00:56:19 <mchua> #startmeeting 00:56:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 10 00:56:19 2009 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:56:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:56:22 <jaricsng__> testing 00:56:25 <transbot0> mchua> # startmeeting 00:56:25 <transbot0> zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 10 00:56:24 2009 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:56:26 <transbot0> zodbot> Useful Commands: # action # agreed # halp # info # idea # link # topic. 00:56:33 <mchua> jaricsng__: yep, you're set. 00:56:43 <transbot0> jaricsng__ has disconnected 00:56:51 <mchua> glezos: hey! this is Mel. 00:57:02 <glezos> mchua: hey Mel! 00:57:13 <mchua> glezos: We're going to start them off with editing the F12 website first - isn't it... 2am over where you are? 00:57:39 <glezos> mchua: yeah.. I wish I had some power and time.. but I'm dead meat. 00:57:55 <glezos> I've been working 4h in making svn on Transifex faster. 00:57:56 <mchua> glezos: no problem. where should we go to look at Transifex stuff if we have time, then? 00:58:01 <mchua> glezos: ouch. 00:58:29 <glezos> mchua: www.transifex.net is a good resource. Folks can create accounts and navigate. There's a FAQ on how to get more projects added too. 00:58:53 <mchua> jaricsng, jaricsng_, pohyee-cheong, raeLLL, xinyi, YeLong, yipch, tira - I think that's everyone? go ahead and join the #fedora-websites channel 00:58:58 <mchua> That's "/join #fedora-websites" 00:59:13 <YeLong> ok 00:59:13 <mchua> (no quotes) 00:59:20 <transbot0> harish-upfront has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 00:59:24 <glezos> mchua: alternatively, translate.fedoraproject.org should be quite easy to navigate and use too. 00:59:36 <glezos> mchua: You know what would be awesome? To collect some questions folks have from the UI, so that we can improve it. 00:59:49 <mchua> glezos: like usability testing? 00:59:53 <tira> mchua : done 01:00:18 <mchua> glezos: we'll be here 'till Friday morning, btw, so if we don't get to this today, we can come back to it 01:00:22 <glezos> mchua: I guess so. Even just collecting Questions that pop up would be valuable. 01:00:24 <mchua> glezos: especially if you're less hosed then ;) 01:00:35 <mchua> glezos: Good stuff, we'll make sure we do that if we have time for Transifex today 01:01:11 <glezos> mchua: finally, there is a ticket for creating End-User documentation. http://transifex.org/ticket/256 -- If you think something should be put there, in order to have a good documentation for new users/translators, feel free to add. 01:01:12 * glezos is off 01:01:18 <glezos> mchua: keep up the awesome work. Thank you! 01:01:28 <mchua> glezos: you rock. Thanks! 01:01:34 * mchua pulls links into bot notes 01:01:38 <mchua> #link http://transifex.net 01:01:48 <mchua> #link http://translate.fedoraproject.org 01:01:55 <mchua> #link http://transifex.org/ticket/256 01:02:04 <mchua> #info feedback on Transifex's UI appreciated 01:02:37 <harish-upfront> hello 01:02:53 <transbot0> harish-upfront> wei 01:04:41 <roger__> I am in. Cheers and Good Morning to All. 01:05:06 <jaricsng___> good morning 01:06:13 <mchua> roger__: (and everyone else) if you're not already in the #fedora-websites channel, you'll want to go there - that's where we are working right now 01:06:32 <mchua> if you need help joining a channel, just ask :) 01:06:34 <mchua> roger__: (and everyone else) if you're not already in the #fedora-websites channel, you'll want to go there - that's where we are working right now 01:06:48 <mchua> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate#IRC 01:06:56 <mchua> That is the list of Fedora project IRC channels 01:06:56 <roger__> Ok and thanks. 01:06:57 <mchua> tira: ^^ 01:07:16 <transbot0> mchua_ has disconnected 01:07:25 <mchua> martz927: you'll want to join #fedora-websites if you aren't already there 01:10:20 <transbot0> opensrc_ has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 01:10:55 <transbot0> opensrc_ has quit #teachingopensource-posse-zh 01:11:12 <transbot0> jaricsng_ has disconnected 01:12:24 <transbot0> opensrc_ has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 01:12:29 <transbot0> jaricsng has disconnected 01:14:18 <transbot0> roger__ has disconnected 01:16:11 <tiansworld> test 01:16:18 <mchua> tiansworld: you're all set 01:16:32 <mchua> tiansworld: we're working in #fedora-websites right now 01:16:58 <tiansworld> mchua: ok thanks 01:17:06 <martz927> hello all 01:17:12 <martz927> which grp shld i join? 01:17:26 <martz927> apart from the CLA grps 01:20:13 <mchua> martz927: we'll probably all be joining the websites group pretty soon to do this project 01:20:17 <yipch> http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/alexandria/ 01:21:50 <martz927> how to get code ????? 01:21:53 <martz927> pls help .... 01:23:22 <ianweller> martz927: what code do you speak of? 01:23:44 <harish-xchat-upf> mchua, the html for the website 01:23:51 <martz927> we are starting on a project where we are suppose to get code 01:24:06 <martz927> and mod it, patch it and submit patch 01:24:09 <ianweller> right 01:24:13 <harish-xchat-upf> martz927, the project is about html not c btw 01:24:39 <martz927> abt submitting code to a repo? 01:24:56 <ianweller> martz927: are you in #fedora-websites? 01:25:08 <ianweller> martz927: (here's the git repo http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=fedora-web.git;a=summary) 01:25:35 <martz927> guess we have to for now 01:25:36 <harish-xchat-upf> mchua, where are you chatting with mo? 01:25:41 <mchua> harish-xchat-upf: #fedora-websites 01:25:46 <mchua> harish-xchat-upf: we're doing all our websites work there 01:25:51 <harish-xchat-upf> mchua, thanks 01:26:08 <mchua> ianweller: we'll be working in #fedora-websites and it's likely people will need help getting used to git if you're game for that 01:26:18 <ianweller> mchua: maybe 01:26:24 <ianweller> i'm going to eat in a second, i'll be back in 20 minutes though 01:27:32 <harish-xchat-upf> to run xchat do the following: 01:27:52 <harish-xchat-upf> a) go to System 01:28:34 <harish-xchat-upf> b) Go to Admin 01:28:40 <harish-xchat-upf> c) Go to Add Remove software 01:28:47 <harish-xchat-upf> d) in the search box type x-chat 01:29:39 <harish-xchat-upf> e) you might be prompted for the root password which for the machines in the lab, is the same as the regular user password 01:30:06 <harish-xchat-upf> f) once installed, you can go to Applications->Internet->xchat. 01:32:19 <jasonchong> if we have irc, y xchat? 01:32:36 <transbot0> pohyee-cheong has disconnected 01:34:41 <harish-xchat-upf> jasonchong, irc is the protocol, xchat is the front end that implements irc 01:34:47 <jaricsng> x-chat is a front end client app 01:35:09 <transbot0> nyp1__ has disconnected 01:36:17 <martz927> install already 01:36:20 <jasonchong> ya i know xchat. but the question is do we need it here? 01:36:33 <martz927> what is next? 01:36:55 <martz927> i still cannot ssh to fedorapeople 01:37:00 <jaricsng> jason, it is a matter of preference in that case 01:37:13 <martz927> i already uploaded my id_rsa.pub to the FSa acct 01:37:23 <jaricsng> i would say webchat and xchat is the thin and fat (rich) client app 01:37:34 <jasonchong> excellent. so the answer is no ^^ 01:37:35 <martz927> seems like mIRC in the past 01:38:01 <martz927> where we are on GalaxyNet 01:39:12 <jaricsng> yep, both works rich has a more pleasing UI and and has better usability 01:40:06 <raelll1> hello, 01:40:49 <transbot0> roger__ has disconnected 01:41:45 <transbot0> roger_ch has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 01:42:07 <yipch> what is the network for xchat? 01:42:28 <yipch> found it 01:42:32 <transbot0> zodbot> Announcement from my owner (nirik): Fedora 12 has gone gold! 01:42:58 <zodbot> Announcement from my owner (nirik): Fedora 12 has gone gold! 01:46:47 <jasonchong> #help 01:46:51 <jasonchong> ? 01:47:25 <transbot0> freedom has quit #teachingopensource-posse-zh 01:49:59 <transbot0> tira_ has disconnected 01:50:01 <jaricsng> checkout my blog @ http://jaricsng.wordpress.com 01:50:29 <transbot0> yipch-web has disconnected 01:50:32 <transbot0> nyp1_ has disconnected 01:53:15 <martz927> hello 01:53:31 <martz927> which grp shld i join apart from those CLA types? 01:53:38 <martz927> i still cannot ssh to fedorapeople 01:53:48 <martz927> got the permission denied err 01:54:17 <harish-afk> martz927, you have uploaded your rsa-ssh keys via the web? 01:54:32 <martz927> yup 01:54:42 <martz927> done that ... in the previous email by mel 01:55:06 <martz927> we need to wait least 1 hr and join another grp apart from CLA types 01:55:26 <martz927> so waiting for advise on the grp to join 01:56:18 <harish-afk> martz927, don't worry about other groups to join for now. 01:56:31 <martz927> okie ... = ) 01:57:39 <jaricsng> jaric.sng@gmail.com 01:57:52 <transbot0> nyp1__ has disconnected 01:59:09 <mchua> jaricsng: checking, one sec... 02:00:22 <transbot0> nyp1__ has disconnected 02:02:06 <transbot0> yipch has disconnected 02:02:31 <mchua> jaricsng: I can't see the admin interface right now, but you should be able to check if you're subscribed at http://teachingopensource.org/mailman/listinfo/posse-apac 02:03:03 <tira> I am afk 02:34:17 * mchua afk 02:37:16 <transbot0> roger_ch has disconnected 02:40:51 <transbot0> raelll1 has disconnected 02:53:02 <zdb> mchua: question 02:53:27 <mchua> zdb: Hello. You can ask questions here any time you want, and I can answer them 02:53:33 <mchua> zdb: (actually, anybody here can answer them) 02:53:46 <mchua> zdb: that way, whenever you have a question you can ask without having to wait for a break. 02:54:13 <transbot0> zdb has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 02:54:37 <transbot0> zdb> Hello 02:54:50 <zdb> Hello 02:55:08 <mchua> zdb: Is this easier? 02:55:38 <mchua> zdb: The translations are sometimes not good, but you can look in the Chinese channel and the English channel 02:55:47 <mchua> And hopefully with both of them it will make sense. 02:55:56 <mchua> zdb: Also, ask a lot of questions :) 02:56:01 <mchua> zdb: please interrupt me a lot! 02:57:21 <transbot0> zdb> Well, I basically can read 02:59:04 <mchua> zdb: Also, if you type "/join #fedora-websites" (with no quotes) you'll join the #fedora-websites channel which is where we will be working this afternoon 02:59:10 <mchua> zdb: (let me know if you need help with that) 03:02:28 <transbot0> ianweller has disconnected 03:04:51 <transbot0> martz927-AFK has disconnected 03:11:55 <kevix> mchua: have anything tasty to eat yet? various noodle dishes? 03:22:50 <transbot0> ke4qqq has disconnected 03:52:18 <mchua> zdb: most of us are talking in #fedora-websites, do you want me to show you how to join that channel too? 03:52:26 <transbot0> zdb has quit #teachingopensource-posse-zh 04:03:19 <transbot0> harish-upfront has disconnected 04:18:53 <transbot0> jasonchong has disconnected 04:23:34 <transbot0> jaricsng has disconnected 04:28:51 <transbot0> zdb has disconnected 04:29:57 <transbot0> mchua> # endmeeting 04:29:58 <transbot0> zodbot> Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 04:29:57 2009 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:29:58 <transbot0> zodbot> Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teachingopensource-posse-zh/2009-11-10/teachingopensource-posse-zh.2009-11-10-00.56.html 04:30:01 <transbot0> zodbot> Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teachingopensource-posse-zh/2009-11-10/teachingopensource-posse-zh.2009-11-10-00.56.txt 04:30:04 <transbot0> zodbot> Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teachingopensource-posse-zh/2009-11-10/teachingopensource-posse-zh.2009-11-10-00.56.log.html 04:30:08 <mchua> #endmeeting