#gluster-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by hagarth at 12:00:38 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (hagarth, 12:00:50)
  2. Action items from the last meeting(s) (hagarth, 12:01:37)
    1. ACTION: tigert to continue investigating the blog post duplication (hagarth, 12:04:14)
    2. ACTION: pranithk and hagarth to update http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Features/Ovirt_Hyperconvergence (hagarth, 12:06:29)
    3. ACTION: spot to reach out to community about website messaging (hagarth, 12:08:41)
    4. ACTION: hagarth to carry forward discussion on automated builds for various platforms in gluster-infra ML (hagarth, 12:09:39)
    5. ACTION: ndevos should send out a reminder about Maintainer responsibilities to the -devel list (hagarth, 12:11:03)
    6. ACTION: JustinClift to reach out to telmich for Gluster support in QEMU on Debian/Ubuntu (hagarth, 12:12:22)
    7. ACTION: jimjag will continue engaging with the board (hagarth, 12:15:30)

  3. Gluster 3.6 (hagarth, 12:18:44)
    1. 3.6.3 to be GA next week (hagarth, 12:24:18)

  4. Gluster 3.5 (hagarth, 12:24:47)
    1. ACTION: ndevos to poll the community about continued el5 support (hagarth, 12:29:22)
    2. Gluster 3.5.4beta1 to land later this week (hagarth, 12:30:18)

  5. 3.4 (hagarth, 12:30:51)
    1. Gluster 3.4.7 to be released in the first week of April (hagarth, 12:34:43)

  6. Gluster next (hagarth, 12:35:53)
    1. ACTION: hchiramm to send out a note on gluster-devel about features still needing documentation in 3.7. (hagarth, 12:40:39)

  7. 4.0 (hagarth, 12:43:33)
    1. https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-spurious-failures (JustinClift, 12:43:40)
    2. ACTION: jdarcy to schedule a 4.0 catch up meeting next week (hagarth, 12:44:20)

  8. Other Agenda items (hagarth, 12:45:04)
  9. Fix regression tests with spurious failures (hagarth, 12:45:12)
    1. ACTION: hagarth and JustinClift to send a list of spurious failures to gluster-devel. (hagarth, 12:45:41)

  10. docs (hagarth, 12:45:54)
    1. http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Staged_Docs (hagarth, 12:47:20)

  11. Awesum Web Presence (hagarth, 12:47:39)
  12. Gluster Summit Barcelona, second week in May (hagarth, 12:54:36)
  13. Gluster Summer of Code (hagarth, 13:00:40)
    1. ACTION: kshlm to propose gluster winter of code ideas on blog/mailing lists. (hagarth, 13:06:44)

Meeting ended at 13:07:58 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. tigert to continue investigating the blog post duplication
  2. pranithk and hagarth to update http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Features/Ovirt_Hyperconvergence
  3. spot to reach out to community about website messaging
  4. hagarth to carry forward discussion on automated builds for various platforms in gluster-infra ML
  5. ndevos should send out a reminder about Maintainer responsibilities to the -devel list
  6. JustinClift to reach out to telmich for Gluster support in QEMU on Debian/Ubuntu
  7. jimjag will continue engaging with the board
  8. ndevos to poll the community about continued el5 support
  9. hchiramm to send out a note on gluster-devel about features still needing documentation in 3.7.
  10. jdarcy to schedule a 4.0 catch up meeting next week
  11. hagarth and JustinClift to send a list of spurious failures to gluster-devel.
  12. kshlm to propose gluster winter of code ideas on blog/mailing lists.

Action items, by person

  1. hagarth
    1. pranithk and hagarth to update http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Features/Ovirt_Hyperconvergence
    2. hagarth to carry forward discussion on automated builds for various platforms in gluster-infra ML
    3. hagarth and JustinClift to send a list of spurious failures to gluster-devel.
  2. hchiramm
    1. hchiramm to send out a note on gluster-devel about features still needing documentation in 3.7.
  3. jdarcy
    1. jdarcy to schedule a 4.0 catch up meeting next week
  4. jimjag
    1. jimjag will continue engaging with the board
  5. JustinClift
    1. JustinClift to reach out to telmich for Gluster support in QEMU on Debian/Ubuntu
    2. hagarth and JustinClift to send a list of spurious failures to gluster-devel.
  6. kshlm
    1. kshlm to propose gluster winter of code ideas on blog/mailing lists.
  7. ndevos
    1. ndevos should send out a reminder about Maintainer responsibilities to the -devel list
    2. ndevos to poll the community about continued el5 support
  8. spot
    1. spot to reach out to community about website messaging
  9. tigert
    1. tigert to continue investigating the blog post duplication

People present (lines said)

  1. hagarth (179)
  2. tigert (40)
  3. ndevos (38)
  4. JustinClift (35)
  5. Debloper (28)
  6. spot (26)
  7. kkeithley (21)
  8. hchiramm (10)
  9. jimjag (8)
  10. raghu (7)
  11. jdarcy (7)
  12. firemanxbr (4)
  13. misc (3)
  14. shaunm (3)
  15. kshlm (2)
  16. zodbot (2)
  17. partner (2)
  18. atinmu (2)
  19. msvbhat (1)
  20. overclk (1)

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