09:03:44 <mchua> #startmeeting 09:03:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 12 09:03:44 2009 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:03:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 09:03:56 <mchua> There we go. Logs. :) 09:04:02 <aho> haha... 09:04:06 <aho> ok...let's start 09:04:09 <mchua> #info travel to SG approved for $1k-$1.2k USD 09:04:11 <mchua> Cool. 09:04:35 <mchua> aho: Hotel, per diem? 09:05:14 <aho> I will put you up with the lecturers which is in campus 09:05:29 <aho> for meals, hmmm...by expenses 09:05:38 <aho> we do not do per dim here 09:06:17 <mchua> So I should just get food (I usually don't eat too expensively, especially when I'm in Asia) and then charge it to APAC? 09:07:22 <aho> yeah 09:08:02 <mchua> And for hotel, staying with the lecturers during POSSE would be great, but I'll also need somewhere to stay the Saturday night before and the Friday night after 09:08:21 <mchua> if the dorms are open a day on either side, that would work 09:08:34 <aho> ok...Let me check that out 09:08:41 <aho> I'm sure it will be ok 09:10:26 <mchua> Cool. I'll email you some flight options; it looks like tickets will be between $820-$950 USD depending on how much an extra night is (and therefore whether it's cheaper for me to come in a day earlier + have an extra hotel night, or a more expensive flight later + 1 less hotel night, etc.) 09:10:34 <mchua> #action mchua to email aho flight options 09:10:51 <aho> yes please...I think this should settle it 09:11:02 <mchua> aho: Me too. Any other logistical things you need from me? 09:11:08 <mchua> Thanks for working this out, btw! 09:11:30 <aho> let me give an update 09:11:44 * mchua listens 09:12:09 <aho> China is still confirming about 15, Korea 2, Singapore 8, India likely to be 1 09:12:32 <aho> therefore we are looking at above 20, below 30 for now 09:12:57 <mchua> Ok. Is registration open yet so we have a place for those attendees to be confirmed, and for others to sign up? 09:13:20 * mchua wants to make sure we get basic demographic/contact/affiliation for all attendees, and that they all sign the POSSE Pledge 09:13:39 <aho> we have facilities at the Nanyang Polytechnic, which is confirmed to have equipment for teaching and they are able to cater PC if anyone cannot bring in a laptop 09:14:36 <mchua> Great! Is that a loaner desktop or laptop? Can we install things (Fedora?) on them, or are there restrictions on use? 09:14:50 <mchua> Do the lecturers have to tell them they need a laptop loan beforehand, and if so, should that be on the application? 09:17:41 <aho> yeah..we have to 09:17:53 <aho> will you be able to come out with the requirement? 09:18:32 <mchua> The requirement for what kind of computers people need to bring? 09:19:30 <aho> I think all we need is to state what needs to be installed 09:19:39 <mchua> I can send out minimum technical specs (they're very minimal; I have a hard time thinking of a way someone would bring a computer that wouldn't work) and "you need to be able to install this software" lists, yes. 09:19:55 <mchua> #action mchua to post and email list minimum hardware specs + needs-to-be-installed list 09:20:30 <aho> yeah 09:20:31 <mchua> And in terms of lecturers stating on their application whether they need a loaner computer or not - is there some way to capture that information? 09:21:14 <mchua> (and is registration open?) 09:21:20 <aho> I'm going to leave it up to the field marketing in each country to let us know that 09:21:39 <aho> the registration is open in the sense that the each country is doing the enrollment 09:22:03 <mchua> Ok. 2 questions then: 09:22:17 <mchua> 1) if there is a lecturer who wants to attend, where do I send them to sign up? 09:22:20 <mchua> and 09:22:41 <mchua> 2) is there some standard set of information we're collecting from lecturers who apply/register, and is there a deadline we'll have that information by? 09:22:52 <aho> hmm...do we need that signup page? 09:23:30 <aho> I have not given a thought on what information we need from the lecturers, but I think we can collect the date quite easily 09:23:40 <mchua> I don't care about there being a signup page per se, just a way for people who haven't been contacted by field marketing to contact the appropriate field marketing office to be put on the list. 09:24:04 <mchua> (in other words, "Hi, I'm an interested lecturer, I read your press release, where do I register?") 09:24:35 <aho> ok...I will set that up 09:24:45 <aho> we are targeting known schools for now 09:24:51 <mchua> aho: The helpful information to collect, for me (curriculum-wise) is http://teachingopensource.org/pipermail/posse2009/2009-June/000017.html and a signature of the POSSE Pledge 09:25:03 * mchua finds better links; I emailed out the non-email-archives URL of the survey at some point before 09:25:39 <mchua> #link http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Pre-event_Survey 09:25:50 <mchua> #link http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Pledge 09:26:29 <mchua> If we get that information from everyone by, say, Nov. 1st, that's plenty of time. 09:26:52 <mchua> jee: we'll get to the comms plan in a bit, no worries. ;) 09:26:54 <aho> ok...noted 09:27:27 <jee> can no prob 09:27:42 <aho> let me check with the field marketing first...the first target are those schools which we know 09:27:49 <mchua> of course. 09:28:16 <aho> ok... 09:28:19 <mchua> aho: when will the registration page be set up by, and is november 1st a reasonable deadline for a final student list (with all that info collected from each attendee + everyone agreeing to the POSSE Pledge)? 09:28:39 * mchua notes that we have 3 full weeks before nov 1st right now 09:28:49 <aho> yeah...I'm hoping to have the list updated as we get registrations... 09:29:49 <mchua> aho: is it possible to post that list publicly as we get it? (It'd also be nice to be able to point to that for press/planning/telling other lecturers they should sign up too.) 09:30:07 <mchua> that's also something Max requested, iirc 09:30:10 <mchua> (the public list) 09:30:30 <mchua> ah, yep, he did: http://teachingopensource.org/pipermail/posse-apac/2009-October/000030.html 09:30:53 <mchua> "This is also critically important. There should be a public list of 09:30:56 <mchua> names of attendees, along with the institutions that those attendees are 09:30:59 <mchua> from, on the POSSE wiki pages that we can point to. 09:31:02 <mchua> " 09:31:49 <mchua> Having contact info for registrants also means we can, when each lecturer signs up, bring them onto the mailing list and this IRC channel, so we can begin talking with them before the event, and they can get to know each other. 09:32:11 <mchua> The more they arrive already feeling like they're part of a community, the easier our jobs will be once they arrive. 09:32:50 <aho> yes...the intention is to list the lecturers 09:33:13 <aho> in fact, we are very keen to use it to attract others 09:33:14 <mchua> aho: ok - where should we watch for that list, and by when? 09:33:17 <mchua> awesome :) 09:33:33 * mchua takes down a few high-level notes for the meeting logging bot 09:33:34 <aho> thinking it to be at POSSE_APAC 09:34:00 <mchua> #info NYP can loan computers to lecturers who can't bring their own 09:34:06 <aho> what do Max meant by (2) Press that doesn't seem to be coordinated between APAC and CommArch. 09:34:06 <aho> Bold claims like "we will do this in every country next year" before 09:34:06 <aho> we've even done it in one country, and had a chance to assess. We might 09:34:06 <aho> be making promises that we won't end up keeping. The lack of 09:34:06 <aho> communication between the people generating POSSE APAC press and 09:34:08 <aho> CommArch makes it appear like the POSSE brand isn't organized, and that 09:34:10 <aho> we don't have an organized strategy around what we're trying to do with 09:34:12 <aho> POSSE. 09:34:17 <aho> who is commarch? 09:34:27 <mchua> #info registration being done by each country's field marketing; current tentative numbers are China ~15, Korea ~2, Singapore ~8, India ~1 09:34:56 <mchua> aho: CommArch = Community Architecture, my team. 09:35:06 <jee> ok gotcha 09:35:09 <mchua> Max is the manager of that team. 09:35:19 <mchua> We run the POSSE program, among other things. 09:36:00 <aho> ok...we need to be more closely link then 09:36:08 <mchua> In general, we work with the open source communities Red Hat depends on; one of the areas we concentrate on is in education. 09:36:38 <mchua> aho: Yep. What can we do from this side to help with that? 09:37:38 <aho> my opinion is this can be link with the Red Hat Academy program 09:38:10 <aho> I think at this point, we have to focus on making this POSSE successful and we do a debrief after 09:38:13 <jee> for future press releases, I run them by CommArch prior sending it to Corp Comms / legal teams 09:38:53 <mchua> jee: Thanks - Max and I (and Greg DeKoenigsberg, who's also on the team) are on the posse-apac list, so sending drafts there would work great. 09:39:56 <mchua> aho: agreed on making this POSSE successful + debrief after. I think it's important to note that POSSE is its own program and not under the umbrella of RHA, RHU, etc. (though partnering with those programs for POSSEs definitely makes a lot of sense) 09:40:03 <mchua> particularly in terms of outreach + marketing. 09:40:04 <aho> does that list includes external party? 09:40:37 <mchua> aho: Yes. It is an open list, but a very small/quiet one. 09:40:53 <mchua> So RH-internal information for CommArch should go to community@redhat.com. 09:42:57 <aho> ok... 09:43:03 * mchua notes we haven't had problems discussing POSSE planning details publicly in the past, and that it's actually helped attendees help us publicize/set-up things, but I also realize we may not be able to put out draft press releases in some cases. 09:43:19 <aho> yup 09:43:23 <jee> yes 09:43:29 <aho> ok...let'smoveonto jee 09:44:15 <jee> updated all on some of the media activities in APAC 09:44:19 <jee> some coverages 09:44:22 <jee> more to come 09:45:29 <mchua> aho: Ok. I'd like a date we can expect registration up by, so I know how long to tell interested lectureres to wait, and some deadline (Nov. 1?) we'll have the registration list settled by, and a place where registered attendees will be publicly listed 09:45:50 <aho> ok...we can work base on that 09:45:50 * mchua switches gears to marketing, but will come back to ask about that later at the end 09:46:00 <aho> we will move the date accordingly 09:46:03 <aho> if need to 09:47:06 <mchua> aho: can we get all 3 of those things by the end of this meeting - the dates for registration open and registration close, and either "attendees will be listed on the wiki" or "at this other location,"? 09:47:23 <mchua> jee: Thanks for the comms plan - it helped clear up a lot for us. 09:47:31 <mchua> jee: The coverage has been fantastic! 09:47:53 <mchua> jee: And being able to see future press releases before they come out will be very helpful. 09:48:02 <aho> ok...we can set the open date on 5 Oct 09:48:09 <aho> close date 1 Nov 09:48:29 <mchua> aho: did you mean 15 Oct? 09:48:40 <aho> 5 actually... 09:48:58 <aho> because we have already started the re-recuitment 09:49:03 <mchua> oh, ok - right, field marketing. 09:49:11 <mchua> #info registration open 5 Oct, close 1 Nov 09:49:20 <mchua> aho: when will the details for open registration be up by? 09:50:10 <jee> For China, perhaps we can even arrange media interviews with some registrants prior POSSE APAC. 09:50:19 <aho> let me get that up by this week 09:50:30 <jee> like a build up to event 09:50:41 <mchua> That would be great; we've had an offer from someone from the OSI (Alolita Sharma) to do some interviews if needed 09:50:53 <mchua> jee: build up is always good 09:51:29 <mchua> aho: ok, do you think end-of-SGP Wednesday is enought time to get open reg up? 09:51:34 <mchua> I'd like to give people as much time to sign up as possible. 09:51:38 <aho> yup 09:51:45 <aho> that's possible 09:51:52 <mchua> thanks, aho! 09:52:04 <mchua> #action aho to put up open registration by end-of-SGP Wednesday 09:52:16 <mchua> jee: What can we do from the CommArch side to help with marketing/PR? 09:52:55 <mchua> We should be able to give very quick turnaround on any release drafts (i.e. if you email it to us by the end of your work day, you should get a response before the beginning of your next one, thanks to timezones) 09:52:59 <mchua> community@redhat.com 09:53:15 <jee> Cool tat's great 09:53:24 * mchua also has a few questions about some of the PR plan's key points 09:53:40 <mchua> "POSSE will create interactive opportunities for Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) to knowledge share with the possibility of regional exchange programs and lecturing opportunities." 09:53:45 <jee> for the moment, I'll need to suss out the various media opportuinities and we can move from there 09:53:53 <mchua> Do we need to set up those regional exchange programs + lecturing opportunities now? 09:54:00 <mchua> jee: great. 09:54:18 <mchua> "Moving forward, Red Hat is looking at organizing country-level POSSE programs to further reach out to more professors and lecturers. Target 60 institutions in APJ within 1st year." 09:55:02 <mchua> As someone from the team who's in charge of the POSSE program, I look at that and go "yikes! 60 in a year? we'd better start planning for that!" 09:55:23 <mchua> so I want to make sure that we get in the loop to help with those ASAP 09:55:45 <mchua> so that we make sure that we're going to be doing all the things we advertise ;) 09:56:07 <aho> ok...I will add on this 09:56:28 <aho> the feedback from the region is...they do want a session in India and China each 09:56:43 <mchua> Awesome. 09:56:47 <aho> that will hit 60 institutions within a yr... 09:57:00 <aho> the concerns is moreof budget 09:57:21 <aho> with I think POSSE needs to look into it for next FY 09:57:41 * mchua agrees that 3 APAC POSSEs (Singapore, India, China) should get participants from 60 institutions, cool 09:58:26 <mchua> aho: Well, we'd normally try to budget for POSSEs within CommArch - for this one, though, we couldn't because of the rapid timing. 09:59:18 <mchua> The cost would usually be split between the host university/office (logistics, food, transport, housing, etc) and CommArch (equipment, swag, probably some instructor travel) 10:00:13 <aho> sure. 10:01:06 <mchua> That's probably something to debrief on post-POSSE; how we could have made the "how to organize & run a POSSE" process clearer, since it sounds like that may have been the source of a lot of our confusion at the start. 10:02:24 <aho> yeah 10:02:27 <aho> we have to 10:02:30 <mchua> aho, jee: is "Moving forward, Red Hat is looking at organizing country-level POSSE programs to further reach out to more professors and lecturers. Target 60 institutions in APJ within 1st year" something we want to keep on saying in press releases, and then back up with more detail - or do we want to worry about those logistics after this POSSE, and hold off on publicizing that right now? 10:02:50 * mchua is inclined to do the first, since we've already announced it 10:03:48 * mchua is curious to hear the story of how POSSE APAC started, once she arrives in SGP and we all get to hang out - from our side, it started when we were surprised by the press release ;) 10:04:01 <jee> yes we should still keep it in future press releases 10:04:57 <mchua> jee: ok, and the "further details" are "we're looking at organizing one each in India and China within the next calendar year, planning for those will begin after the first POSSE APAC"? 10:05:41 <jee> sure 10:05:41 <mchua> ("details forthcoming, email posse@teachingopensource.org if you'd like to be notified when <something happens>") 10:06:27 <mchua> jee: (we can actually use that email address, btw; it does exist and forwards on to a RH-internal-visible queue) 10:06:49 <jee> ok, will include that 10:07:23 <mchua> jee: thanks! 10:07:42 <aho> ok...I need to go soon 10:07:47 * mchua nods 10:07:51 <mchua> two last questions on comms plan, real quick 10:08:04 <mchua> 1) "The APJ POSSE program is part of Red Hat's OSCI initiative" 10:08:45 <mchua> is there some way we can indicate all the partnerships going into this (OSCI, RHA, community + education outreach all working with the POSSE program)? 10:09:57 <mchua> I think one of the concerns Max may have been trying to voice in his email was making it clear that POSSE was in partnership with, rather than a component of, OSCI and RHA 10:10:50 <mchua> The last question on comms plan is for jee, re: inviting local media to observe a session - is there any particular day of the schedule you'd like to do that on, or what information do you need from us on the curriculum side so that we can make sure the lecturers have free time to talk with press on that day 10:11:18 <mchua> jee: (in other words, when the reporters come, if all the lecturers are sitting there frantically typing and trying to make their code work, interviews might be hard ;) 10:11:33 <mchua> so I can make sure we build space into the curriculum for any press you want to bring in 10:12:41 <jee> got it on the 1st point 10:12:49 <mchua> thanks 10:13:28 * mchua doesn't need exact details on the second right this moment, but just so you know the schedule *is* flexible and clearable and if you want some space/time for press we'll totally make that happen schedule-wise 10:13:32 <jee> for the 2nd point, if there is a session where we get the lecturers to share their experiences in their countries with others in the group 10:13:40 <jee> that would be nice for the media to observe 10:13:48 <jee> collaboration at work 10:14:12 <mchua> ooh, yes. 10:14:43 <mchua> jee: I think Thursday afternoon/dinner, or Friday morning, would probably fit that best 10:14:56 <mchua> looking at http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_APAC#Topic_Schedule 10:15:15 <jee> ok 10:15:18 <jee> great 10:15:24 <mchua> jee: but if there are any other parts of the schedule you think the press would find interesting, just let me know and we can make sure that it's all exciting ;) 10:15:45 <jee> thanks 10:15:46 <mchua> jee: the monday morning "what is open source?" session might also be of interest 10:15:47 <jee> will do 10:16:07 <jee> monday mornings are usually bad for the media 10:16:08 <mchua> that's all I had - thanks for staying around a little late today. Anything you folks need from our side? 10:16:12 <jee> but we can certainly try 10:16:15 <mchua> Ah, okay 10:16:25 <mchua> we can also schedule things in outside of session hours, for sure 10:16:45 <jee> that's good 10:16:49 <jee> nothing else from my side 10:16:56 <mchua> During the first POSSE, Greg and Chris Tyler (one of the instructors) popped out during a lunch break to talk with reporters 10:17:00 <mchua> etc 10:17:14 <mchua> Ok. I think we're set for next week then 10:17:30 <mchua> (is this time still good for everyone? I'm free anytime during your monday workday, if you don't want to go too late) 10:17:33 <jee> yes we are 10:17:35 <jee> :-) 10:17:42 <aho> yeah...we r ok... 10:17:45 <aho> no worries 10:17:55 <aho> talk toyou next week 10:18:03 <mchua> thanks jee, aho - looking forward to seeing you next month! 10:18:10 <aho> cool! 10:18:14 * mchua closes logging, sends out notes 10:18:17 <mchua> #endmeeting