15:06:39 <jpena> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-05-16 15:06:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 16 15:06:39 2018 UTC. 15:06:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:06:39 <zodbot> The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:06:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-05-16' 15:06:39 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 16 15:06:39 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:06:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_05_16' 15:06:44 <ykarel> amoralej, ack 15:06:59 <jpena> remember to add any last minute item to the agenda at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:07:03 <jpena> #topic roll call 15:07:23 <amoralej> o/ 15:07:28 <jpena> #chair amoralej ykarel leanderthal 15:07:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jpena leanderthal ykarel 15:07:29 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jpena leanderthal ykarel 15:07:36 <leanderthal> o/ 15:07:39 <leanderthal> thx jpena 15:10:23 <jpena> let's move on to the agenda 15:10:29 <jpena> #topic Demos are greatly appreciated for OpenStack Summit 15:11:21 <leanderthal> thx so much, jpena - yes, we'd still love to have #ALLTHEDEMOS at openstack summit 15:11:43 <leanderthal> if you're keen, please sign up https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-vancouver-summit-booth 15:12:08 <leanderthal> i could also use people who are willing to reinstall MY hardware demo and hang around for the rest of the shift to answer questions about it. 15:12:33 <leanderthal> so it's a demo that's already THERE, you just need to do the in person bit.... and that's over here https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-hardware-demo 15:12:39 <leanderthal> it's just a tripleo quickstart install 15:12:43 <leanderthal> "just" 15:14:27 <leanderthal> any questions? 15:18:44 <jpena> I hope everyone who's going to the summit has signed up already :) 15:18:54 <jpena> so... next topic? 15:19:57 <leanderthal> sounds good! 15:20:05 <jpena> #topic python3 status update 15:20:22 <amoralej> that's mine 15:20:42 <amoralej> just for awareness, i'd like to update about the status of the python3 activities 15:21:09 <amoralej> just a reminder, during this cycle we want to run a PoC of running keystone and glance using python3 15:21:11 <amoralej> on fedora 15:21:14 <jruzicka> touche, sry 15:21:34 <amoralej> as preparation for moving to py3 only in following releases 15:21:50 <amoralej> #info Created fedora-stabilized repo (can be configured with https://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora/delorean-deps.repo) 15:22:17 <amoralej> we have created a new repository which is a subset of fedora packages needed to build packages 15:22:40 <amoralej> #info Repository updades can be proposed as reviews to https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/project:rdo-infra/fedora-stable-config 15:22:50 <amoralej> #info Created a new DLRN builder for py3-enabled only packages https://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora/ 15:22:55 <amoralej> jpena has created a new DLRN builder 15:23:07 <amoralej> building only the packages which have py3 enabled 15:23:28 <amoralej> currently it's bootstrapped and followint u-c 15:23:38 <amoralej> and last activity 15:23:46 <amoralej> #info Creating a new image and node type in nodepool to run jobs https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/13758/ 15:23:52 <amoralej> i'd like to get this merged 15:23:55 <amoralej> dmsimard|off, ^ 15:24:09 <amoralej> could anyone other that dmsimard|off review it? 15:24:54 <amoralej> once we have that i'll inform people about this new repo and images so that they can start working on it 15:25:00 <amoralej> specially tripleo/kolla ones 15:25:07 <amoralej> that's my summary 15:25:12 <amoralej> let me know if you have any question 15:26:00 <ykarel> amoralej, so workflow is add py3 support in spec and add rocky-py3-uc, right? 15:26:11 <amoralej> ykarel, exactly 15:26:27 <ykarel> ack 15:26:46 <amoralej> otherwise, we'll start having issues with python2 only packages that we'd have to fix to become consistent 15:26:57 <amoralej> and i want to focus the effort in py3 15:27:04 <ykarel> cool 15:27:14 <amoralej> there can be exceptions if needed ykarel 15:27:46 <ykarel> Ok 15:27:51 <amoralej> if you need any package to the repo, you can propose a review to rdoinfo and we'll discuss it there 15:28:00 <ykarel> sure 15:28:56 <jpena> amoralej: anything else to add? 15:29:10 <amoralej> i think that's it from my sid 15:29:11 <amoralej> side 15:29:14 <jpena> ok, moving on 15:29:22 <jpena> #topic next week's chair 15:29:31 <jpena> any volunteer to chair the next meeting? 15:29:43 <leanderthal> okay, but also? maybe we don't want to have a meeting next week in light of openstack summit? 15:29:54 <jpena> oh, sure 15:29:55 <leanderthal> but maybe that can wait for open floor. 15:30:05 <jpena> I don't know who's going to be around next week (I'll be) 15:30:08 <leanderthal> cause we still need a chair for 'next' meeting whenever that will be 15:30:13 <leanderthal> i'll be here, too. 15:30:36 <leanderthal> okay, so let's do a meeting, jpena and leanderthal - i'll be chair. 15:30:45 <jpena> cool :) 15:30:53 <jpena> #action leanderthal to chair the next meeting 15:30:53 <amoralej> i'll be too 15:30:57 <jpena> #topic open floor 15:30:59 <leanderthal> oh, yay! 15:31:10 <ykarel> me too 15:31:12 <leanderthal> okay, so we'll def have a meeting next week. 15:31:14 <leanderthal> yayayayay! 15:31:36 <leanderthal> does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the june newsletter? 15:34:36 <PagliaccisCloud> oh h*ck i'm late 15:34:44 <leanderthal> hiya PagliaccisCloud 15:35:36 <PagliaccisCloud> o/ 15:37:46 <leanderthal> no worries, then. 15:38:58 <leanderthal> if you're keen to contribute to the june rdo newsletter, please email rain@redhat.com or ping leanderthal on irc 15:39:11 <PagliaccisCloud> what are you looking for? 15:39:53 <leanderthal> anything, really... the newsletter covers the gamut from regional to international, openstack in general to project specific 15:40:04 <leanderthal> https://www.rdoproject.org/newsletter/ 15:41:00 <leanderthal> PagliaccisCloud, for example, i'd love to do something about packstack, as i know it's your jam 15:42:17 <PagliaccisCloud> packstack is, indeed my jam :D. ok, i'll see what i can come up with. 15:42:49 <leanderthal> cool cool 15:44:09 <jpena> ok, anything else to discuss, or shall we call it a day? 15:44:11 <leanderthal> #action PagliaccisCloud to write something packstack related for rdoproject.org/newsletter/2018/june 15:44:18 <leanderthal> nothing for me, jpena - thank you! 15:44:34 <jpena> good, so we get 15 minutes back :) 15:45:01 <jpena> #endmeeting