12:02:57 <kkeithle> #startmeeting Bug Triage
12:02:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 18 12:02:57 2016 UTC.  The chair is kkeithle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:02:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:02:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'bug_triage'
12:03:05 <kkeithle> #topic roll call
12:03:10 <kkeithle> who is here?
12:03:15 * ndevos _o/
12:04:29 <kkeithle> another big turnout
12:04:46 <ndevos> jiffin, rafi, rjoseph ?
12:04:57 <ndevos> atinm maybe too?
12:05:36 <atinm> ndevos, no I am not, apologies, in a different meeting
12:06:09 <ndevos> atinm: ok, in case many others are joining that meeting too, maybe one of the meetings should be rescheduled?
12:06:22 <atinm> ndevos, what do you mean by that?
12:06:47 <ndevos> atinm: it seems only kkeithle and me are here, is that a meeting at the office?
12:07:42 <ndevos> I wonder if this time just does not work for many maintainers/devs in the bangalore office, maybe an other time is better
12:07:45 <kkeithle> I infer that if nobody is attending _this_ meeting because they are (usually) attending _another_ meeting, then one of the meetings needs to be rescheduled.
12:08:07 <ndevos> kkeithle: yes, exactly
12:09:31 <kkeithle> I thought it seemed fairly obvious that that's it meant. ;-)
12:09:53 <kkeithle> what is the other meeting?
12:10:00 <atinm> ndevos, I am not sure about the other maintainers, but tuesday my most of the time get occupied with some downstream release specific meetings
12:11:00 <ndevos> atinm: sure, thats fine, I'm just wondering if other maintainers and devs are in the same meeting as you
12:11:23 * jiffin joins lately
12:11:47 <atinm> ndevos, no they are not, I have some specific additional responsibilities which I believe you and kkeithle are aware of
12:12:28 <ndevos> atinm: yeah, no problem... we just need to figure out why others are not joining then
12:12:29 <jiffin> o/
12:12:43 <ndevos> hi jiffin, whats your excuse to join late? :)
12:12:59 <ndevos> jiffin: and, do you happen to know if others will join too?
12:13:29 <jiffin> ndevos: no one is near by my seat
12:13:48 <jiffin> may be I look around and check with others
12:14:22 <kkeithle> I'm ending the meeting. I have too much other stuff to do and I've already wasted 15 minutes waiting for people to join.
12:14:26 <kkeithle> #endmeeting