15:02:11 <number80> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-12-12 15:02:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 12 15:02:11 2018 UTC. 15:02:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:11 <zodbot> The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-12-12' 15:02:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Dec 12 15:02:11 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_12_12' 15:02:43 <number80> #topic roll call 15:02:52 <number80> agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:02:57 <dciabrin> o/ 15:02:58 <Vorrtex> o/ 15:03:05 <amoralej> o/ 15:03:20 <bandini> o/ 15:03:31 <number80> #chair dciabrin Vorrtex amoralej bandini 15:03:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin number80 15:03:32 <openstack> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin number80 15:03:53 <jpena> o/ 15:03:58 <rdogerrit> Gabriele Cerami proposed config master: [WIP] Add temporary task to deal with promotion on mixed pipeline https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17744 15:03:58 <number80> #chair jpena 15:03:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin jpena number80 15:03:59 <openstack> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin jpena number80 15:04:13 <number80> Anyone has heard from leanderthal? 15:04:43 * number80 suggests to start with haproxy then 15:04:55 <number80> #topic haproxy 1.8 packaging 15:05:01 <number80> dciabrin, bandini ^ 15:05:02 <dciabrin> so 15:05:23 <dciabrin> centos8 will ship with haproxy 1.8, which is not compatible with how we use it in tripleo-heat-templates 15:05:41 <dciabrin> the request is to prepare haproxy rpm ahead of time for centos 15:05:56 <dciabrin> and as a first step, have a distgit in rdo-common 15:06:08 <number80> so you need a separate repo for this one, right? 15:06:25 <dciabrin> number80, correct 15:06:34 <amoralej> wdym by separate repo? 15:06:37 <rdogerrit> Merged rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: afs hosts: add mirror.ca-ymq-1.vexxhost-rdo host https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17627 15:06:57 <number80> amoralej: we're not tagging it into stein 15:07:08 <number80> but rather ship it somewhere on trunk.rdoproject.org 15:07:18 <moguimar> o/ 15:07:22 <number80> #chair moguimar 15:07:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin jpena moguimar number80 15:07:23 <amoralej> but then we will break stein users in centos7 15:07:23 <openstack> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin jpena moguimar number80 15:07:38 <dciabrin> number80, amoralej ftr I'm tracking t-h-t work for haproxy 1.8 in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607856/ 15:07:51 <amoralej> remember that we will release stein on centos7 15:07:54 <dciabrin> amoralej, no the plan is to be backward compatible with current haproxy and nex haproxy 1.8 in stein 15:08:28 <number80> amoralej: since there's no CentOS 8 yet, we will build haproxy 1.8 in CBS but not shipping it in either master or stein repositories 15:08:31 <amoralej> dciabrin, so it will work with current haproxy and with new haproxy 1.8? 15:08:38 <rdogerrit> Alex Schultz proposed rdoinfo master: Add py3 networking-{baremetal,l2gw,odl} packages https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17743 15:08:42 <ykarel> o/ 15:08:44 <dciabrin> amoralej, correct, t-h-t will handle both. 15:08:47 <bandini> amoralej: yes 15:08:47 <number80> #chair ykarel 15:08:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin jpena moguimar number80 ykarel 15:08:48 <openstack> Current chairs: Vorrtex amoralej bandini dciabrin jpena moguimar number80 ykarel 15:08:59 <amoralej> could it be tested with fedora job? 15:09:16 <amoralej> instead of centos7? 15:09:18 <number80> good question 15:09:33 <bandini> i guess we could 15:09:35 <dciabrin> amoralej, number80 probably yes, granted what the containers for fedora job already include haproxy 1.8 15:09:44 <dciabrin> amoralej, i'll double check that and confirm 15:10:10 <number80> dciabrin, bandini: if you can confirm it, will it be fine to rely only on the fedora job? 15:10:18 <amoralej> i think quiquell is doing good progress with standalone jobs on fedora 15:10:29 <bandini> number80: I think so, yes. dciabrin? 15:10:44 * quiquell appears from nowhere 15:10:46 <amoralej> but i'm nost sure about the status of containers 15:10:57 <ykarel> amoralej, but containers there are centos currently 15:11:04 <ykarel> in fedora job i mean 15:11:06 <mwhahaha> i've been working on the containers 15:11:09 <amoralej> yeah, that's also my understonding 15:11:12 <mwhahaha> we're missing neutron/ironic packages 15:11:23 <mwhahaha> please see my reviews/comments on the distgits 15:11:39 <mwhahaha> we're also missing skydive, collectd and sensu stuff 15:11:45 <dciabrin> I don't know if we have other CI jobs which exercise neutron HA routers, which is the other consumer of haproxy 15:11:54 <quiquell> mwhahaha: you mean with a fedora base image ? 15:11:59 <mwhahaha> yes 15:12:03 <bandini> nice 15:12:05 <dciabrin> but yeah basically I need a job with haproxy 1.8 in container 15:12:07 <quiquell> mwhahaha: ack, anything we can do to help there ? 15:12:48 <mwhahaha> other than helping get the py3 versions of some stuff not really 15:13:02 <mwhahaha> i will need help figuring out the solution for the missing collectd/sensu packages for fedora 15:13:10 <mwhahaha> right now i've just commented them out 15:13:11 <dciabrin> number80, amoralej also, until we land https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607856/ haproxy 1.8 in fedora job won't work 15:13:18 <number80> ok 15:13:20 <mwhahaha> i'm trying to get a list together of all the missing bits 15:13:30 <amoralej> mwhahaha, i understand the py3 reviews you have sent are related to containers? 15:13:33 <ykarel> that would be good 15:13:39 <mwhahaha> amoralej: yes 15:13:43 <amoralej> ack 15:14:05 <mwhahaha> ironic-staging-drivers is the missing piece for ironic 15:14:30 <mwhahaha> there's a bunch of neutron modules missing as well but some have already been converted so i have a review out to get them into the stable base 15:14:40 <ykarel> hmm review is up, but have some issue there, can't reproduce locally ironic-staging-dreiver 15:14:51 <mwhahaha> yea need to figure that one out 15:14:59 <amoralej> that's the one with the weird issue 15:15:03 <amoralej> yeap 15:15:04 <amoralej> ok 15:15:08 <quiquell> mwhahaha: btw about container prep at fedora28 we need it there to debug python3 issues they are legit not related to py3-py2 15:15:48 <mwhahaha> quiquell: we wont' be able to do container prep on f28 until we have fedora28 containers 15:15:50 <mwhahaha> but yes 15:15:55 <mwhahaha> we need to figure out that setup tools thing 15:16:29 <amoralej> mwhahaha, you are trying to build all containers in tripleo profile or a subset of them? 15:16:50 <mwhahaha> amoralej: i've built the subset that we have packages for or that i've worked around 15:16:57 <amoralej> ok 15:17:00 <number80> Proposal: review haproxy 1.8 next week, contigency plan will be haproxy 1.8 package for EL7 in a separate channel 15:17:18 <mwhahaha> amoralej: right nwo we can't build sensu-client, skidive-*, fluentd or crane 15:17:32 <amoralej> there are patches in kolla for fedora or you have some local patches? 15:17:34 <number80> Why contigency plan? a lot of people will be out of office in 2 weeks, so let's not block upstream by waiting on F28 container progress 15:17:47 <mwhahaha> amoralej: i have a working fork of kolla at the moment 15:17:57 <amoralej> nice 15:18:00 <rdogerrit> Ronelle Landy proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Separate the Centos-7 and Fedora-28 promotion ini files https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17780 15:18:19 <mwhahaha> https://github.com/mwhahaha/kolla/tree/fedora 15:18:28 * ykarel looks 15:18:46 <amoralej> ok, i see the patches 15:18:55 <ykarel> and yes from the list UcsSdk doesn't have python3 support 15:19:01 <ykarel> i filed a bug for ironic to move from it 15:19:06 <mwhahaha> nor IcmSdk 15:19:08 <mwhahaha> or whatever 15:19:09 <amoralej> there is a new sdk 15:19:22 <amoralej> ucsmsdk or something like that 15:19:44 <mwhahaha> so i'm going to spend some time today to cleanup my fork and try and come up with an exact list of what packages we're missing 15:20:04 <mwhahaha> but as of yesterday i was able to build all the tripleo containers minus the previously mentioned ones 15:20:16 <amoralej> sounds good 15:20:19 <mwhahaha> of course for some of those it just doesn't include the code so it may not be completely functional :D 15:20:44 <amoralej> mwhahaha, do you know if upstream is adding python3 support to crane? 15:20:49 <mwhahaha> I'm also working on an improvement to the tripleo code to allow us to skip some containers w/o having to hack a bunch of things , https://review.openstack.org/#/c/624532/ 15:20:56 <mwhahaha> amoralej: no and we're actually not going to use it 15:20:57 <amoralej> it didn't support it some weeks ago 15:21:03 <amoralej> ok 15:21:06 <amoralej> good to know 15:21:11 <mwhahaha> stevebaker has been working on an apache only thing 15:21:18 <amoralej> ack 15:21:33 <mwhahaha> we probably should pull crane out of the tripleo stuff 15:23:20 <ykarel> this is the story for ucssdk: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1668909 15:24:35 <number80> Let's try to focus on actions and decisions here, we can hold discussions after the meeting or on the mailing lists :) 15:24:56 <amoralej> yeap 15:25:24 <dciabrin> so I guess the bottom line is "haproxy 1.8 is coming, and we have areview in the pipe to support both old and new haproxy" 15:25:38 <amoralej> wrt haproxy, it'd be nice if we could leave centos7 as-is and use fedora to test 1.8 15:25:52 <amoralej> i'm not sure how fare we are of being able to use fedora for that 15:25:58 <amoralej> s/fare/far/ 15:26:05 <number80> Yep, that's why I suggest to revisit the situation next week 15:26:18 <amoralej> yes, i think that's the best option 15:26:23 <dciabrin> as to how we should test it, if f28 job can provide a container with haproxy 1.8 that's fine with me 15:26:28 <number80> Nobody opposes? 15:26:31 <dciabrin> agreed 15:26:44 <amoralej> in case we rebuild 1.8 for ci only we should keep jobs with old and new ones 15:26:48 <number80> #agreed revisit haproxy 1.8 situation next week 15:27:14 <number80> I can also provide temporary //-installable haproxy if that helps 15:27:20 <rdogerrit> Merged rdoinfo master: Add py3 networking-{baremetal,l2gw,odl} packages https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17743 15:27:41 <number80> but next week 15:28:02 <number80> #topic What to do with upcoming meetings 15:28:24 <number80> Next meetings are: december, 19 - december, 26 - January 2 15:28:41 <number80> My proposal will be to cancel december, 26 and January, 2 15:28:48 <amoralej> +1 15:29:11 <rdogerrit> Lee Yarwood proposed rdoinfo master: Add puppet-placement package https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17206 15:29:28 <number80> Nobody against it? 15:29:56 <number80> #agree Cancelling december, 26 and January, 2 RDO meeting 15:30:04 <ykarel> i will be available those days, so for any issue, query ping me :) 15:30:05 <number80> #agreed Cancelling december, 26 and January, 2 RDO meetings 15:30:31 <jpena> +1 to cancelling both, I won't be around :) 15:30:38 <number80> ack 15:31:25 <number80> ykarel: just make sure that you get management approval (for non-redhatters, we have RH annual shutdown in this period) 15:31:26 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/cloudkitty-distgit rpm-master: Add influxdb dependency https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17762 15:31:47 <number80> Then, hop on the next topic 15:32:11 <number80> #action number80 Notify the list about meetings cancelled 15:32:17 <number80> #topic FOSDEM and DevConf.CZ booths and swag 15:32:52 <number80> leanderthal is not around, so in short: we need volunteers for FOSDEM and devconf.cz to hold the openstack/RDO booths there 15:33:18 <number80> So if you're around and willing, just sign up in the etherpad 15:33:31 <number80> Other very important topic, submit ideas for swags and goodies 15:34:03 <number80> (we'll likely have scarves already) 15:34:23 <number80> #info we need volunteers for openstack and RDO booths at FOSDEM/devconf.cz 15:34:32 <number80> #info submit ideas for RDO goodies to leanderthal 15:34:58 <number80> Anyway, I'll talk with Rain when I'm back from PTO, so I'll make sure she gets the message 15:35:02 <number80> Next then 15:35:14 <number80> #topic next meeting chair 15:35:22 <number80> who wants the iron chair? 15:36:40 <number80> No volunteers? I'll do it 15:36:52 <number80> #action number80 to chair next week 15:36:59 <number80> #topic open floor 15:37:07 <number80> You last chance to bring a new topic 15:37:21 <Vorrtex> Hey all! Adam Kimball couldn't be here but he asked me to bring information to you guys and a request. 15:37:29 <number80> Sure 15:37:30 <Vorrtex> Tempest containers are breaking because python2-octavia-tests-tempest-golang is missing from the delorean repos, but was there before the 7.6 release. Its a noarch package that already works with ppc64le, but needs to be put back. 15:38:10 <number80> I think someone is working on that 15:38:33 <number80> ykarel: do you remember who? 15:38:37 <amoralej> mmmm 15:38:52 <amoralej> we added it, but not sure why it was lost 15:38:57 <amoralej> let me remember 15:39:30 <number80> amoralej: you take that action? 15:39:38 <amoralej> ok 15:39:46 <number80> Thanks :) 15:39:47 <ykarel> from where it lost? 15:40:09 * number80 will be on PTO from tomorrow to monday 15:40:17 * ykarel noted 15:40:38 <Vorrtex> Thanks! I'll let him know 15:40:54 <amoralej> Vorrtex, i see it in https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/deps/latest/ppc64le/python-octavia-tests-golang-0.1.0-1.el7.ppc64le.rpm 15:41:21 <amoralej> where is it missing, sorry i'm lost 15:41:56 <Vorrtex> He said its missing from the delorean repos? Sorry, I'm not all that familiar with all the process around packaging and such. 15:42:12 <amoralej> but for ppc64le? 15:42:18 <amoralej> or what's failing? 15:42:37 <ykarel> amoralej, it seems python2- vs python- 15:42:46 <ykarel> from Vorrtex original message 15:42:56 <amoralej> but i think nothing has changed on that 15:43:03 <amoralej> that's what i'm missing 15:43:07 <ykarel> in tempest we ported to python2 only for centos 15:43:14 <ykarel> so there it requires python2- 15:43:24 <ykarel> and pp6 is python- one 15:43:28 <amoralej> oook 15:43:38 <amoralej> so problem is that we changed the requires to python2- 15:43:46 <amoralej> so we broke it in ppc64le 15:43:52 <ykarel> yup 15:43:56 <Duck> quack 15:44:10 <amoralej> we should add a provides to python2 in the build for ppc 15:44:23 <ykarel> +1 15:45:03 <amoralej> spec is https://github.com/rdo-common/python-octavia-tests-golang/blob/master/python-octavia-tests-golang.spec 15:45:12 <amoralej> i'll rebuild and send a patch to push new build 15:45:15 <amoralej> Vorrtex, ^ 15:45:25 <Vorrtex> Thanks amoralej ! I'm writing the email response right now, much appreciated! 15:45:32 <amoralej> but for the record, it's unrelated to 7.6 :) 15:45:52 <Vorrtex> I'll let him know! Sorry about that, was basically copy-pasting from an email! 15:47:06 <Vorrtex> That's all I got, much appreciated guys. 15:49:36 <amoralej> jpena, ykarel please review https://github.com/rdo-common/python-octavia-tests-golang/commit/74581da216bbf19e9894341da8aafa97d23edcf8 15:49:41 <rdogerrit> Alex Schultz proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit rpm-master: Create python2/python3 package depending on distro https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17771 15:50:30 <ykarel> amoralej, Provides: python2-octavia-tests-golang = %{version}-%{release} also needed? 15:50:40 <amoralej> just in case 15:51:01 <ykarel> ack 15:51:26 <ykarel> +1 15:52:26 <number80> Ok, let's close the meeting then 15:52:31 <Duck> nooooooooo 15:52:49 <number80> next week :) 15:52:49 <Duck> I'm waiting for news about the ML migration, but I've got no reply 15:53:19 <amoralej> jpena, ykarel i've just rechecked all FTBFS in fedora 15:53:26 <ykarel> amoralej, ack 15:54:09 <Duck> it would be better to do it soon, because after X-mas & co there is not much time before FOSDEM & co 15:54:19 <Duck> and then it means not before March at best 15:55:22 <number80> OK 15:55:38 <number80> nothing else? 15:58:25 <Duck> no Sir 16:00:16 <number80> #endmeeting