10:06:23 <praveenkumar> #startmeeting Atomic Developer Bundle Weekly Meeting 10:06:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 21 10:06:23 2016 UTC. The chair is praveenkumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 10:06:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 10:06:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'atomic_developer_bundle_weekly_meeting' 10:06:40 <dharmit> .fas dharmit 10:06:40 <zodbot> dharmit: dharmit 'Dharmit Shah' <shahdharmit@gmail.com> - shahdharmit 'Dharmit Shah' <shahdharmit@gmaill.com> 10:06:48 <praveenkumar> #info meeting agenda at https://titanpad.com/adbmeeting 10:06:48 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 10:06:49 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 10:06:51 <bexelbie> .fas bexelbie 10:06:52 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 10:06:54 <bexelbie> .fas bex 10:06:55 <zodbot> bexelbie: sfarr01 'Steven Farr' <sfarr@bex.net> - lonelyibex 'fungo' <lonelyibex@gmail.com> - moko 'moko lee' <ibex@msn.cn> - bexhet '' <bexhet@hotmail.it> - genbex 'P Karthikeyan' <genbex@gmail.com> - rsandu 'Răzvan Sandu' <razvan.sandu@mobexpert.ro> - webexpert21 'Matt Wang' <webexpert21@126.com> - vibexie 'vibe xie' <vibexie@qq.com> - mcreps 'Merl Creps Jr' <merljr@bex.net> - neebex 'Thierry Harribey' (1 more message) 10:07:02 <praveenkumar> .fas kumarpraveen 10:07:03 <zodbot> praveenkumar: kumarpraveen '' <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@gmail.com> 10:07:04 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: hey I though the meeting was 1:00 UTC 10:07:06 <bexelbie> .hello bex 10:07:07 <nshaikh> .fas nshaikh 10:07:07 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 10:07:07 <lalatenduM> thought 10:07:10 <zodbot> nshaikh: nshaikh 'Navid Ahmed Shaikh' <shaikhnavid14@gmail.com> 10:08:25 <dharmit> lalatenduM: 1000 UTC 10:08:26 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/pull/285/files 10:08:53 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, it overlaps a ton of stuff and was artificially late for India 10:09:06 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: dharmit ahh sorry I thought it was 1300 i.e. 1 PM utc 10:09:24 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: praveenkumar dharmit how do we expect US folks to join this meeting 10:09:29 <praveenkumar> #action lalatenduM update calendar invite. 10:09:50 <bexelbie> there is a calendar invite ... why have you ignored me so lalatenduM :P 10:09:52 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: praveenkumar its 6:00AM in Boston 10:10:03 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, who from Boston attends regularly? 10:10:11 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: sorry I thought it was 1PM UTC 10:10:19 <lalatenduM> so 9AM Boston time 10:10:26 <lalatenduM> 6:30PM India time 10:10:39 <lalatenduM> somehow mistken by the timing 10:10:42 <lalatenduM> my mistake 10:10:50 <bexelbie> it is 6 am now 10:10:54 <bexelbie> when the new meeting time is 10:11:00 <bexelbie> is there a regular US attendee? 10:11:07 <bexelbie> when this was discussed last week, no one could name one 10:11:08 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: yes 10:11:15 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: dustymabe joins teh meeting 10:11:15 <bexelbie> therefore if the meeting is normally just IST and CET we can move it 10:11:55 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: we should not make the meeting time difficult for others to join :( 10:12:02 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, or for the majority to join 10:12:24 <bexelbie> It overlaps the OSAS meeting this week 10:12:50 <bexelbie> And I would presuem that at least some Indian attendees find 8:30 pm difficult to join 10:12:53 <nshaikh> bexelbie, lalatenduM : Can we cover the topic first and then discuss about the meeting in the rest of meeting. 10:13:03 <bexelbie> nshaikh, this meeting is about the meeting :P 10:13:07 <praveenkumar> We anyway send logs to our meeting and if we have any specific query with those folks we can ask them. 10:13:29 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: praveenkumar bexelbie also just one week for lazy consensus for a community meeting is very less 10:13:55 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, everyone felt that was enough - we can leave it open longer to see if anyone objects over email 10:14:09 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: ok, I am going to reply 10:14:25 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, perhaps you should let dusty reply if it is a problem for him 10:14:27 <lalatenduM> you guys can go ahead with the meeting 10:14:50 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: I will do what I should do :) 10:15:01 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, you just said you dont think the meeting should be moved and tha tyou are going to object 10:15:07 <bexelbie> so perhaps we should just postpone to the old time 10:15:09 <bexelbie> and revert the PR 10:15:14 <bexelbie> pending further community discussion 10:15:18 <nshaikh> bexelbie, +1 10:16:00 <praveenkumar> bexelbie: +1 and make sure we have input from people who have issue by next week. 10:16:17 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: we cant change the time for today's meeting as it has started , + I thought the new proposed time is 1PM UTC (my mistake) 10:16:17 <bexelbie> cool - then shall we do this again at 1pm UTC today? 10:16:29 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, we can absolutely change the time to the old time today 10:16:35 <bexelbie> there is nothing preventing us from doing so 10:16:43 <bexelbie> and as you have said we did not allow enough time for consensus 10:16:48 <bexelbie> so the meeting hasn't actually been moved 10:16:55 <bexelbie> right now we are just a bunch of folks in an IRC room :) 10:17:07 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: actually it has , praveenkumar has merged teh PR :) 10:17:17 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: lets continue with teh meeting 10:17:21 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, he merged it incorrectly apparently as not enough time was allowed 10:17:27 <bexelbie> and we are now missing input from the community 10:17:28 <lalatenduM> and change it through the process 10:18:09 <bexelbie> ok 10:18:14 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: lets take opinion from curent chairs 10:18:50 <lalatenduM> dharmit: praveenkumar nshaikh bexelbie , how many of you in favor of continuing the meeting now 10:19:00 <lalatenduM> did I miss anyone? 10:19:05 <nshaikh> +1 continue the meeting 10:19:28 <praveenkumar> +1 let's continune 10:19:35 <dharmit> Continue 10:19:44 <praveenkumar> rtnpro: ^^ 10:20:05 <rtnpro> +1 from me 10:20:08 <lalatenduM> Cool, majority is in favor of continuing the meeting 10:20:08 <bexelbie> I am mixed in my opinion so either 0 or -1 based on the lack of proper input from the community for moving the meeting time. lalatenduM has been very persuasive 10:21:15 <lalatenduM> from me current timing is -1, but just for today's meeting +1 10:21:26 <lalatenduM> I will send teh mail with my suggestion 10:23:06 <praveenkumar> Alright then lets continue today meeting (whatever we have in agenda) 10:23:11 <praveenkumar> nshaikh: you want to go first? 10:23:38 <nshaikh> praveenkumar, we have topics at https://titanpad.com/adbmeeting 10:23:51 <nshaikh> #topic ADB next release 10:24:00 <nshaikh> lalatenduM, ^ 10:24:21 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: yes, this week we will do a release 10:24:30 <nshaikh> okay 10:24:30 <lalatenduM> I willstart building the box today 10:24:50 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: we have to make sure adb-utils also go latest in these box. 10:25:04 <nshaikh> should the new box builds get some hammer from our CI job? dharmit 10:25:12 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: ack 10:25:48 <bexelbie> relevant to what praveenkumar said, should we formally say that release means all three? 10:25:57 <bexelbie> ADB, adb-utils, and vagrant service-manager? 10:26:04 <dharmit> nshaikh: doable. the topic I've put up in the etherpad should discuss the very same question. 10:26:21 <nshaikh> dharmit, cool. 10:26:32 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: =1 10:26:34 <praveenkumar> bexelbie: +1, because ADB should have all latest stuff inculded with release. 10:26:35 <lalatenduM> +1 10:26:47 <praveenkumar> s/inculded/included/ 10:27:24 <bexelbie> What needs to be done in order to get an ADB out the other side? whta goes first, etc. (granted vsm just rides along the side, but it can still be put in the list) 10:28:31 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: if it is included in adb i.e. a RPM , it shoudl be in http://mirror.centos.org/centos-7/7/atomic/x86_64/adb/ 10:28:47 <bexelbie> do we have a build plan/release list or something similar 10:28:55 <bexelbie> that way we know what gates on what and what needs to run first? 10:29:26 <bexelbie> it would also make it easier to offload release management to someone if we wanted to free up time for lalatenduM and praveenkumar 10:29:26 <lalatenduM> service-manager can be released separately as it a vagrant plugin 10:29:41 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: for ADB it is just me 10:29:49 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: as it is part of teh SIG 10:29:50 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, true - but often we should gate a vsm push until the ADB out 10:30:06 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, then perhaps we should start the docs so we can address that SPOF at some point 10:30:15 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: agree 10:30:31 <bexelbie> but if no one knows what the voodoo that you do is then no one can help 10:31:19 <praveenkumar> bexelbie: yes, we all can build different component on CBS (hope all have required permission) and then lalatenduM create vagrant box. 10:31:23 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: actually most of the communication is plublic i.e. centos-devel and container-tools 10:31:53 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: but I need to create a central doc 10:31:59 <bexelbie> I know, but asking someone to learn by trawling through the lists in hopes they will become your backup is a bit of a disincentive 10:32:22 <bexelbie> +1 doc the process in a sufficient level of detail to allow for a hand off or spof alleviation 10:33:39 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: ack 10:35:21 <nshaikh> #action: Lala to document the release process document for ADB vagrant box. 10:35:39 <nshaikh> are we good on the topic? should we move to next one ? 10:36:05 <praveenkumar> yes, also we will keep update titanpad about AI for everyweek. 10:36:21 <nshaikh> praveenkumar, thats logged in the meeting logs. 10:37:10 <praveenkumar> nshaikh: yes but it would be easy when next time we open pad and directly check AI/Blocker 10:37:17 <nshaikh> praveenkumar, okay. 10:37:40 <praveenkumar> #topic feedback on existing flow for CI 10:37:57 <praveenkumar> #link https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/issues/195 10:38:03 <dharmit> I think I've already commented on the issue seeking feedback from nshaikh praveenkumar lalatenduM. 10:38:58 <praveenkumar> #action praveenkumar nshaikh lalatenduM to provide feedback for CI effort (#195) 10:38:58 <dharmit> I can summarize it here. But it's there in the README and it'd waste everyone's time. So, if you guys can take a look and discuss it on the issue, it'll be super helpful. 10:38:58 <lalatenduM> dharmit: the comments was from Feb 10 10:39:17 <lalatenduM> dharmit: is that updated recently? 10:39:17 <dharmit> lalatenduM: I modified the comment two days back. 10:39:25 <lalatenduM> dharmit: ok 10:39:26 <dharmit> Yep. :-) 10:40:30 <praveenkumar> Anyone have anything else to discuss 10:40:32 <praveenkumar> ? 10:40:44 <dharmit> That issue and, if required, having more issues & pr around this should help us have more CI hammer around ADB box. ;-) 10:41:08 <praveenkumar> dharmit: Ack 10:41:14 <bexelbie> dharmit, are there command sother than #build? 10:42:36 <dharmit> bexelbie: That can be configured. If we want something else, we can change it in the config. 10:42:55 <bexelbie> dharmit, cool - I am mostly looking toward a proposal for how we will document commands for committers and maintainers 10:43:08 <bexelbie> if no one can trigger the CI it may as well not exist :) 10:44:00 <dharmit> bexelbie: Actually centos-ci user will immediately comment on the PR if the person raising the PR is not in admin list (again configurable item). And then an admin can trigger the build. 10:44:30 <dharmit> bexelbie: I'll check for the non-admins. 10:44:48 <bexelbie> dharmit, then we should probably have some docs so that non-admins know what to expect and admins no what to do :) 10:44:54 <bexelbie> s/no/know/ 10:45:24 <dharmit> bexelbie: Yep. I'll come up with those. Maybe we will need to add some points to the contributing doc for it. 10:46:26 <bexelbie> dharmit, +1 10:47:30 <praveenkumar> We are already 15 mins over so I am going to end this meeting and we can carry our discussion later. 10:47:43 <praveenkumar> #endmeeting