#nulecule: Atomic Developer Bundle Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by lalatenduM at 15:02:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://titanpad.com/adbmeeting
- ADB release this week (lalatenduM, 15:05:10)
- ACTION: lalatenduM
and praveenkumar to work on putting adb-utils in adb and modifying
openshift vagrantfile in ADB accordingly (lalatenduM,
- https://github.com/navidshaikh/vagrant-service-manager/issues/1 (lalatenduM, 15:08:15)
- ssues on adb-utils https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-utils/issues @praveenkumar (lalatenduM, 15:10:26)
- Inputs on https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/issues/195 @dharmit (lalatenduM, 15:17:38)
- openfloor (lalatenduM, 15:23:49)
- ACTION: praveenkumar
have to get more details for reload option in service file
Meeting ended at 15:27:14 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- lalatenduM and praveenkumar to work on putting adb-utils in adb and modifying openshift vagrantfile in ADB accordingly
- praveenkumar have to get more details for reload option in service file
Action items, by person
- lalatenduM
- lalatenduM and praveenkumar to work on putting adb-utils in adb and modifying openshift vagrantfile in ADB accordingly
- praveenkumar
- lalatenduM and praveenkumar to work on putting adb-utils in adb and modifying openshift vagrantfile in ADB accordingly
- praveenkumar have to get more details for reload option in service file
People present (lines said)
- lalatenduM (45)
- praveenkumar (19)
- zodbot (10)
- dharmit (3)
- bexelbie (3)
- mzee1000 (1)
- surajd (1)
- bamacharan (1)
- tuxdna (1)
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