12:01:29 <hagarth> #startmeeting 12:01:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 21 12:01:29 2015 UTC. The chair is hagarth. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:01:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:40 <hagarth> agenda - https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-community-meetings 12:01:46 <hagarth> #topic Roll Call 12:01:57 * overclk is there 12:02:05 * kkeithley is here 12:02:20 * kotreshhr is here 12:02:26 * jdarcy is 12:02:50 <hagarth> ok, as I mentioned I expect the attendance to be fairly thin today.. let us start reviewing our AIs 12:03:11 <hagarth> I will try to skip those that are not present today and have them moved to the next meeting. 12:03:22 <hagarth> #topic Action Item Review 12:03:38 <hagarth> AI - overclk will send another patch to enhance latest dht-scalability design doc in glusterfs-specs 12:03:56 <overclk> hagarth, I think this can be marked as done. 12:04:05 <hagarth> overclk: cool, thanks 12:04:19 <overclk> I've already sent a pull request. someone needs to take care of it. 12:04:41 <hagarth> overclk: to the glusterfs-specs repo? 12:04:46 <overclk> hagarth, yep 12:05:07 <hagarth> overclk: ok, hchiramm will take care of that. 12:05:15 <overclk> hagarth, sure. 12:05:19 <hagarth> next AI - raghu to call for volunteers and help from maintainers for doing backports listed by rwareing to 3.6.7 12:05:39 <hagarth> I don't see raghu here either, moving on. 12:05:47 <hagarth> next AI - hagarth to post a tracking page on gluster.org for 3.8 by next week's meeting 12:05:59 <hagarth> this is currently WIP, I will have it ready by next week's meeting 12:06:12 <hagarth> next AI - rafi to setup a doodle poll for bug triage meeting 12:06:47 <hagarth> I checked with rafi yesterday and we plan to do it by next week's meeting. 12:06:56 <hagarth> next AI - kkeithley to post details of the plan on closing bugs filed against mainline and pre-release 12:07:06 <kkeithley> I sent the email 12:07:09 <hagarth> kkeithley: I saw your post and one more from Nagaprasad. 12:07:21 <kkeithley> today's email from Naga? Right 12:07:33 <kkeithley> chenagadia 12:07:55 <hagarth> kkeithley: Nagaprasad mentions that we could close those bugs by end of this week.. are we in agreement on that? 12:08:04 <kkeithley> I think so 12:08:38 <hagarth> kkeithley: ok, sounds good! 12:09:03 <hagarth> well, that completes review of AIs of those present today. 12:09:13 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 3.7 12:09:45 <hagarth> 3.7.6 is being managed by rastar_afk 12:09:57 <hagarth> it is on track for a release by the end of this month 12:10:22 <hagarth> please have your patches backported by mid next week if you would like to see those in 3.7.6 12:10:35 <hagarth> anything else on 3.7.x? 12:11:08 <hagarth> figure not 12:11:21 <hagarth> raghu: right time to enter as we switch topics to release-3.6 12:11:26 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 3.6 12:12:04 <raghu> I am planning to make 3.6.7 on 30th instead of 20th 12:12:30 <raghu> The patchset that richard had sent, I am having some confusions resolving those ids. 12:12:39 <hagarth> raghu: so both 3.6.7 and 3.7.6 will go out together? 12:13:04 <raghu> I am planning that. Because no single patch that went in after 3.6.6 12:13:25 <hagarth> raghu: would you be sending a mail asking for patch nominations to 3.6.6? 12:13:40 <raghu> the commit ids mentioned by him, I was not able to find them in the repo 12:13:52 <hagarth> raghu: it might also be good to reach out to Richard and figure out which commits he refers to. 12:13:58 <raghu> neither in master, not in 3.6 branch and nor in 3.7 branch 12:14:14 <jdarcy> Yeah, I had the same problem. 12:14:14 <hagarth> kotreshhr: anything in geo-replication that we can get into 3.6.7? 12:14:28 <jdarcy> I think they must be commit numbers in *their* repo, which is kind of not useful to us. 12:14:30 <raghu> hagarth: sure. I probably will reach out to him. In the mean time I highly appreciate any other backports to 3.6 branch 12:14:46 <raghu> jdarcy: yeah, seems like that 12:14:46 <kotreshhr> hagarth: no major patches! 12:15:07 <jdarcy> BTW, I have the fop-sampling patch ready on master if anyone wants to review it there. 12:15:10 * kkeithley thinks that must mean 3.6.5 is perfect. ;-) 12:15:20 <jdarcy> http://review.gluster.org/#/c/12210/ 12:15:28 <hagarth> jdarcy: cool, I will do that 12:15:42 <raghu> kkeithley: he he. I would be very happy if thats true 12:15:43 <hagarth> #action hagarth to review http://review.gluster.org/#/c/12210/ 12:15:55 <hagarth> raghu: sample the users list to hear otherwise :) 12:16:05 <hagarth> kotreshhr: ok 12:16:31 <raghu> hagarth: he he. yeah. Thats why I am asking for backports. 12:16:37 <hagarth> anything else on 3.6? 12:16:41 <raghu> hagarth: nope 12:17:20 <hagarth> ok. moving on 12:17:32 <hagarth> skipping release-3.5 as ndevos is out sick today 12:17:47 <hagarth> #topic Glusterfs 3.8 12:18:08 <hagarth> 3.8 has got a few new features proposed since last week's meeting 12:18:11 * lpabon late, but here 12:18:29 <hagarth> I have a WIP page for tracking features in 3.8. Expect that to go live by next week. 12:18:45 <hagarth> lpabon: welcome, better late than ... :) 12:18:53 <lpabon> :-) 12:19:02 <hagarth> any questions on 3.8? 12:19:41 <hagarth> figure not 12:19:46 <hagarth> moving on 12:19:50 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 4.0 12:19:55 <hagarth> jdarcy: any updates for today? 12:20:22 <jdarcy> Not much to report for NSR. Avra's getting the client part working again. I'm working on the journal xlator. 12:20:32 <jdarcy> I'll let the GlusterD and DHT folks speak for themselves if they're here. 12:20:43 * atinm is here for some time 12:21:08 <jdarcy> I would definitely appreciate a review on http://review.gluster.org/#/c/9411/ which is needed for much of NSR. 12:21:44 <atinm> For GlusterD2.0 we have some action items on us, we'd need to publish the APIs to the community for review 12:21:50 * hagarth notes down 9411 12:21:54 <kkeithley> wrt gluster 4.0, and glusterd 2.0 do we have support for multi-homed nodes on our radar? As a feature? 12:22:22 <hagarth> atinm: any idea when that would be out? 12:22:28 <atinm> Currently we are working on peer commands and volume create 12:22:48 <jdarcy> Multi-network support (not just for GlusterD) has been on the 4.0 radar, but AFAIK has no actual resources assigned. 12:23:00 <atinm> hagarth, I expect it to be little delayed as its a festive season out here in India, I think we should be publish it out by 1st week of November 12:23:37 <hagarth> maybe we should add an "up for grabs" section in the 4.0 & 3.8 planning pages :) 12:23:40 <hagarth> atinm: ok 12:23:48 <jdarcy> hagarth: _1 12:23:51 <jdarcy> +1 even 12:24:15 <hagarth> overclk: any updates on dht? 12:25:19 <hagarth> guess not 12:25:19 <jdarcy> BTW, I think Shyam has been pretty thoroughly derailed from DHT2 by a customer issue. 12:25:57 <hagarth> jdarcy: I see 12:26:54 <hagarth> any further thoughts, questions on 4.0? 12:27:28 <atinm> hagarth, unfortunately we haven't sent the monthly updates for 4.0 initiatives, I'll try to sync up with the team and ensure we send the report of progress on a monthly basis 12:28:13 <hagarth> atinm: ok, let us do that. thanks for the reminder! 12:28:22 <atinm> hagarth, that's an action item on me :) 12:28:47 <hagarth> #action atinm to send a monthly update for 4.0 initiatives 12:29:13 <hagarth> ok. moving on. 12:29:30 <hagarth> #topic Open Floor 12:29:35 <hagarth> anything to discuss here? 12:30:08 <hagarth> usual weekly announcements up next: 12:30:10 <hagarth> Weekly reminder to announce Gluster attendance of events: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-events 12:30:18 <hagarth> REMINDER to put (even minor) interesting topics on https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-weekly-news 12:30:49 <hagarth> if there's nothing else here, let us wind up today's meeting and give back 30 minutes to everybody! 12:31:02 <hagarth> thanks for attending today. talk to you all next week! 12:31:05 <jdarcy> Have a good holiday, everyone. 12:31:15 <hagarth> thanks Jeff. 12:31:17 <hagarth> #endmeeting