04:30:27 <mchua> #startmeeting 04:30:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 10 04:30:27 2009 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:30:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:41:28 <transbot0> raelll_ has disconnected 05:43:08 <mchua> #info we will end at 3pm today - which gives us 1 hour more of work time - and then there will be a campus tour. 05:47:23 <harish-upfront> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign_2009/Mockups/Spins.fpo 05:50:10 <mchua> harish-upfront: what I think we'll do is this - if we want to end at 3pm, we should stop at 2:30 to do feedback from the day, plan the next day 05:50:15 <harish-upfront> So, what is the status of the website updates? 05:50:17 <mchua> harish-upfront: this gives us a nice half hour now 05:50:28 <harish-upfront> mchua, ok 05:50:36 <mchua> harish-upfront: what I'd like to do is stand up now and have each of the teams give the room an update on where they are 05:50:42 <mchua> harish-upfront: and say "ok, we're wrapping up at 2" 05:50:50 <harish-upfront> mchua, ok 05:51:00 <mchua> harish-upfront: and use the time to figure out how to push back their work, with docs, and possibly an email to the mailing list saying "here's where we stand" 05:51:14 <harish-upfront> mchua, ok 05:54:11 <transbot0> roger_ch has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 05:54:50 <transbot0> yipch has disconnected 05:59:57 <transbot0> kinchew has disconnected 06:00:44 <harish-upfront> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign_2009/Mockups/Spins.fpo 06:02:53 <harish-upfront> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat 06:07:14 <transbot0> mchua has disconnected 06:34:25 <transbot0> opensrc has disconnected 06:35:42 <transbot0> Kaio has disconnected 06:39:49 <transbot0> mchua has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 06:40:07 <mchua> #link http://eunisim.blogspot.com 06:44:44 <transbot0> mchua has disconnected 07:03:23 <transbot0> roger_ch has disconnected 07:07:35 <transbot0> harish-upfront has disconnected 07:13:44 <transbot0> opensrc has disconnected 07:50:48 <transbot0> neverho0d has disconnected 07:53:22 <transbot0> eugene has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 08:00:25 <transbot0> eugene has quit #teachingopensource-posse-zh 08:09:44 <transbot0> xinyi has disconnected 08:09:44 <transbot0> tira has disconnected 08:09:44 <transbot0> ekpalmer_afk has disconnected 08:40:29 <transbot0> xinyi has disconnected 08:43:43 <transbot0> kevix has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 08:43:57 <transbot0> martz927 has disconnected 08:43:58 <transbot0> kevix has quit #teachingopensource-posse-zh 09:12:22 <transbot0> nyp1_ has disconnected 09:14:22 <transbot0> jaricsng has disconnected 09:16:07 <transbot0> tira has disconnected 09:57:34 <kevix> mchua: http://whiteboard.debian.net/ some new tech to play with -- like etherpad -- simultanious edits -- now sure about non-latin use 11:28:50 <transbot0> CanoeBerry has disconnected 12:13:10 <transbot0> Kaio has disconnected 13:10:43 <transbot0> jaricsng has disconnected 13:18:26 <transbot0> neverho0d has disconnected 13:34:52 <transbot0> mizmo has disconnected 13:43:13 <transbot0> CanoeBerry__ has disconnected 14:31:34 <transbot0> hers has disconnected 14:32:16 <transbot0> gregdek has joined: #teachingopensource-posse-zh 14:45:01 <transbot0> neverho0d has disconnected 14:47:26 <transbot0> sdziallas has disconnected 15:26:35 <mchua> gregdek: spevack: quaid: woo! 15:26:42 <mchua> Ok, woh wants to take what? 15:26:46 <mchua> s/woh/who 15:27:00 <mchua> oh yeah 15:27:03 <zodbot> mchua: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 15:27:07 <mchua> Oh. 15:27:16 <mchua> #endmeeting