14:01:26 <jcapitao> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2020-07-29 14:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 29 14:01:26 2020 UTC. 14:01:26 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:01:26 <zodbot> The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2020-07-29' 14:01:27 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 29 14:01:26 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2020_07_29' 14:01:57 <jcapitao> #topic Roll Call 14:03:02 <jcapitao> there is still time to add topic to the agenda at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:03:06 <amoralej> o/ 14:03:10 <spotz> o/ 14:03:54 <spotz> I can give an update but figured y'all were tired of me typing:) 14:03:55 <jcapitao> #chair amoralej spotz 14:03:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz 14:03:56 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz 14:03:57 <rh-jlabarre> o/ 14:05:42 <jcapitao> #chair rh-jlabarre 14:05:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao rh-jlabarre spotz 14:05:43 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao rh-jlabarre spotz 14:05:52 <ykarel> o/ 14:06:17 <amoralej> spotz, no, please update us with status 14:06:32 <spotz> #topic Events Update 14:06:36 <jcapitao> spotz: we want the update ;) 14:06:57 <jcapitao> #chair ykarel 14:06:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao rh-jlabarre spotz ykarel 14:06:58 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao rh-jlabarre spotz ykarel 14:07:46 <spotz> Excited to say we are on schedule to live stream about Packstack this coming Monday at 16:00 UTC on the redhatopenshift channel during OpenShift Commons. ykarel and jpena will be presenting 14:08:00 <amoralej> cool 14:08:11 <ykarel> \o/ 14:08:38 <jcapitao> nice 14:09:02 <spotz> The OpenShift Commons event that was going to use hopin.to got cancelled so I'm going to see if anyone else has anything scheduled so we can plan the Manual install and TripleO install workshops. Also need to rope some TripleO team members in for that 14:09:24 <spotz> For Doc Days only the one response so far and that was mainly for upstream tripleO docs 14:10:09 <spotz> And as soon as we get a line up the goal is an OpenStack themed regularly scheduled stream show 14:10:51 <spotz> I think that's everything I had. I'll get the social blurb done and emailed out today so we can advertise beyond the OpenShift Commons accounts 14:11:05 <spotz> So that's my update:) 14:11:26 <amoralej> thanks spotz for all the work with events 14:11:54 <jcapitao> what is the URL pointing to the redhatopenshift channel ? 14:12:00 <spotz> I still need to hit up placement about that bug and see about putting the fix there vs in RDO 14:12:14 <spotz> #link https://www.twitch.tv/redhatopenshift 14:12:49 <rdogerrit> Merged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Promoter new configuration engine: Add Core https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27985 14:12:53 <jcapitao> okk 14:12:57 <jcapitao> thx for the update 14:14:40 <jcapitao> #info jpena and ykarel to live stream about Packstack day 08/03/20 at 16:00 UTC on the redhatopenshift channel (Twitch) 14:16:30 <jcapitao> seems there is no other topics for today 14:17:45 <jcapitao> maybe in Open Floor :) 14:18:29 <jcapitao> #topic next week chair 14:18:49 <jcapitao> any volunteer ? 14:19:19 <ykarel> i can take 14:20:05 <jcapitao> thanks ykarel 14:20:14 <jcapitao> #action ykarel to chair next week meeting 14:20:39 <jcapitao> #topic open floor 14:22:56 <amoralej> jpena, ykarel if you can take a look into https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/28618/ 14:23:30 <ykarel> okk will check 14:24:19 <jcapitao> jpena: if you can take a look at https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/q/status:open+project:rdopkg+branch:master+topic:reqcheck-autosync please :) 14:24:40 <jpena> jcapitao: oh, they're still around. Sure, I'll have a look 14:28:01 <rdogerrit> rdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: CBS tags sync with uc for victoria-candidate https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28773 14:29:41 <jcapitao> thank you 14:29:58 <jcapitao> if there are no more topics, i will close the meeting and give you 30 minutes back 14:30:11 <spotz> Woot breakfast!:) 14:31:06 <ykarel> amoralej, bot working fine now ^ 14:31:26 <amoralej> nice ykarel 14:31:28 <rdogerrit> Rafael Folco proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add new mol-promote_images job https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28728 14:31:52 <jcapitao> let's close ! 14:31:55 <jcapitao> #endmeeting