#gluster-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by ndevos at 12:01:28 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (ndevos, 12:02:21)
- Action Items from last week (ndevos, 12:05:17)
- Subtopic: ndevos should publish an article on
his blog (ndevos,
- Subtopic: hchiramm will try to fix the
duplicate syndication of posts from ndevos (ndevos,
- Subtopic: hchiramm will start a discussion on
the mailinglist about the RHEL/Community packaging issues and
solutions (ndevos,
- ACTION: hchiramm will
share the outcome of the non-mailinglist packagng discussions on the
mailinglist (ndevos,
- Subtopic: hagarth to open a feature page for
(k)vm hyperconvergence (ndevos,
- ACTION: hchiramm
should keep the Gluster Community Board in the loop on the outcome
of the packaging discussions (ndevos,
- Subtopic: keep the Gluster Community Board more
informed and involved (ndevos,
- ACTION: *all*moderators* should post meeting minutes to the
Gluster Community Board <board@gluster.org> (ndevos,
- http://www.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/board
- Subtopic: spot to investigate repetitive posts
on social networking sites (ndevos,
- AGREED: drop the
topic from the list, if the issue happens again, file a bug against
the project-infrastructure component in Bugzilla (ndevos,
- Subtopic: spot to reach out to community about
website messaging (ndevos,
- Subtopic: hagarth to carry forward discussion
on automated builds for various platforms in gluster-infra ML
- Gluster 3.6 (ndevos, 12:26:04)
- ACTION: raghu` will
send a notification about 3.6.3beta1 to the mailinglists
- Gluster 3.5 (ndevos, 12:35:15)
- ACTION: ndevos to
prepare for the next 3.5 beta/update somewhere next week
- Gluster 3.4 (ndevos, 12:37:38)
- Gluster Next (ndevos, 12:40:16)
- Subtopic: Gluster 3.7 (ndevos,
- Subtopic: Gluster 4.0 (ndevos,
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2015-02-06/glusterfs_4.0.2015-02-06-12.05.html
- Open Floor (ndevos, 12:53:40)
- Subtopic: Maintainer responsibilities
- ACTION: ndevos should
send out a reminder about Maintainer responsibilities to the -devel
list (ndevos,
- Subtopic: Upcoming talks at conference
- Subtopic: GSOC 2015 (ndevos,
- ACTION: JustinClift
should follow up on the GSOC email (ndevos,
- Subtopic: Qemu / Clusterfs integration
- ACTION: telmich will
send an email to the gluster-users list about Gluster support in
QEMU on Debian/Ubuntu (ndevos,
- ACTION: jimjag to
engage the board, asking for their direction and input for both 3.7,
and 4.0 releases (JustinClift,
Meeting ended at 13:14:27 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- hchiramm will share the outcome of the non-mailinglist packagng discussions on the mailinglist
- hchiramm should keep the Gluster Community Board in the loop on the outcome of the packaging discussions
- *all*moderators* should post meeting minutes to the Gluster Community Board <board@gluster.org>
- raghu` will send a notification about 3.6.3beta1 to the mailinglists
- ndevos to prepare for the next 3.5 beta/update somewhere next week
- ndevos should send out a reminder about Maintainer responsibilities to the -devel list
- JustinClift should follow up on the GSOC email
- telmich will send an email to the gluster-users list about Gluster support in QEMU on Debian/Ubuntu
- jimjag to engage the board, asking for their direction and input for both 3.7, and 4.0 releases
Action items, by person
- hchiramm
- hchiramm will share the outcome of the non-mailinglist packagng discussions on the mailinglist
- hchiramm should keep the Gluster Community Board in the loop on the outcome of the packaging discussions
- jimjag
- jimjag to engage the board, asking for their direction and input for both 3.7, and 4.0 releases
- JustinClift
- JustinClift should follow up on the GSOC email
- ndevos
- ndevos to prepare for the next 3.5 beta/update somewhere next week
- ndevos should send out a reminder about Maintainer responsibilities to the -devel list
- raghu`
- raghu` will send a notification about 3.6.3beta1 to the mailinglists
- telmich
- telmich will send an email to the gluster-users list about Gluster support in QEMU on Debian/Ubuntu
People present (lines said)
- ndevos (123)
- JustinClift (51)
- telmich (27)
- raghu` (17)
- hchiramm (15)
- hagarth (13)
- kshlm (13)
- kkeithley (12)
- jdarcy (12)
- jimjag (9)
- partner (6)
- msvbhat (4)
- itpings (3)
- zodbot (3)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.