15:01:19 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-02-07 15:01:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 7 15:01:19 2018 UTC. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-02-07' 15:01:20 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 7 15:01:19 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_02_07' 15:01:29 <amoralej> #topic roll call 15:01:58 <ykarel> o/ 15:02:18 <jpena> o/ 15:02:25 <number80> o/ 15:02:25 <rbowen> o/ 15:02:31 <baha> o/ 15:02:32 <mary_grace> o/ 15:03:09 <amoralej> #chair ykarel jpena number80 rbowen baha mary_grace 15:03:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej baha jpena mary_grace number80 rbowen ykarel 15:03:10 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej baha jpena mary_grace number80 rbowen ykarel 15:03:46 <rbowen> rohityadav: ping. The meeting is starting. Are yo uhere? 15:03:57 <rohityadav> @rbowen o/ yes 15:04:01 <rohityadav> Hi, I'm Rohit Yadav from the Apache CloudStack project. I reached out to Rich Bowen (@rbowen) and was introduced to Haikel (@number80) to advise on getting CloudStack rpms to CentOS and possible other distributions (Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu etc). I wanted to introduce myself here, and seek advise. 15:04:05 <rbowen> Awesome. I added you to the agenda. 15:04:05 <amoralej> #chair rohityadav 15:04:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej baha jpena mary_grace number80 rbowen rohityadav ykarel 15:04:06 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej baha jpena mary_grace number80 rbowen rohityadav ykarel 15:04:19 <number80> rohityadav: you're welcome, very happy to have you around :) 15:04:30 <jruzicka> o/ 15:04:34 <number80> #chair jruzicka 15:04:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej baha jpena jruzicka mary_grace number80 rbowen rohityadav ykarel 15:04:35 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej baha jpena jruzicka mary_grace number80 rbowen rohityadav ykarel 15:04:37 <rohityadav> thanks @rbowen and @number80, and others 15:04:50 <rbowen> Sorry, didn't mean to go out of order for the agenda. Just wanted to make sure you were here. :-) 15:05:10 <amoralej> let's start with first topic 15:05:20 <amoralej> #topic ppc64le status 15:05:32 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:05:40 <amoralej> #inf Missing packages: https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2018-February/008537.html (should be fixed now) 15:05:45 <amoralej> #info Missing packages: https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2018-February/008537.html (should be fixed now) 15:05:52 <amoralej> number80, is this yours? 15:05:59 <number80> mjturek mentioned that he had missing packages for him to move forward, so I tagged one and rebuilt one 15:06:13 <number80> should not impact other architectures 15:06:24 <number80> if mjturek has anything else to add ^ 15:06:37 <amoralej> ok, cool, so everything should be ok in ppc64le now, right? 15:06:46 <number80> And I think him for providing excellent feedback 15:06:52 <number80> s/think/thank/ 15:07:10 <number80> amoralej: AFAIK, yes 15:07:39 <amoralej> nice 15:07:41 <mjturek> sorry was afk 15:07:51 <number80> oh, you're right on time :) 15:08:05 <number80> do you want to share status or anything? 15:08:12 <mjturek> :) awesome news from Haikel 15:08:47 <mjturek> number80 nothing at the moment, I've been looking into using weirdo but no jumps in progress this week 15:08:59 <number80> mjturek: keep us notified then 15:09:02 <mjturek> the build seems pretty darn complete though which is really exciting 15:09:05 <mjturek> will do 15:09:06 <number80> amoralej: I think we're good 15:09:12 <amoralej> let's move on 15:09:31 <amoralej> #topic python3 proposal: stabilized fedora for OpenStack 15:09:41 <number80> Big topic so let's keep it short 15:10:27 <number80> In the rational, you can see that we are in a tough spot to test OpenStack python3 until EL8 15:10:54 <number80> rebuilding python3 on EL7 is a lot of work, and Fedora is too fast-moving 15:11:16 <number80> so I suggest a middle ground: using our stabilized mirrors of Fedora 15:11:53 <dmsimard> So we're going back to Liberty days and building everything for Fedora again ? 15:11:56 <number80> The nice thing is that we will be able to leverage CI to validate updates and be able to have our own overrides when needed 15:11:59 <dmsimard> (Trying to find a comparison point) 15:12:22 <number80> dmsimard: in a sense yes 15:12:37 <dmsimard> That is going to put quite a dent in our CI capacity :( 15:12:38 <number80> but it will not be supported for end-users, this is a CI-only thing 15:12:57 <dmsimard> And wasn't accounted for when planning budget so it should be fun 15:13:10 <amoralej> number80, what "stabilized mirros of fedora" means? 15:13:12 <number80> I agree, but this is the most sensible option we have 15:13:29 <number80> amoralej: we will mirror Fedora and block refreshing it if it fails CI 15:13:38 <number80> we may blacklist some updates and maintain overrides 15:13:39 <dmsimard> number80: yes, we'll have to make do 15:14:01 <amoralej> in fact we may need to rebuild or fork in some cases 15:14:11 <jpena> number80: so that'd mean a mirror repo + an overrides deps repo, just like we have in centos today 15:14:14 <amoralej> and put in copr, that's what you mean? 15:14:51 <number80> jpena: yup 15:15:01 <number80> amoralej: for overrides, we'll use copr 15:15:15 <dmsimard> How did we do it back in Fedora ? I was too new to Red Hat back then. Was it a copr ? 15:15:28 <jpena> dmsimard: we used to have a copr repo 15:15:32 <dmsimard> I remember trunk.rdo but where was the deps ? 15:15:35 <dmsimard> okay 15:15:41 <number80> The nice touch is that we fully reuse the work done on DLRN to support copr and the fedora-builder rework by jpena 15:16:01 <jpena> not a big deal, we actually have *a small* copr repo today, from the attempt to get rawhide consistent 15:16:02 <dmsimard> yeah, thankfully most of the tooling is already there 15:16:03 <number80> we might also be able to prepare the switch to modules since copr has support 15:16:14 <dmsimard> and there's a lot of work keeping fedora going in general 15:16:29 <dmsimard> number80: I don't want to sidetrack but does this mean anything for the fedora rdo sig ? 15:16:39 <amoralej> number80, my concern is about the effort to move all packages to python3, test and create a promotion pipeline 15:17:04 <number80> Yes, goal is to minimize this work, and not disrupt CI too much (it should be usable in upstream gate at some point) 15:17:17 <number80> dmsimard: yes, some work will be shared 15:17:44 <dmsimard> amoralej: we don't need to have a lot of coverage, even something minimal will be a great start 15:17:55 <dmsimard> we're not going to have 100% coverage overnight, let's target.... 50% ? and go from there 15:18:15 <dmsimard> I remember seeing something about TripleO on fedora recently ... was it on the ML ? I forget 15:18:27 <number80> Well, I think POI scenarios are enough 15:18:28 <dmsimard> And there was a thread on reddit two weeks ago about people trying to install Packstack on Fedora :) 15:18:40 <dmsimard> number80: p-o-i is not expected to support Fedora though 15:18:40 <number80> we may even not have to packstack variants 15:18:42 <amoralej> i think getting p-o-i and packstack working in fedora will need a relevant work 15:19:05 <jpena> would this be python2 and python3, or would we use it to get ready if one day we go pytho3-only? 15:19:06 <dmsimard> yeah if there's work to do, it's probably more upstream than it is in RDO actually 15:19:07 <number80> dmsimard: we can experiment and figure out other test cases 15:19:23 <dmsimard> We should reach out to ianw who is familiar with the devstack CentOS and Fedora work 15:19:29 <number80> Yup 15:19:51 <number80> Just as a reminder, this is a RFC, we'll have a deeper discussion on devel list afterwards 15:20:16 <number80> if we manage to turn this draft into a concrete plan in time for PTG, that'd be awesome 15:21:21 <amoralej> number80, i think the plan is good, but i have doubts about timeframe 15:21:49 <amoralej> having it ready for rocky looks hard to me 15:22:03 <number80> amoralej: yes, this is a challenge, but we have to start the work this cycle 15:22:05 <jpena> dmsimard, number80: oh, I'd love to spend some time getting packstack to run fine on fedora :) 15:22:16 <amoralej> number80, i agree on that 15:22:24 <number80> jpena: well, I'd love to but I don't want to put pressure on that :) 15:22:42 <number80> #action number80 publish draft on the list and kickstart the discussion on the list 15:22:44 <dmsimard> jpena: I suspect it's one hell of a rabbit hole, I'll help if I can 15:22:45 <jpena> I don't think p-o-i will have a less-hard time than packstack, anyway :) 15:23:00 <amoralej> anyway, imo, having packstack and p-o-i running on fedora is high priority 15:23:02 <number80> I'll add an etherpad to work on that too 15:23:09 <dmsimard> jpena: well before even thinking about p-o-i, we need to add support for fedora in puppet-keystone, glance, nova, cinder, etc 15:24:27 <number80> we may focus on some of them, maybe? 15:24:36 <number80> and progressively expand 15:24:37 <amoralej> dmsimard, what could be the alternative to test?, do you think is there something else that we could use to test? 15:25:08 <dmsimard> amoralej: oh, I'm not implying there's something alternative or easier to test 15:25:25 <amoralej> yeah, i hoped there is something i don't know... 15:25:37 <dmsimard> Kolla had Fedora a long time ago I think 15:25:57 <amoralej> yeah, that's what i was thinking about, i have no idea about kolla/fedora status 15:26:02 <dmsimard> adding binary support in devstack would be a lot of work 15:26:15 <dmsimard> yup.. there's no easy way out 15:26:25 <chandankumar> dmsimard: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/527048/ fedora 27 support in devstack merged 4 weeks ago 15:26:40 <amoralej> yeah, but that's from source, right? 15:26:46 <amoralej> that will not help 15:26:51 <chandankumar> amoralej: yup 15:26:52 <dmsimard> chandankumar: yeah devstack is from source 15:27:01 <dmsimard> but that doesn't mean it's not a source of information 15:27:15 <number80> May I suggest that we move to the next topic? (this is a large one, and we'll be able to expand on that on the list or next week) 15:27:25 <number80> But I'm amazed that everyone has great ideas :) 15:27:50 <chandankumar> I am not sure with devstack fedora 27 + python 3 jobs enabled 15:28:52 <amoralej> number80, ok 15:29:03 <amoralej> let's move on 15:29:26 <amoralej> we may do a specific meeting about this topic after discussion in ML if needed 15:29:36 <jpena> ^ agreed 15:30:08 <number80> sure 15:30:23 <amoralej> #topic RDO test days delayed - Feb 15, 16. http://rdoproject.org/testday/queens/milestone3/ 15:30:27 <rbowen> This item is announcement only. Reminders will go out to the various mailing lists in the next day or so. </end of topic> 15:30:37 <number80> do we have news about promotion? 15:30:46 * number80 haven't got to that yet 15:31:19 <amoralej> number80, yes, we have news, bad news to be precise 15:31:24 <number80> oh 15:31:41 <amoralej> we are hitting an issue at undercloud install 15:31:54 <amoralej> so periodic pipeline is failing at the very beginning 15:32:26 <ykarel> amoralej, is that escalated? 15:32:33 <amoralej> i'm not sure 15:32:38 <amoralej> i'll check after the meeting 15:32:52 <ykarel> Ok 15:32:54 <amoralej> anything else about test days? 15:33:02 <rbowen> Nothing from me. 15:33:24 <amoralej> ykarel, yes, it's escalated 15:33:26 <rbowen> If we delay it much longer, we'll probably just skip it and go with the GA test day. 15:33:51 <amoralej> let's see how the issues in promotion progress in next days 15:34:04 <amoralej> #topic Rohit Yadav - Guest from CloudStack to talk about their participation in the Cloud SIG 15:34:11 <rbowen> I am pleased to introduce rohityadav and dahn who are with the CloudStack project. I spoke with them at FOSDEM about the Cloud SIG, and encouraged them to introduce themselves here to discuss how to get CloudStack involved in the SIG. 15:34:16 <amoralej> rohityadav, first of all welcome! 15:34:25 <rohityadav> Hi all 15:34:38 * dahn is silently greeting all 15:34:55 <rbowen> We discontinued the Cloud SIG weekly meeting because it was just RDO. 15:35:01 * ykarel amoralej yup the patch merged, let's see the next run once it's in consistent 15:35:11 <chandankumar> dahn: rohityadav: Hello, welcome to RDO community :-) 15:35:17 <rbowen> So this also serves as notice that we'll probably be re-starting the Cloud SIG weekly meeting in the next week or two. 15:35:24 <number80> Yep, and I'm willing to resume that, maybe we should start a whenisgood poll to find a new timeslot 15:35:28 <rohityadav> Thanks @rbowen. I'll try again - I'm one of the committers/pmc from the Apache CloudStack project and was searching how we can get CloudStack packages to CentOS and other distros. 15:35:34 <rbowen> I believe we used to do that on Thursdays at 15:00 UTC 15:35:43 <rohityadav> #link http://cloudstack.apache.org 15:35:49 <dmsimard> Really cool to see Cloudstack :D 15:35:49 <rbowen> That's what's still on the official CentOS schedule. 15:35:53 <rohityadav> #link http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/ 15:36:15 <rohityadav> I've been maintaining the rpm/deb package repos for sometime now ^^ 15:36:33 <rohityadav> So, the question is how can we engage? 15:36:45 <dmsimard> Ok I'll add thursday 3pm to my schedule 15:37:14 <rbowen> rohityadav: I see that you sent an introduction to the centos-devel list. So that was step 1. 15:37:17 <number80> rohityadav: first, you need to create a centos account and join the cloud-sig group 15:37:32 <rbowen> If folks could go see that message, and respond to Rohit's questions there, that would be very helpful. 15:37:34 <rohityadav> yes I did @rbowen 15:37:46 <rohityadav> @number80 - how do I do that, on the wiki or someplace else? 15:37:55 <number80> then, ping KB + Arrfab in copy for HA and rbowen and me to approve you in the SIG 15:37:56 <dmsimard> rohityadav: I think there's a great opportunity to collaborate but our toolchain might not be super appropriate for java things. We should chat and see how we can work together. 15:38:03 <number80> rohityadav: lemme find it 15:38:43 <number80> https://wiki.centos.org/SIGGuide#head-2e2e639e9d3d1feb0c7aba15213a909fccbae2f3 15:38:47 <number80> rohityadav: ^ 15:38:56 <dahn> I have one question on that 15:39:04 <number80> go ahead 15:39:14 <dahn> Can we provide me as backup to Rohit in that process ? 15:39:22 <dahn> or is it personal involvement 15:39:37 <rbowen> I think having both of you there would be beneficial to everyone. 15:39:39 <rohityadav> sure @dmsimard, we're indeed publishing centos7 rpm repository and testing against all old and recently CentOS7 both as KVM hosts and the management server host so I hope it works with your toolchain. 15:39:51 <rohityadav> thanks @number80 will follow 15:41:06 <rbowen> dahn: So, yes, I think you should do the same - centos account and then we'll approve your addition to the SIG membership. 15:41:10 <number80> dahn: what rbowen said :) 15:41:33 <dahn> :) ok, now i have a second question 15:41:50 <dahn> is the renewed sig irc meeting starting tomorrow? 15:42:06 <number80> no, I'll send a poll on the centos-devel list for that 15:42:13 <dahn> ok, yet to be scheduled 15:42:15 <dahn> tnx 15:42:16 <number80> let's figure out a time that works for everyone 15:42:23 <rohityadav> I was going to ask that, thanks -- so we discuss and follow on the centos-devel list? 15:42:32 <rbowen> We do have that spot reserved, so if it works for everyone, it's a good default, but I don't know what time zones everyone is in. 15:42:53 <rbowen> But, yes, let's wait for number80's poll, rather than bikeshedding the time here. 15:43:05 <number80> ack 15:43:25 <rohityadav> make sense, we'll follow when the CloudSIG meeting resume from centos-devel list then? 15:43:33 <rohityadav> s/make/makes 15:43:36 <rbowen> Yes. 15:43:43 <rohityadav> ack 15:45:09 <amoralej> ok, so are we done with this topic? 15:45:11 <rbowen> I believe that's it for that topic. 15:45:15 <amoralej> ok 15:45:15 <rohityadav> Yes. 15:45:17 <dahn> yes 15:45:33 <amoralej> #topic Virtual meetup possible dates: [ April 12th, 19th ] Times:? 15:45:48 <rbowen> I'd like to do the Virtual Meetup on April 12th, if that works for everyone. But I'm not sure what times we should do, because $TIMEZONES 15:46:17 <rbowen> And I never brought this to the mailing list, because ... I forgot. So I need to do that ASAP, and start looking for presentations. 15:46:26 <rbowen> But I wondered what people thought reasonable times would be. 15:46:46 <rbowen> We'll be recording, of course, so the entire time range doesn't have to work for everyone. 15:47:28 <rbowen> Anyone have an opinion, or should I just pick a time range that works for me? :-) 15:47:38 <dmsimard> Hmmm 15:47:50 <number80> mid-april should be ok even if it means limiting the number of talks 15:48:08 <dmsimard> I guess something in the North American morning (not too early) would probably be where we have the most people around 15:48:20 <dmsimard> We'd catch NA/EMEA 15:48:34 <rbowen> number80: I believe that's the dates we discussed earlier. Is that too close to Summit? 15:49:15 <number80> maybe, but it should not prevent us to hold it 15:49:22 <dmsimard> It's always too close to a summit or a PTG so we shouldn't let that hold us back 15:49:29 <dmsimard> They overlap every 3 months.. 15:49:46 <rbowen> ok, I'll go with April 12th, and start something for talk submissions. 15:49:54 <rbowen> Thanks. Look for details on the mailing list. 15:49:59 <dmsimard> rbowen: thanks for leading this 15:51:05 <amoralej> #action rbowen to send a mail to RDO ML about virtual meetup planing and asking for talk submissions 15:51:18 <amoralej> #topic chair for next meeting 15:51:30 <amoralej> any volunteer? 15:51:52 <rohityadav> @rbowen @number80 - jfyi I've created account and requested to join sig-cloud, my id is rohit (rohit@yadav.cloud). I'll followup on centos-devel@, thanks for having us. Cheers. 15:52:04 <number80> I can do it if nobody else wants it 15:52:12 <amoralej> thanks number80 15:52:22 <number80> rohityadav: ack 15:52:26 <amoralej> #action number80 to chair next meeting 15:52:28 <number80> I also sent a poll on centos-devel 15:52:44 <amoralej> let's open open floor time 15:52:51 <amoralej> #topic open floor 15:53:11 <amoralej> would you like to bring something? 15:53:17 <rbowen> I'm looking for a pub, Thursday night at the PTG, for drinks/snacks RDO social. 15:53:29 <rbowen> If you live in Dublin and have a recommendation, near Croke Park Stadium, ping me off-channel. 15:53:48 <rbowen> Same as last two times - just an place to hang out and some food and drinks. Nothing fancy. 15:54:08 <number80> rbowen: you're awesome :) 15:54:20 <rbowen> We try. :D 15:54:56 <amoralej> i'd like to share that i was talking to several happy RDO/OpenStack users at fosdem 15:55:07 <jruzicka> \o/ 15:55:28 <jruzicka> amoralej, any things they were particularly happy with? :) 15:56:13 <amoralej> people tend to emphasize how OpenStack has improved and estibilized over time 15:56:55 <amoralej> i'd say that from a deployment point of view, there is still a lot of segregation of tools 15:57:12 <amoralej> and there is a lot of interest about kubernetes on openstack 15:57:40 <amoralej> everyone asked about it 15:58:05 <jruzicka> true dat. OpenStack survived its hype cycle, grand success :) 15:58:20 <amoralej> yeah, I'd ssay so 15:58:29 <amoralej> and a last topic from me 15:58:47 <amoralej> tasks about queens preparation are ongoing, we'll start branching distgits very soon 15:59:05 <amoralej> so if anyone needs changes before queens GA, let us know 15:59:28 <mary_grace> one last quick note before we close: ICYMI, the Feb RDO Newsletter went out yesterday: https://www.rdoproject.org/newsletter/2018/february/ let me know if you have any questions or feedback! 15:59:57 <rbowen> Thanks, mary_grace! 16:00:42 <amoralej> yeah, a nice summary of the month 16:01:00 <amoralej> ok, so it times to close unless anyone has something else 16:01:04 <amoralej> last call.... 16:01:27 <amoralej> #endmeeting