarth> it is going to be a laborious process, but let us get done with that 09:26:32 <pranithk> ndevos: got it 09:26:42 <lalatenduM> krishnan_p, yup :) 09:27:04 <hagarth> hchiramm_: can you please post the components in a wiki? we can then assign ownership for triaging there 09:27:22 <hchiramm_> ok.. will do 09:27:49 <hagarth> #action hchiramm_ to post list of components in wiki 09:27:49 <krishnan_p> hagarth, how do we set goals for the triage exercise. For eg. do we decide by when we want to finish triaging or do we have a goal of reducing the un-triaged bugs in the list? 09:28:09 <krishnan_p> hagarth, on a related note, how do we differentiate triaged vs un-triaged bugs? 09:28:09 <atinmu> krishnan_p, good question :) 09:28:21 <hagarth> krishnan_p: I think it will help to set a deadline for ourselves here 09:28:23 <ndevos> krishnan_p: I was just wondering about that too :) 09:28:29 <raghug> New->assigned? 09:28:36 <hagarth> raghug: +1 09:29:05 <krishnan_p> hagarth, raghug, does moving to assigned mean that I commit to work on the bug in the near future. 09:29:06 <krishnan_p> ? 09:29:08 <pranithk> hagarth: Can we measure this? Amount of time it took for the bug to be moved from New->Assigned. We will know the components that need extra hand based on this? 09:29:18 <lalatenduM> can somebody find the wiki page on bug triaging 09:29:22 <ndevos> krishnan_p: +1, I dont know if I can assign bug with good confidence 09:29:24 <pranithk> krishnan_p: No you have the initial info and the info to debug the issue 09:29:29 <lalatenduM> I am not able to find it in the new website 09:29:29 <hagarth> krishnan_p: no, at least that we have done triaging of the bug 09:29:51 <raghug> if we want that granularity, we need another state :) 09:30:03 <ndevos> lalatenduM: http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_triage 09:30:04 <glusterbot> Title: Bug triage - GlusterDocumentation (at www.gluster.org) 09:30:07 <hagarth> does this definition seem ok to everyone? (new -> assigned means triaging is complete) 09:30:21 <krishnan_p> hagarth, then we need to make this information public as well. 09:30:22 <raghug> can we add new states? 09:30:24 <lalatenduM> ndevos, thanks 09:30:34 <hagarth> krishnan_p: sure, let us have it in a wiki page. 09:30:35 <ndevos> hagarth: I'm not sure to who I would assign bugs... 09:30:39 <kshlm> Assigned would seem to mean someone is working on it. 09:30:51 <krishnan_p> hagarth, I don't want to mislead the user that the bug is actively being worked on. 09:30:58 <raghug> hagarth: if a state can be introduced, it would be better I think 09:31:09 * ndevos does not know how busy the others (santosh, and who else?) are 09:31:12 <hagarth> if that is complex, we can set the keyword triaged in whiteboards 09:31:14 <kshlm> How about a triaged label/flag? 09:31:16 <atinmu> what can't we have a flag called "triaged" ? 09:31:17 <pranithk> raghug: no new states please 09:31:23 <raghug> pranithk: :) 09:31:30 <hagarth> raghug: new states are difficult to introduce 09:31:39 <raghug> hagarth: whiteboard is good enough 09:31:55 <ndevos> hagarth: triaged in the whiteboard works for me 09:32:01 <hagarth> cool 09:32:02 <krishnan_p> hagarth, +1 09:32:17 <atinmu> +1 for triage in whiteboard 09:32:22 <raghug> hagarth: should we also need ack from the assignee? 09:32:26 <hagarth> #action Triaged bugs will have triaged in whiteboard :) 09:32:29 <pranithk> ndevos: trick is to clone the bug and file it on RHS as well and it will magically be assigned by the managers and you will get the fix on upstream ;-) 09:32:31 <raghug> or is it too process heavy? 09:32:39 <hagarth> raghug: you need not assign it 09:32:47 <ndevos> pranithk: hehe, yeah, that works quite well :D 09:32:54 <raghug> New with internal white board 09:32:58 <hagarth> we seem to be running out of time here 09:33:06 <raghug> yeah, got a meeting now 09:33:11 <hagarth> shall we re-convene in a week's time and check how we are doing? 09:33:16 <ndevos> raghug: not internal whiteboard, just the normal one 09:33:21 <hagarth> maybe we can get some of the process stuff going by then 09:33:29 <raghug> ndevos: ok 09:33:30 <atinmu> hagarth, yeah 09:33:34 <hagarth> ndevos: right, whiteboard only 09:33:54 <krishnan_p> hagarth, OK 09:33:58 <ndevos> in fact, there is a Triaged keyword 09:34:09 <raghug> ndevos: is it possible to set a default whiteboard status? 09:34:11 <hagarth> cool, I will send out one more invite for next week. thanks every body and see you all then! 09:34:19 <hagarth> ndevos: I like the keyword Triaged 09:34:19 <ndevos> I think it's easier to use the keyword fields 09:34:20 <lalatenduM> we need to update http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_triage, with what ever we decided here 09:34:29 <raghug> it would help searching untriaged bugs 09:34:43 <pranithk> raghug: +1 09:34:54 <hagarth> lalatenduM: let us just use keyword then, will help us from not typing Triaged in white board :) 09:35:08 <hagarth> ttyl 09:35:10 <ndevos> no typos! 09:35:19 <lalatenduM> hagarth, np :) 09:35:23 <hagarth> #endmeeting