12:00:29 <kshlm> #startmeeting Gluster Community Meetings 12:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Web Feb 3 18:00:29 2016 UTC. The chair is kshlm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'gluster_community' 17:30:46 <kshlm> Good afternoon everyone! 17:30:48 * ** bluenemo (~bluenemo@unaffiliated/bluenemo) has joined #gluster- 17:31:14 <kshlm> #topic Roll call 17:31:21 * obnox waves 17:31:45 * ndevos _o/ 17:31:50 * ** gem (~gem@ has joined #gluster-meeting 17:31:59 <kshlm> The meeting agenda is at https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/ 17:32:08 * amye is here 17:32:13 <kkeithley_> niels says I should respond to rollcall 17:32:22 * jiffin is here 17:32:26 <Saravanakmr> Hello 17:32:29 * msvbhat is here 17:32:31 * Humble is here 17:32:38 * overclk is here 17:32:41 * ** sakshi (sabansal@nat/redhat/x-kjxwjbqdoohgldzf) Quit (Quit: 17:32:44 * skoduri is here 17:32:54 <kshlm> Okay. Let's start. 17:33:11 <kshlm> #topic AIs from last week 17:33:20 <kshlm> #topic ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers 17:33:38 <ndevos> sorry, I'll try next week again 17:33:57 <kshlm> Okay. 17:34:01 <kshlm> #action ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers 17:34:15 <kshlm> #topic kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for 17:34:36 <kshlm> Still on this. 17:34:43 * ** anil (ashah@nat/redhat/x-jziegnlazfzmbcxj) Quit (Quit: Leaving) 17:34:45 <kshlm> #action kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for 17:35:02 <kshlm> #topic rastar and msvbhat to consolidate and publish testing 17:35:17 * ** tdasilva (tdasilva@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-luyjewjbzivsoibn) has 17:35:24 * ** Apeksha (Apeksha@nat/redhat/x-ywvlqbsvpmdttzks) Quit (Ping 17:35:26 <msvbhat> We have one more week. Haven't done it yet 17:35:32 <ndevos> oh, that is something pranith could give input on too? 17:36:02 <amye> can we start a draft for this? 17:36:21 <msvbhat> Will try and complete it by 10th Feb 17:36:40 <kshlm> Okay. 17:36:43 <ndevos> got an etherpad where a work-in-progress is getting done? 17:36:49 <kshlm> One more week shouldn't be too much. 17:37:09 <kshlm> #action rastar and msvbhat to consolidate and publish 17:37:23 <kshlm> #topic kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker 17:37:33 <msvbhat> ndevos: I don;t think we have one. Maybe we should create 17:37:45 <ndevos> msvbhat: drop the 'maybe' 17:37:54 <Humble> :) 17:38:13 <kshlm> kkeithley_, Next week? 17:38:19 <kkeithley_> yeah, sure 17:38:22 <kshlm> Okay. 17:38:44 <kshlm> #action kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker 17:38:55 <kshlm> AIs are done. 17:39:01 <kshlm> Short list this time. 17:39:14 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.7.7 17:39:29 <kshlm> 3.7.7 had some major issues with upgrades. 17:39:40 <kshlm> How soon do we plan 3.7.8? 17:39:49 <ndevos> thats very sad ;-( 17:40:13 <ndevos> we've delayed the 3.7.7 release waaay too long, a quick 17:40:26 <kshlm> pranithk updated the mailing list that he's reverted the 17:40:42 <kshlm> Would that be enough for 3.7.8? 17:40:47 <ndevos> the monthly release schedulde for "stable" updates is not 17:40:51 <amye> (is this a good time to discuss the missing release notes) 17:41:19 <ndevos> yes, release-notes shouldget included in each minor release 17:41:40 <Humble> yep.. however most of the recent releases dont have it 17:41:44 <amye> re: ndevos's maintainer's post "Gluster-Maintainers Missing 17:42:10 <kshlm> I'll add the 3.6.8 release notes. 17:42:16 <ndevos> replies to http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file- 17:42:22 <Humble> thanks kshlm++ 17:42:27 <kshlm> #action kshlm to add 3.6.8 release-notes 17:42:44 <ndevos> just dont re-do the tagging :) 17:42:56 <kshlm> ndevos, I'll remember that. 17:42:57 <kkeithley_> and close the 3.7.7 release tracker BZ and make a new 17:43:16 <kshlm> kkeithley_, who's doing that? pranith? 17:43:20 <kshlm> or me? 17:43:35 <ndevos> the person doing the release of that particular version 17:43:48 <kkeithley_> yes, pranith 17:43:54 <ndevos> we have scripts in https://github.com/gluster/release-tools 17:43:57 <ndevos> *that 19:28:49 * that 17:43:58 <kshlm> #action pranithk to close 3.7.7 tracker and open a 3.7.8 17:44:08 * ** Etzeitet (~Etzeitet@ has joined #gluster-meeting 17:44:27 <ndevos> it should all be listed on http://gluster.readthedocs.org/ 17:44:32 <kshlm> Should we fix a date for 3.7.8 btw. 17:44:46 <ndevos> where is pranithk when you need him? 17:44:47 <kshlm> We have an urgent need for that. 17:45:28 <kshlm> Or do we get a new release-manager? 17:45:38 * ** csaba (csaba@nat/redhat/x-wneticwsbuadcdap) has joined #gluster- 17:45:39 <kshlm> Any volunteers to do the 3.7.8 quickly? 17:45:40 <kkeithley_> BTW, same comment for 3.5.8 and 3.6.8 trackers 17:46:13 <kkeithley_> nm 17:46:49 <kshlm> So we wait for pranith? 17:46:52 <ndevos> praniths mentioning of the patch is in http:// 17:47:08 <kkeithley_> nm, just 3.6.8 tracker 17:47:09 <ndevos> but there is no confirmation that he'll do a 3.7.8 with only 17:47:19 <kshlm> #action kshlm to close 3.6.8 tracker. 17:48:01 <kshlm> #action kshlm to ping pranith for 3.7.8 17:48:12 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.6 17:48:39 * ** asriram (~asriram@ has joined #gluster-meeting 17:48:41 <kshlm> I announced 3.6.8 last week. But I'm yet to complete the 17:48:53 <kshlm> I'll do them, and I already have AIs for them. 17:49:00 <amye> timeline for release? 17:49:31 <kshlm> Later today. 17:49:35 <amye> kshlm++ 17:49:37 <glusterbot> amye: kshlm's karma is now 2 17:49:38 <kshlm> Definitely later today. 17:49:53 <kshlm> Anything else for 3.6? 17:50:10 <kshlm> rabhat should be able to get back to his maintainership of 17:50:20 <kshlm> We should check with him. 17:50:21 <ndevos> ok, sounds good :) 17:51:03 <kshlm> Okay. 17:51:12 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.5 17:51:19 <kshlm> ndevos, ? 17:51:32 <kshlm> Not much to share here. 17:51:37 <ndevos> some patches are planned for quota, and they should make it 17:51:52 <kshlm> And a new release follows that? 17:51:58 <ndevos> so 3.5.8 is scheduled on time, aroiund the 10th of feb 17:52:06 <kshlm> ndevos, Cool. 17:52:15 <kshlm> #info 3.5.8 on track for 10th Feb 17:52:19 <ndevos> it's only few fixes, 3.5 is rather quiet 17:52:28 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.8 17:52:40 <kshlm> and Gluster-4.0 17:52:40 * ** lpabon (lpabon@nat/redhat/x-ashbevuguuyovtog) has joined 17:53:06 <kshlm> So anyone have any updates here? 17:53:25 <kshlm> I'll Go ahead with GlusterD-2. 17:53:33 <ndevos> seek() is progressing for 3.8 :) 17:54:03 <kshlm> GD2, we've been working on bootstrapping etcd, and gaurav has 17:54:51 <kshlm> overclk, DHT2 news? 17:54:57 <overclk> kshlm, yeh 17:55:04 * ** Manikandan (Manikandan@nat/redhat/x-ybypbnndapzsbkxc) Quit (Ping 17:55:12 <overclk> So, nothing much changed from last update on dht2 17:55:57 <kshlm> overclk, Okay. 17:56:11 * ** jdarcy (~jdarcy@pool-173-76-100-87.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has 17:56:13 <overclk> probably by next week, shyam and kotresh would put it up in 17:56:51 <overclk> kshlm, that's about it. probbaly next week much more 17:57:15 <kshlm> No one is here from NSR. 17:57:24 <jdarcy> ? 17:57:29 <overclk> jdarcy just joined :) 17:57:32 <amye> hi jdarcy :) 17:57:33 <kshlm> jdarcy, didn't see you. 17:57:38 <kshlm> Hi! 17:57:44 * obnox waves jdarcy 17:58:08 <jdarcy> Hi all. What's the question about NSR? 17:58:15 <kshlm> Any updates on NSR? 17:58:26 <kshlm> Just a weekly update. 17:58:50 <jdarcy> I got the low-level parts (operation replay) of 17:59:09 <amye> funky how? 17:59:11 <jdarcy> Avra and I have a whole stack of patches that need to get 17:59:22 <jdarcy> amye: Just complicated and weird-looking. 17:59:29 <amye> jdarcy: ack 17:59:40 * ** baojg (~baojg@ Quit (Remote host closed the 17:59:42 <kshlm> jdarcy, thank you. 17:59:45 * ** hgowtham (hgowtham@nat/redhat/x-yguonlpbhamyzvig) Quit (Quit: 17:59:52 <kshlm> #topic Open Floor 18:00:30 <kshlm> #topic Why is the community meeting so silent? 18:00:37 <kshlm> So can we discuss this here? 18:00:47 * ** ashiq (ashiq@nat/redhat/x-eziealrvsjthkbfg) Quit (Ping timeout: 18:00:55 <kshlm> What do we need to get more voices in here? 18:01:00 <kshlm> Would moving times help? 18:01:11 <ndevos> do we have any ideas how we can improve the community 18:01:14 * ** jiffin1 (Thunderbir@nat/redhat/x-xbnhsoknuembgrdb) has joined 18:01:19 <amye> kshlm: it would certainly help to get US West coast to rotate 18:01:24 <ndevos> (engineers includes developers and qa people) 18:01:47 <kshlm> we'd moved to the current timeslot, to get people in India 18:02:01 <kshlm> But that doesn't seem to have worked. 18:02:18 <amye> Could we have a trial run in say, March, to move this to some 18:02:25 * ** ggarg (ggarg@nat/redhat/x-qancyagbvgmmgcrc) Quit (Ping timeout: 18:02:44 <kshlm> I'm in for having rotating schedules. 18:03:09 <ndevos> who wants to propose a rotating time? 18:03:11 <amye> I will take an AI to propose March rotation on the -devel list 18:03:12 <msvbhat> +1 for rotating the times 18:03:32 <ndevos> and move the current time a little earlier for our friends 18:03:55 <jdarcy> More aggressively promoting the time/place might help. For 18:03:56 <kshlm> #action amye to propose a rotating schedule for community 18:04:03 * ** jiffin (Thunderbir@nat/redhat/x-scnxsrpgvqlvqohq) Quit (Ping 18:04:04 <amye> I think as long as we keep good notes + AIs, we can make this 18:04:04 * ** jiffin1 is now known as jiffin 18:04:08 <amye> jdarcy, ack 18:04:40 <lpabon> here is an example of a rotating meeting by OpenStack Nova: 18:04:55 <kshlm> #url https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova 18:04:56 * ** Humble (hchiramm@nat/redhat/x-baulcvjwvtppfajg) Quit (Ping 18:05:21 * ** Humble (hchiramm@nat/redhat/x-lffswtlhdrgywqta) has joined 18:05:35 <amye> Rotating schedule coming out in March. We can keep Feb the 18:05:50 <amye> Other things for open floor? 18:06:00 <kshlm> I was about to ask the same. 18:06:21 <ndevos> who will be hosting the meeting next week? 18:06:36 <kshlm> I can. 18:06:39 <ndevos> actually, we should put that on the weekly open floor bit 18:06:51 <ndevos> thanks kshlm! 18:07:09 * ** ashiq (ashiq@nat/redhat/x-xofowsshzyarvant) has joined #gluster- 18:07:10 <amye> Release notes - should we update the RTDocs or is what we have 18:07:35 <kshlm> Did we put up release-notes on rtdocs. 18:07:41 <amye> http://gluster.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/ 18:08:18 <amye> Or am I confusing things? This release process gets us release 18:08:51 <kshlm> Those are the guides. We actually do have release notes at 18:08:51 <ndevos> the release notes should be part of the glusterfs repo, they 18:08:55 <Humble> yes, release notes are part of rtd. 18:09:14 <ndevos> Humble: how do we get the release notes synced from the 18:09:16 <amye> Are the guides that we have currently suitable or do they need 18:09:19 <kshlm> Do the notes get populated at rtd automatically? 18:09:49 <Humble> we have release notes rendered in RTD from glusterdocs 18:09:54 <Humble> not from glusterfs repo.. 18:10:24 <Humble> we dont have rendering of glusterfs source code doc repo 18:10:26 <kshlm> Humble, So who adds it to the rtd repo. 18:10:27 <amye> We should at least update this to note what social media 18:10:47 <Humble> its automatic. .as soon as patch is merged in glusterdocs it 18:10:50 <Humble> in RTD. 18:11:11 <Humble> http://gluster.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/ 18:11:12 <kshlm> Humble, but who adds it to the glusterdocs repo? 18:11:22 <Humble> the release maintainer. 18:11:22 <ndevos> but the release-notes are in the glusterfs repo, not 18:11:44 <kshlm> Humble, then we need to have an additional step in the 18:11:49 <ndevos> like https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/tree/release-3.7/ 18:12:13 <kshlm> Can't rtd be configured somehow to pull the notes from the 18:12:39 <amye> That would be awesome. Where do we start with that? 18:12:40 <Humble> we can .. 18:12:44 <ndevos> I always assumed it can, but I have no real clue about it 18:12:58 <Humble> but we need a different poroject in RTD. 18:12:59 <kshlm> So can we set it up then? 18:13:00 <ndevos> who has the power to take care of that? 18:13:08 <Humble> it will confuse users .. Isnt it 18:13:23 <Humble> thats one of the reason for not rendering glusterfs-specs 18:13:48 <ndevos> right, that needs the same solution 18:13:58 <Humble> ndevos, either me or Amye can :) 18:14:22 <ndevos> amye, Humble: who of you can get the #action then? 18:14:23 <kshlm> So until we come up with a solution, release-managers need to 18:14:53 <kshlm> Humble, care to add a note in the release process guide. 18:15:15 <ndevos> maybe, but does glusterdocs have different versions? 18:15:39 <ndevos> the docs should have different version, I guess, but release 18:15:49 <Humble> kshlm, sure.. will do .. 18:16:01 <kshlm> ndevos, what do you mean by different versions? 18:16:04 <Humble> ndevos, http://gluster.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release- 18:16:14 <kshlm> Different versions of the docs ? 18:16:21 <Humble> u have the index page from there u can navigate 18:16:28 * ** aravindavk (aravinda@nat/redhat/x-ercfgghyxaprrpyd) Quit (Ping 18:16:33 <ndevos> docs for 3.7 would be different from 3.8, right? new 18:16:37 <kshlm> They'd be the same in both the glusterfs repo and glusterdocs 18:16:38 <Humble> ndevos, from next version onwards we will have a tagging .. 18:16:49 <Humble> currently only one exist.. 18:17:03 <kshlm> ndevos, but the notes are named with different versions so 18:17:13 <Humble> ndevos, again the release notes are arranged in a way where 18:17:18 <Humble> kshlm, yep 18:17:31 <ndevos> kshlm: yes, for the notes yes, I was just wondering if we 18:17:42 <kshlm> ndevos, Oh. 18:17:45 <Humble> only master/latest 18:17:49 <kshlm> Humble can answer that. 18:18:00 <Humble> thats the only branch which is getting rendered. 18:18:21 <kshlm> #action Humble to add a note to https:// 18:18:27 <Humble> thanks :) 18:18:43 <kshlm> Okay. 18:18:55 <kshlm> So any more topics to discuss today? 18:19:13 <ndevos> amye, tigert: once that is in place, can the version on 18:19:36 <ndevos> I think it currently lists 3.5.x as latest release... 18:19:39 <amye> ndevos: I think that is separate, that comes from Middleman 18:19:44 <amye> Yep, because it's manual. 18:19:56 <ndevos> so, more steps in the release process? :-/ 18:20:05 <amye> So add a note in the release process to 'pester amye '.. yes. 18:20:24 <amye> We can work on making this less manual in the future. 18:20:27 <kshlm> Humble, please add this too :) 18:20:31 <amye> Sorry Humble. :) 18:20:33 <ndevos> amye: I think you can add that to the process page, you can 18:20:43 <amye> 'Please to make an email' :D 18:20:43 <Humble> amye, whats the plan for media wiki migration ? :) 18:20:46 <ndevos> or Humble, I dont mind! 18:20:49 * ** ashiq (ashiq@nat/redhat/x-xofowsshzyarvant) Quit (Ping timeout: 18:20:52 <Humble> amye, np \o/ 18:21:18 <amye> Humble: Shaun McC is going to walk us through what he's found 18:21:22 <amye> and we can decide from there. 18:21:31 <Humble> cool .. thanks for the update amye 18:21:38 <amye> we keep finding things from mediawiki that didn't get 18:22:27 <Humble> amye, may be adding an Event Calendar to gluster.org would 18:22:43 <amye> Ack, but please keep the events pad updated if you've 18:22:48 <amye> things like Vault are coming up 18:22:50 <Humble> sure.. 18:23:12 <amye> I will be checking on the events pad next week for Monthly 18:23:38 <ndevos> wait, did I not see an email about a calendar for the 18:23:41 <amye> Other things that people want highlighted? I will be 18:24:06 <Humble> https://www.gluster.org/news/ 18:24:24 <Humble> amye, do u think updating weekly news in the website is a 18:24:26 <amye> ndevos, ?? 18:24:55 <amye> Humble, that's a separate repo, blog.gluster.org/blog is where 18:25:09 <ndevos> hmm, maybe it was in an email search... http:// 18:25:12 <Humble> ok. 18:25:38 <kshlm> blog.gluster.org/blog isn't linked to from anywhere on 18:25:50 <kshlm> I can't seem to find a link. 18:26:12 <ndevos> I thought blog.gluster.org is deprecated? 18:26:25 <Humble> ndevos, we could revisit the thread... 18:26:35 <amye> That's where planet feeds from. The home page should be 18:26:54 <Humble> ndevos, yeah, the plan was to deprecate blog.gluster.org 18:27:01 <ndevos> Humble: I think we should pick that up, now we have amye on 18:27:07 <kshlm> blog.gluster.org is the old gluster.org! 18:27:13 <Humble> amye, there you go :) 18:27:15 <amye> We have too many places to update 'news' in. :( 18:27:22 <amye> So let's start consolidating. 18:27:31 <kshlm> Right now? 18:27:33 <kkeithley_> btw, www.gluster.org has breaking news like "Looking for 18:27:42 <Humble> kkeithley_, yeah 18:27:45 <amye> We can double-check with Shaun about what other communities 18:28:17 <amye> #action amye to start killing various news on the gluster.org 18:28:26 <Humble> I think we should enable google indexing for both 18:28:42 <Humble> amye, if we can get some help on that , it would be 18:28:50 <kshlm> #action amye to start killing various news on the 18:30:27 <amye> Ok, I can also take an AI on google indexing for g.o and 18:30:28 <Humble> amye, also we can consolidate gluster videos in gluster.org 18:30:41 <Humble> amye++ , thanks !! 18:30:47 <kshlm> amye will be consolidating everything. 18:30:52 <kshlm> Anyways. 18:31:00 <amye> Who owns the videos? 18:31:11 <kshlm> I think we're done. 18:31:17 <ndevos> Humble: you're also looking into fixing the search on 18:31:29 <kshlm> We've hit the time limit. 18:31:56 <kshlm> I'll end the meeting if we're done. 18:31:59 <Humble> amye, there are different presentation coming from events 18:32:22 <Humble> we have to filter those and place it 18:32:38 <ndevos> #action Humble will try to fix the search results on RTD 18:32:42 <Humble> there is no official channel for us in youtube or similar 18:32:48 <amye> On Blog.gluster.org is where those links have been coming in. 18:33:02 <amye> Sorry, blog.g.o/blog - (yes, that needs to get resolved too) 18:33:22 <amye> kshlm, we can pick this up again. Plenty to do. Thanks for 18:33:32 <kshlm> Okay. 18:33:39 <kshlm> #endmeeting