2024-01-10 19:00:26 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 2024-01-10 19:00:26 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-01-10 19:00:26 UTC 2024-01-10 19:00:27 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting' 2024-01-10 19:00:34 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !chair nirik smooge phsmoura 2024-01-10 19:00:41 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 2024-01-10 19:00:48 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops !info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily !info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket! 2024-01-10 19:01:03 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> hello 2024-01-10 19:01:39 <@james:fedora.im> Hey 2024-01-10 19:01:44 <@smooge:fedora.im> hey 2024-01-10 19:02:11 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> oh hai. 2024-01-10 19:02:28 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !topic Tickets needing review 2024-01-10 19:02:34 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 2024-01-10 19:02:48 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11714 2024-01-10 19:02:48 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11714** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11714):**DNF countme minor changes post migration** ● **Opened:** 2 hours ago by james ● **Last Updated:** 2 hours ago ● **Assignee:** james 2024-01-10 19:03:35 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> med med ops? 2024-01-10 19:03:40 <@james:fedora.im> Sure 2024-01-10 19:04:10 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> sure. 2024-01-10 19:04:21 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info https://pagure.io/releng/issues?status=Open 2024-01-10 19:04:39 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> we dont have new releng issues today 2024-01-10 19:04:51 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !topic Planning, Upcoming work and Open floor 2024-01-10 19:05:20 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> anything for open floor? 2024-01-10 19:06:14 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Expect some discussion threads from me soon on epel7 migration stuff and general infra projects I see as coming up this year... 2024-01-10 19:06:40 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info mass rebuild starts next wed (a week from today) 2024-01-10 19:07:17 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I think the week after the mass rebuild will be time for a mass update/reboot fest. 2024-01-10 19:07:22 <@smooge:fedora.im> what is still on el7? 2024-01-10 19:07:43 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> (and likely in that same outage will move some db servers and virthosts to rhel9) 2024-01-10 19:09:15 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> There are currently 47 rhel7 hosts. A number of those will be going away (osbs, pdc) some need applications moved (mailman, badges, mbs, mirrormanager, etc). A few just need an outage for me to move. (but more details in the discussion post) 2024-01-10 19:10:04 <@smooge:fedora.im> oooh I forgot how much was that 2024-01-10 19:10:24 <@smooge:fedora.im> how long do you need mbs still? 2024-01-10 19:10:30 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> it's a pile... but once we move the rest we will be much happier. 2024-01-10 19:10:37 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> until f38 goes eol sadly. 2024-01-10 19:10:48 <@smooge:fedora.im> good luck. 2024-01-10 19:11:00 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> we have rpms for moving that to rhel8, just need to do it... 2024-01-10 19:11:28 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Anyhow. I don't know if I had too much else... 2024-01-10 19:12:28 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> oh, we should do something about the FMN nagios alerts. I guess I can file a ticket and we can see what we want to do. 2024-01-10 19:13:14 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I guess I'd say we should just increase the limits above what it ever has alerted for. 2024-01-10 19:14:17 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> nirik: how can I start planet deploy in stg? 2024-01-10 19:15:35 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I can check that the playbook is setup for you to run it... then we just need to merge and you can run the playbook... 2024-01-10 19:16:17 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> ok :) 2024-01-10 19:17:14 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> what about that task to move rules to firewalld? I could start that one in the meanwhile 2024-01-10 19:18:34 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I can write up a ticket on that one? 2024-01-10 19:19:01 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> (and assign you to it. ;) 2024-01-10 19:19:15 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> ok, cool 2024-01-10 19:19:47 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> I dont have anything else 2024-01-10 19:20:40 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I'm running the batcave playbook now, after that you should be able to run the planet playbook (after merging that pr... do you want to do that, or shall I?) 2024-01-10 19:21:34 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> I can run it 2024-01-10 19:23:59 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Its still running, but I think it's past that part, in any case you should be able to run it in a few minutes (or whenever you like) 2024-01-10 19:24:05 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> ah, just finished. 2024-01-10 19:25:04 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> Ok, Im going to grab a cup of coffee then test it 2024-01-10 19:25:23 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> anything else? 2024-01-10 19:25:51 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> nope. ;) 2024-01-10 19:27:17 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> Then, thanks everyone :) 2024-01-10 19:27:23 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !endmeeting