12:00:47 <skoduri> #startmeeting Gluster Bug Triage 12:00:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 15 12:00:47 2016 UTC. The chair is skoduri. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'gluster_bug_triage' 12:00:54 * hgowtham is here 12:00:57 <skoduri> #info agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage 12:01:03 <skoduri> #topic Roll Call 12:01:06 <skoduri> hgowtham, hi :) 12:01:15 <hgowtham> skoduri, Hi! 12:01:15 * ndevos _o/ 12:01:41 * Saravanakmr here 12:01:55 <skoduri> hi all :) 12:02:00 <skoduri> will wait for couple of more minutes for other to join 12:02:17 <skoduri> meanwhile please connect to https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bugs-to-triage .. 12:02:26 <skoduri> it seem to be taking a while to load the pagge 12:02:52 <ndevos> is was pretty quick for me 12:03:26 <skoduri> oh ..then probably my network connection wasn't good 12:03:34 <skoduri> okay lets start 12:03:48 <skoduri> #topic Next weeks meeting host 12:03:53 <skoduri> any volunteer? 12:04:20 <hgowtham> i'll chair it 12:04:27 <skoduri> hgowtham thanks 12:05:01 <skoduri> #info Next week chair - hgowtham 12:05:24 <skoduri> Moving to #topic Action Items 12:05:26 * rafi is in another meeting/discussion 12:05:28 <skoduri> #topic ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds 12:05:37 <skoduri> ndevos, any update? 12:06:05 <kkeithley> _o/ 12:06:10 <skoduri> hi kkeithley 12:06:30 <ndevos> no updates from me :) 12:06:42 <skoduri> okay..will move it to next week :) 12:06:45 <skoduri> #action ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds 12:06:48 <ndevos> I've been missing in action for almost 3 weeks, and am just catching up on things again 12:06:59 <skoduri> okay 12:07:15 <skoduri> next one 12:07:17 <skoduri> #topic jiffin will try to add an error for bug ownership to check-bugs.py 12:07:34 <skoduri> Since jiffin is on leave today..will move it to next week 12:07:37 <skoduri> #action jiffin will try to add an error for bug ownership to check-bugs.py 12:07:52 <skoduri> #topic Group Triage 12:08:06 <skoduri> #link https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bugs-to-triage 12:08:49 <skoduri> Please follow the regular triage guidelines :) 12:13:03 <hgowtham> we are done with triaging 12:13:04 <skoduri> I think we are done.. 12:13:06 <skoduri> yupp 12:13:17 <skoduri> #topic Open Floor 12:13:30 <skoduri> I would like to discuss about the the FSFE pad service 12:13:46 <skoduri> I haven't followed up last community meeting..is there anything decided on this? 12:13:53 <skoduri> kkeithley, Saravanakmr ? 12:14:10 <kkeithley> about FSFE pad? no, no thoughts 12:14:14 <hgowtham> i was also unavailable :/ 12:14:17 <Saravanakmr> I have sent out a mail informing about pages that needs to be moved 12:14:28 <skoduri> ah right.. 12:14:47 <Saravanakmr> I think this is discussed in community meeting..so lets do it there. 12:14:53 <skoduri> okay sure.. 12:14:56 <ndevos> Saravanakmr: do we know what other pad as a service will be used? 12:15:11 <Saravanakmr> ndevos, that is yet to be decided 12:15:21 <ndevos> oh, ok 12:15:38 <Saravanakmr> ndevos, as per last meeting - maybe another mail asking for options and people to vote 12:16:00 <skoduri> #info Discussions wrt to other pad service shall be discussed in gluster community meeting happening on wednesday 12:16:24 <skoduri> any topics which you would like to discuss? 12:16:27 <kkeithley> just a note about static analysis (semi related to bugs) the vm that was running them didn't restart after a power out in the lab. Nobody noticed for quite some time. Which tells me nobody ever looks. Anyway, it's back on-line. 12:16:44 <kkeithley> ubuntu has new bugs to fix based on cppcheck. 12:16:46 <Saravanakmr> :) 12:16:59 <kkeithley> before they can include gluster in their next release 12:17:12 <skoduri> oh 12:17:12 <kkeithley> I'll mention this again tomorrow in the community meeting 12:17:29 <Saravanakmr> kkeithley, maybe we can inform nigelb to include the VM for uptime 12:17:30 <Saravanakmr> ? 12:17:33 <kkeithley> some day nigelb will move these and create voting tests in gerrit 12:17:56 <kkeithley> in the mean time would be nice if people looked at them occasionally. ;-/ 12:18:00 <nigelb> please file a bug for it so it's in my queue. 12:18:21 <kkeithley> http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/static-analysis/ 12:18:25 <kkeithley> nigelb: okay 12:18:29 <Saravanakmr> nigelb, +1 12:18:44 <kkeithley> also longevity is back up and running, now with sharding, and hourly statedumps 12:19:21 <kkeithley> and btw, rackspace is hosting public etherpads it looks like at etherpad.org 12:19:52 <kkeithley> beta.etherpad.org 12:20:00 <kkeithley> I'll mention it tomorrow too. 12:20:00 <skoduri> okay..so do you suggest we can use that 12:20:04 <skoduri> sure 12:20:29 <kkeithley> rackspace seems to have a good rep in the FOSS world. Let's see what people say tomorrow 12:20:54 <skoduri> okay... 12:21:43 <skoduri> #info beta.etherpad.org being hosted by rackspace could be used in place of public.pad.fsfe 12:22:07 <skoduri> anything else which you would like to bring up? 12:22:08 <kkeithley> nigelb: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1395212 12:23:03 <skoduri> I guess none then.. 12:23:12 <skoduri> thanks everyone for joining today :) 12:23:25 <ndevos> thanks skoduri and all! 12:23:27 <skoduri> I shall end the meeting 12:23:28 <skoduri> #endmeeting