2024-08-19 07:00:19 <@paragan:matrix.org> !startmeeting i18n 2024-08-19 07:00:20 <@paragan:matrix.org> !meetingname i18n 2024-08-19 07:00:21 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-08-19 07:00:19 UTC 2024-08-19 07:00:21 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'i18n' 2024-08-19 07:00:22 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting Name is now i18n 2024-08-19 07:00:30 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic agenda and roll call 2024-08-19 07:00:42 <@paragan:matrix.org> !link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2024-08-19 2024-08-19 07:00:51 <@bittin:matrix.org> *is here today* 2024-08-19 07:01:13 <@sshil:fedora.im> Hello 2024-08-19 07:01:45 <@juhp:matrix.org> Hi 2024-08-19 07:01:54 <@pwu:fedora.im> Hi 2024-08-19 07:02:08 <@fujiwarat:matrix.org> hi 2024-08-19 07:02:18 <@paragan:matrix.org> Hi all 2024-08-19 07:02:26 <@paragan:matrix.org> let's start today's meeting 2024-08-19 07:02:34 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic Issues 2024-08-19 07:02:42 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info #188: Tracker for Fedora 41 Changes (pnemade) 2024-08-19 07:02:49 <@paragan:matrix.org> !link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/188 2024-08-19 07:03:58 <@paragan:matrix.org> Last time we checked status for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/IBusChewingForZhTW , gnome-desktop3 Fedora package needed patch for this Change 2024-08-19 07:04:45 <@paragan:matrix.org> I see https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gnome-desktop3/pull-request/9 2024-08-19 07:05:49 <@paragan:matrix.org> let's hope we will get this PR merged soon or new rebase happening in F41 2024-08-19 07:06:42 <@bittin:matrix.org> might be good if someone that writes Taiwanese checks if it worked in the Branched image or not 2024-08-19 07:07:22 <@bittin:matrix.org> https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/nightlies.html 2024-08-19 07:08:05 <@mfabian:matrix.org> Hi 2024-08-19 07:09:18 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything else to discuss for this ticket or Change? 2024-08-19 07:10:31 <@paragan:matrix.org> if nothing then let's move to next ticket 2024-08-19 07:10:36 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info #189: Fedora 39 Bug triaging (pnemade) 2024-08-19 07:10:42 <@paragan:matrix.org> !link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/189 2024-08-19 07:10:54 <@paragan:matrix.org> Today the bug count for F39 is 47 2024-08-19 07:11:21 <@paragan:matrix.org> this ticket is reminder to our team members to triage F39 bugs 2024-08-19 07:12:39 <@bittin:matrix.org> if anything is for Swedish i can try to look when i am back home from visiting England and back in Sweden again and rested out in September (starts dayjob again after vacation this and next week) 2024-08-19 07:13:13 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything to discuss for this bug triaging ticket? 2024-08-19 07:15:34 <@paragan:matrix.org> if nothing then let's move to next ticket 2024-08-19 07:15:41 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info #194: Fedora 41 i18n test week (pnemade) 2024-08-19 07:15:49 <@paragan:matrix.org> !link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/194 2024-08-19 07:16:20 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2024-09-10_I18N_Test_Day 2024-08-19 07:16:40 <@paragan:matrix.org> I have setup our Fedora 41 i18n testday 2024-08-19 07:16:56 <@paragan:matrix.org> it will start from 10th Sept till 16th Sept for a week 2024-08-19 07:17:20 <@bittin:matrix.org> the suggested 10th to 16th of September dates should work for me, however have a dentist appointment and dayjob, but should be able to help when i am not busy with that 2024-08-19 07:17:33 <@paragan:matrix.org> Do we need any testcase changes? 2024-08-19 07:17:59 <@bittin:matrix.org> can't help out with the GNOME 47 Beta 1-2 test week this week however, as i am still on vacation and have limited hardware on me 2024-08-19 07:19:02 <@paragan:matrix.org> if no changes needed for testcases then we are good :) 2024-08-19 07:19:30 <@juhp:matrix.org> Need to check perhaps? 2024-08-19 07:20:27 <@paragan:matrix.org> individual members can also look at testcases and see if any steps need to be updated 2024-08-19 07:20:35 <@pwu:fedora.im> Add ibus-chewing? 2024-08-19 07:21:25 <@paragan:matrix.org> it is covered by F41 Change itself 2024-08-19 07:21:53 <@pwu:fedora.im> Thanks, I see 2024-08-19 07:22:13 <@paragan:matrix.org> next time we may remove ibus-libzhuyin if needed and replace it with ibus-chewing 2024-08-19 07:22:26 <@juhp:matrix.org> Then drop ibus-libzhuyin TC? 2024-08-19 07:22:52 <@pwu:fedora.im> Probably 2024-08-19 07:23:10 <@paragan:matrix.org> Do we need to drop ibus-libzhuyin testcase from this test event itself? 2024-08-19 07:23:39 <@pwu:fedora.im> Maybe not 2024-08-19 07:23:42 <@paragan:matrix.org> so should I duplicate it under "Input tests" section? 2024-08-19 07:23:53 <@paragan:matrix.org> or remove F41 Change section? 2024-08-19 07:24:31 <@juhp:matrix.org> Might be okay to keep it this time for reference 2024-08-19 07:25:11 <@juhp:matrix.org> But we will need a new one for F42 2024-08-19 07:26:19 <@paragan:matrix.org> Okay. Let's keep ibus-libzhuyin testcase for this F41 test event and replace it with ibus-chewing from F42 test event. 2024-08-19 07:26:39 <@pwu:fedora.im> Thanks! 2024-08-19 07:28:31 <@paragan:matrix.org> let's move to next topic 2024-08-19 07:28:40 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic Upcoming schedule 2024-08-19 07:28:49 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info Tue 2024-08-27 Bodhi updates-testing activation point 2024-08-19 07:28:58 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info Tue 2024-08-27 Change Checkpoint: 100% Code Complete Deadline 2024-08-19 07:29:02 <@bittin:matrix.org> so the Test day/week will be in the Middle of September on the suggested dates? 2024-08-19 07:29:04 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info Tue 2024-08-27 Beta Freeze (starts at 1400 UTC) 2024-08-19 07:29:51 <@paragan:matrix.org> bittin: I already wrote the dates above. From 10th Sept to 16th Sept 2024-08-19 07:30:30 <@paragan:matrix.org> next week F41 Beta freeze is going to start 2024-08-19 07:31:19 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything to discuss for this schedule topic? 2024-08-19 07:32:39 <@bittin:matrix.org> alright thx adding it to my calendar and will try to help out 2024-08-19 07:32:49 <@juhp:matrix.org> I hope gnome beta will be in 2024-08-19 07:34:01 <@paragan:matrix.org> moving to next topic 2024-08-19 07:34:03 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic Open Floor 2024-08-19 07:34:32 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything to discuss here? 2024-08-19 07:35:27 <@juhp:matrix.org> Please participate in the Gnome testday today, thanks! 2024-08-19 07:36:22 <@juhp:matrix.org> Officially only today - they want to gather bugs early 2024-08-19 07:36:44 <@juhp:matrix.org> I can say on behalf of the WS WG 2024-08-19 07:37:02 <@paragan:matrix.org> thanks for reminder 2024-08-19 07:37:31 <@juhp:matrix.org> Thanks for setting up paragan 2024-08-19 07:38:36 <@bittin:matrix.org> and unoffically until Thursday 2024-08-19 07:38:36 <@bittin:matrix.org> don't really have time or hardware myself and still on a bit of vacation from heavy Open Source work until September 2024-08-19 07:40:39 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything else to discuss here? 2024-08-19 07:41:04 <@juhp:matrix.org> Last week before the freeze 2024-08-19 07:42:31 <@paragan:matrix.org> Let's stop here. Thank you for joining this meeting. 2024-08-19 07:42:44 <@paragan:matrix.org> !endmeeting