===================================== # #meeting:fedoraproject.org: Community Blog Editor Roundtable ===================================== Meeting started by @amoloney:fedora.im at 2024-05-21 11:33:17 Meeting summary --------------- * TOPIC: Intros, welcomes, hellos (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:20) * INFO: Welcome to the Community Blog editor roundtable. If you are attending, please introduce yourself by typing "!hi" in the chat. See the meeting agenda at the link below. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:26) * LINK: https://hackmd.io/@fedora-marketing-team/rJJXxxE66 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:28) * INFO: Present: @amoloney, @jflory7 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:40) * TOPIC: Pending article review (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:45) * INFO: What We Do: Review the pending queue of Community Blog articles and assign pending posts to an editor. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:49) * LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/workflows/community-blog-review/79 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:35:53) * TOPIC: Schedule planning (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:41:07) * INFO: Review all the articles discussed previously. Determine the publishing schedule. Editors should either +1 or -1 the proposed schedule to ratify it. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:41:07) * LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/upcoming-community-blog-commblog-posts/10890 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:41:11) * INFO: SKIP, no new articles (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:41:18) * TOPIC: Administravia (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:41:26) * INFO: Administrative decisions to content, organization, and strategy. This is not about articles but about structure and organization of the CommBlog itself. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:41:30) * LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/interns/-/issues/10 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:47:17) * ACTION: @jflory7 Follow up with Lenka about image bug, see if she has an example of an article where the click to expand works (@jflory7:fedora.im, 11:53:06) Meeting ended at 2024-05-21 11:55:03 Action items ------------ * @jflory7 Follow up with Lenka about image bug, see if she has an example of an article where the click to expand works People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @jflory7:fedora.im (53) * @amoloney:fedora.im (27) * @irradiated_lemming:matrix.org (7) * @zodbot:fedora.im (2) * @meetbot:fedora.im (2)