15:02:42 <dmsimard> #startmeeting RDO meeting (2016-03-16) 15:02:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 16 15:02:42 2016 UTC. The chair is dmsimard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_(2016-03-16)' 15:02:43 <leanderthal> \o/ 15:02:47 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:02:47 <jpena> o/ 15:02:53 <leanderthal> o/ 15:02:55 <tosky> \o 15:02:55 <dmsimard> roll call ! 15:02:56 <rbowen> /0/ 15:02:58 <dmsimard> o\ 15:02:59 <jruzicka_> o/ 15:03:02 <elmiko> o/ 15:03:06 <apevec> \o/ 15:03:08 <elmiko> that really blew up 15:03:33 <dmsimard> #topic Setting up rsync server for trunk repositories 15:03:56 <dmsimard> That came up last week I believe 15:04:09 <chandankumar> #chair leanderthal dmsimard tosky rbowen jruzicka_ elmiko apevec elmiko 15:04:10 <dmsimard> When someone wanted to access our trunk repositories over IPv6 and had to resort to dirty hacks 15:04:27 <dmsimard> #chair leanderthal tosky rbowen jruzicka_ elmiko apevec elmiko chandankumar 15:04:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: apevec chandankumar dmsimard elmiko jruzicka_ leanderthal rbowen tosky 15:04:33 <dmsimard> chandankumar: thanks :p 15:04:34 <jpena> yep, and it came back this week during the DLRN instance outage, ccamacho mentioned it 15:05:13 <dmsimard> so setting up a rsync server is fairly easy, the question is more do we have the resources/bandwidth for it 15:05:21 <apevec> right 15:05:28 <dmsimard> I don't think we want to set up the rsync server on the server where the build are taking place 15:05:33 <dmsimard> as it can be fairly resource intensive 15:05:36 <apevec> I'd suggested to export current-passed-ci only 15:05:41 <dmsimard> +1 to that 15:06:00 <jpena> apevec: for centos-master? 15:06:12 <apevec> yes and stable branches 15:06:16 <jpena> maybe current-tripleo could also be a good option? 15:06:32 <apevec> not sure if that'd be worth, derekh ^ ? 15:06:48 <apevec> unless you want to keep local mirror in tripleoci 15:06:52 <apevec> derekh, dprince ^ 15:07:06 <dmsimard> I think I saw somewhere that they eventually want to get rid of current-tripleo since the CI is getting better with oooq and stuff 15:07:08 <dmsimard> trown: ^ 15:07:33 <apevec> afaict there are different opinions in ooo community 15:07:40 <dmsimard> :) 15:08:13 <trown> dmsimard: working on it :p 15:08:18 <apevec> so arch would be to 2-level: 15:08:27 <apevec> first sync to some other server than trunk.rdo 15:08:35 <dmsimard> So, as I understand it, we should have a second server (let's call it mirror.trunk.rdoproject.org or something), this mirror syncs the current-passed-ci from the main trunk.rdoproject.org server and then exposes these through rsync 15:08:38 <apevec> and run public rsync server there? 15:08:41 <dmsimard> yeah 15:08:44 <dmsimard> makes sense 15:08:50 <dmsimard> I don't feel a whitelist is necessary 15:09:01 <dmsimard> unless we see some malicious intent, this is a public and open mirror 15:09:09 <apevec> ack, it is not w/ separate mirror server 15:09:14 <derekh> I'm been thinking of keeping a mirror of current-tripleo on a server local to the tripleo ci rack, but no firm plans yet, we also use /curent for some packages, so we would still be hit by an outage 15:09:38 <dmsimard> derekh: would exposing a rsync server on current-tripleo be helpful ? 15:09:45 <derekh> but I was going to do a wget -m or somthing 15:09:54 <derekh> rsync could be more efficient 15:09:58 <dmsimard> We're trying to make it easy for people to sync., 15:10:11 <apevec> so do where could we host mirror.rdo ? Same rcip cloud? 15:10:38 <jpena> apevec: I'd ask for resources elsewhere, so we could use it as another backup in case of issues 15:10:47 <apevec> or use proper CDN ? 15:10:48 <dmsimard> jpena: +2 15:10:56 <apevec> jpena, good point 15:11:01 <dmsimard> +2 for hosting it elsewhere, hosting a mirror in the same place is kind of beyond the point 15:11:19 <jpena> does anyone around have a public cloud with resources to share? 15:11:48 <apevec> or can anyone give an estimate how much would it be to use real CDN, from RAX or elswhere? 15:12:00 <dmsimard> other than os1 and trystack I don't know 15:12:14 <apevec> trown, ^ you had some pricing for rax cdn iirc ? 15:12:31 <rbowen> We still have some free rax credits, right? 15:12:41 <dmsimard> a rax cdn is not a rsync server 15:12:48 <dmsimard> rax cdn perhaps for exposing the mirror through http 15:12:54 <dmsimard> but you can't expose rsync over cdn o_O 15:12:57 <rbowen> This was from a while back, we took advantage of the free-for-opensource program they had? 15:13:16 <apevec> rbowen, we never went to the bottom of that free-for-oss rax offer 15:13:24 <rbowen> Oh, ok. I couldn't remember how that panned out. 15:13:25 <dmsimard> they're probably mutually exclusive, the question goes back to do we want 1) expose rsync 2) host trunk mirrors on cdn 15:13:36 <apevec> iirc trown asked and there wasn't any answer 15:13:37 <trown> apevec: I tried to use RAX CDN for the undercloud image, but they never charged me 15:13:44 <derekh> making use of a CDN may reduce the need for rsyc, less likely people will want to mirror if they arn't getting hit by outages 15:14:01 <apevec> trown, that was your personal account? 15:14:09 <trown> apevec: ya I never got a response on the community account 15:14:56 <dmsimard> Red Hat probably has a good connection with RAX, they support OSP and stuff now 15:15:00 <dmsimard> We can dig 15:15:53 <rbowen> I'll ask around OSAS some, and see if other projects have a thing like that that we can get in on. 15:15:53 <apevec> we could, but I'm not sure if that biz relationship extends into free accounts :) 15:16:09 <dmsimard> apevec: well, not saying that 15:16:09 <rbowen> CentOS has a mirror network, too. It seems that we could tap into that. 15:16:10 <apevec> rbowen, yeah, that must be a common topic 15:16:14 <dmsimard> but knowing who to ask is a good first step 15:16:19 <dmsimard> and we must have people that know who to ask 15:16:28 <rbowen> I would expect that CentOS is the right place to ask. 15:16:36 <apevec> rbowen, we are using centos mirror for stable releases 15:16:57 <apevec> which need to be CBS builds for centos to sign and distribute 15:17:01 <apevec> this is for trunk.rdo 15:17:10 <rbowen> Sorry, I spaced out for a moment there. 15:18:11 <apevec> ok, so actions? rbowen ask oass, me ask up to mgmt chain about rax relationship? 15:18:20 <dmsimard> sounds good to me 15:18:24 <apevec> oops, osas! 15:19:03 <jpena> yep, sounds like a plan 15:19:05 <dmsimard> #action apevec to ask around for a RAX contact for a community oss account 15:19:05 <apevec> #action apevec to ask internally about rax cdn contacts 15:19:09 <apevec> #undo 15:19:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by apevec at 15:19:05 : apevec to ask internally about rax cdn contacts 15:19:10 <dmsimard> #undo 15:19:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by dmsimard at 15:19:05 : apevec to ask around for a RAX contact for a community oss account 15:19:13 <dmsimard> lol 15:19:13 <apevec> he 15:19:15 <apevec> h 15:19:15 <dmsimard> #action apevec to ask around for a RAX contact for a community oss account 15:19:27 <jruzicka> :D 15:19:34 <jruzicka> that was dramatic 15:19:36 <dmsimard> rbowen: you going to ask osas about CDN stuff ? 15:20:05 <EmilienM> do we have plan to use OpenStack Infra (one day) to build packages? It would help to have free hosting 15:20:06 <rbowen> Yes. 15:20:23 <dmsimard> #action rbower to ask OSAS team about CDN usage 15:20:26 <dmsimard> #undo 15:20:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by dmsimard at 15:20:23 : rbower to ask OSAS team about CDN usage 15:20:29 <dmsimard> #action rbowen to ask OSAS team about CDN usage 15:20:33 <rbowen> #action rbowen to ask OSAS for other projects with CDN that we can share 15:20:35 <rbowen> oops 15:20:36 <dmsimard> EmilienM: yes, eventually 15:20:37 <rbowen> #undo 15:20:37 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by rbowen at 15:20:33 : rbowen to ask OSAS for other projects with CDN that we can share 15:20:50 <EmilienM> dmsimard: their cloud is very reliable 15:21:01 <dmsimard> next topic 15:21:09 <dmsimard> #topic Updates on openstack test subpackage 15:21:12 <dmsimard> chandankumar: ^ ? 15:21:47 <chandankumar> except openstack-sahara-tests, all openstack projects have now test subpackage 15:21:50 <EmilienM> hey chandankumar ! thanks for your work here, puppet-tempest now installs the packages: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292638/ 15:22:08 <dmsimard> that's cool 15:22:25 <chandankumar> sahara-tests package is blocked due to this review https://review.openstack.org/293258 15:22:35 <dmsimard> EmilienM: slightly off topic but those package names should probably go in a ::params :p 15:22:40 <EmilienM> I'm working on using Tempest plugins in Puppet CI now... but lot of blockers to make it work. Packaging was the first one, thanks a lot RDO for it. 15:22:46 <dmsimard> EmilienM: oh wait they are, nm 15:22:52 <chandankumar> once merged i will file a package review for sahara tests 15:22:55 <EmilienM> dmsimard: they are https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292638/3/manifests/params.pp 15:23:00 <chandankumar> that's it from my side 15:23:15 <dmsimard> chandankumar: that patch has two +2's, do you know what's holding it back ? 15:23:16 <apevec> chandankumar, good work! 15:23:18 <chandankumar> EmilienM, you are welcome. :-) 15:23:21 <dmsimard> chandankumar: the CI ? 15:23:26 <chandankumar> dmsimard, yes 15:23:33 <apevec> we'll also need tests in clients at least keystoneclient 15:23:50 <chandankumar> apevec, i will be starting on clients from tomorrow 15:23:54 <apevec> according to ayoung that's where keystone integration tests will be/are 15:24:04 <EmilienM> FYI using tempest plugins will allow to increase testing coverage because plugins cover more than tempest tree tests. So thanks to chandankumar's packages, upstream CI will test more things 15:24:06 <tosky> dmsimard: it was submitted (sahara_tests) few hours ago, give it some time 15:24:35 <dmsimard> tosky: aye, was just wondering if two +2's wasn't enough :) 15:24:52 <ayoung> apevec, ++ 15:24:53 <apevec> "my code is merging" https://xkcd.com/303/ 15:24:59 <tosky> dmsimard: if they are not balanced, maybe not 15:25:23 <chandankumar> there are couples of reviews with +2 but with failed CI 15:25:37 <EmilienM> apevec: lol nice one 15:25:53 <dmsimard> sounds good to me 15:25:55 <dmsimard> great work chandankumar 15:25:57 <dmsimard> chandankumar++ 15:25:58 <zodbot> dmsimard: Karma for chandankumar changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:26:16 <dmsimard> Anything else on the topic of test packages ? 15:26:26 <chandankumar> not from myside 15:26:28 <apevec> chandankumar++ 15:26:28 <zodbot> apevec: Karma for chandankumar changed to 4 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:26:55 <dmsimard> #topic open floor 15:27:21 <chandankumar> dmsimard, also we need to find chair for next meeting 15:27:27 * dmsimard nods 15:27:30 <dmsimard> after open floor ! 15:27:41 <dmsimard> I guess I can give a small update 15:27:44 <dmsimard> regarding rdo-infra 15:27:53 <dmsimard> #link https://github.com/rdo-infra 15:28:01 <trown> can we merge https://review.gerrithub.io/#/c/265812/ and fix the requirements in follow-up? 15:28:02 <dmsimard> We've been trying to open up our infrastructure more 15:28:04 <trown> eggmaster: ^ 15:28:20 <trown> that is our only failure to build from source 15:28:22 <dmsimard> So, basically stuff like playbooks to setup the website, modules for delorean, monitoring, stuff like that 15:28:35 <eggmaster> trown: yeah, that's ok by me I guess 15:28:37 <apevec> trown, I'll fix that, reqs is needed 15:28:42 <eggmaster> although 15:28:43 <dmsimard> rdo-infra can be seen as analogous to openstack-infra 15:28:59 <eggmaster> I notice no os-testr in trunk latest build report 15:29:15 <apevec> eggmaster, so is it dep or not? 15:29:18 <eggmaster> it is 15:29:23 <flepied> FYI RDO dev dashboard is back online: 15:29:26 <eggmaster> it used to be python-tempest-lib dep so idk how that was working 15:29:43 <apevec> flepied, please add that to rdo-infra :) 15:30:00 <dmsimard> #link 15:30:05 <flepied> apevec: ok how do I do that ? 15:30:07 <eggmaster> there are a couple other Reqs, paramiko, jsonschema, that were python-tempest-lib deps 15:30:14 <apevec> related to infra, has everyone seen rpmfactory status report from fbo ? 15:30:20 <apevec> any questions/ concerns? 15:30:23 <dmsimard> flepied: where is the repository for the code for that ? 15:30:27 <apevec> dmsimard, SSL was fixed in the meantime 15:30:37 <dmsimard> flepied: we have a rdo-infra organization now https://github.com/rdo-infra 15:30:42 <eggmaster> apevec: I have spec change review queued up, shall I submit? 15:30:44 <flepied> dmsimard: https://github.com/fredericlepied/rdo-dashboards 15:31:22 <dmsimard> jpena: can you also consider moving puppet-dlrn to rdo-infra ? 15:31:37 <jpena> dmsimard: sure, what do I need to do for that? 15:31:49 <dmsimard> jpena: settings -> transfer ownership -> rdo-infra 15:31:57 <jpena> easy enough :D 15:32:12 <apevec> dmsimard, or not.. still HSTS issues w/ my Firefox on https://review.rdoproject.org/ :( 15:32:22 <apevec> fbo, tristanC ^ 15:32:27 <dmsimard> apevec: yeah, might need to clear cache or something on browser side 15:32:30 <dmsimard> HSTS sticks client side 15:32:34 <apevec> aah 15:32:40 <dmsimard> I haven't cleared cache fwiw 15:33:00 <jpena> dmsimard: I'll need admin rights in rdo-infra 15:33:10 <dmsimard> basically HSTS is "don't ever visit this domain on non-https" 15:33:12 <tristanC> apevec: heh, I'm redeploying it as we speak 15:33:18 <flepied> dmsimard: yes me too 15:33:22 <apevec> FF say cert is sefl-signed, while it should be letsencrypt... 15:33:26 <tristanC> apevec: let'sencrypt certificate are not yet re-imported 15:33:33 <apevec> ah ok 15:33:43 <dmsimard> apevec: okay to send invites to jpena and flepied for rdo-infra ? 15:33:52 <tristanC> I redeployed it from scratch just to be sure the instance is clean 15:33:53 <apevec> dmsimard, ack 15:34:19 <dmsimard> invites sent 15:34:21 <dmsimard> apevec: ^ 15:34:31 <dmsimard> Okay, important next topic 15:34:35 <dmsimard> #topic chair for next meeting 15:34:51 <trown> I can take next week 15:35:04 <dmsimard> #action trown to chair next meeting 15:35:05 <dmsimard> thanks trown 15:35:07 <dmsimard> :D 15:35:18 <dmsimard> thanks everyone for attending 15:35:34 <dmsimard> #endmeeting