===================================== # #meeting-2:fedoraproject.org: fedora-ai-ml ===================================== Meeting started by @tflink:fedora.im at 2024-11-21 17:31:59 Meeting summary --------------- * INFO: today's agenda (living document): https://board.net/p/fedora-aiml-sig-meeting-agenda (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:33:12) * TOPIC: F42 Planning (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:33:44) * INFO: F42 mass rebuild starts on 2025-01-15 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:35:58) * INFO: F42 branch is 2025-02-04 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:36:07) * INFO: ROCm 6.3 is planned for F42 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:37:16) * INFO: F42 pytorch release is as of yet unknown (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:40:58) * INFO: ollama is possible for F42 but not yet sure if that work will be finished in time (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:45:54) * INFO: trix will be writing up the F42 change proposal for ROCm (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:51:54) * TOPIC: rocm and llvm18 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:53:42) * ACTION: tflink to submit ticket to FESCo about bundling llvm for ROCm (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:02:46) * TOPIC: HW Testing (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:05:48) * INFO: there is a proposal to start using testing farm for Fedora ai-ml testing (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:22:49) * INFO: due to lack of time in this meeting, we will discuss solutions in another venue and leave the discussion to what is needed in this meeting (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:25:41) * TOPIC: ai-ml HW testing needs (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:25:54) * INFO: there is a huge gap between what we're currently building and what sees regular testing (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:26:15) * INFO: the level of manual testing we currently have is not sustainable and should be automated if at all possible (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:26:48) * ACTION: tflink to start conversation on discourse about testing desires and requirements (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:36:14) * TOPIC: open floor (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:37:14) Meeting ended at 2024-11-21 18:38:35 Action items ------------ * tflink to submit ticket to FESCo about bundling llvm for ROCm * tflink to start conversation on discourse about testing desires and requirements People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @tflink:fedora.im (94) * @man2dev:fedora.im (51) * @trix:fedora.im (50) * @mystro256:fedora.im (14) * @zodbot:fedora.im (3) * @meetbot:fedora.im (2)