15:01:39 <number80> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2017-07-26 15:01:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 26 15:01:39 2017 UTC. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2017-07-26' 15:01:40 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 26 15:01:39 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2017_07_26' 15:01:47 <number80> #topic roll call 15:01:57 <number80> who's here and who's not here? 15:02:36 <ykarel> /o 15:02:41 <chandankumar> present sir xD 15:03:11 <dmsimard> \o 15:03:28 <amoralej> o/ 15:03:28 <number80> #chair ykarel chandankumar dmsimard amoralej 15:03:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar dmsimard number80 ykarel 15:03:30 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar dmsimard number80 ykarel 15:03:47 <number80> rbowen, Duck ? 15:03:59 <number80> jruzicka/ 15:04:36 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/ceilometer-distgit ocata-rdo: Update to 8.1.0 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7905 15:04:47 <PagliaccisCloud> o/ 15:04:48 <number80> Ok, let's start with Software factory upgrade 15:05:07 <number80> #topic review.rdoproject.org has been upgraded to software factory 2.6 15:05:25 <rbowen> Sorry I'm late. I'm here. 15:05:32 <number80> #chair rbowen PagliaccisCloud 15:05:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard number80 rbowen ykarel 15:05:34 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard number80 rbowen ykarel 15:05:39 <number80> dmsimard: ^ 15:05:54 <dmsimard> Hi! 15:06:17 <dmsimard> This is just to say that review.rdoproject.org has been successfully upgraded to the latest version of Software Factory, 2.6, last night 15:06:25 <jschlueter> o/ 15:06:38 <dmsimard> There is still some amount of issues related to the delivery of emails but this should be improving over time 15:06:48 <number80> #info review.rdoproject.org was successfully upgraded to Software Factory 2.6 last night 15:06:53 <number80> #chair jschlueter 15:06:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:06:54 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:06:58 <number80> good 15:07:04 <dmsimard> Software Factory 2.6 brings a lot of cool things 15:07:08 <dmsimard> At a high level overview 15:07:33 <dmsimard> Nodepool and Shade have been largely updated which will yield more stability and less problems starting and destroying nodes 15:07:52 <dmsimard> (You don't have to deal with that but I had to clean up stuff in nodepool almost every day) 15:08:07 <jruzicka> o/ 15:08:14 <number80> Do we still have issues in used nodes cleaning? 15:08:18 <dmsimard> We've also cherry-picked a patch which will allow us to use boot from volume in nodepool 15:08:20 <number80> #chair jruzicka 15:08:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:08:21 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:08:27 <dmsimard> number80: hard to tell for now, we will monitor how things are going 15:08:34 <number80> ack 15:08:52 <chandankumar> dmsimard: any plan to integrate repoexplorer with r.o.o? 15:08:55 <dmsimard> Using boot from volume through nodepool will allow us to launch "heavier" jobs against RDO cloud due to the disparity between ephemeral and volume storage 15:09:02 <Duck> quakc o/ 15:09:28 <dmsimard> chandankumar: repoexplorer is in software factory but not enabled right now, we can consider it after we've done things higher up in the priority 15:09:39 <Duck> number80: sorry I'm late 15:09:41 <chandankumar> dmsimard: ack, Thanks :-) 15:09:52 <number80> no worries 15:10:00 <dmsimard> in the short to mid term, we'll implement ELK support in review.rdo so that logs are indexed, we can make dashboards and such 15:10:13 * number80 suggests to move to the next agenda item 15:10:15 <dmsimard> we will also be able to have a grafana dashboard which will look like http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/nodepool 15:10:21 <rbowen> Sweet 15:10:36 <rbowen> Yay pretty graphs 15:10:40 <number80> it looks like a bowl of candies 15:10:42 <dmsimard> and then we will also be officially migrating from jobs running on jenkins to zuul-launcher 15:11:09 <dmsimard> I think that covers some of the highlights of the things this new version will allow us 15:11:46 <dmsimard> The SF team has done awesome work so I'll extend my congrats and thanks to tristanC, fbo, mhu and nhicher for their excellent job 15:11:59 <number80> thanks, it looks a paving stone to the road to jenkins-less infra :) 15:12:06 <dmsimard> next topic :) 15:12:16 <rbowen> dmsimard: Can you take all the things you just said and make a blog post out of them? 15:12:25 <dmsimard> rbowen: sure 15:12:27 <rbowen> Thanks. 15:12:37 <Duck> number80:can I haz a chair pleaze? 15:12:55 <number80> #action dmsimard and SF guys to write a blog post about SF 2.6 15:13:02 <number80> Duck: no 15:13:05 <number80> #topic Moving mailing lists to @rdoproject.org, status 15:13:08 <number80> #chair Duck 15:13:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:13:10 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:13:10 <PagliaccisCloud> ;_; 15:13:31 <number80> rbowen, Duck (who has a seat now) ^ 15:13:40 <rbowen> Re: moving mailing lists, Duck/Misc have given me things for auth. I haven't done them yet. So it's waiting on me. 15:13:46 <rbowen> But we have mailinglists.rdoproject.org 15:14:01 <rbowen> lists.rdoproject.org rather 15:14:08 <rbowen> So you can see that progress has been made. 15:14:27 <rbowen> Hopefully I'll get my part done today and we can move to the next step soon. 15:14:31 <rbowen> That's all. 15:14:47 <Duck> we're discussing the migration details 15:14:48 <number80> #info lists.rdoproject.org is up but not GA 15:15:11 <rbowen> And aurelian is working on the HK bug that was making migration a problem. 15:15:12 <Duck> I'll be in DebConf soon, so we can test it and polish and schedule for after I'm back 15:15:12 <number80> #info RDO mailing lists migration details in discussion 15:15:25 <rbowen> I haven't followed status of that this week. So I don't know what progress has been made there. 15:16:40 <Duck> rbowen: so I know what's wrong and it should be ok 15:16:46 <rbowen> oh, ok. 15:16:50 <rbowen> Good to know. 15:16:59 <Duck> at the very worst we can rebuild the whole machine if needed 15:17:13 <number80> Duck: so no need to bribe Aurélien with food (can be expensive0 15:17:16 <Duck> also the latest migration details for oVirt were all fine 15:17:25 <rbowen> Excellent. 15:17:43 <Duck> well there's bugs or limitations and it would be nice to have them overcome one day 15:18:12 <number80> Can we do anything to help with that process? 15:18:36 <Duck> not sure. abompard is working well but not 100% on it I presume 15:18:40 <rbowen> Well, I am assuming that the same people that are mods now will be mods on the new setup. 15:18:49 <Duck> so pushing for more workforce would be nice 15:19:00 <rbowen> So I'll forward the auth instructions to that group, and if someone gets to that before I do, that would be great. 15:19:02 <Duck> rbowen: please draft a list 15:19:08 <rbowen> Will do. 15:19:28 <Duck> we need to have them login on the new system first, then list their handles and I can then add the rules for Ansible 15:19:36 <Duck> s/rules/parameter/ 15:19:46 <Duck> also 15:20:07 <Duck> when up, please login with one external system, and if you wish link to another one 15:20:25 <Duck> if you login on one and later the other because you do not remember, then you have two separate accounts 15:20:35 <rbowen> Ah. Good to know. 15:20:37 <Duck> and there's yet no way to merge (already reported) 15:21:02 <Duck> so in your account setting you can do the link 15:21:44 <Duck> documenting all these pitfalls and procedures is in the TODOLIST 15:22:23 <Duck> rbowen: did you see my reply around the other UI? 15:22:31 <Duck> forgot the name 15:22:36 <Duck> the Apache one 15:22:45 <rbowen> Apache PonyMail 15:22:52 <Duck> yes :-) 15:22:58 <Duck> cute name 15:23:02 <rbowen> I think you said it's a possibility later? 15:23:02 <Duck> kawaii 15:23:14 <Duck> that's how I see it yes 15:23:15 <rbowen> It's just a frontend, and can work on top of any archive, as I understand it. 15:23:22 <Duck> no 15:23:27 <Duck> it's THE archive 15:23:29 <rbowen> But it's still a very young project. Maybe let it bake for a while longer. 15:23:31 <rbowen> Oh, I see. 15:23:41 <Duck> also because it's integrated with the search engine 15:23:43 <rbowen> The guy that wrote it actually set one up for us. 15:23:49 <Duck> elasticsearch 15:23:58 <rbowen> http://rdo.fosslists.org/list.html?rdo-list@redhat.com 15:24:05 <rbowen> Although he turned it off, a year ago or so. 15:24:06 <Duck> but I think migrating would be possible 15:24:17 <rbowen> But it can subscribe to any existing list, and be a secondary UI of sorts. 15:24:17 <rdogerrit> David Moreau Simard proposed rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: First iteration of Sensu monitoring v2 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7670 15:24:21 <Duck> using the mbox files 15:24:32 <rbowen> http://rdo.fosslists.org/list.html?rdo-list@redhat.com:2016-10 for example 15:24:35 <rbowen> Anyways, details for later. 15:25:02 <rbowen> And, yes, it can import existing archives. That's what we did at Apache. 15:25:04 <rbowen> lists.apache.org 15:25:11 <Duck> well it's important to see if the "later path" is possible or not, so that we do not end-up blocked on the current Ui forevet 15:25:13 <Duck> r 15:25:37 * number80 suggests to keep discussion focused :) 15:25:37 <Duck> nice presentation 15:25:37 <rbowen> lists.apache.org imported almost 20 years of archives, and works great. 15:25:46 <rbowen> Yes. Moving along. :-) 15:25:53 <Duck> gogogo 15:26:03 <number80> #topic Update from EasyFix office hours 15:26:05 <number80> chandankumar: ^ 15:26:15 <chandankumar> yup 15:26:23 <chandankumar> a little background 15:26:57 <chandankumar> few weeks back we have started easyfix project to collect easyfix issues so that we have lots of easy bugs to work 15:27:07 <chandankumar> that will increase new contributors to RDO 15:27:23 <chandankumar> here you can find the issues https://github.com/redhat-openstack/easyfix/issues 15:27:37 <chandankumar> on Tuesday we have hosted RDO office hours 15:27:44 <chandankumar> it was a good start 15:28:07 <chandankumar> we are able to get more issues 15:28:17 <rbowen> I made a shortcut to the easyfix repo, so that it's easier to remember. rdoproject.org/easyfix 15:28:19 <chandankumar> issues no: incresed from 8 to 15 15:28:37 <chandankumar> here is the notes https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-office-hour-easyfixes 15:28:52 <chandankumar> and minutes from office hour http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rdo_office_hour_2017_07_25/2017/rdo_office_hour_2017_07_25.2017-07-25-11.31.log.html 15:29:12 <chandankumar> So now it's comes the future questions and actions. 15:29:17 <number80> #info EasyFix office hour 1st edition 15:29:24 <number80> https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-office-hour-easyfixes 15:29:42 <chandankumar> Do we want next 2nd office hour next tuesday in different time zone? 15:29:43 <number80> #info EasyFix office hour 1st edition minutes 15:29:56 <number80> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rdo_office_hour_2017_07_25/2017/rdo_office_hour_2017_07_25.2017-07-25-11.31.log.html 15:30:03 <number80> chandankumar: did we have request? 15:30:16 <number80> (I mean timeslots requests) 15:30:20 <chandankumar> number80: currently no request we have received from anybody 15:30:59 <chandankumar> number80: can we plan for next week also for the same time? 15:31:05 <number80> chandankumar: then, try to submit to find a suitable hour that works for you and someone else in the group for NA 15:31:19 <number80> (yes, you shouldn't be doing this alone) 15:31:30 <rbowen> The time this week was early for NA. But it worked ok. 15:31:31 <number80> otherwise, let's keep it same timeslot for the next one 15:31:49 <chandankumar> number80: we want to include you 15:31:55 <chandankumar> please propose a new time slot 15:32:30 <number80> chandankumar: the last one works for me (save for calls that I can't really predict) 15:33:07 <chandankumar> rbowen: is the same time slot works for you? 15:33:29 <rbowen> Yes. 15:33:37 <chandankumar> current time slot is 11:30 A.M. (UTC) 15:33:40 <rbowen> Probably not for anybody west of me, though. 15:33:47 <chandankumar> dmsimard: jschlueter ^^ 15:33:56 <rbowen> That is 7:30am my time. 15:34:24 <jschlueter> yea it's early for reliably being online but should be able to drop in 15:34:47 <chandankumar> number80: rbowen i think we can move 2 hours ahead. 15:35:02 <chandankumar> 13:30 will be ideal for everybody may be? 15:35:07 <number80> wfm 15:35:10 <jschlueter> chandankumar: when you get started can you ping me explicitly for the office hours? 15:35:17 <rbowen> wfm 15:35:20 <chandankumar> jschlueter: yup sure 15:35:36 <number80> jschlueter: we'll schedule earlier reminders on the rdo-list 15:35:42 <PagliaccisCloud> +1 15:35:57 <number80> The first one was a learning experience :) 15:36:16 <chandankumar> #info new office hour timing from next week is 13:30 P.M. (UTC) 15:36:33 <chandankumar> Moving to next question 15:36:50 <number80> same topic/ 15:36:52 <number80> ? 15:36:55 <chandankumar> What kind of projects we include for RDO contributions. 15:36:58 <chandankumar> number80: yes 15:37:06 <number80> okay 15:37:14 <number80> continue then 15:37:28 <chandankumar> currently we have RDO packages issues, rdopkg, dlrn and packstack 15:37:28 * number80 asks for jruzicka to prepare for the next topic ;-0 15:37:40 <dmsimard> chandankumar: docs ? 15:37:40 <rbowen> I'd say anything at all, although, as observed earlier, we need to be encouraging people to go upstream whenever relevant. 15:37:47 <chandankumar> what other tools or projects we can include? 15:37:48 <rbowen> A couple of the items are docs, yes. 15:38:01 <chandankumar> dmsimard: ah missed, rdo docs, 15:38:12 <number80> rbowen: can pkovar mentor documentation issues? 15:38:28 <rbowen> I think we can volunteer him, yeah. :-) 15:38:34 <rbowen> And me, too, for most things. 15:38:44 <number80> Good, important to have point of contacts 15:38:53 <PagliaccisCloud> i'll help too, so long as they don't ask "how-2-github" questions 15:39:09 * number80 can be added to anything packaging or tooling tasks mentors list 15:39:10 <chandankumar> Here is the list of mentors/contact points https://github.com/redhat-openstack/easyfix#mentors 15:39:11 * jruzicka is so ready 15:39:33 <chandankumar> rbowen: what about moving this list https://github.com/redhat-openstack/easyfix#mentors to rdo website? 15:39:59 <rbowen> Sure. We could do that. 15:40:19 <number80> chandankumar: has larsks explicitly said that he'd be mentoring people? 15:40:27 <chandankumar> number80: yes 15:40:34 <dmsimard> would it be worth considering putting "labels" on the mentors ? 15:40:34 <number80> Just asking since he's still default assignee in bugzilla 15:40:36 <number80> ack 15:40:46 <PagliaccisCloud> i was just about to ask that dmsimard 15:40:48 <dmsimard> like, this person for this, that person for that 15:41:06 <dmsimard> I mean, you can ask me packaging stuff but I'm no expert 15:41:31 <chandankumar> putting mentors with labels is a good idea 15:41:36 <number80> dmsimard: as long as you can draw red lines with blue pens you'll be fine 15:42:10 <PagliaccisCloud> kinda like this? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_Upstream_Institute 15:42:36 <dmsimard> hey that's pretty cool 15:42:38 <dmsimard> didn't know that existed 15:43:09 <rbowen> Wow. That's awesome. I wasn't aware of that either. 15:43:10 <chandankumar> let's create a list for the same. 15:43:25 <chandankumar> who wants to take this task. 15:43:52 <rbowen> I would be glad to create the page(s). 15:44:03 <rbowen> Will of course need other folks to fill in details once it's up. 15:44:14 <number80> #action rbowen create a mentor page in RDO site 15:44:16 <chandankumar> rbowen: yes sure, we can add the stuff later on. 15:44:17 <number80> sold 15:44:35 <chandankumar> we were talking about projects to includes. 15:44:46 <number80> that leaves us 15 minutes so wrap up this topic 15:44:48 <rbowen> We have a page like that in the IRC section, though, and it's kind of sparse. 15:44:51 <rbowen> Probably combine the two. 15:44:54 <number80> +1 15:45:30 <chandankumar> number80: can we talk about projects after the meeting? 15:45:34 <number80> sure 15:45:43 <chandankumar> that's it from my side. 15:45:44 <number80> I want to leave some time for the rest of the agenda 15:45:46 <rdogerrit> Merged rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: First iteration of Sensu monitoring v2 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7670 15:45:58 <number80> #topic rdopkg-0.44.1 released 15:46:01 <number80> jruzicka: ^ 15:46:13 <jruzicka> oh yes 15:46:32 <jruzicka> #info changelog in commit message: https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/8987/2//COMMIT_MSG 15:47:12 <number80> you can put links right after, either use #link or raw url (nothing before) 15:47:34 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/glance-distgit rpm-master: Load rootwrap filters from glance_store https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7858 15:47:46 <jruzicka> b0rkage was already detected and fix proposed: https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/9075/ 15:48:00 <jruzicka> but it's now stuck on CI rdopkg-unittests NOT_REGISTERED in 0s 15:48:24 <amoralej> yeah, i'm already talking with sf team 15:48:26 <number80> Yeah, i'd like to discuss counter-measure, like defining CI usage of rdopkg and try to come up with tests scenarios to cover them 15:48:27 <amoralej> about that 15:49:33 <jruzicka> for that, I introduced new behavioral tests 15:49:42 <jruzicka> which are well suited for defining requirements like this 15:50:11 <jruzicka> Once we have stable working 0.44 release 15:50:18 <number80> Yup, but I'd like us to sprint on that during next office hours 15:50:28 <chandankumar> number80: +1 15:50:47 <chandankumar> behave ~= cucumber 15:50:55 <jruzicka> focus will be on automated release using SF and improving all kinds of tests, mainly integration tests 15:51:06 <rdogerrit> Merged rdo-infra/weirdo master: Update Ansible to https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7795 15:51:23 <rdogerrit> David Moreau Simard proposed rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: Add missing zk01 node to review.rdo host inventory https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7892 15:51:24 <number80> Yup, but I would even encourage people to try trimming scenarios or even do PoCs in shell 15:51:34 <jruzicka> So yeah, preventing these breakages is the main focus now. 15:52:01 <number80> what matters is that we proper material to build reliable tests suite and ensure that CI can use rdopkg w/o pinning 15:52:35 <jruzicka> about half way there ;) 15:52:54 <number80> Maybe adding a gate with DLRN job could help? 15:52:59 <number80> amoralej, dmsimard ^ 15:53:10 <number80> can be non-voting at first 15:53:24 <amoralej> yes, i think that'd be good 15:53:28 <dmsimard> yeah, there should definitely be better integration tests for rdopkg due to the potential widespread impact 15:53:43 <number80> okay, let's plan that 15:53:47 <amoralej> i use also rdopkg for diferent things from releng 15:53:53 <dmsimard> not just for tripleo-ci, but for DLRN itself and everywhere else 15:54:02 <amoralej> that i'd like to ensure keep working 15:54:10 <dmsimard> Adding DLRN is a first step 15:54:17 <number80> #action hguemar to create an easyfix ticket to improve rdopkg imtegration tests 15:54:30 <sfbender> Merged rdopkg master: Use absolute path for repo_path https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/9075 15:54:36 <number80> amoralej: then adding gating jobs for those should be considered too 15:55:16 <number80> are we good on that topic? 15:55:21 <jruzicka> indeed, I tried hard so that adding any kind of test is easy 15:55:23 <jruzicka> https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/rdopkg/blob/master/features/newversion.feature 15:55:34 <number80> jruzicka: let's share the load :) 15:55:44 <amoralej> we'll we release a new version once the patch is merged? 15:55:46 <number80> BDD was an excellent idea 15:56:15 <number80> amoralej: a 0.44.1 should come soon 15:56:27 <jruzicka> 0.44.1 is out since yesterday 15:56:30 <jruzicka> no? :) 15:56:32 <jruzicka> 0.44.2 15:56:35 <number80> right 15:57:03 <amoralej> wasn't it 0.44.0? 15:57:18 <number80> #action jruzicka to prepare rdopkg 0.44.2 to integrate latest bugfixes 15:57:19 <jruzicka> 0.44.1 shortly after with few packaging fixes 15:57:30 <amoralej> ah, ok 15:57:42 <jruzicka> number80, I'm ready to release as soon as the fix is merged 15:57:55 <number80> jruzicka: then you can start, it just got merged :) 15:58:02 <jruzicka> yayz :) 15:58:06 <number80> #topic open floor discussions 15:58:13 <number80> last chance to raise a new topic 15:58:31 <snecklifter> can I raise something quick? 15:58:35 <number80> go ahead 15:58:39 <snecklifter> not sure if this is right venue 15:58:53 <snecklifter> it would be good if the sample spec files could be updated with the new macros 15:59:01 <number80> (btw, if there are any volunteers to take the chair next week, just #action yourself directly) 15:59:02 <snecklifter> just something I have come across with new packages 15:59:15 <snecklifter> just a point of order, probably not relevant for this meeting 15:59:18 <number80> snecklifter: that's the right place and yes, it's good idea 15:59:24 <snecklifter> number80: ah ok, thanks 15:59:34 <amoralej> yes, we need to update the examples 15:59:37 <number80> #action snecklifter submit patches to sample spec files 15:59:43 <snecklifter> the macros are great but I have been missing them 16:00:03 * number80 is not pressuring people at all into doing things :o) 16:00:08 <snecklifter> number80: ha, ok, will add to the list :) 16:00:15 <amoralej> i think examples repo is not in review.r.o ? 16:00:22 <number80> amoralej: not yet 16:00:27 <chandankumar> snecklifter: https://github.com/openstack/rpm-packaging/tree/master/openstack/openstack-macros 16:00:36 <chandankumar> snecklifter: here is the list of macros we use 16:00:56 <snecklifter> chandankumar: ah ok, thanks I'll make a note 16:01:10 <snecklifter> will help others coming along 16:01:15 <snecklifter> thats it from me, thanks 16:01:20 <chandankumar> snecklifter: spec file template https://github.com/openstack-packages/openstack-example-spec 16:01:42 <snecklifter> chandankumar: yes, thats what Ive been using but out of date I think 16:01:52 <amoralej> yes, it is 16:02:00 <rdogerrit> David Moreau Simard proposed rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: Add missing zk01 node to review.rdo host inventory https://review.rdoproject.org/r/7892 16:03:07 <amoralej> we are out of time but before closing the meeting let's celebrate success, we just got the first tripleo job passing in rdoinfo gate testing CBS builds https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/rdoinfo-tripleo-ocata-testing-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset005-nv/37/console 16:03:13 <amoralej> \o/ 16:03:40 <dmsimard> amoralej: awesome 16:03:45 <dmsimard> great work 16:03:56 <dmsimard> so much great work happening everywhere in rdo 16:04:02 <dmsimard> <3 everyone 16:04:19 <number80> no volunteers for next meeting? 16:04:30 <dmsimard> amoralej: we should move the example-specs repo to rdo-infra or something 16:04:31 <chandankumar> number80: i will take it 16:04:41 <number80> #action chandankumar to chair next meeting 16:04:42 <dmsimard> amoralej: or redhat-openstack 16:04:50 <number80> okay, then see you next week 16:04:52 <dmsimard> amoralej: and put it in review.rdo 16:04:53 <number80> #endmeeting