09:03:55 <mchua> #startmeeting 09:03:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 20 09:03:55 2009 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:03:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 09:04:02 * mchua loves zodbot 09:04:26 <mchua> should be pretty quick today 09:04:29 <aho> ok...what are the topics today...I'm multi-tasking now... 09:04:41 <mchua> * Registration is opened up - how is it going? How many applicants do we 09:04:44 <mchua> > have so far, have they sent in the information on 09:04:46 <mchua> > http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Pre-event_Survey and 09:04:49 <mchua> > signed the http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Pledge, and 09:04:52 <mchua> > when will the first list of of accepted lecturers and their institutions 09:04:55 <mchua> > be posted to the wiki? 09:04:58 <mchua> Yikes. That was an ugly copy-paste. 09:05:01 <mchua> 3.5 things to cover - the 0.5 was that I wanted to check that my travel was OK 09:05:20 * mchua does that real quick 09:05:26 <mchua> #topic Mel's travel 09:05:31 <mchua> aho: is the plane ticket I sent you all right? 09:05:53 <aho> yes...Ticket is ok. Please proceed 09:05:58 <aho> I will reply to ur email to that 09:06:16 <mchua> aho: ok. thanks. need to know how to expense it, and what to do for the 2 days of hotel. 09:06:58 <mchua> cool, other 3 things real quick: 09:07:04 <mchua> #topic Registration 09:07:28 <mchua> aho, thanks for opening up the elluminate, it looks great. How are registration numbers looking? 09:07:41 <mchua> are people sending in http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Pre-event_Survey and signing http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Pledge? 09:08:14 <mchua> and when/where are we posting the first list of accepted lecturers? (How many do we have that have signed the pledge and sent in the survey and confirmed their attendance?) 09:08:39 <mchua> aho: (the other two things to cover after this are classroom schedule and social schedule) 09:08:57 * mchua has booked plane ticket; all set with that 09:09:00 <aho> ok...for attendees, it will be bulk registration 09:10:32 <mchua> bulk registration? 09:11:09 <mchua> Evening, jee! Glad you could make it. 09:11:17 <jee> Hey Hey 09:11:37 <aho> yeah...the region will submit the names to me and I will do the registration for them 09:12:10 <mchua> aho: Okay - and the POSSE Pledge and the information from the Pre-event Survey? 09:12:52 <aho> for the pledge, we will send it once we get the email address 09:13:21 <aho> I will want to post something by this week 09:13:26 <aho> on who is attending 09:13:57 <mchua> aho: Awesome. We have a section at http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_APAC#Attendees for names, if that'll work. 09:14:15 <aho> ya..we can do that 09:14:29 <mchua> aho: we're going to be on track for having names and information and the pledge agreed to for everyone by November 1st? 09:14:32 <jee> hey Mel, for the pre-event survey, we can use survey monkey since I have a corporate account 09:14:52 <jee> it's pretty cool 09:15:16 <mchua> jee: Actually, I was thinking they could join the posse-apac mailing list (since we want them on there for the week anyway) and just email out the info 09:15:21 <aho> should be fine... 09:15:33 <aho> the timeline is realistic 09:15:43 <mchua> Excellent. 09:16:13 <mchua> jee: (also, there was a reporter from LWN who was interested in the 1st POSSE, I'll forward him to you in case he wants to cover the 2nd) 09:16:43 <jee> sure! 09:17:17 <mchua> ok, next topic 09:17:33 <mchua> #topic classroom schedule 09:17:47 * mchua will catch up with Harish to see who's teaching what unit 09:19:11 <mchua> jee: are Thursday afternoon (1-3) and Friday morning (8:30-1) enough for press-visit times? Do we need to schedule in any time for lecturers to be pulled out for individual interviews, too? 09:19:33 <jee> that's fine 09:19:52 <jee> no need for individual interviews 09:19:54 <aho> oh...Mel, u need to send me the hardware or computer requirement too 09:20:05 <mchua> jee: ok. 09:20:28 <mchua> aho: ah! thanks for reminding me, sorry about that. I'll do it right after this meeting 09:20:34 <mchua> (which should be over in about 5 min) 09:20:37 <mchua> last thing real quick 09:20:40 <mchua> #topic social schedule 09:21:05 <aho> haha...this is tricky one 09:21:09 * mchua grins 09:21:26 <mchua> aho: I'm assuming folks are on their own for food except for Sunday's opening dinner and Thursday's "meet local open source community members" dinner 09:21:44 <aho> we have to do away with Sunday dinner 09:22:01 <mchua> Ok - are people still getting together Sunday night for a kickoff? 09:22:09 <aho> we were thinking about visitng other institutions during the week 09:22:25 <mchua> Ooh, that would be awesome. 09:22:51 <mchua> (well, not so much "kickoff" as "mixer so people get a chance to know each other before classes start on Monday") 09:23:13 <aho> we have to do away with that on Sunday... 09:23:18 <mchua> aho: would the visits be in the evenings, or is there something we'd have to do with the schedule? 09:23:24 <aho> A bit tought to get budget to do that 09:23:37 <aho> I notice the schedule ends at 3 09:23:46 <aho> wondering whether we can do that after 3 09:23:49 <mchua> aho: Well, if it's "we're going to be hanging out at this restaurant, come join us if you want, pay for your own food" 09:24:18 <mchua> aho: absolutely - keep in mind that the lecturers will have homework each night, too 09:24:25 <mchua> aho: so don't keep them out /too/ late ;) 09:25:06 <mchua> aho: figure somewhere around 3-5 hours of homework a night (depending on the individual) 09:25:11 <aho> on hanging out...ya...we can do that 09:25:23 <aho> hmm... 09:25:40 <aho> which day will be the best for the visit? 09:25:51 <aho> can u put that into the schedule? 09:25:58 <mchua> aho: ok, cool - yeah, for Sunday I'm less concerned with the "Red Hat Pays For Food" part and more concerned with the "people get a chance to socialize before an intense week" part 09:26:16 <mchua> #info Sunday's dinner will be pay-for-your-own, but we'll have a designated place for interested people to socialize 09:26:25 <mchua> aho: how many nights of visiting do you want? 09:26:43 <aho> We put two for now 09:27:02 <mchua> aho: ok - order of preference of dates would be tuesday night, thursday night, wednesday night 09:27:22 <mchua> aho: so if tuesday and thursday from 3pm-whenever would work... 09:27:29 * mchua adds section to schedule real quick 09:27:31 <aho> well, the plan is in the late afternoon so that we will not go into the night 09:27:54 <aho> ok...add that into the section 09:28:07 <mchua> aho: 3pm to 5pm? 6pm? 09:28:23 <aho> 3 to 6 isgood 09:29:11 <mchua> aho: done, http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_APAC#Topic_Schedule 09:29:48 <mchua> aho: you can edit the school names there directly if you want, or if you post the info to the posse-apac list I'll make the edits when I see them 09:29:57 <mchua> aho: are we still doing Thursday night dinner? Should Harish and I be inviting local folks to that? 09:31:17 <aho> I think Thursday night dinner should be fine...That I will need to see whether we can get a budget for it 09:32:44 <mchua> aho: Ok. If the budget situation turns out such that we need to have people do pay-your-own but we have budget for, say, up to 10-15 guests we can invite, that's ok, we just need to let folks know that. 09:33:28 <aho> will you be able to budget for that...just trying 09:33:55 <mchua> aho: the only things I need to know are time, place, and how many guests we can invite (and how many of those guest seats you already have someone in mind for - engineers from APAC who are involved with Fedora, etc) 09:34:51 <mchua> aho: I'm not sure how much dinner usually costs in Singapore, but wherever you'd want to have Thursday's dinner (we should make reservations for 50-65 people but have attendees pay their own) 09:35:03 <mchua> aho: times, say, 15 people. 09:35:17 <mchua> aho: that would cover you, jee, me, harish, and 11 other guests 09:35:23 <mchua> aho: the 40 lecturers would pay for their own dinner 09:35:38 <mchua> aho: (if needed; it'd be a nice gesture if we could get them a meal once during the week) 09:36:16 <aho> we are not expecting more than 30 including us 09:36:28 <aho> the budget doesn't allow me to go more 09:36:36 <aho> we are putting them up inthe hotel now 09:37:12 <mchua> Ah, okay. 09:37:30 <mchua> aho: reservations for 40 then? 09:37:36 <aho> let me send you the link 09:37:49 <mchua> aho: lecturers pay for their own, then we have leeway to invite 10 guests 09:37:52 <mchua> ok 09:38:18 <aho> Robertson Quay Hotel 09:38:37 <aho> http://www.robertsonquayhotel.com.sg/ 09:38:37 <mchua> Ah, okay, I'll book my nights before/after at the same place then 09:38:50 <aho> I will do it for you 09:39:06 <aho> send me your flight details once you have it 09:39:39 <mchua> aho: will do. 09:39:46 <mchua> thanks! 09:40:23 <mchua> aho: re dinner Thursday, does buying dinner for 10 guests sound reasonable, and does 6:30pm sound good for a dinner start time? 09:40:36 <aho> yup... 09:41:03 <mchua> #info 10 guests for Thursday dinner, 6:30pm start time 09:41:08 * mchua is all set then 09:41:31 <mchua> aho: I'll send the minimum specs to list in a moment, and will email you my flight details once they hit my inbox (probably right afterwards; they're probably there by now) 09:41:45 <aho> great... 09:41:52 <aho> this is getting exciting ;) 09:42:25 <mchua> aho, jee: anything else? 09:42:56 <mchua> aho, jee: that's all I had for today - I'll go through and try to list out all the tiny details we need to nail down between now and 11/8, but aside from that, and scheduling some time (Friday afternoon, I suppose?) for us to do a debrief, I think that's it 09:43:00 <mchua> we're looking really good 09:43:01 <jee> not from my end 09:43:31 <mchua> cool. 09:43:34 <mchua> aho? 09:45:04 <mchua> I'm going to take that as a "yes, we're done" 09:45:07 <aho> yup...that's good for me 09:45:11 <aho> we are done 09:45:14 <mchua> thanks aho, jee! looking forward to meeting you in person soon. 09:45:17 * mchua sends out notes 09:45:18 <mchua> #endmeeting