12:02:53 <raghu> #startmeeting 12:02:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 22 12:02:53 2015 UTC. The chair is raghu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:02:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:03:11 <raghu> #topic roll calll 12:03:16 * hagarth is here 12:03:38 * kkeithley_ is here 12:03:58 <raghu> will wait for a minute and we can get started 12:04:13 <hagarth> ok 12:04:21 <kkeithley_> Are we using https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bugs-to-triage ? 12:04:41 <raghu> kkeithley_: yes 12:04:49 <hagarth> I was looking into https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage 12:05:13 <kkeithley_> It still has last weeks bugs 12:05:46 <raghu> hagarth: yes. I am referring to that 12:06:24 <raghu> lets get started 12:06:36 <raghu> action items 12:06:46 <raghu> #action pranithk will send a reminder on how to find and fix bugs, attract new contributors 12:06:49 <hagarth> kkeithley_: looks like the bugzilla upgrade has broken the query that ndevos has listed 12:07:02 <hagarth> raghu: carry forward this AI, I don't see pranithk here 12:07:45 <raghu> ok. 12:07:46 <raghu> #action pranithk will send a reminder on how to find and fix bugs, attract new contributors 12:07:57 <raghu> ndevos to add a agenda for gluster-meeting to discuss about cleaning up of older (which we are not supporting )version tag and bugs from bugzilla 12:08:07 <jiffin> raghu: that's done 12:08:25 <jiffin> as far as i remember 12:09:10 <raghu> yeah. It seems that was discussed in weekly meeting last week and there was also a mail in the mailing list 12:09:20 <raghu> moving on 12:09:27 <raghu> hagarth start/sync email on regular (nightly) automated tests 12:09:39 <hagarth> I think we should carry forward this to the community meeting tomorrow 12:09:49 <raghu> ok 12:09:52 <raghu> #action hagarth start/sync email on regular (nightly) automated tests 12:09:58 <kkeithley_> hagarth: which query? This one, from the gluster-bugs-to-triage etherpad, seems to work: bugzilla query --from-url='https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&chfield=[Bug creation]&chfieldfrom=-4w&chfieldto=Now&f1=keywords&o1=notsubstring&product=GlusterFS&v1=Triaged' 12:10:04 <hagarth> I will add this to the agenda of community meeting tomorrow 12:10:19 <raghu> ok 12:10:40 <hagarth> kkeithley_: the same .. maybe i need a higher bugzilla version 12:11:17 <raghu> next item 12:11:18 <kkeithley_> I have python-bugzilla-1.2.1-1.fc22.noarch 12:11:42 <raghu> lalatenduM will look into using nightly builds for automated testing, and will report issues/success to the mailinglist 12:12:29 <hagarth> python-bugzilla-0.9.0-2.el5 12:12:51 <hagarth> raghu: better to move on. don't think lalatenduM is active atm here. 12:13:00 <raghu> sure 12:13:14 <raghu> should I carry this action item to next week? 12:13:29 <raghu> if so who? lalatenduM? or someone else? 12:14:17 <hagarth> let it stay with lalatenduM 12:14:21 <raghu> ok 12:14:26 <raghu> #action lalatenduM will look into using nightly builds for automated testing, and will report issues/success to the mailinglist 12:14:52 <raghu> action: lalatenduM and ndevos need to think about and decide how to provide/use debug builds 12:15:13 <raghu> may be I have to skip this one as well 12:15:28 <hagarth> right 12:15:38 <raghu> #action lalatenduM and ndevos need to think about and decide how to provide/use debug builds 12:15:56 <raghu> action: lalatenduM provide a simple step/walk-through on how to provide testcases for the nightly rpm tests 12:16:04 <raghu> I am skipping this one as well 12:16:08 <raghu> #action lalatenduM provide a simple step/walk-through on how to provide testcases for the nightly rpm tests 12:16:15 <hagarth> right 12:16:43 <raghu> group triage 12:17:37 <raghu> the ether pad does not have any proposed bugs to be triaged 12:17:44 <kkeithley_> https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bugs-to-triage 12:18:02 <kkeithley_> same as at line 30 of https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage 12:18:23 <kkeithley_> raghu: ^^^ 12:18:47 <raghu> kkeithley_: ok. 12:18:52 <raghu> #1264857 NEW - bugs@gluster.org - RFE : Restore operation for files under trash directory. 12:19:54 * hagarth 1264520 12:20:40 <jiffin> hagarth: now locking is performed in etherpad 12:20:45 <hagarth> jiffin: ok :) 12:20:54 <jiffin> hagarth: np 12:20:56 <raghu> 1263042 12:21:28 <hagarth> 1264520 seems weird 12:21:42 <hagarth> the user seems to be operating on hand edited volume files 12:22:27 <raghu> 1263042 seems to be in the correct state. ndevos has asked for more info 12:23:28 <jiffin> hagarth: should we put needinfo on reporter?? 12:23:32 <raghu> basically, the bug is reported for 3.4.2 which is not supported. Niels has asked to try on the new version and provide more logs if it can be reproduced. I think the bug is in right state 12:24:08 <hagarth> jiffin: feel so 12:26:26 <raghu> 1265184 12:26:52 <hagarth> raghu: jiffin just locked the same bug 12:27:11 <raghu> ahh ok. Let me take different bug 12:27:55 <hagarth> jiffin: will you request a needinfo for 1264520? 12:29:17 <jiffin> hagarth: k 12:31:30 <raghu> it seems all the new bugs have been covered. shall we go to the next thing? 12:32:45 <raghu> Bugs which are in Needinfo and not closed 12:33:07 <raghu> https://goo.gl/08IHrT 12:33:38 <raghu> there are 61 bugs in the list 12:34:35 <hagarth> raghu: let us retain it as is. we can send a reminder next week. 12:34:53 <raghu> hagarth: ok. I will move on to next thing then 12:35:05 <raghu> Bugs marked for group triage (NEEDINFO from bugs@gluster.org): 12:35:21 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?f1=flagtypes.name&f2=requestees.login_name&list_id=2953873&o1=substring&o2=substring&v1=needinfo&v2=bugs%40gluster.org 12:36:04 <jiffin> can we move out MODIFIED , POST bugs from the list ?? 12:36:48 <hagarth> raghu: only one bug needing info on bugs@gluster.org 12:36:50 <raghu> jiffin: do you mean from those 61 bugs? 12:36:51 <hagarth> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1254151 12:36:58 <jiffin> raghu: Yup 12:37:50 <raghu> jiffin: Lets retain that list for now and we can take a call on it in the next meeting 12:38:10 <raghu> hagarth: that bug is not assigned to anyone 12:38:25 <hagarth> raghu: yes, seems like a fairly trivial bug to reproduce 12:39:25 <raghu> hagarth: yes. whom shall we assign it to? 12:39:52 <jiffin> raghu: K 12:40:20 <hagarth> raghu: it points to you .. as it could be related to fuse or posix (or possibly acl) 12:40:43 <raghu> hagarth: ok. I will assign it to myself and try to reproduce 12:41:20 <raghu> done 12:42:11 <raghu> shall we move on to next thing? 12:43:05 <jiffin> raghu: Yes 12:43:05 <hagarth> raghu: sure 12:43:10 <raghu> New bugs to triage (filed since last week): 12:43:17 <raghu> I think this is already done 12:43:36 <raghu> moving on 12:43:39 <raghu> NEW bugs that do not have the "Triaged" keyword, listed per component (replace the "component=..." in the URL for other components): 12:43:50 <raghu> any component without FutureFeature (the main list): 12:43:56 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=keywords&keywords=Triaged%2CFutureFeature&keywords_type=nowords&list_id=3014117&o1=nowords&product=GlusterFS&query_format=advanced&v1=Triaged 12:44:26 <raghu> this list is huge. 213 bugs 12:45:42 <hagarth> I think we should produce a report that aggregates bugs by component 12:47:01 <raghu> hagarth: This is the list of untriaged NEW bugs right?? 12:48:17 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=keywords&keywords=Triaged%2CFutureFeature&keywords_type=nowords&list_id=3876837&o1=nowords&order=component%2Cpriority%2Cbug_severity&product=GlusterFS&query_based_on=&query_format=advanced&v1=Triaged 12:48:43 <hagarth> right 12:49:13 <raghu> hagarth: this sorts the list component wise 12:49:21 <raghu> but still the list is huge 12:49:36 <hagarth> raghu: we can have a report which provides count per component 12:49:36 <raghu> shall I update the link with sorted URL in etherpad? 12:49:54 <hagarth> raghu: I think it would be better to update it with a bugzilla report 12:49:57 <kkeithley_> yes please 12:51:09 <raghu> kkeithley_: done 12:51:58 <raghu> hagarth: update it with a bugzilla report means? 12:53:19 <raghu> shall we move on to next thing? 12:53:39 <hagarth> raghu: in addition to doing a search, you can also create a report and share that link in the etherpad 12:53:43 <hagarth> raghu: sure 12:54:36 <raghu> hagarth: ok. Will try to create the report. For now, the URL is updated with sorted URL. Once the report is ready, then will update it in the etherpad 12:54:40 <raghu> any component with FutureFeature (probably only interesting to project leaders) 12:54:56 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=keywords&f2=keywords&list_id=3876918&o1=nowords&o2=allwords&product=GlusterFS&query_format=advanced&v1=Triaged&v2=FutureFeature 12:55:24 <raghu> there are 35 bugs 12:56:48 <hagarth> let us carry this forward for next week 12:57:02 <raghu> sure 12:57:22 <raghu> glusterd bugs 12:57:32 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&component=glusterd&f1=keywords&list_id=3876932&o1=nowords&product=GlusterFS&v1=Triaged 12:58:18 <raghu> probably glusterd and replicate bugs should be carried to next week. 12:58:24 <hagarth> raghu: right 12:58:54 <raghu> ok. next item 12:58:56 <raghu> NEW bugs that do not have the "Triaged" keyword, listed per version 12:59:06 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&product=GlusterFS&f1=keywords&f2=version&o1=nowords&o2=regexp&v1=Triaged&v2= 12:59:17 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&product=GlusterFS&f1=keywords&f2=version&o1=nowords&o2=regexp&v1=Triaged&v2= 12:59:43 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&product=GlusterFS&f1=keywords&f2=version&o1=nowords&o2=regexp&v1=Triaged&v2=^3.5 13:00:43 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=keywords&f2=version&list_id=3876959&o1=nowords&o2=regexp&product=GlusterFS&v1=Triaged&v2=%5E3.7 13:01:06 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=keywords&f2=version&list_id=3876959&o1=nowords&o2=regexp&product=GlusterFS&v1=Triaged&v2=%5E3.6 13:01:20 <raghu> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=keywords&f2=version&list_id=3876959&o1=nowords&o2=regexp&product=GlusterFS&v1=Triaged&v2=%5E3.5 13:01:22 <hagarth> raghu: maybe send a note on -devel 13:01:30 <hagarth> about all these and let folks work on it offline 13:01:36 <hagarth> we can review the situation next week 13:01:44 <raghu> hagarth: ok 13:01:55 <raghu> last topic 13:02:09 <raghu> #topic open floor 13:03:02 <raghu> any new topic to be discussed? 13:03:07 <hagarth> nothing from me 13:03:41 <jiffin> me too 13:03:46 <raghu> shall we conclude the meeting if there is no new topic to be discussed? 13:03:49 <kkeithley_> what about the 3.4-EOL discussion? Save that for community meeting? 13:04:05 <kkeithley_> 3.X-EOL versions in bugzilla? 13:04:13 <raghu> kkeithley_: I think its better to save it for community meeting 13:04:39 <jiffin> kkeithley_: community meeting will have large audience 13:05:24 <raghu> jiffin: yes. There will be more people and can have more feedbacks 13:06:38 <raghu> Anything else? 13:07:02 <raghu> shall we conclude the meeting? 13:07:26 <hagarth> raghu: yes 13:07:29 <raghu> #endmeeting