13:32:57 <cdrage> #startmeeting Nulecule weekly meeting 13:32:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 21 13:32:57 2016 UTC. The chair is cdrage. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:32:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:32:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'nulecule_weekly_meeting' 13:33:20 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 13:33:21 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 13:33:43 <ccaf> .hellomynameis containscafeine 13:33:44 <zodbot> ccaf: containscafeine 'Shubham Minglani' <shubham@linux.com> 13:33:44 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 13:33:46 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 13:33:48 <mzee1000> .fas mohammedzee1000 13:33:49 <zodbot> mzee1000: mohammedzee1000 'Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed' <mohammed.zee1000@gmail.com> 13:33:50 <cdrage> ping ccaf dharmit dustymabe mzee1000 nshaikh rtnpro praveenkumar surajd tuxdna 13:33:52 <cdrage> i think that'sit 13:34:09 <surajd> .fas surajd 13:34:09 <zodbot> surajd: surajd 'Suraj Deshmukh' <surajssd009005@gmail.com> 13:34:14 <cdrage> .hellomynameis cdrage 13:34:15 <zodbot> cdrage: cdrage 'Charlie Drage' <charlie@charliedrage.com> 13:34:22 <tuxdna> .fas tuxdna 13:34:23 <zodbot> tuxdna: tuxdna '' <tuxdna@gmail.com> 13:34:27 * dharmit has nothing to report on atomicapp. Working on ADB CI and that's going well. :-) 13:34:50 <cdrage> dharmit: so you'll go first then. and okay :) 13:34:58 <dharmit> Haha. :-D 13:35:02 <cdrage> we'll go alphabetical! ccaf you're up! 13:35:08 <ccaf> wow 13:35:42 <ccaf> cdrage, okay, I am attending a training on openshift here, so the issues which I raised, I'll work on them but it might get delayed. 13:35:48 <ccaf> cdrage, that's it. 13:35:53 <cdrage> no blockers? 13:36:05 <ccaf> cdrage, no blocked. But +1 for atomicapp having context :) 13:36:10 <cdrage> yay 13:36:43 <cdrage> dustymabe: you're next! 13:36:47 <dustymabe> :) 13:37:01 <dustymabe> I had Meetings last week in Amsterdam. Mostly MIA from Atomic App. Planning to get back into PR/Issue reviews this week. 13:37:09 <dustymabe> sorry if anyone is blocked on me 13:37:41 <cdrage> np mzee1000 you're up 13:37:56 <mzee1000> Been working on centos container pipeline, though im going to be nuleculizing pulp soon 13:38:03 <mzee1000> no blockers 13:38:08 <praveenkumar> .fas kumarpraveen 13:38:11 <zodbot> praveenkumar: kumarpraveen '' <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@gmail.com> 13:38:13 * praveenkumar has nothing from atomicapp side, working on adb-utils and ADB side. 13:38:15 <cdrage> http://www.pulpproject.org/ ? 13:39:12 <mzee1000> cdrage: yes 13:39:25 <cdrage> tkral: you're up! (don't know if you're here yet though) 13:39:43 <cdrage> or surajd if he's here 13:39:59 <surajd> cdrage, yep 13:40:09 <tkral> cdrage, oh sorry. I'm here 13:40:10 <surajd> cdrage, Working on some issues in AtomicApp (& o2n). No blockers. I have some suggestions in terms of making Atomic App beginner-friendly, like adding tags/labels to bugs which new folks coming from community can solve. 13:40:44 <surajd> cdrage, <EOL> 13:40:54 <cdrage> surajd: oh yeah, i think we had a person outside of red hat ask for completing the auto-completion issue, so we should all be super friendly :+1: 13:41:22 <surajd> cdrage, also need to make list of meetings that are public 13:41:25 <cdrage> tkral: go ahead tkral, anything to report aotmicapp side? i saw a ton of o2n dev lately! 13:43:04 <tkral> Same as previous weeks, not much on atomicapp side :-( still mostly about o2n. 13:44:19 <cdrage> tuxdna: your turn! 13:45:00 <tkral> Still trying to figure out what is best way to export complete apps, I had some discussions about it with openshift folks on openshift-dev mailing list. EOF 13:45:09 <tuxdna> cdrage: Nothing to report on atomicapp for this week. One issue on atomic is put on hold due to python-requests module. No other blockers. 13:46:10 <cdrage> tuxdna: yeah, i saw that, since atomic requires sudo by default :( 13:46:55 <tuxdna> cdrage: yeah. on the atomicapp side though we can do make test without sudo. That PR is still pending i believe. 13:47:30 <cdrage> okay I think I'm last. no blockers atomicapp, just churning some code in regards to converting the kubernetes cmd to api, at the moment I'm just reorganizing the AWESOME work that tkral has done on the openshift provider and having that interchangeable with kubernetes since a lot of the code shares the same features (restful calls via certs, kubeconfig gen, etc.), been opening issues / PR's so if anyone can 13:47:31 <cdrage> review them that'd be grand 13:47:36 <cdrage> did I miss anyone else? I think that's it 13:48:47 <cdrage> ending the meeting in 13:48:50 <cdrage> 3... 13:48:54 <cdrage> 2... 13:48:56 <cdrage> 1... 13:48:58 <cdrage> #endmeeting