12:02:45 <kshlm> #startmeeting Weekly Community meeting 27/Apr/2016 12:02:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 27 12:02:45 2016 UTC. The chair is kshlm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:02:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:02:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_community_meeting_27/apr/2016' 12:02:54 <kshlm> Well I started. 12:03:02 <kshlm> #topic Roll call 12:03:02 <rastar> kshlm: ok, thanks 12:03:07 * rastar is here 12:03:08 <kkeithley> me is here 12:03:13 * anoopcs is here 12:03:16 <kshlm> Everyone in attendence raise their hands 12:03:19 <josferna> me here 12:03:23 * post-factum is here o/ 12:03:23 * kshlm o/ 12:03:26 <josferna> 0/ 12:04:24 <post-factum> isin should be here too but he is too shy to raise his hand 12:04:44 * atinm will be here for another 30 minutes 12:05:52 <josferna> now what we should we put our hands down :P? 12:05:53 <kshlm> Okay, let's start. 12:05:56 <josferna> ok 12:06:08 <kshlm> josferna, You can put your hands down now. 12:06:13 <josferna> :) 12:06:23 <post-factum> o\ 12:06:47 <kshlm> The link to the agenda is in the topic. 12:06:52 <kshlm> #topic Last weeks AIs 12:07:01 * skoduri is here 12:07:23 * jiffin ishere 12:07:26 <kshlm> I'll skip the first one. We've not gotten to it yet. 12:07:40 <kshlm> #action kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github 12:07:42 * pkalever is here 12:08:09 <kshlm> And I don't see any othe item owners for the next 4 tasks around. 12:08:46 <kshlm> hagarth, amye and jdarcy have the next AIs. Can someone else provide an update on their behalf? 12:09:20 <kshlm> jdarcy, Just the person we needed now. 12:09:25 <jdarcy> ? 12:09:28 <kshlm> #topic jdarcy to provide a general Gluster-4.0 status update 12:09:41 <jdarcy> Oh yeah, I was supposed to do that, wasn't I? 12:09:47 <kshlm> jdarcy, All the AI owners were missing. You're the first one to show up. 12:10:13 <jdarcy> I'll do that this week, as soon as I know the 4.0 status myself. 12:10:13 <kshlm> Will we be having the update this week? 12:10:19 <kshlm> Okay. 12:10:37 <kshlm> #action jdarcy to provide a general Gluster-4.0 status update 12:10:48 <kshlm> #topic jdarcy will get more technical and community leads to participate in the weekly meeting 12:10:59 <kshlm> Any progress on this? 12:11:07 <jdarcy> Unfortunately, it seems not. :( 12:11:30 <jdarcy> I did mention this to a few people, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. 12:11:42 <kshlm> Still interested in taking this up forward. 12:11:44 <kshlm> ? 12:12:00 <jdarcy> I'll nag for one more week. 12:12:31 <kshlm> Okay. I hope to see some old nicks here next week. 12:12:43 <kshlm> #action jdarcy will get more technical and community leads to participate in the weekly meeting 12:13:00 <kshlm> #topic hagarth to take forward discussion on release and support strategies (onto mailing lists or another IRC meeting) 12:13:30 <post-factum> :( 12:13:56 * msvbhat arrives late to the meeting :) 12:14:04 <kshlm> Was this AI added before or after pranithk sent out the mail on releases? 12:14:35 <kshlm> If it was before I would mark this a done/ 12:14:42 <rastar> kshlm: hagarth said this AI is blocked on responses to pranith's main 12:14:43 <rastar> *mail 12:15:22 <kshlm> Blocked as in? 12:15:50 <rastar> as in it depends on those responses 12:15:59 <rastar> so not done yet. 12:16:09 <kshlm> I thought he would join the discussion on that thread. 12:16:20 * karthik___ is here 12:16:25 <kshlm> Okay. I'll keep this open so hagarth can answer it himself. 12:16:34 <kshlm> #action hagarth to take forward discussion on release and support strategies (onto mailing lists or another IRC meeting) 12:16:50 <rastar> I think we don't have those many AIs left 12:16:51 <kshlm> #topic amye to check on some blog posts being distorted on blog.gluster.org 12:17:04 <rastar> kshlm: ok, continue 12:17:11 <kshlm> I saw something on the mailing lists about the blog. 12:17:15 <kshlm> But didn't read it. 12:17:39 <kshlm> Does anyone have any idea if that was about this AI? 12:17:55 <hagarth> kshlm: yes, looking for more participation on Pranith's thread (including from myself) :) 12:18:13 <hagarth> kshlm: I think this was related to one of Joseph's blog posts 12:18:25 <hagarth> which was not being rendered fine in gluster.org 12:18:28 <kshlm> Was it solved? 12:18:38 <kshlm> josferna, Did it get solved? 12:18:40 <hagarth> not entirely certain 12:18:56 <msvbhat> amye had a suggestion about it, I recall 12:19:13 <rastar> kshlm: the issue is that the syndication plugin does not pull in updates from blogs 12:19:27 <atinm> hagarth, I think it got solved 12:19:31 <kshlm> rastar, That was another issue. 12:19:41 <kshlm> This was about posts not rendering. 12:19:52 <rastar> kshlm: It is the same root cause 12:20:06 <rastar> kshlm: by updates I mean, if author reformatted that particular blog post 12:20:20 <kshlm> rastar, Ah. Okay. 12:20:27 <rastar> this plugin does not get that 12:20:33 <kshlm> I don't think any aggregator does that. 12:20:44 <rastar> so amye's suggestion is to use preview and publish only when sure 12:20:52 <kshlm> In any case, the victim blog post was removed. 12:20:53 <msvbhat> http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-infra/2016-April/002106.html 12:20:54 <rastar> this one time amye did a manual sync 12:21:16 <kshlm> So this AI is done then. 12:21:19 <msvbhat> rastar: kshlm: hagarth: ^^ That was Amye's update 12:21:29 <hagarth> kshlm: looks like 12:21:42 <josferna> kshlm, sorry for the last response .. net problem .. nope it is not solved ... 12:22:35 <kshlm> josferna, What needs to be done? 12:22:59 <atinm> is there any reason of maintaining b.g.o and p.g.o at same time? 12:23:10 <josferna> kshlm, I dont know .. its comes fine on gluster planet and even on wordpress .. 12:24:39 <kshlm> atinm, IIRC it's because it's much more easier to write gluster.org blogs using wordpress. 12:25:15 <kshlm> Easier than pushing updates to gluster/glusterweb repository. 12:25:42 <kshlm> I'll keep this AI open. Maybe amye can provide a better answer when she's around. 12:26:06 <kshlm> #action amye to check on some blog posts being distorted on blog.gluster.org, josferna's post in particular. 12:26:27 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.7 12:26:54 <kshlm> Who's the 3.7.12 release-manager? 12:26:59 <post-factum> should 3.7.12 be tagged on 30th? 12:27:04 <kshlm> Did anyone volunteer? 12:27:11 <kshlm> post-factum, Ideally. 12:27:25 <post-factum> afaik, no blocking issues so far... 12:28:11 <kshlm> post-factum, But there are some known issues. One of which I'm working on fixing. 12:28:26 <kshlm> The fix isn't complete yet though. 12:28:38 <kshlm> So no volunteers for managing the .12 release? 12:29:10 <kshlm> I'm not raising my hand this time. 12:30:08 <kshlm> Anyone? 12:30:19 <kkeithley> nobody wants the glory? 12:30:36 <hagarth> kshlm: I have a proposal for 3.7.12 12:30:47 <kshlm> hagarth, shoot! 12:30:51 <hagarth> kshlm: I would ideally like all maintainers to sign-off on 3.7.12 12:31:25 <hagarth> that would mean that a maintainer declares that his/her components are good to go based on content, testing etc. 12:31:45 <hagarth> that way the burden of a release gets shared 12:31:49 <post-factum> no release on 30th, then :( 12:32:05 <hagarth> post-factum: this is still a proposal ;) 12:32:15 <hagarth> please feel free to NACK 12:32:34 <kshlm> hagarth, We'd still require someone to co-ordinate all of them. And to do the final tagging. 12:32:38 <rastar> hagarth: but from what we have seen that is not the burden 12:32:58 <hagarth> rastar: by not doing that I feel we are passing the burden on to users ;) 12:33:14 <post-factum> indeed 12:33:23 <hagarth> kshlm: just tagging without doing any testing is easy 12:33:25 <rastar> hagarth: I agree, just said we don't reduce burden of maintainer 12:33:45 <rastar> hagarth: it is waiting and retriggering the tests and closing bugs that takes time 12:34:00 <hagarth> rastar: right, pass that burden along to maintainers 12:34:15 <hagarth> maybe not closing bugs .. but being responsible for the content 12:34:44 <hagarth> I need to rush out now on a morning errand.. can open an email discussion about this 12:34:48 <rastar> hagarth: great :), +1 from me it the responsibility of making sure all patches from their component are in 12:34:56 <kshlm> hagarth, please do. 12:35:36 <kshlm> #action hagarth will start a discussion on his release-management strategy 12:36:11 <kshlm> Nothing else to discuss with 3.7 then. 12:36:16 <post-factum> there is 12:36:16 <kshlm> Let's move onto 3.6 12:36:23 <kshlm> post-factum, Go ahead. 12:36:30 <post-factum> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318289 12:36:31 <glusterbot> Bug 1318289: low, unspecified, ---, ravishankar, NEW , [RFE] Add arbiter brick hotplug 12:36:42 <post-factum> no news on that? haven't seen itisravi here for ages :( 12:37:34 <atinm> post-factum, I will pass on your message to him :) 12:37:45 <post-factum> atinm: many thanks 12:38:35 <kshlm> On another note, there were siscussions happening about our tendency to pull in features into maintainance releases a lot. 12:39:18 <kshlm> I'm not sure what this request should be considered as. 12:39:24 <post-factum> it was considered to be the enhancement for existing feature 12:39:42 <post-factum> as was discussed several meetings ago 12:40:23 <kshlm> post-factum, Maybe that is the discussion I remember not so clearly. 12:40:55 <kshlm> In any case we need to wait for itisravi to give an answer. 12:41:08 <atinm> post-factum, then to avoid confusion remove RFE from the bugzilla 12:41:14 <kshlm> post-factum, Is that all? 12:41:30 <post-factum> kshlm: yep, thanks 12:41:47 <post-factum> atinm: lets hear itisravi first 12:42:01 <atinm> post-factum, well my bad, RFE can be also enhancements 12:42:05 <atinm> post-factum, sure! 12:42:16 <kshlm> 'Request For Enhancements' 12:42:24 <post-factum> twss :D 12:42:43 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.6 12:43:16 <kshlm> We had a discussion on the users-list on memory leaks in 3.6. 12:43:55 <post-factum> oh yeah, that leaks ;) 12:44:06 <kshlm> #link https://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2016-April/026438.html 12:44:31 <post-factum> afaik, not all the fixes are merged into 3.7, and none of them are in 3.6 12:45:27 <kshlm> The reported hasn't explicitly asked for backports, but we could try to get the .10 release out with the backports. 12:46:31 <post-factum> kshlm: probably because not all users are aware of fixes present in 3.7? 12:46:51 <kshlm> I'll ask on the thread if he wants to push for these fixes to be backported. 12:47:28 <kshlm> If required, and we can find some time to do the backports, we'll do a release. 12:47:58 <kshlm> #action kshlm to check with reported of 3.6 leaks on backport need 12:48:36 <kshlm> Apart from this, there's nothing more from me on 3.6. 12:48:46 <kshlm> Anyone else wants to discuss 3.6? 12:49:01 <kkeithley> FWIW/FYI, I looked at one of the (bigger) leaks in the client (fuse bridge) and AFAICT it doesn't exist in 3.6 12:49:36 <post-factum> kkeithley: there were lots of them, we had ~8 patches merged that adress the issue 12:49:45 <kkeithley> and the client-bridge code in 3.6 is different than in 3.7, so it's not a simple backport 12:49:58 <kkeithley> yes, I'm actually quite aware of that. ;-) 12:54:34 <kshlm> The backports aren't going to be easy. But we may need to do it. 12:54:46 <kshlm> Nice to know this early. 12:55:14 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS-3.8 & 4.0 12:55:23 <kshlm> ndevos, jiffin, any updates on 3.8? 12:55:49 <jiffin> Niels have merged a few more specs, so those features should have a good chance on getting in 3.8. The WORM/compliance feature needs patch review, and so do a few others 12:56:10 <jiffin> sticking with the current 3.8 schedule 12:56:20 <kshlm> Thanks for the update jiffin. 12:56:26 <jiffin> branching will happens on april 30th 12:56:35 <jiffin> that's all 12:56:47 <kshlm> Thanks again jiffin. 12:56:52 <jiffin> kshlm: no issues 12:57:03 <kshlm> Onto 4.0. 12:57:29 <kshlm> GlusterD-2.0 hasn't had much progress. 12:58:16 <kshlm> I had hoped that I'd get free to get back onto GD2, but I got other issues I needed to look into. 12:58:28 <kshlm> Any updates on the other features? 12:58:46 <kshlm> I think NSR was renamed in the source. 13:00:30 <atinm> yes its called JBR now 13:01:12 <kshlm> Any news on DHT2? 13:01:48 <kshlm> I don't see overclk or shyam around. 13:01:52 <atinm> No I've not heard anything from shyam or ovrtclk 13:02:00 <kshlm> So I guess we are done for this week, 13:02:16 <kshlm> One more thing!! 13:02:25 <kshlm> #topic Next weeks host? 13:02:31 <kkeithley> IIRC I saw a few volume options in the master branch that use nsr-* 13:03:22 * msvbhat wonders what JBR stands for 13:03:25 <kshlm> kkeithley, I don't see any nsr occurrance with git grep 13:03:45 <kshlm> It's been fixed already. 13:03:55 <kshlm> msvbhat, Journal Based Replication 13:04:08 <msvbhat> Ah, Thanks 13:04:33 <kshlm> Anyone up for hosting next weeks meeting? 13:05:23 <kshlm> rastar was supposed to host this meeting, but he had a meeting scheduled half-way into this meeting. 13:05:37 <kshlm> I think I'll nominate him again. 13:05:57 <kshlm> So that's it for today's meeting. 13:06:05 <kshlm> Thank you all who attended. 13:06:09 <post-factum> thx kshlm 13:06:10 <kshlm> And remember, 13:06:18 <kshlm> If you're attending any event/conference please add the event and yourselves to Gluster attendance of events: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-events 13:06:18 <kshlm> Put (even minor) interesting topics on https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-weekly-news 13:06:18 <kshlm> Use the following etherpad for backport requests https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-backport-requests 13:06:34 <kshlm> #endmeeting