#gluster-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by ndevos at 15:02:17 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-community-meetings (ndevos, 15:02:45)

  1. roll call (ndevos, 15:03:28)
  2. Action items from last meeting (ndevos, 15:05:31)
    1. http://review.gluster.org/#/c/8240/ (jdarcy, 15:15:05)

  3. glusterfs-3.4 (ndevos, 15:20:13)
  4. glusterfs-3.5 (ndevos, 15:24:26)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?hide_resolved=1&id=glusterfs-3.5.2 (ndevos, 15:25:57)

  5. glusterfs-3.6 (ndevos, 15:31:13)
    1. ACTION: hagarth to branch release-3.6 tomorrow (17th of July) and start the qa-release process (ndevos, 15:33:21)
    2. ACTION: pranithk discuss with vijay about community test days for 3.6 and its potential conflict with a 3.5.2 beta (ndevos, 15:39:23)
    3. ACTION: pranithk propose a date for the community test-days of 3.6, and whatnot (ndevos, 15:40:04)

  6. Documenting Gluster internals (ndevos, 15:40:33)
    1. http://supercolony.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2014-July/041531.html (ndevos, 15:42:07)
    2. ACTION: pranithk to send a list with components and their assignees - soliciting others to contribute too (ndevos, 15:42:43)

  7. Bug triage is getting started (ndevos, 15:46:14)
    1. http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_triage (ndevos, 15:46:43)
    2. ACTION: lalatenduM send a bug triage email announcing the process, and call for volunteers (ndevos, 15:50:13)

  8. change of the meeting time? (ndevos, 15:50:38)
    1. ACTION: pranithk to solicit feedback on who would join the weekly meeting when it takes place 2 or 3 hours earlier (ndevos, 16:01:23)

  9. new bugzilla component requests and default assignees (ndevos, 16:05:01)
    1. ACTION: xavih email Humble with the request to add a 'ec' component (ndevos, 16:05:43)

Meeting ended at 16:07:32 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. hagarth to branch release-3.6 tomorrow (17th of July) and start the qa-release process
  2. pranithk discuss with vijay about community test days for 3.6 and its potential conflict with a 3.5.2 beta
  3. pranithk propose a date for the community test-days of 3.6, and whatnot
  4. pranithk to send a list with components and their assignees - soliciting others to contribute too
  5. lalatenduM send a bug triage email announcing the process, and call for volunteers
  6. pranithk to solicit feedback on who would join the weekly meeting when it takes place 2 or 3 hours earlier
  7. xavih email Humble with the request to add a 'ec' component

Action items, by person

  1. lalatenduM
    1. lalatenduM send a bug triage email announcing the process, and call for volunteers
  2. pranithk
    1. pranithk discuss with vijay about community test days for 3.6 and its potential conflict with a 3.5.2 beta
    2. pranithk propose a date for the community test-days of 3.6, and whatnot
    3. pranithk to send a list with components and their assignees - soliciting others to contribute too
    4. pranithk to solicit feedback on who would join the weekly meeting when it takes place 2 or 3 hours earlier
  3. xavih
    1. xavih email Humble with the request to add a 'ec' component

People present (lines said)

  1. ndevos (115)
  2. pranithk (63)
  3. Eco_ (16)
  4. jdarcy (13)
  5. lalatenduM (13)
  6. xavih (7)
  7. zodbot (2)
  8. semiosis (1)

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