#gluster-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by ndevos at 12:00:37 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (ndevos, 12:00:52)
  2. Status of last weeks action items (ndevos, 12:03:22)
  3. hagarth will look for somebody that can act like a bug assigner manager kind of person (ndevos, 12:03:33)
  4. pranithk to report how his team is assigning triaged bugs (ndevos, 12:04:21)
  5. hagarth should update the MAINTAINERS file, add current maintainers and new components like Snapshot (ndevos, 12:05:04)
  6. lalatenduM will send a reminder to the users- and devel- ML about (and how to) fixing Coverity defects (ndevos, 12:07:02)
  7. lalatenduM will send a reminder to the users- and devel- ML about (and how to) fixing Coverity defects (ndevos, 12:09:11)
  8. Group Triage (ndevos, 12:09:25)
  9. Open Floor (ndevos, 12:57:47)
    1. AGREED: We need some way or form to show the bug triage backlog and make it easier for others to triage some bugs (ndevos, 12:59:46)
    2. ACTION: hagarth will speak with LalatenduM about the Coverity Scan emails and a new format (ndevos, 13:06:35)

Meeting ended at 13:06:58 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. hagarth will speak with LalatenduM about the Coverity Scan emails and a new format

Action items, by person

  1. hagarth
    1. hagarth will speak with LalatenduM about the Coverity Scan emails and a new format

People present (lines said)

  1. ndevos (65)
  2. hagarth (25)
  3. Humble (8)
  4. zodbot (3)
  5. kkeithley_ (3)
  6. gothos (2)
  7. soumya (1)
  8. jdarcy (1)
  9. partner_ (1)

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