15:01:07 <number80> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-03-28 15:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 28 15:01:07 2018 UTC. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-03-28' 15:01:08 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 28 15:01:06 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_03_28' 15:01:21 <ykarel> ohh you started, Thanks number80 15:01:31 <number80> #chair ykarel mjturek jruzicka 15:01:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: jruzicka mjturek number80 ykarel 15:01:32 <openstack> Current chairs: jruzicka mjturek number80 ykarel 15:01:34 <ykarel> o/ 15:01:35 <baha> o/ 15:01:41 <number80> ykarel: you can take over now :) 15:01:45 <number80> #chair baha 15:01:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: baha jruzicka mjturek number80 ykarel 15:01:46 <openstack> Current chairs: baha jruzicka mjturek number80 ykarel 15:02:28 <leanderthal> o/ 15:03:19 <number80> #chair leanderthal 15:03:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: baha jruzicka leanderthal mjturek number80 ykarel 15:03:20 <openstack> Current chairs: baha jruzicka leanderthal mjturek number80 ykarel 15:03:51 <number80> Let's start 15:04:11 <number80> #topic Booth help for OpenStack Summit Vancouver 15:04:21 <number80> leanderthal: ^ 15:04:32 <leanderthal> okay, so we're looking for help with openstack summit vancouver community booth 15:05:09 <leanderthal> and we'd like three kinds of volunteers - regular booth duty which is all about answering questions and such, demos which is... demos... and a booth coordinator 15:05:30 <rdogerrit> Sagi Shnaidman proposed config master: Remove DELOREAN_LINK as it's not needed anymore https://review.rdoproject.org/r/10835 15:05:42 <leanderthal> we're planning on giving out special swag for everyone who signs up for three or more shifts of demo / booth action 15:05:45 <leanderthal> AND 15:05:52 <leanderthal> we need a booth coordinator 15:06:06 <leanderthal> who will get full travel / food and such covered for the trip 15:06:17 <leanderthal> but you have to get your manager's approval to do it 15:06:54 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:06:54 <number80> leanderthal: I'll have to talk to apevec, but I might apply (depends who will be going from our team too) 15:07:02 <leanderthal> booth duty and demos are on two different spreadsheets 15:07:12 <leanderthal> awesomeness number80 !! ! 15:07:18 <number80> leanderthal: so I guess you're not going? 15:07:23 <leanderthal> exactly. 15:07:34 <leanderthal> i'm going to be sending people to all the things i used to do 15:07:38 <leanderthal> for about a year. 15:07:54 <leanderthal> and taking my travel / stipend and giving it to others 15:08:12 <number80> Sorry to hear that, but well, we'll be helping you so enjoy your time with the little ones :) 15:08:13 <leanderthal> unless openstack summit vancouver doesn't work out in which i'll be traveling again. 15:08:19 <leanderthal> exactly! 15:08:33 <leanderthal> it's cause of the new twin stackers in my life ;-) 15:08:45 <number80> #info sign up for booth duties at OpenStack Summit Vancouver 15:09:03 <leanderthal> and the links are in the mtg notes 15:09:15 <number80> #info leanderthal looking for booth coordinator at OpenStack Summit Vancouver (travel budget is taken care of) 15:09:17 <leanderthal> if you're keen to be the coordinator, email me 15:09:42 <number80> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j1Z9b6c6lD_p_r6DBxu-f-5vqH2rdyiXc_A4hqTPGHc/edit?ts=5abac873#gid=542904082 15:09:50 <number80> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVmaFqJvF4GnKwxFLQSI3SX--wmL1vmMqA-YIBsGePE/edit?usp=sharing 15:10:10 <leanderthal> number80++ thx! 15:10:12 <zodbot> leanderthal: Karma for hguemar changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:10:27 <leanderthal> any questions? 15:10:51 <ykarel> leanderthal, any reference for past demos 15:10:57 <number80> As of today, I don't have one 15:11:34 <number80> ykarel: demos are submitted by volunteers, you might have to prepare one for empty slots though 15:11:44 <ykarel> number80, ack 15:11:47 <leanderthal> ykarel, demos run the span of showing up and doing an install / something else live to running a recording of something you've done / something you're familiar enough with to answer questions 15:12:04 <ykarel> leanderthal, ack 15:12:36 <number80> Anything else? 15:13:29 <leanderthal> not for me 15:14:07 <number80> Next topic then 15:15:01 <number80> #chair for next week 15:15:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: baha for jruzicka leanderthal mjturek next number80 week ykarel 15:15:02 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: for 15:15:02 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: next 15:15:04 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: week 15:15:05 <openstack> Current chairs: baha for jruzicka leanderthal mjturek next number80 week ykarel 15:15:11 <number80> #topic chair for next week 15:15:20 <number80> who wants the iron chair? 15:15:40 <ykarel> i can take it 15:15:49 <number80> #info ykarel chairing next week 15:15:51 <number80> Thanks! 15:15:56 <number80> #topic open floor 15:16:07 <number80> Last call to submit any topic :) 15:16:11 <mjturek> hey I got one 15:16:25 <number80> mjturek: go ahead :) 15:16:34 <mjturek> I think ppc64le needs this for packstack tests https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556622/ and I would appreciate reviews! 15:16:54 <mjturek> we're loading x86 images currently and that obviously is causing failures 15:17:20 <number80> #info help improving ppc64le by reviewing a packstack tests change 15:17:25 <number80> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556622/ 15:17:51 <mjturek> thanks number80 ! that's all I got 15:17:54 <number80> mjturek: I'll give it a look, but most of our packstack cores are in PTO this week, that's why there's little feedback 15:18:03 <mjturek> ahhh fair enough! 15:18:08 <number80> s/is/will be/ 15:18:25 <mjturek> cool, much appreciated 15:18:45 <number80> Ok, then let's close this meeting and see you next week! 15:19:07 <number80> #endmeeting