15:00:31 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-12-05 15:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 5 15:00:31 2018 UTC. 15:00:31 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:31 <zodbot> The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-12-05' 15:00:31 <moguimar> o/ 15:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Dec 5 15:00:31 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_12_05' 15:00:37 <amoralej> #topic roll call 15:01:07 <ykarel> o/ 15:01:13 <amoralej> #chair moguimar ykarel 15:01:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej moguimar ykarel 15:01:15 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej moguimar ykarel 15:01:55 <PagliaccisCloud> o/ 15:02:09 <mjturek> o/ 15:02:37 <amoralej> #chair PagliaccisCloud mjturek 15:02:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej mjturek moguimar ykarel 15:02:38 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej mjturek moguimar ykarel 15:02:59 <chandan_kumar> \o/ 15:03:07 <amoralej> #chair chandan_kumar 15:03:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandan_kumar mjturek moguimar ykarel 15:03:09 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandan_kumar mjturek moguimar ykarel 15:03:57 <jpena> o/ 15:04:48 <number80> o/ 15:04:58 <amoralej> #chair jpena number80 15:04:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandan_kumar jpena mjturek moguimar number80 ykarel 15:04:59 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandan_kumar jpena mjturek moguimar number80 ykarel 15:05:19 <amoralej> let's start with first topic 15:05:22 <amoralej> #topic Altarch image building job for cico 15:05:40 <amoralej> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/17657/ 15:05:45 <amoralej> mjturek, your topic 15:05:46 <mjturek> hey! 15:06:00 <mjturek> basically it's the same idea as the tripleo containers job 15:06:04 <mjturek> for altarch\ 15:06:27 <mjturek> but this will build ipa, overcloud, undercloud images 15:06:43 <mjturek> it's still WIP but figured I'd point it out and see if anyone has advice 15:06:44 <number80> do we have the resources for that? 15:07:02 <mjturek> number80: cico should 15:07:03 <number80> Especially regarding storage 15:07:16 <number80> Good to know 15:07:36 <mjturek> number80: when you say especially regarding storage do you mean publishing wise? 15:07:47 <mjturek> building wise I think cico should have enough resources 15:08:27 <number80> Yes, I know we have had issues in the past concerning storage which is independent of cico 15:08:34 <number80> dmsimard, jpena ^ 15:09:00 <jpena> mjturek: where are you planning to host the resulting images? 15:09:06 <jpena> I can't tell from the review 15:09:34 <mjturek> jpena: we would hope to publish it to a place analogous to the x86_64 images 15:09:49 <mjturek> would that not be possible? 15:10:17 <jpena> we'd need to make some numbers to figure out the expected storage usage 15:10:55 <mjturek> ahhh and images.rdoproject.org doesn't specify arch currently 15:11:52 <mjturek> so we'd need to do something like add an rdo_truck_altarch dir to it? 15:13:34 <jpena> mjturek: yes, either we create an rdo_trunk_altarch under each release dir or we add a prefix. I don't have a special preference 15:13:51 <jpena> the important bit is to try to predict the storage requirements and see if they fit 15:13:54 <mjturek> cool, jpena is there anything I can do to help figure out storage? 15:14:22 <jpena> mjturek: if you can build some test images without uploading, and check the resulting size, we can make some numbers 15:14:24 <mjturek> I guess build the images and see how large they are, then see how many versions we'd store at once? 15:14:32 <mjturek> jpena very cool we can work on that 15:14:43 * jpena thumbs up 15:16:01 <mjturek> alright I'm good here if you'd like to move on amoralej ! 15:16:35 <amoralej> ok, thanks 15:16:46 <amoralej> #topic push mariadb 10.3.10 & galera in stein 15:16:51 <amoralej> dciabrin, are you around? 15:16:57 <dciabrin> hey amoralej 15:17:02 <dciabrin> sorry i got elsewhere 15:17:34 <dciabrin> so yes, I'd like to move forward and push the new mariadb upstream for stein 15:17:50 <dciabrin> I have a review upstream linked in the agenda which shows that it's passing both undercloud/overcloud and upgrades 15:18:13 <dciabrin> which i believe was the thing I promised to apevec and number80 15:18:56 <dciabrin> that was to let you guys know about my request 15:19:24 <amoralej> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/617355/ 15:20:21 <number80> good 15:20:34 <radez> amoralej: we're inprocess of backporting networking-ansible to queens, what's the process for me to get a queens branch on distgit to build from? 15:21:08 <radez> https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/17680/1/rdo.yml 15:21:40 <radez> oh, sry if I'm interupting the meeting 15:22:01 <amoralej> number80, do we have build for that mariadb and galera versions? 15:22:15 <number80> Normally yes 15:22:22 <dciabrin> amoralej, yes I've used number80's builds for the review's tests 15:23:10 <amoralej> ok 15:23:27 <amoralej> number, so, what we need is just to send a review to promote them to testing? 15:24:03 <number80> amoralej: yep, but up to dciabrin to do it :) 15:24:25 <amoralej> ok 15:25:48 <amoralej> dciabrin, is it https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/16911/3/deps.yml ? 15:27:12 <amoralej> those are the builds? 15:29:25 <amoralej> we'll keep working on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/16911/ 15:29:26 <amoralej> ok 15:29:29 <amoralej> let's move on 15:29:49 <amoralej> #topic fedora clients sync 15:30:02 <amoralej> #link https://trello.com/c/wkifSL7A/659-fedora-clients-sync 15:31:39 <amoralej> number80, short term we need to remove python2 subpackages in all openstack packages in fedora 15:31:51 <amoralej> do you have the list of packages that we maintain in fedora? 15:31:57 <amoralej> first thing would be to get the list 15:32:52 <rdogerrit> Jon Schlueter created openstack/tripleo-heat-templates-compat-distgit rpm-master: sync missing Requires from rocky-rdo branch https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17695 15:32:53 <number80> I'll go throught that 15:33:06 <number80> #action number80 list packages maintained by openstack-sig 15:33:18 <amoralej> number80, maybe we could create a etherpad with the list and the status 15:33:28 <amoralej> we need to make sure that they have openstack-sig as admin 15:33:31 <number80> my concern is that automating fedora builds is not possible 15:33:42 <number80> amoralej: main-admin is not possible for sigs 15:33:47 <amoralej> right 15:33:59 <amoralej> well, add the group as comaintainer 15:34:42 <number80> Also an important thing is that we also have to monitor bugs so I suggest having an alias for that 15:34:44 <amoralej> number80, what's the blocker for automation? 15:34:51 <amoralej> number80, +1 15:35:22 <number80> amoralej: we do not have control over what happens in Fedora dist-git, so manual merges are often required 15:35:41 <number80> like 9 times out of ten 15:36:06 <number80> nothing difficult but not something that can be done a by bot safely 15:37:26 <leanderthal> o/ 15:37:49 <leanderthal> utc-- me-- 15:38:40 <amoralej> #chair leanderthal 15:38:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandan_kumar jpena leanderthal mjturek moguimar number80 ykarel 15:38:42 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandan_kumar jpena leanderthal mjturek moguimar number80 ykarel 15:40:30 <amoralej> number80, what'd be next steps? 15:40:48 <amoralej> list packages, add to openstack-sig, check which ones need python2 removal 15:40:56 <amoralej> we'll need all that before stein ga 15:41:01 <number80> Next immediate step is checking what we owns and have sig co-owning them 15:41:06 <amoralej> at stein ga maybe we can do a more automated sync 15:41:13 <number80> I'll ping apevec for an alias 15:41:20 <number80> and Duck 15:43:35 <Duck> quack 15:44:31 <Duck> I know nothing about openstack-sig, but if I may help… :-) 15:45:38 <Duck> number80: mail alias? 15:45:42 <rdogerrit> Fabien Boucher proposed rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: Add sf.io and koji.sf.io backup to the backup role https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17642 15:45:58 <number80> Duck: alias or list so we can track bugs in bugzilla 15:46:27 <Duck> ok, just select the one you prefer and I can do that 15:47:00 <number80> \o/ 15:49:17 <Duck> btw, ML phase 2 is being engaged… 15:49:53 <amoralej> number80, so, anything else about the topic? 15:50:05 <amoralej> next step is creating the list of openstack packages in fedora 15:50:12 <amoralej> will you create an ehterpad? 15:50:26 <number80> not anymore (yes for the etherpad) 15:50:44 <amoralej> ok 15:50:47 <amoralej> let's move on 15:51:03 <amoralej> #topic chair for next week 15:51:06 <amoralej> any volunteer? 15:53:30 <number80> I can do it next week 15:53:46 <amoralej> thanks number80 15:53:56 <amoralej> #action number80 will chair next week 15:54:00 <amoralej> #topic open floor 15:54:10 <amoralej> any other topic? 15:55:17 <Duck> hum 15:55:28 <Duck> amoralej: new ducks for events? 15:55:45 <Duck> (and keeping one for me btw, so I can start a collection) 15:55:52 <amoralej> :) 15:56:41 <Duck> of course I can help man a booth and quack, but I know barely nothing about OpenStack 15:57:01 <Duck> so we need new rubber duckies 15:57:22 <Duck> I guess that's a priority topic for the upcoming FOSDEM & co events 15:57:42 <amoralej> i guess that's something for leanderthal ^ 15:57:58 <Duck> yes 15:58:08 <Duck> leanderthal: don't forget to reply about the ML ;-P 15:58:43 <leanderthal> we'll be doing ducks, yes, but only for openstack summits; at fosdem and devconf we're doing scarves 15:59:12 <leanderthal> i will also need volunteers for the booths of both, so i'll need to put together a sign up page. 15:59:16 <number80> Because we're frozen there 15:59:21 <leanderthal> yesssssss 15:59:37 <leanderthal> maybe there will be snow ducks or something, but only if the budget remains 15:59:38 <number80> leanderthal: you can already sign me up for fosdem 15:59:45 <leanderthal> number80, you're awesomeness 15:59:54 <PagliaccisCloud> ooh scarves! 15:59:55 <leanderthal> i'll make sign ups by next week 15:59:59 * number80 not going to Brno coz it;s too cold 16:00:06 <leanderthal> it's so. freaking. cold. 16:00:21 <leanderthal> i would make snow suit swag, if i had the money, i swear it. 16:00:26 <leanderthal> omg legwarmers. 16:00:34 <leanderthal> ahem. 16:00:37 <leanderthal> but, yes. booths. 16:00:57 <leanderthal> i'm wrapping up travel (six?!? events?!?) so that i know our budget for the last quarter. 16:01:35 <number80> leanderthal: think about face mask 16:01:46 <leanderthal> i'm listening 16:02:01 <leanderthal> one of those infinite scarves that can wrap around the head / neck 16:02:10 <sfbender> Merged rdopkg master: Add support for *info in clone command https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/14329 16:02:35 <PagliaccisCloud> OOOH. TRAIN CON-DUCK-TORS 16:02:48 <leanderthal> OMG YESSSSS 16:02:58 <leanderthal> PagliaccisCloud, that's totally what we're doing for denver. DONE AND DONE. 16:03:18 <PagliaccisCloud> yiss (insert Happy Gary) 16:03:32 <number80> Maybe we can wrap that discussion and have it next week ;-) 16:03:34 <leanderthal> amoralej, we're over time; my apologies 16:03:39 <amoralej> no problem 16:03:50 <leanderthal> (good to see you all again!) 16:03:50 <amoralej> yeah, i'll close 16:03:59 <amoralej> you can add the topic for next week 16:05:45 <amoralej> #endmeeting