14:01:04 <ykarel> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2020-08-19 14:01:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 19 14:01:04 2020 UTC. 14:01:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:01:04 <zodbot> The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2020-08-19' 14:01:06 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 19 14:01:04 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2020_08_19' 14:01:19 <spotz> o/ 14:01:25 <ykarel> #topic roll call 14:01:31 <ykarel> #chair spotz 14:01:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: spotz ykarel 14:01:31 <openstack> Current chairs: spotz ykarel 14:01:38 <spotz> Also manning the kubecon chats so if I should answer and don't ping please:) 14:01:55 <ykarel> Please add last minute topic to agenda https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:03:11 <spotz> Haven't heard back from Wes this week so no updates on the tripleo workshop 14:05:57 <ykarel> Ok let's start with the topic we have 14:06:11 <ykarel> #topic haproxy 2.2 14:06:24 <ykarel> #link https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2020-August/009435.html 14:06:29 <ykarel> cgoncalves, ^^ 14:06:51 <cgoncalves> thank you 14:07:24 <cgoncalves> as written in the email, the OpenStack Octavia will soon require HAProxy 2.x. CentOS provides 1.8 so we need to make 2.x available somehow 14:07:56 <cgoncalves> I rebuilt 2.2 from Fedora rawhide and it passed our scenario tests on CentOS 8 14:08:23 <cgoncalves> I would like to know if RDO could help make 2.2 available either in RDO repos or elsewhere (NFV?) 14:08:40 <spotz> Is that an option we can do? I know I've been grabbing stuff from centos on my rhel machine 14:09:00 <spotz> I mean pulling from Fedora 14:09:34 <cgoncalves> I know RDO rebuilds many packages from Fedora 14:09:57 <ykarel> yes we rebuild dependencies from Fedora into CBS 14:10:13 <rdogerrit> Merged rdo-jobs master: Replace promoter periodic jobs https://review.rdoproject.org/r/29004 14:10:50 <ykarel> cgoncalves, is that haproxy needed only for amphora driver, just curious 14:10:55 <spotz> So sounds like something we could work with the CentOS folks for 14:11:03 <ykarel> in past i heard there is ovn driver which replacing amphora 14:11:12 <ykarel> but me not know much about the plans 14:12:23 <ykarel> and wrt to shipping haproxy in RDO deps, we consume it from CentOS8 base, and we avoid overriding these deps in RDO 14:12:43 <ykarel> cgoncalves, you checked if there is plan to update in some next rhel8 version 14:12:52 <ykarel> like 8.3, 8.4 etc 14:13:02 <ykarel> so it can come to c8 stream and you can consume from there 14:13:31 <cgoncalves> ykarel, only for amphora that I know of but 2.x provides performance improvements, etc that would also help other projects like tripleo, kolla, etc 14:14:02 <cgoncalves> I checked with RHEL, no plans to provide 2.x in RHEL 8.x 14:14:10 <ykarel> :( 14:14:41 <cgoncalves> Octavia can't wait for RHEL 9 to develop new features, other distros provide 2.x today 14:14:43 <spotz> Probably as RHEL will add in 9 when RHOSP17 is released 14:15:18 <ykarel> cgoncalves, other distros, you mean fedora? 14:15:24 <ykarel> ubuntu etc 14:15:24 <cgoncalves> fedora, ubuntu, ... 14:15:39 <spotz> If RDO isn't the right place for this has anyone asked centos if they're willing? 14:16:13 <spotz> They still have EPEL, I pulled screen from there:) 14:16:33 <ykarel> spotz, centos too will likely not build in base, as base is picked from rhel 14:16:46 <ykarel> some SIG has to adopt it 14:16:49 <spotz> ykarel: But could it go in EPEL? 14:17:10 <ykarel> i think in EPEL it could go 14:17:58 <spotz> So maybe we could ask cloud SIG to champion it going there? 14:18:05 <ykarel> but epel and rdo repos don't play well 14:18:06 <cgoncalves> apevec was more of the opinion of NFV. I'm okay with that 14:18:39 <ykarel> yes since it's more related to networking, NFV seems more ideal for it 14:18:59 <ykarel> currently NFV sig only building openvswitch/ovn 14:19:10 <ykarel> and is recently bootstrapped 14:19:36 <ykarel> it's weekly meeting happens every 2 week, next meeting is next week 14:20:12 <spotz> Worth asking them 14:20:30 <ykarel> cgoncalves, so when developing feature it will be still be backward compatible, right? 14:21:14 <ykarel> i mean you can develop/test new features on fedora/ubuntu and other distros can go with older haproxy until it's get available 14:21:23 <cgoncalves> ykarel, backward compatible? new features like HTTP/2 won't run some older HAProxy versions 14:22:05 <cgoncalves> ykarel, not really. for fedora, we would need to add support of it, we've been there and it's difficult because it's a moving target 14:22:33 <ykarel> cgoncalves, i mean octavia once added new features, will continue working with haproxy < 2 14:22:34 <cgoncalves> as for ubuntu, we could but I hear a different hat, a red one 14:22:39 <ykarel> i guess it will be made configurable 14:22:57 <ykarel> because atleast Downstream OSP will not update haproxy 14:23:09 <cgoncalves> ykarel, we would have to exclude tests in tempest for the centos job. that is just... not ideal 14:23:29 <rdogerrit> Rafael Folco proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Remove legacy molecule scenarios/playbooks https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28901 14:23:48 <cgoncalves> ykarel, we won't be backporting new features to OSP 16.x or older 14:24:06 <cgoncalves> ^ ones that need haproxy 2.x at least 14:24:49 <ykarel> cgoncalves, ohkk got it 14:25:04 <ykarel> and understand your points on fedora and ubuntu 14:25:35 <ykarel> so we can bring this to NFV sig and see what other guys think 14:25:43 <cgoncalves> sure 14:25:49 <cgoncalves> I can join next week's NFV meeting 14:25:50 <ykarel> this is PTO month, so people are out as well 14:26:03 <ykarel> next week we will have more people, more opinion 14:26:29 <spotz> Also Kubecon this week so less people 14:26:53 <ykarel> me agrees on upgrading part, just we need to find right home for it 14:28:01 <spotz> +1 14:28:29 <ykarel> Ok let's move to next topic 14:28:46 <ykarel> #topic Testing NFV builds(ovs/ovn2.13) 14:28:58 <ykarel> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/29009/ 14:29:23 <ykarel> So in an effort to consume builds from NFV SIG, started testing with https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/29009/ 14:30:15 <ykarel> till now results looks good 14:30:25 <ykarel> jobs are still running 14:30:59 <ykarel> By next week we will see how to move forwards with it once Alfredo is back 14:31:22 <ykarel> that's it from me on this topic 14:32:49 <ykarel> If nothing to discuss, let's move to next topic 14:33:03 <ykarel> #topic Chair for next Meeting 14:34:08 <ykarel> any volunteer? 14:38:49 <ykarel> Ok i can re take it 14:38:56 <ykarel> #action ykarel to chair next week 14:39:02 <spotz> I've got 1 conflict at the time but can if you can't 14:39:10 <ykarel> #topic open floor 14:39:13 <spotz> Today I have 3:) 14:39:19 <ykarel> Feel free to bring any topic now 14:40:14 <spotz> I need to follow up with weshay|ruck about the tripleo stuff. I'm on the fence on the manual install. And so far only the one person with docs suggestions and that was tripleo docs 14:41:55 <spotz> I think we could probably free some time back. ykarel if something happens and you need me to run next week just ping 14:43:56 <ykarel> spotz, ok Thanks 14:44:13 <ykarel> so if nothing to discuss, let's close early and everyone get's back 15 minutes 14:45:03 <ykarel> Thanks all for joining 14:45:06 <ykarel> #endmeeting