10:03:20 <lalatenduM> #startmeeting Atomic Developer Bundle Weekly Meeting 10:03:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 4 10:03:20 2016 UTC. The chair is lalatenduM. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 10:03:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 10:03:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'atomic_developer_bundle_weekly_meeting' 10:03:36 <lalatenduM> #chair bexelbie praveenkumar nshaikh 10:03:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie lalatenduM nshaikh praveenkumar 10:04:01 <lalatenduM> budhram: are you around for the meeting? 10:04:30 <dharmit> I am in a different meeting 10:04:37 <lalatenduM> Ok let move ahead 10:04:45 <lalatenduM> lets* 10:04:58 <lalatenduM> #topic ADB biweekly release 10:05:20 <lalatenduM> We should a release this week 10:05:29 <lalatenduM> we have adb-utils 1.4 10:05:33 <lalatenduM> for teh release 10:05:56 <lalatenduM> are we also pleanning to release vagrant-service-manager this week? 10:06:32 <praveenkumar> I had conversation with nshaikh and he have plan to release a new version on next week. 10:06:47 <lalatenduM> ok 10:07:07 <nshaikh> Here is the issue targeted for the release https://github.com/projectatomic/vagrant-service-manager/issues/132 10:07:32 <nshaikh> the issue enlist other issues which want to be included in 0.0.6 version of the release. 10:07:39 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: also for this release we have to make sure https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/pull/297 should be included. 10:08:01 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: bascically you are targetting issues for the release 10:08:28 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: right , it is missing some docs at this moment 10:08:38 <praveenkumar> yes right 10:08:38 <budhram> lalatenduM, yes 10:08:54 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: you might want to think about time based releases 10:09:40 <nshaikh> lalatenduM, right - We had a release last week. 10:09:52 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: ok 10:10:18 <lalatenduM> BTW what should be ADB release version this week? 1.8.0? 10:10:30 <lalatenduM> as have a ks change I think 10:10:30 <bexelbie> Along those lines it would be nice if we had a code freeze date so we could make sure code was really tested before relese 10:10:43 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: +1 10:10:43 <praveenkumar> bexelbie: +1 10:11:17 <bexelbie> What would be our path forward to moving to a that process 10:11:24 <bexelbie> where a code freeze drives release, not a release date 10:11:29 <bexelbie> with untested/recently committed code 10:12:36 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: for biweekly releases Friday before the releae week should be the code freeze date 10:13:00 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, based on what release date? 10:13:02 <bexelbie> day 10:14:00 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: for example if ADB goes through bi-weekly release cycle an dthis week is the release week then last friday shoudl be code freeze 10:14:32 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, what day are you targetting for code rlease? If we release code on Monday based on a Friday Freeze there was realistically almost no testing of the frozen code 10:14:49 <bexelbie> if we target a Thursday release there is at least a testing opportunity with a chance to fix a bug 10:14:52 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: Thursday 10:15:19 <lalatenduM> agree 10:15:23 <bexelbie> +1 to Friday code freezes on alternate weeks for following week thursday code release with a testing plan in between 10:15:58 <praveenkumar> Agree, +1 testing plan in between 10:16:06 <lalatenduM> +1 10:16:13 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: budhram ^ 10:16:54 <nshaikh> Okay +1 10:17:21 <nshaikh> This needs to be documented. 10:17:22 <budhram> +1 for the flow 10:17:38 <nshaikh> bexelbie, would you like to take the AI for documenting this ? 10:18:23 <bexelbie> nshaikh, yes, but I am wondering if this needs to go to the ML first 10:18:40 <nshaikh> bexelbie, all the actions needed for make it our flow 10:19:02 <lalatenduM> #info https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/issues/313 for ADB 1.8.0 release 10:19:06 <bexelbie> nshaikh, what actions are you thinking of other than specifying what I wrote above? 10:19:17 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: +1 fror mailing list 10:19:34 <lalatenduM> for* 10:19:55 <nshaikh> bexelbie, as you mentioned, sending an email on ML and after agreement, have a documentation PR for reflecting this in the README / else. :-) 10:20:41 <praveenkumar> We can also start including *devtools@redhat.com* along with *container-tools@redhat.com* from now on because both are public now. 10:20:48 <budhram> just for my clarification, could someone tell me what is AI ? 10:20:57 <praveenkumar> budhram: Action Item 10:21:06 <budhram> ok praveenkumar thanks 10:22:18 <budhram> +1 for including devtools ML 10:22:24 <lalatenduM> we should move to next topic 10:22:30 <praveenkumar> #action bexelbie has to send code freeze and release workflow mail. 10:22:56 <lalatenduM> #topic IRC meeting time change 10:23:18 <lalatenduM> Looks like the new meeting time would be 1300UTC 10:23:37 <bexelbie> merged 10:23:38 <budhram> that is 6:30 PM IST ? 10:23:47 <lalatenduM> yes 10:24:16 * praveenkumar update his google calendar for same. 10:24:37 * budhram updating my calender too 10:24:39 <lalatenduM> Shoudl we send another mail saying the new schedule starts from April 11th 10:24:46 <lalatenduM> ? 10:25:07 <nshaikh> lalatenduM, yes. 10:25:16 <lalatenduM> sure will do that 10:25:17 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: I think your latest mail is enough which says you have PR for same. 10:25:47 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: ack. nshaikh have you seen my last mail to container-tools 10:26:13 <lalatenduM> anyway we can take this topic offline as this is alread decided 10:26:22 <lalatenduM> moving to next topic as we have less time 10:26:30 <nshaikh> okay lalatenduM 10:26:39 <lalatenduM> #topic adb-atomic-developer-bundle (bugs/blockers) 10:26:48 <lalatenduM> not sure who mentioned this 10:27:04 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: ? 10:27:44 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: nshaikh both of your color is same on https://titanpad.com/adbmeeting :) 10:27:46 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: yes I did so I just want to address that we have some bugs and blocker right now which need work before freeze 10:28:11 <nshaikh> I took the green now. :-) 10:28:24 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Ablocker 10:28:33 <lalatenduM> I can see two blocker 10:28:38 <lalatenduM> blockers* 10:29:00 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: yes 10:29:05 <lalatenduM> one is assingned to you :) 10:29:14 <lalatenduM> and other one is documentation 10:30:01 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: we can fix it in next release . I mean the workaround 10:30:11 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: yes I will work on that. (on workaround) 10:30:31 <lalatenduM> col, moving to next topic 10:30:34 <lalatenduM> cool* 10:30:35 <bexelbie> I believe we need to unblock #5 as we don't have a model we are ready to trumpet yet 10:30:36 <bexelbie> afaik 10:30:52 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: +1 10:31:00 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: that also needs to go to mailing list 10:31:04 <lalatenduM> IMO 10:31:20 <bexelbie> The fact that we don't have the model or the desire to remove the blocker flag? 10:31:33 <bexelbie> I don't recall there being an email to set the blocker flag ... 10:31:49 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: we dont have the model so moving the blocker from 2.0 and moving it to 2.1 10:32:15 <bexelbie> ok, sounds good - send it on to the ML 10:32:38 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: hope the mail will get some attentation and helpus resolve it 10:32:42 <lalatenduM> help us* 10:32:58 <bexelbie> that would be nice 10:32:59 <lalatenduM> #topic sshfs plugin testing 10:33:04 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: also issues filled regarding sshfs should be put as bug now if we are going to include it. 10:33:34 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: ack 10:33:54 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: I just wanted to bring this point because dustymabe was asking for helping hand to test out sshfs plugin. 10:34:28 <lalatenduM> I need some help with the sshfs documentaion 10:34:34 <praveenkumar> I did test in linux and working as expected, so if you folks have win box please give it a try 10:34:43 <lalatenduM> who all will be interetested to help me 10:34:44 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: https://github.com/dustymabe/vagrant-sshfs 10:34:59 <nshaikh> lalatenduM, what help you need from documentation side ? 10:35:36 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: about what we want to include in adb docs about vagrant-sshfs 10:36:02 <nshaikh> lalatenduM, We need to include the workflow and howto for it. 10:36:13 <nshaikh> preeti, bexelbie ^ any comments ? 10:36:14 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: yeah something similar 10:36:26 <nshaikh> okay. 10:36:26 <bexelbie> If we can get the basic stesps together, @preeticp should be able to gen a doc 10:36:34 <bexelbie> we definitely need usability ala the vsm comments 10:37:18 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: ack 10:37:38 <lalatenduM> I will figure something out for initial docs 10:37:57 <lalatenduM> We are out of time already :) 10:38:07 <nshaikh> :-) 10:38:10 <praveenkumar> yep, lets end this meeting now :) 10:38:10 <nshaikh> okay 10:38:14 <lalatenduM> Is there anything blocker/urgent in next topics 10:38:30 <lalatenduM> else we can take them asynchronously 10:38:39 <lalatenduM> or in the next meeting 10:38:47 <nshaikh> I'll vote for having them asynchronously 10:38:59 <lalatenduM> I think we should take max 4 topics for each meeting 10:39:05 <lalatenduM> nshaikh: +1 10:39:38 <lalatenduM> If we dont have anything blocker/urgent. I will end the meeting 10:39:39 <budhram> lalatenduM, agree with 4 topics 10:40:06 <lalatenduM> going 1.. 10:40:16 <lalatenduM> 2.. 10:40:31 <lalatenduM> 3 .. 10:40:37 <lalatenduM> #endmeeting