15:01:23 <number80> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-10-24 15:01:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 24 15:01:23 2018 UTC. 15:01:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:23 <zodbot> The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-10-24' 15:01:23 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 24 15:01:23 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:27 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_10_24' 15:01:31 <number80> #topic roll call 15:01:37 <rdogerrit> Alfredo Moralejo proposed rdoinfo master: Add oslo-upgradecheck to deps repo temporarily https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17089 15:01:38 <number80> agenda is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:01:48 <amoralej> o/ 15:01:49 <PagliaccisCloud> o/ 15:02:13 <hitchover> o/ 15:02:24 <jpena> o/ 15:02:42 <number80> #chair amoralej PagliaccisCloud hitchover jpena 15:02:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej hitchover jpena number80 15:02:43 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej hitchover jpena number80 15:04:15 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:11:46 <number80> Let's start 15:11:49 <number80> #chair chandankumar 15:11:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar hitchover jpena number80 15:11:50 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar hitchover jpena number80 15:12:03 <number80> #topic reserve rdo-* namespaces on gitlab 15:12:14 <number80> apevec: can you explain rationale? 15:14:14 <number80> jpena: ? 15:14:36 <chandankumar> number80: let me lead this topic 15:14:39 <jpena> I just know what apevec mentioned before the meeting 15:14:39 <number80> ok 15:15:24 <chandankumar> number80: since gitlab is new in market, someday we want to use gitlab services for mirroring the RDo stuff on gitlab 15:15:33 <number80> #info considering to move gerrit replication from github to gitlab 15:15:49 <chandankumar> that's why reserving the namespace on gitlab make sense 15:16:04 <number80> IMHO, reserving namespace in popular services is a good thing 15:16:34 <number80> If that's all, I suggest that we vote: +1 if you agree, -1 if you disagree, +0 if you have no opinion :) 15:16:38 <number80> +1 15:16:45 <jpena> +1 to reserving the namespace 15:16:57 <hitchover> 1 15:17:00 <hitchover> + 15:17:03 <amoralej> +1 to reserving 15:17:05 <jpena> also, there should be no special issue in mirroring our repos there, according to https://softwarefactory-project.io/docs/operator/gerrit_replication_operator.html 15:17:22 <number80> ack, this good thing 15:17:26 <amoralej> jpena can we have 1 to N replication ? 15:17:26 <chandankumar> number80: the same goes for software factory also 15:18:08 <jpena> amoralej: hmm, I haven't tested it, we'd have to investigate 15:18:39 <amoralej> because we don't want to stop replication to github, right? 15:18:49 <chandankumar> multiple places replication will also going to help, if somehting goes down we should provide fallback mechanias 15:19:06 <amoralej> at least, yet 15:19:16 <number80> chandankumar: well, I guess we need to have some experimenting before deciding on either switching completely to gitlab or have 1:N replication 15:19:42 <number80> reserving namespace implies we allow such experimentations to happen 15:19:44 <chandankumar> number80: first step would be reserving the namespace on gitlab and also considering bitbucker 15:19:54 <number80> chandankumar: good thinking 15:20:10 <number80> is anyone opposed to add bitbucket? 15:20:32 <chandankumar> number80: may be Duck or misc can help here 15:21:04 <chandankumar> since we are discussing this topic let's think about other community project we support 15:21:11 <number80> Duck is our main liaison with OSAS infra tream so he's welcome to provide his input 15:21:13 <chandankumar> may be OSAS can help on that 15:21:34 <number80> Well, for now, we should be fine with this 15:21:55 <number80> #agree Allow reserving rdo-* namespaces on both gitlab and bitbucket 15:22:31 <number80> (For newcomers, OSAS is community management team at Red Hat, and they've been providing us support on many topics) 15:22:36 <chandankumar> number80: we need someone to take the AI 15:22:48 <hitchover> ack 15:23:01 <number80> Yup, who wants it? 15:23:16 <number80> we can also defer that to apevec since he's not here :) 15:23:27 * jpena nods 15:23:46 <amoralej> :) 15:23:50 <number80> #action apevec reserve rdo-* namespaces on gitlab and bitbucket 15:24:48 <number80> #action number80 mail apevec and Duck about gitlab namespaces 15:25:08 <number80> So I guess we can move to the next topic 15:25:19 <number80> #topic Booth volunteers for OpenStack Summit Berlin 15:25:40 <number80> Since Rain is at OSS Summit, I'll handle that 15:26:08 <number80> So we're looking for volunteers to staff the community pod of the Red Hat booth 15:26:37 <PagliaccisCloud> add an asterisk next to your name if you'd like to do a demo! 15:27:07 <number80> Yes 15:27:08 <chandankumar> PagliaccisCloud: what about migrating jenkins job to zuul infra would be cool demo 15:27:12 <number80> Here's the link 15:27:14 <number80> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/berlin-summit-community-pod 15:27:14 <chandankumar> with depending on feature 15:27:33 <chandankumar> PagliaccisCloud: I will be not there, but people will love it and increase adoption 15:27:40 <amoralej> i think demos for summit are more focused to openstack users 15:27:43 <PagliaccisCloud> chandankumar, yes!! that'd be awesome! 15:27:45 <number80> Anyone who will do 3 or more shifts gets an exclusive RDO hoodie 15:27:54 <number80> *exclusive* 15:27:55 <PagliaccisCloud> aw... :( 15:28:12 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: if you do demo, you can try to negotiate with Rain :) 15:28:34 <chandankumar> or tripleo standalone is another hot topic 15:28:35 <hitchover> who else will be at the booth? 15:28:42 <PagliaccisCloud> I've got one ready to go. openshift on openstack! 15:28:58 <amoralej> that's cool 15:29:07 <amoralej> i will not attend Summit 15:29:34 <PagliaccisCloud> i'll be there but there's no way i can put together a zuul demo in time, with everything else going on :/ 15:29:36 <PagliaccisCloud> maybe next time 15:29:39 <amoralej> is the etherpad working for you?, i can't see it 15:29:42 <chandankumar> PagliaccisCloud: please make sure we have docs/public reference of the shift on stack deployment because last time people hitted with that who are consuming it 15:29:54 <hitchover> amoralej: not working for me 15:30:01 <chandankumar> i mean real usecase 15:30:08 <hitchover> amoralej: now works 15:30:08 <ykarel> o/ 15:30:21 <amoralej> yeah, it came back 15:30:24 <number80> Good, let's move on 15:30:28 <chandankumar> that was from devconf.in 2018 15:30:32 <number80> #topic open floor 15:30:42 <number80> Anyone has a topic to bring? 15:30:46 <PagliaccisCloud> ok i'll put one together. thanks for the suggestion chandankumar. I hadn't thought about including one 15:30:51 <rdogerrit> Adam Kimball proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add cico flavor specification to cico-node-get-to-ansible.sh https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17004 15:30:54 <amoralej> number80, i added a last minute topic 15:30:59 <chandankumar> number80: I have one boring topic to bring 15:31:06 <amoralej> i can take it in open floor 15:31:08 <amoralej> no problem 15:31:10 <number80> ah right 15:31:16 <amoralej> it's just an update on python3 conversion 15:31:18 <number80> #topic python3 enabled status 15:31:41 <amoralej> so, in the last week there has been some progress 15:31:58 <amoralej> wrt packaging, there are a bunch of tempest plugins converted 15:32:25 <amoralej> and we've started converting clients to single subpackage 15:32:39 <amoralej> that means in fedora wi will not have python2 subpackages any more 15:32:47 <chandankumar> https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2018-October/008952.html -> call for help on tempest plugins 15:32:49 <amoralej> we are about to merge the conversion for openstackclient 15:33:05 <amoralej> i think ykarel has taken care of some of them 15:33:17 <amoralej> tosky did it for sahara one, iirc 15:33:26 <chandankumar> vkmc: is working on manila 15:33:39 <tosky> tempest plugin for sahara, yep 15:33:49 <vkmc> o/ 15:33:50 <chandankumar> we also pinged few people they will start working on that 15:33:51 <vkmc> covering manila 15:33:54 <amoralej> status is in https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/py3_conversion_status 15:34:01 <tosky> oh, forgot to update 15:34:03 <number80> Good job everyne! 15:34:12 <amoralej> i'll also add the list of clients 15:34:35 <rdogerrit> Adam Kimball created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add CICO_FLAVOR variable to Triple O Upstream job https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17090 15:34:46 <ykarel> amoralej, will do neutronclient if no one else started, need for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/609596 15:34:56 <amoralej> and i'm not sure if i already mentioned in other meeting 15:35:26 <chandankumar> ykarel: check with slaweq he might help 15:35:27 <amoralej> we have a promotion pipeline for puppet running in https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/weirdo-pipelines/view/weirdo-promote-test-puppet-fedora/ 15:35:33 <amoralej> ykarel, ack 15:35:33 <chandankumar> regarding neutron 15:35:35 <tosky> amoralej: what is the part about "adding to rdoinfo"? I didn't do it for sahara-tests 15:35:52 <ykarel> amoralej, u discussed with slaweq regarding neutron projects conversion? 15:36:00 <amoralej> yes i did 15:36:03 <number80> #info new promotion pipeline running for puppet (fedora) 15:36:12 <amoralej> tosky, right, that's missing 15:36:25 <amoralej> you need to add stein-py3-uc tag 15:36:40 <ykarel> amoralej, do he or his team planning to convert those in coming days? 15:36:50 <ykarel> if yes we can wait 15:36:51 <amoralej> from networking side, i know they are aware of it, just probably lack of time 15:36:52 <chandankumar> amoralej: i think lots of packages got converted to py3 this week, we need to add it in rdoinfo 15:37:09 <tosky> amoralej: given the complication of merging things to rdoinfo (merge conflicts) wouldn't it make sense to do it in batches 15:37:10 <tosky> ? 15:37:21 <amoralej> yeah, we can add all in a single batch 15:37:34 <ykarel> yes all tempest plugin in one go 15:37:43 <amoralej> ykarel, from networking side 15:37:55 <amoralej> i'd just would do what is blocking us 15:38:01 <amoralej> we can wait for the rest 15:38:07 <amoralej> i'll remind them 15:38:20 <amoralej> they already did the neutron tempest plugin iirc 15:38:24 <chandankumar> amoralej: since all tempest plugin in one ago, can we a new attribute in rdoinfo like team which consist of a set of projects 15:38:26 <ykarel> amoralej, okk agreed, then i will do neutronclient and wait for others 15:38:29 <ykarel> amoralej, yes that's done 15:38:58 <amoralej> chandankumar, mmm 15:39:08 <chandankumar> having a since point of contact for bunch of project in a team through which we can poke them for conversion 15:39:23 <chandankumar> just an idea 15:39:31 <amoralej> yeah, i'm thinking 15:39:36 <amoralej> but not sure i follow 15:39:50 <amoralej> so you want to create an attribute in packates? 15:39:54 <chandankumar> amoralej: just like we have stuff in openstack governance 15:40:06 <amoralej> something like existing confs ? 15:40:19 <amoralej> chandankumar, i'll back to you after the meeting to discuss 15:40:28 <amoralej> i'm preparing some ideas for rdoinfo improvement 15:40:36 <number80> Yep, let's close this topic 15:40:38 <amoralej> and this could be one to add 15:40:43 <chandankumar> amoralej: yes, like we have grups for client/lib/tempest plugins 15:40:46 <amoralej> yeah, this was it 15:41:04 <chandankumar> amoralej: https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/reference/projects.yaml#L63 15:41:24 <chandankumar> team followed by projects having a single point of contact as PTL or maintainer 15:41:29 <number80> please let's have those design discussion after we close the meeting :) 15:41:44 <number80> chandankumar: I think you had a topic? 15:41:46 <amoralej> yes, we will discuss later 15:41:53 <chandankumar> number80: yes 15:42:02 <chandankumar> number80: it is about easyfix project 15:42:13 <number80> #topic easyfix project 15:42:16 <number80> go ahead 15:42:39 <chandankumar> So here is the thing, we have RDO openstack tripleo all working together 15:43:00 <chandankumar> each of them are working hard to get contributions through different programs 15:43:06 <chandankumar> for example 15:43:13 <chandankumar> openstack - first contact sig 15:43:17 <chandankumar> rdo - easyfix 15:43:26 <chandankumar> tripleo - community meeting 15:43:48 <chandankumar> what about we can combine all the efforts in a single one which will benefit all 15:44:04 <chandankumar> we also inclide centos and fedora since we rely on that 15:44:21 <chandankumar> contributors always come and get confused where to start 15:44:35 <chandankumar> writing docs needs hardware contributing code is much easier 15:44:51 <chandankumar> we have written tools in order to make the contribution easier 15:45:04 <chandankumar> but we always failed to attract the contributor 15:45:46 <chandankumar> my question is how we can work toegther to bring more people to the community as people always moves towards shiny things like k8s ir machine learning 15:45:55 <chandankumar> ? 15:46:09 <PagliaccisCloud> teach people how to incorporate those shiny things into openstack? 15:46:11 <chandankumar> since we are going to summit, I think we can bring this topic 15:46:27 <chandankumar> PagliaccisCloud: all those shiny things we are already consuming 15:46:42 <PagliaccisCloud> or how openstack makes those shiny things better? i've got a lightning talk on that 15:47:29 <chandankumar> when any oen contributes to any project they always look for something 15:47:38 <PagliaccisCloud> does anyone know which projects have the most atcs? what are they doing to attract people? 15:47:40 <chandankumar> like if I contribute I can do this or get a job or soemthing 15:47:57 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: we have OpenStack Upstream Training in that aspect (/me won't comment current status) 15:48:32 <chandankumar> I donot know how to address this topic but we are also starving from the contribution 15:48:38 <PagliaccisCloud> good point. most of the would-be contributors i've talked to have been looking for resume fillers 15:49:09 <PagliaccisCloud> & others just need experience. hm... 15:49:32 <number80> Well, I guess that we need to see how we can collaborate with the Foundation 15:49:48 <number80> chandankumar: are you willing to start a discussion on the mailing-lists? 15:49:57 <chandankumar> number80: sure I can add an AI for that 15:50:03 <number80> *nods* 15:50:21 <PagliaccisCloud> upstream institute always has their 1st time contributor workshop - is RDO involved at all? 15:50:30 <PagliaccisCloud> can we/you squeeze in during this summit? 15:51:02 <chandankumar> PagliaccisCloud: it is always openstack specific 15:51:05 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: well, we have various contributors here who are mentors, but we can contact them to do that 15:51:08 <amoralej> I think it's also good to think where/when have we been more successful with contributors 15:51:29 <number80> But I fear we won't have enough representation in Berlin Summit for that to happen 15:51:38 <PagliaccisCloud> what about red hat summit? 15:51:57 <chandankumar> amoralej: one thing last time we kicked easyfix we almost cleared the tech debts in spec file 15:52:05 <chandankumar> it was kind of beneficial for us 15:52:10 <amoralej> yeah 15:52:19 <amoralej> that worked fine 15:52:20 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: well, we'd have to talk with Rain, RH Summit is notoriously hard to get in for RH employees :) 15:52:34 <PagliaccisCloud> if i submit a first time contributor workshop, would any of you guys be willing to partner with me? 15:52:39 <PagliaccisCloud> for RHS* 15:52:56 <chandankumar> during pycon india, people suggested me to use this https://gitcoin.co/ for open source project contribution 15:53:01 <PagliaccisCloud> workshops need at least two presenters 15:53:07 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: sure, but take contact with Rain first, maybe Rich Bowen too 15:53:15 <PagliaccisCloud> ok, i'll reach out to them 15:53:32 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: you can copy me or anyone who is more motivated to go at RH Summit 15:53:39 <amoralej> PagliaccisCloud, looks like a good idea 15:53:46 * number80 is not too keen to go in the US recently 15:53:56 <amoralej> i haven't seen in previous summits 15:53:59 <PagliaccisCloud> number80, lol me either & i live here :D 15:54:24 <amoralej> and could be interesting to do some practical perspective about how a community work 15:54:27 <number80> PagliaccisCloud: I suspect Rain can co-present with you but I'd rather not decide in her stead 15:54:38 <number80> And she's used to do such workshops 15:54:39 <chandankumar> we are working on awesome stuff on which most of the world software runs, we need to think on how to attaract people because in job market it is also veyr hard to get skilled people working on openstack 15:54:59 <number80> +2 15:55:12 <chandankumar> the sitaution with openstack these days is like early years of Linux kernel 15:55:43 <chandankumar> that's it from my side 15:55:49 <number80> I guess we have now to close the topic 15:55:57 <number80> please add actions PagliaccisCloud and chandankumar :) 15:56:20 <number80> And who would want to chair next week meeting 15:56:23 <PagliaccisCloud> ok 15:56:52 <PagliaccisCloud> #action PagliaccisCloud will start emails with Rain & Rich on possible 1st time contributor workshop at upcoming Red Hat Summit 15:56:55 <chandankumar> #action chandankumar to kick discusssion on merging efforts taken by tripleo rdo and openstack community to attract contributors 15:56:55 * ykarel would be not be available next week 15:57:33 * chandankumar also not sure as Diwali / Winter is coming in india :-) 15:57:59 <number80> Thanks 15:58:08 <number80> well, I can do it again next week 15:58:20 <number80> #info number80 again chairing next week 15:58:47 <number80> Thanks for attending, and see you next week (and happy Diwali for our indian friends!) 15:58:52 <number80> #endmeeting