#rdo: RDO meeting - 2016-10-05
Meeting started by jpena at 15:00:53 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (jpena, 15:01:27)
- DLRN Ocata branch (jpena, 15:04:27)
- http://logs.openstack.org/51/382351/2/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-4-scenario001-tempest-centos-7/94511dd/logs/rpm-qa.txt.gz
- https://github.com/openstack/instack-undercloud/commits/stable/newton
- ACTION: trown submit
test patch to tripleo-ci to test ocata repo (trown,
- ACTION: jpena to move
centos-master to ocata worker as soon as tripleo-ci and puppet ci
jobs are ok (jpena,
- Preparation for CentOS outage October 10th (jpena, 15:41:41)
- no new packages built by DLRN during the CentOS
outage (jpena,
- Preparation for RCIP-DEV move October 17th (jpena, 15:49:14)
- GA rebuilds tomorrow (jpena, 15:50:34)
- https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/puppet-heat/commit/?h=9.4.1&id=7c2489b23cc6fbaaff8c486a7fd139afccd9d1b4
is in there (trown,
- ACTION: apevec to
make sure puppet 9.4.1 are in newton-testing (apevec,
- Newton GA test day Oct 13/14 - https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/newton/final/ (jpena, 15:57:52)
- Announcements (jpena, 15:59:56)
- chair for next meeting (jpena, 16:00:55)
- ACTION: jruzicka to
chair next meeting (jpena,
Meeting ended at 16:02:13 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- trown submit test patch to tripleo-ci to test ocata repo
- jpena to move centos-master to ocata worker as soon as tripleo-ci and puppet ci jobs are ok
- apevec to make sure puppet 9.4.1 are in newton-testing
- jruzicka to chair next meeting
Action items, by person
- apevec
- apevec to make sure puppet 9.4.1 are in newton-testing
- jpena
- jpena to move centos-master to ocata worker as soon as tripleo-ci and puppet ci jobs are ok
- jruzicka
- jruzicka to chair next meeting
- trown
- trown submit test patch to tripleo-ci to test ocata repo
People present (lines said)
- apevec (62)
- jpena (62)
- EmilienM (51)
- dmsimard (46)
- trown (44)
- ihrachys (18)
- rbowen (14)
- rdogerrit (10)
- zodbot (9)
- jruzicka (6)
- jschlueter (6)
- weshay (5)
- flepied (3)
- openstack (3)
- amoralej (3)
- Duck (3)
- coolsvap (2)
- number80 (2)
- tosky (1)
- rdobot (1)
- imcsk8 (1)
- mburned (1)
- f0o (1)
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