15:00:56 <jpena> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2019-03-06 15:00:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 6 15:00:56 2019 UTC. 15:00:56 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:56 <zodbot> The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2019-03-06' 15:00:58 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 6 15:00:56 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:59 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:01 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2019_03_06' 15:01:10 <jpena> #topic roll call 15:01:20 <amoralej> o/ 15:01:21 <jpena> remember to add any last-minute topic to the agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:01:25 <jpena> #chair amoralej ykarel 15:01:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jpena ykarel 15:01:25 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jpena ykarel 15:01:26 <ykarel> o/ 15:01:30 <mjturek> o/ 15:01:37 <PagliaccisCloud> o/ 15:01:45 <jpena> #chair mjturek PagliaccisCloud 15:01:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej jpena mjturek ykarel 15:01:46 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej jpena mjturek ykarel 15:01:49 <baha> o/ 15:02:31 <jpena> #chair baha 15:02:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej baha jpena mjturek ykarel 15:02:31 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej baha jpena mjturek ykarel 15:04:37 <jpena> let's start with the agenda 15:04:43 <jpena> #topic Status of Stein release 15:04:45 <rdogerrit> Alfredo Moralejo created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Move weirdo jobs to ci aggretate temporarily https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19138 15:04:52 <jpena> amoralej: ^^ 15:04:53 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/ovsdbapp-distgit rpm-master: Move req python[*]-fixtures to -test subrpm https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19136 15:05:16 <amoralej> it's just to share the status and plans for Stein GA preparation tasks 15:05:40 <amoralej> jpena has already created new DLRN builders following stable/stein branches 15:05:52 <amoralej> both for centos7 and fedora-stabilized 15:06:05 <amoralej> bootstrap is finished 15:06:10 <amoralej> and both are consistent 15:06:30 <amoralej> currently are available in http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-stein-bootstrap 15:06:46 <amoralej> and http://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora28-stein-bootstrap 15:07:06 <amoralej> tomorrow we'll switch centos7-stein and fedora28-stein links to the new builders 15:07:31 <amoralej> #info DLRN builders for CentOS7 and Fedora28 chasing stable/stein branches are bootstrapped 15:08:13 <amoralej> #info URLs http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-stein and http://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora28-stein will be switched to new builders tomorrow 15:08:34 <amoralej> any user that wants to use master branches must use centos7-master 15:08:52 <amoralej> apart from that, we are already starting requirements updates for stein 15:09:36 <amoralej> #info requirements adjustements for stein ongoing in https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:stein-branching 15:09:49 <amoralej> we should start doint it for libraries 15:09:57 <amoralej> and clients at the end of this week 15:10:14 <amoralej> and we will start branching distgits and building libraris early next week 15:10:35 <amoralej> #info we will start branching distgits and building libraris early next week 15:10:53 <amoralej> #action maintainers send required adjustments for distgits for stein 15:10:57 <ykarel> amoralej, do you know when stable/stein branches created upstream, i see only few created till now 15:11:01 <amoralej> i think that's it 15:11:24 <amoralej> ykarel, for libraries and clients, it's not a big problem to have the branches created because they are pinned 15:11:40 <amoralej> for others, it should be in rc1 15:12:16 <ykarel> amoralej, yup, was unsure about the timing, so asked 15:12:20 <amoralej> we are also finishing deps rebases for stain 15:12:25 <amoralej> yeah, it should be soon 15:12:28 <weshay|rover> 0/ 15:12:42 <ykarel> ack 15:13:03 <amoralej> i think that's it from me 15:13:08 <ykarel> #link status for release at https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/stein-release-preparation 15:13:19 <jpena> ok, let's move on then 15:13:20 <amoralej> thanks ykarel 15:13:22 <jschlueter> tempest is one of few that still has dep on os-testr and not yet flipped to stestr? 15:13:44 <jpena> #topic open floor 15:13:50 <weshay|rover> you guys are ready for CI to start building ci jobs for stein it seems, right? 15:13:53 <ykarel> tempest should be switched i think 15:13:55 <weshay|rover> I see repos w/ links :) 15:13:59 <amoralej> weshay|rover, almost 15:14:01 <amoralej> yes 15:14:05 <weshay|rover> amoralej++ 15:14:10 <weshay|rover> one other qq 15:14:12 <amoralej> we are consistent, we just need to switch links 15:14:25 <amoralej> we expect to do it tomorrow, i'll send a mail to the ML 15:14:28 <weshay|rover> Pike, does rdo need more builds of Pike due to the extended release? 15:14:34 * Duck o/ 15:14:43 <weshay|rover> there are issues w/ ceph that will require a bit of work to promote another build 15:14:52 <weshay|rover> amoralej k.. thanks 15:15:07 <amoralej> weshay|rover, you mean pike with ceph is broken? 15:15:22 <weshay|rover> on unpromoted builds yes 15:15:52 <amoralej> according to https://releases.openstack.org/ pike is still maintained 15:15:55 <weshay|rover> so there is a significant cost to not EOL pike atm 15:16:21 <amoralej> so i'd like to get pike dlrn builder running 15:16:24 <ykarel> promoted builds should also be affected i think 15:16:40 <amoralej> what introduced the problem? update in ceph? 15:16:50 <weshay|rover> fultonj can you comment 15:17:16 <weshay|rover> amoralej lp 1817688 15:17:17 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1817688 in tripleo "job that test ceph in periodic pipeline for stable branches are getting the wrong configuration" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817688 - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami) 15:17:23 <fultonj> yes 15:17:38 <fultonj> tripleo ci can't fully switch on versions 15:17:51 <amoralej> oh, that i remember now 15:18:12 <fultonj> we switched ceph from filestore to bluestore for all versions which support it 15:18:22 <fultonj> pike doesn't because pike is aligned with jewel 15:18:39 <amoralej> there is no easy wat to switch back in pike? 15:18:41 <rdogerrit> Sagi Shnaidman proposed rdo-infra/ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer master: Run centos jobs on vexxhost https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19134 15:18:48 <fultonj> easy no 15:19:21 <amoralej> weshay|rover, so you are proposing to stop promoting pike, iiuc 15:19:35 <fultonj> tripleo ci can get an option to switch on version at a cost 15:19:49 <fultonj> is value(cost) > keeping pike 15:19:52 <fultonj> that's the question? 15:20:18 <weshay|rover> amoralej pretty much yes 15:20:54 <amoralej> well, it's almost moving to extended maintenance 15:21:01 <amoralej> i'd keep dlrn builders running 15:21:08 <amoralej> so that user can consume package updates 15:21:41 <amoralej> even if it's for non-ceph or even non-tripleo environments 15:21:50 <fultonj> option: keep builder but stop CI'ing ceph jobs on it 15:22:12 <weshay|rover> I suppose we could remove ooo from pike criteria 15:22:30 <fultonj> weshay|rover: perhaps not all ooo but just ooo w/ ceph? 15:22:32 <amoralej> or maybe ooo+ceph 15:22:35 <fultonj> for pike only 15:22:36 <amoralej> would that work? 15:22:40 <amoralej> for pike 15:22:49 <weshay|rover> I think it's a viable option 15:23:50 <fultonj> who would remove the ooo+ceph from pike? 15:24:06 <fultonj> is that a weshay|rover thing or an amoralej thing? 15:24:37 <weshay|rover> fultonj we should look at that together 15:24:51 <ykarel> fultonj, so iiuc tasks in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637196/6/roles/ceph-loop-device/tasks/main.yml caused it 15:25:03 <ykarel> and specifically using ceph_loop_device 15:25:13 <fultonj> ykarel: yeah i know 15:25:33 <fultonj> see line 40 it doesnt' work 15:25:36 <ykarel> so using different loop_device will not solve it 15:25:55 <ykarel> yup i know that, release is master in periodic jobs 15:26:02 <amoralej> i think we could update periodic pipeline and promoter to just remove ceph jobs 15:26:15 <fultonj> amoralej: ++ 15:26:41 <fultonj> different loop_device ? 15:26:49 <fultonj> that's horrible and ugly but it might work 15:27:16 <ykarel> hmm that what i got from error it's used somewhere 15:27:31 <ykarel> so using different might be a workaround 15:27:53 <ykarel> but ok to remove jobs and keep dlrn running 15:28:36 <amoralej> +1 to remove the job, even removing the full promotion is not a big problem imo 15:29:07 <fultonj> ykarel++ good idea 15:29:12 <fultonj> i'll try the workaround 15:29:15 <fultonj> next step me 15:29:20 <fultonj> i'll update this group with results 15:29:42 <fultonj> if it doesnt' work let's go to plan b 15:29:52 <fultonj> remove jobs and keep dlrn running 15:29:53 <fultonj> ok? 15:30:00 <fultonj> weshay|rover: amoralej ykarel ? 15:30:06 <ykarel> +1 for me 15:30:12 <gfidente> +1 fwiw 15:30:25 <weshay|rover> cool, fultonj I'll sync w/ u 15:31:06 <jpena> any action to record? 15:31:40 <fultonj> #ACTION fultonj to try second loop devices for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637196/ and pike and report if it fixes pike job xor we remove ooo+ceph tests for pike only 15:32:10 <fultonj> i'd like to talk about https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721/ at the approipriate time 15:32:14 <ykarel> fultonj, you can test failing pike job like https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19017 with depends on on tripleo-ci patch just in case u are not aware 15:32:15 <fultonj> as anothe topic 15:32:26 <jpena> #agreed keep RDO Trunk pike but remove ceph from pike promotion criteria 15:33:00 <jpena> fultonj: the previous topic is done, feel free to start with ansible 15:33:51 <fultonj> #TOPIC ansible 2.7 in rdo for train https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721/ 15:34:05 <jpena> #topic ansible 2.7 in rdo for train https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721/ 15:34:11 <jpena> it's lowercase :D 15:34:14 <fultonj> thanks jpena 15:34:38 <amoralej> any update on nautilus release? 15:34:39 <fultonj> we're blocked on needing newer clients 15:34:45 <fultonj> nautilus clients 15:34:50 <gfidente> yeah I can't get a build to pass in centos/cbs 15:34:56 <gfidente> have to retry 15:35:21 <fultonj> can we get help w/ why 1. https://cbs.centos.org/koji/getfile?taskID=710313&name=build.log&offset=-4000 fails? 15:35:25 <fultonj> ktdreyer: ^ :) 15:37:08 <fultonj> that's the status update. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721 is blocked on getting clients on failure ^ 15:41:27 <fultonj> so should we move on? 15:41:43 <jpena> yes, let's continue 15:41:48 <jpena> #topic chair for next meeting 15:42:00 <jpena> do we have any volunteer to chair next week's meeting? 15:43:17 <mjturek> jpena: I can run 15:43:24 <jpena> thanks mjturek! 15:43:31 <jpena> #action mjturek to chair the next meeting 15:44:00 <mjturek> np 15:44:10 <jpena> ok, so unless we have any other topic to bring, let's end the meeting and put those extra 15 minutes to good use 15:44:15 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/oslo-concurrency-distgit rpm-master: remove Req on python3-fixtures from main package https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19133 15:44:19 <mjturek> oh I do! 15:44:23 <mjturek> baha and I are looking for the proper way to get the IP of the jenkins slave running the job for ci.centos.org through ansible. We need it to properly rsync the logs to the logserver. Anyone have any insight here? 15:45:22 <jpena> mjturek: do you need to get it from the cico node, or from the slave itself? 15:45:53 <mjturek> the slave itself! 15:47:51 <jpena> there must be an ansible fact you can use, let me check 15:48:57 <mjturek> jpena: maybe this ansible_default_ipv4.address? 15:49:12 <jpena> mjturek: yep, that's what I was thinking about 15:49:40 <mjturek> cool! 15:49:57 <mjturek> and I think it would just need to run on localhost to properly resolve right? 15:50:25 <jpena> yes 15:50:40 <mjturek> cool! I think we're good then, thanks jpena 15:50:58 <jpena> so this is everyone's last chance of raising a topic! 15:51:50 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates-distgit rpm-master: Updates on directories https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19132 15:53:04 <jpena> 3, 2, 1... 15:53:10 <jpena> gone! 15:53:13 <jpena> #endmeeting