15:00:11 <imcsk8> #startmeeting RDO meeting (2016-05-25) 15:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 25 15:00:11 2016 UTC. The chair is imcsk8. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_(2016-05-25)' 15:00:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 25 15:00:11 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is imcsk8. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting__2016_05_25_' 15:00:21 <imcsk8> #topic roll call 15:00:22 <number80> o/ 15:00:24 <jpena> o/ 15:00:27 <elmiko> o/ 15:00:33 <trown> o/ 15:00:36 <dmsimard> \o 15:00:44 <dmsimard> oh, openstack 15:00:45 <chandankumar> \o 15:00:46 <leifmadsen> \o\ 15:00:52 <leifmadsen> /o/ 15:01:01 <imcsk8> #chair number80 jpena elmiko trown dmsimard chandankumar leifmadsen 15:01:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar dmsimard elmiko imcsk8 jpena leifmadsen number80 trown 15:01:02 <jruzicka> \o\ 15:01:08 <imcsk8> #chair jruzicka 15:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar dmsimard elmiko imcsk8 jpena jruzicka leifmadsen number80 trown 15:01:21 <apevec> o/ 15:01:26 <imcsk8> #chair apevec 15:01:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: apevec chandankumar dmsimard elmiko imcsk8 jpena jruzicka leifmadsen number80 trown 15:01:39 <imcsk8> ok, let's start... 15:01:44 <apevec> dmsimard, still not merged that infra fix? 15:01:53 <fbo> number80, It should work now please retry. 15:02:01 <number80> fbo: thanks! 15:02:13 <imcsk8> first topic: 15:02:16 <imcsk8> #topic DLRN instance migration to ci.centos infra 15:02:39 <jpena> this is a follow-up from last week 15:02:52 <apevec> still blocked on tripleoci promotion? 15:02:53 <jpena> dmsimard trown: how's the state for the promote job? 15:03:09 <dmsimard> trown said there's a review bound to be sent today 15:04:06 <dmsimard> the buildlogs cdn doesn't seem to have been updated by KB :( 15:04:14 <dmsimard> I'll poke him some more. 15:05:25 <imcsk8> anything else for this for topic? 15:05:56 <apevec> actions 15:06:10 <apevec> #action dmsimard will poke KB and trown some more 15:06:14 <rbowen> Sorry, I am here, but everything crashed. 15:06:25 <imcsk8> #chair rbowen 15:06:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: apevec chandankumar dmsimard elmiko imcsk8 jpena jruzicka leifmadsen number80 rbowen trown 15:06:55 <imcsk8> ok, let's continue with next topic. suddenly there are a lot! 15:06:57 <dmsimard> When the tripleoci new promotion is setup 15:07:09 <dmsimard> We need to have tripleo switch to the buildlogs repo 15:07:20 <dmsimard> I don't know what's involved in taht 15:07:24 <dmsimard> derekh would probably know 15:07:45 <dmsimard> tripleo can be entirely moved by themselves, I think they'll have all they need 15:08:36 <apevec> I think trown and derekh are closely syncing 15:08:49 <dmsimard> we can move on 15:08:52 <apevec> but I can doulbe-check 15:09:12 <apevec> #action apevec to check w/ derekh about tripleoci 15:09:12 <imcsk8> apevec: should we add an action for that? 15:09:18 <apevec> taken 15:09:21 <imcsk8> ok, let's continue... 15:09:31 <imcsk8> #topic Updates from RDO Bug Triage day 15:09:40 <chandankumar> RDO Bug Triage went well. 15:09:40 <amoralej> sorry o/ 15:09:49 <chandankumar> Some stats : 15:09:50 <chandankumar> 433 Bugs affected on Bug Triage Day. 15:09:50 <chandankumar> 398 Bugs closed on Bug Triage Day out of which 365 EOL Bugs closed by automation script. 15:09:50 <chandankumar> 35 Bugs triaged on Bug Triage Day and most of the EOL triaged bugs closed due to EOL automation script 15:09:50 <chandankumar> 22 people participated in the RDO Bug Triage Day. 15:09:50 <chandankumar> EOL automation script needs some improvement to skip components and check for version while closing. 15:09:52 <chandankumar> I will be moving these scripts to rdostats very soon. 15:09:58 <chandankumar> https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2016/05/rdo-bug-triage-day-event-report/ 15:10:06 <imcsk8> #chair amoralej 15:10:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej apevec chandankumar dmsimard elmiko imcsk8 jpena jruzicka leifmadsen number80 rbowen trown 15:10:09 <chandankumar> that's it from my side. 15:10:28 <apevec> re. post-mortem, let's do it now and here 15:10:43 <derekh> apevec: iirc trown is going to switch our promotion to talk to jenkins instead of directly ssh'ing to the delorean node, so it should be sorted soon 15:10:48 <chandankumar> * first is mitaka component is missing. 15:10:49 <apevec> points from chandankumar message: EOL script needs improvements 15:11:08 <imcsk8> apevec: sorry i don't understand what doing post-mortem means 15:11:18 <apevec> imcsk8, retrospective, 15:11:24 <apevec> what went good and what wrong 15:11:27 <imcsk8> oh ok, thanks 15:11:30 <chandankumar> we need to get it as soon as possible. 15:11:31 <tosky> imcsk8: literaly "after death", it's latin 15:11:43 <imcsk8> tosky: hehehe that i get 15:12:04 <apevec> chandankumar, yes, I'm always inches away from filing that bugzilla-request 15:12:24 <chandankumar> apevec, need a way to sync version also in bugzilla 15:12:25 <tosky> imcsk8: right, latin languages for you too 15:12:37 <chandankumar> for each target release 15:12:58 <apevec> chandankumar, it needs more, I was discussing w/ number80 to have a script syncing rdoinfo and generating bugzilla-requests tickets 15:12:59 <rdobot> [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://uchiwa.monitoring.rdoproject.org/#/client/rdo-monitoring/master.monitoring.rdoproject.org?check=check-delorean-newton-current |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: os-testr: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html 15:13:23 <apevec> it also needs syncing new components, updated default maitainers 15:13:41 <apevec> this will be one of automation goals this cycle 15:13:48 <chandankumar> apevec, feel free to create comment in the gist https://gist.github.com/chkumar246/23237abe5203d963054092fd989a2b88 15:14:02 <number80> first step is to have a reporting page to detect discrepancies (no bz component or wrong default assignee) 15:14:11 <chandankumar> so that i can update the script based on the requirements. 15:14:29 <apevec> chandankumar, re. script - let's move it to rdostats as-is then have people send PRs there 15:14:54 <chandankumar> #action chandankumar to move rdo bug triage scripts to rdostats 15:14:54 <imcsk8> guys, i think we're drifting a little from the topic 15:15:12 <apevec> it has been moved to https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdostats 15:15:18 <apevec> so it's official now :) 15:15:44 <apevec> imcsk8, right, let's stick to triage day 15:15:52 <apevec> any other observations? 15:16:12 <imcsk8> i think we could do continuous triage 15:16:15 <number80> exempt Packages Reviews from the script :) 15:16:16 <chandankumar> apevec, we need to be more specific what we need to triage 15:16:33 <chandankumar> the rdo bug triage is outdated 15:16:45 <apevec> number80, CVE trackers too 15:16:49 <chandankumar> *the rdo bug triage wiki 15:16:51 <number80> *nods* 15:17:47 <chandankumar> one more improvement would be linking patches to bugzilla once merged get it closed automatically 15:18:43 <number80> Yes 15:18:55 <apevec> yeah, need to look at how it is done upstream w/ launchpad 15:19:03 <chandankumar> just a query are we keeping the triage definition of RDO similar to fedora one? 15:19:20 <apevec> iirc it's post commit zuul job ? 15:19:25 <imcsk8> can we close bugs without creating a package? 15:19:41 <apevec> chandankumar, I think we could simplify it 15:19:50 <amoralej> i think review.rdoproject.org is not available in external but trackers, would it be possible to add it? 15:20:21 <amoralej> for some cases, required changes are in distgits, no upstream 15:20:24 <apevec> amoralej, I'll ask bugzilla-requests 15:20:47 <apevec> #action apevec ask bugzilla-requests to add review.rdoproject.org in external trackers 15:21:06 <imcsk8> can we continue to the next topic? 15:21:18 <chandankumar> we need action for triage definition? 15:22:18 <dc> I have an issue deploying overcloud (mitaka) - it keeps failing at ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step4. 15:22:27 <imcsk8> chandankumar: should we follow up that on the ML? 15:22:36 <chandankumar> imcsk8, will work 15:22:37 <dc> Log references Error: Could not find dependent Service[keystone] for File[/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem] - any ideas? 15:22:48 <imcsk8> dc: sorry, we're on the middle of a meeting 15:23:15 <imcsk8> chandankumar: should i set the action to you? 15:23:37 <chandankumar> #action chandankumar to simplify triage definition for RDO through ML 15:23:51 <chandankumar> move to next topic? 15:23:58 <imcsk8> yes 15:24:09 <imcsk8> #topic Increase timeout for Packstack CI jobs 15:24:31 <jpena> this is something we've been discussing earlier today 15:24:44 <jpena> some Packstack CI jobs are taking longer than the current 60-minute timeout, and failing 15:25:07 <apevec> right, I don't think blindly increasing timeout is the right thing 15:25:26 <number80> (btw, when people edit agenda, please update etherpad color code) 15:25:49 <number80> (and try to use different colors) 15:26:08 <dmsimard> apevec: +1 15:26:27 <imcsk8> do we have more information on why are this timeouts happening? 15:26:29 <dmsimard> Jobs should be ending under 45 minutes, if they're not, it's an issue and we need to address it 15:26:50 <jpena> dmsimard: we may try to find some correlation between the timeouts 15:26:54 <jpena> e.g. cloud provider 15:27:02 <dmsimard> I've tried to reproduce the issue with puppet openstack scenario003 but without any success (it has been timing out >90 minutes) 15:27:28 <dmsimard> jpena: puppet scenario003 times out >90 minutes on ci.centos but I ran the exact same job manually on a ci.centos node and couldn't reproduce it 15:27:46 <jpena> dmsimard: do you have any logs from that? 15:27:53 <dmsimard> I will give some more attempts, now that you mention it, ci.centos does have a mix of amd and intel hardware 15:28:16 <dmsimard> jpena: no because the timeouted jobs are killed pretty hard apparently 15:28:26 <dmsimard> that's why I was hoping to reproduce the issue outside of a job 15:28:28 <amoralej> yes, dmsimard, that's one of the issues 15:28:29 <jpena> ok, so not even timestamps for each stdout line 15:28:37 <amoralej> no logs when jobs timed out 15:28:42 <dmsimard> no, because ansible only flushes the output once the task is finished 15:28:47 <dmsimard> and the task doesn't finish, it's killed 15:28:54 <dmsimard> you would have logs on logs.o.o, though 15:29:00 <dmsimard> since it's flushed for each line for puppet 15:29:30 <imcsk8> dmsimard: would - debug: var=out.stdout_lines be helpful? 15:29:37 <amoralej> but we at least have some timestamps 15:29:39 <amoralej> http://logs.openstack.org/62/318762/3/gate/gate-packstack-integration-scenario003-tempest-centos-7/3328605/console.html 15:29:53 <jpena> ok, let's try something: why don't we try to gather all CI-failed runs due to timeout, and try to find some correlation? 15:29:57 <dmsimard> The last time job run times went out of control like this, it was neutron including a bunch of tests in smoke 15:30:02 <dmsimard> Maybe it's something similar 15:30:38 <imcsk8> i'll try to reproduce on my end 15:30:48 <amoralej> in this case, we had 45 mins to run packstack, before starting to run empest 15:31:22 <dmsimard> That sounds slow, just the installation taking 45 mins. 15:31:46 <dmsimard> Considering tempest is usually finished by then 15:31:50 <jpena> that example screams "slow VM" 15:32:03 <imcsk8> slow network? 15:32:08 <dmsimard> A path to explore could be the introduction of openstack-infra of the new centos and rdo mirrors 15:32:26 <dmsimard> but I don't believe we use thesed 15:32:37 <dmsimard> damnit 15:32:51 <dmsimard> packstack master still uses mitaka current-passed-ci 15:33:14 <imcsk8> any actions? 15:33:28 <imcsk8> so we can proceed to the next topic 15:33:35 <openstackgerrit> David Moreau Simard proposed openstack/packstack: Bump repository to newton for master branch https://review.openstack.org/321074 15:33:36 <dmsimard> my action ^ 15:34:18 <imcsk8> #action dmsimard introduction of openstack-infra of the new centos and rdo mirrors 15:34:23 <dmsimard> nonono 15:34:27 <dmsimard> #undo 15:34:27 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by imcsk8 at 15:34:18 : dmsimard introduction of openstack-infra of the new centos and rdo mirrors 15:34:53 <dmsimard> I meant to say that openstack-infra recently added mirrors that are consumed by the VMs inside their infrastructure 15:35:07 <imcsk8> ohhh 15:35:10 <apevec> that should have speed up things :) 15:35:17 <imcsk8> indeed 15:35:23 <dmsimard> Yeah, but the matter of fact is that we don't use these (at least for RDO) 15:35:29 <dmsimard> UNLESS, they are conflicting 15:35:37 <dmsimard> i.e, they used to setup epel by default 15:36:31 <dmsimard> nah, doesn't seem to be any repo interference according to http://logs.openstack.org/59/318759/3/check/gate-packstack-integration-scenario003-tempest-centos-7/705e67c/logs/diag/yum_repolist_-v.txt.gz 15:36:52 <dmsimard> ok, I guess actions are general troubleshooting around jobs timing out 15:37:53 <imcsk8> do you think this should be followed up in the ML? 15:38:06 <imcsk8> that can be the action 15:38:34 <rdobot> [sensu] RESOLVED: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-mitaka-current @ http://uchiwa.monitoring.rdoproject.org/#/client/rdo-monitoring/master.monitoring.rdoproject.org?check=check-delorean-mitaka-current |#| No build failures detected: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-mitaka/report.html 15:38:56 <apevec> yeah, we have a long list of topics today 15:39:15 <imcsk8> ok, let's continue 15:40:16 <imcsk8> #topic packaging guide status? 15:40:45 <number80> So what's blocking the draft? 15:40:48 <number80> jruzicka: ? 15:41:00 <jruzicka> nothing blocking 15:41:04 <leifmadsen> I'm happy to review anything, as I am interested in getting up to speed on packaging 15:41:05 <number80> it looks good enough to be published 15:41:18 <jruzicka> I was waiting for reviews 15:41:19 <leifmadsen> I can follow through directions, make sure it all works 15:41:24 <jruzicka> and then got busy with rdopkg 15:41:41 <jruzicka> "looks good enough to be published" sounds like a +1 15:41:44 <leifmadsen> jruzicka: link me and I will review after lunch 15:41:46 <number80> jruzicka: yeah 15:41:57 <leifmadsen> I'll +1 the hell outta it 15:42:20 <jruzicka> leifmadsen, https://github.com/yac/website/commit/ec80c29b378d1fef43b89589b65b188531465aa5 15:42:36 <leifmadsen> thanks, on my agenda for this afternoon 15:42:42 <number80> #action jruzicka send a PR for updated packaging guide 15:42:46 <number80> ;) 15:42:50 <leifmadsen> +1 15:42:50 <jruzicka> oh, apevec actually did review it :) 15:42:52 <leifmadsen> :D 15:42:58 <jruzicka> all right 15:43:11 <imcsk8> can we move on to the next topic? 15:43:13 <jruzicka> so I planned to move the current guid to -old 15:43:18 <number80> wfm 15:43:24 <jruzicka> for historic reference 15:43:24 <number80> imcsk8: yes 15:43:27 <jruzicka> or remove it alltogether? 15:43:31 <leifmadsen> remove 15:43:39 <leifmadsen> I hate duplicate docs :) 15:43:41 <rbowen> Remove. It's in revision control if people want old versions. 15:43:44 <leifmadsen> +1 15:43:45 <rbowen> Having duplicate can be very confusing. 15:43:56 <jruzicka> ack 15:44:03 <number80> #agreed remove old packaging doc 15:44:12 <jruzicka> very well 15:44:15 <imcsk8> ok, moving on... 15:44:28 <imcsk8> #topic stable updates 15:45:13 <number80> Liberty Keystone is blocked until upstream tags the repo 15:45:27 <number80> we have new trove/keystone update for Mitaka coming up 15:45:56 <number80> #action number80 cleanup the stable updates stack 15:46:28 <number80> EOF if nobody else have comments 15:46:38 <apevec> I have 15:47:08 <apevec> we need promotion pipeline against -testing repo, trown was working on jjb changes for that 15:47:31 <apevec> for Mitaka release we had a temporary pipeline, now we need to make it proper 15:47:36 <trown> ya, I needed to do some major cleanup of jjb first, which I accomplished yesterday 15:47:43 <apevec> cool! 15:47:56 <trown> next on my list of jjb fun is to make those -testing jobs 15:48:07 <apevec> #info trown did major cleanup of jjb 15:48:18 <apevec> trown, jjb is fun? 15:48:44 <imcsk8> ok, moving on to the next topic 15:48:49 <apevec> imcsk8, one more 15:49:11 <trown> apevec: no I hate it... I can never get it right the first try either :P 15:49:15 <apevec> trown, related: w/ this pipeline we'll be able to publish updated CBS based 3o image on buildlogs right? 15:49:24 <trown> apevec: ya 15:49:40 <apevec> GA images went missing :) 15:49:56 <apevec> but no point reproducing them imho, we should just provide updated ones 15:50:03 <trown> ya, I just realized they are on buildlogs, so I can put them back 15:50:10 <number80> trown: I'll ping you later to figure out how we can retrieve CI status for stable promotion 15:50:21 <apevec> trown, any RCA why thing went missing on buildlogs? 15:50:26 <trown> http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/tripleo_images/mitaka/cbs/ 15:50:32 <apevec> oh they were moved somewhere else? 15:50:47 <trown> apevec: no RCA from centos folks... 15:51:04 <apevec> ok, that's all, let's move on 15:51:05 <trown> no they were not moved... buildlogs syncs from artifacts 15:51:12 <imcsk8> #topic RDO bookmark update: new CLI - https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website/tree/master/source/images/bookmark 15:51:15 <rbowen> I need to do a new run of the RDO CLI bookmarks. I would appreciate it if a few people can look at the old one, make sure it's still correct, and suggest what else/different/less we should have on there. 15:51:17 <rbowen> #link https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website/tree/master/source/images/bookmark 15:51:21 <rbowen> EOL 15:51:39 <apevec> rbowen, how to send patches? 15:51:40 <flepied> misc: Duck: you should have root access to blogs.r.o 15:52:00 <apevec> it's binary blobs :) 15:52:01 <number80> #action everyone help review new RDO CLI bookmarks 15:52:07 <rbowen> That link is the git repo. But the file is a LibreOffice file, so it's not patches so much as just new versions. So ... I'm not sure. 15:52:13 <number80> https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website/tree/master/source/images/bookmar 15:52:14 <rbowen> I suppose you could email proposed changes and I can manage the process. 15:52:27 <rbowen> Yeah, binary blob is annoying for this. 15:52:50 <apevec> should we put it in google doc? 15:52:50 <rbowen> Also see the README for the fonts that you have to install to make it render correctly. 15:52:56 <apevec> or would formatting fall apart? 15:53:04 <rbowen> Yes, the formatting would fall apart. 15:53:11 <rbowen> But I could transcribe it, and then put it back afterwards. 15:53:27 <rbowen> I'll follow up to the mailing list thread with a google doc address. good idea. 15:53:53 <imcsk8> next topic guys, we're almost top of the hour 15:54:03 <apevec> #action rbowen follow up to the mailing list thread with a google doc 15:54:06 <rbowen> +1 15:54:07 <apevec> yes, next 15:54:15 <imcsk8> #topic review and clean old issues from website 15:54:38 <rbowen> Not much to discuss here, I think. We're just reviewing old tickets and closing the ones that are no longer relevant. we're down to 9 now. 15:55:05 <imcsk8> rbowen: i'll take a look and see if i can help 15:55:09 <apevec> thanks, let's move on 15:55:19 <imcsk8> #topic Newton 1 test day: https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/newton/milestone1/ 15:55:30 <apevec> I think dates are not right: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website/commit/2bebcf0e1310dc2220721e5ad1c2b347016836a0#commitcomment-17615469 15:55:42 <apevec> upstream is next week, so RDO is week after 15:55:49 <rbowen> As usual, help is appreciated updating the test cases. 15:55:54 <rbowen> Oh, did I get the dates wrong. Crap. 15:55:55 <apevec> June 9/10 15:55:57 <trown> ya, I thought about that 15:56:09 <rbowen> ok, I'll fix asap and fix scheduled tweets etc. 15:56:13 <trown> tripleo is trying to have something by end of next week for N1 15:56:30 <apevec> #info tripleo is trying to have something by end of next week for N1 15:56:38 <imcsk8> ok, last topic... 15:56:38 <rbowen> #action rbowen to fix dates on Newton 1 test days. 15:57:00 <trown> and by something I mean actual releases! 15:57:00 <imcsk8> #topic [info] rdopkg-0.37 released with bugfixes and improvements, please test 15:57:37 <apevec> jruzicka++ nice job on hotfix release 15:57:55 <apevec> also good to see contributions from !jruzicka 15:58:29 <jruzicka> \o/ 15:58:31 <jruzicka> indeed 15:58:38 <imcsk8> jruzicka++ 15:58:38 <zodbot> imcsk8: Karma for jruzicka changed to 6 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:58:42 <jruzicka> biggest highlight would be 15:58:50 <jruzicka> ktdreyer's RFE 15:59:12 <imcsk8> ok, let's move on so we can finish on time 15:59:15 <jruzicka> yup 15:59:19 <imcsk8> #topic chair for next meeting 15:59:56 <imcsk8> anybody? 16:00:04 <amoralej> i can do it 16:00:05 <apevec> there should be meetbot command to pick random nick from all present :) 16:00:16 <imcsk8> hehehe 16:00:26 <number80> it would be easy to cheat then :) 16:00:34 <imcsk8> #action amoralej to chair next meeting 16:00:41 <imcsk8> can we finish? 16:00:47 <jruzicka> we have to! 16:00:51 <apevec> number80, bot could remember nic renames :) 16:00:54 <imcsk8> #endmeeting