13:30:39 <fabiand> #startmeeting KubeVirt Weekly Meeting 13:30:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 16 13:30:39 2017 UTC. The chair is fabiand. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:30:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:30:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kubevirt_weekly_meeting' 13:31:01 <fabiand> #topic Agenda 13:31:16 <fabiand> #info Status updates 13:31:23 <fabiand> #info Open floor 13:32:06 <fabiand> Also taking place here: https://redhat.bluejeans.com/2604422084/ 13:34:23 <fabiand> #topic KubeVirt Ansible and OpenAPI move 13:35:01 <fabiand> not so much progress, but continued with it 13:36:21 <sgott> #topic apiserver - consuming resources from virt-apiserver in other components 13:37:01 <fabiand> Good state 13:37:06 <fabiand> Some issue when retrieving data 13:37:45 <fabiand> In general good shape 13:37:48 <fabiand> follow up with rmohr 13:40:57 <fabiand> Storage backend is still an issue 13:51:52 <fabiand> sahid, btw - wanna join the community meeting? 13:52:05 <fabiand> #info Now: Further stabilize API server 13:52:24 <fabiand> #agreed To get someone else to look at the storage side of the api server at latest after KVM Forum 13:52:39 <fabiand> #info Merge of API server is not sure 13:53:35 <fabiand> #topic libvirt xml go summary 13:54:14 <fabiand> #info Can not be used in general 13:54:26 <fabiand> #idea Use structs for domxml serialization 13:56:26 <fabiand> #topic Node networking 13:56:34 <sahid> fabiand: when are they planned? 13:56:40 <fabiand> sahid, going on right now 13:56:46 <fabiand> sahid, here https://redhat.bluejeans.com/2604422084/ 13:56:54 <fabiand> Every monday from:30 until :30 13:57:54 <sahid> ok let try for next monday so 14:01:21 <fabiand> #info Leveraging CNI plugins to setup devices for node networking 14:01:26 <fabiand> rmohr, some details you can rprovide? 14:01:47 <fabiand> #topic virt-controller high availability 14:01:53 <fabiand> #info Functional code is ready 14:01:55 <fabiand> #info working on tests 14:02:31 <fabiand> #topic Open floor 14:03:03 <fabiand> #info What are the epexctations about merging pod networking patches? 14:04:13 <fabiand> #info Network Policy needs to be handled 14:04:18 <fabiand> #info Tests 14:04:30 <fabiand> #info Workaround for metadata issue to cleanup 14:05:34 <fabiand> #info most critical is deletion 14:06:36 <fabiand> #info Meetbot cumbersome to gather agenda etc, considering to move ack to gdco 14:07:39 <vossel> sgott, https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/high-availability/#load-balancing 14:07:43 <fabiand> #endmeeting