19:02:34 <mchua> #startmeeting 19:02:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 27 19:02:34 2010 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:42 <mchua> #topic roll call 19:02:49 <mchua> #meetingname weekly posse meeting 19:02:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_posse_meeting' 19:02:56 <mchua> Who's around? 19:03:37 * mchua looks about 19:03:44 <mchua> ....okeydokey. We shall proceed anyhow! 19:03:51 <mchua> #topic This summer: RIT 19:04:20 <mchua> #info RIT is in good shape: 6 confirmed attendees, 11 accepted waiting for confirmation, we're likely to have close to a full class. 19:04:48 <mchua> #action mchua send RIT forms for IT network access to non-RIT attendees of POSSE RIT 19:05:07 <mchua> #action mchua select local housing, book instructor/tech-guru travel for POSSE RIT 19:05:22 <mchua> #action mchua ctyler and RITSteve pow-wow on curriculum (mchua to send out a whenisgood) 19:05:28 <mchua> and that's it, really. 19:05:34 <mchua> #topic This summer: Worcester 19:05:42 <kwurst> Here! 19:05:48 * sdziallas lurking 19:05:55 <mchua> #info Worcester also in good shape: 5 confirmed, 3 accepted waiting for confirmation. 19:06:01 <mchua> kwurst: any more bushes we can beat to get more folks to come? ;) 19:06:11 <mchua> kwurst: attendee list in your inbox in a moment... 19:06:30 <kwurst> I've sent out a few, but nothing systematically. Will try to do that this week. 19:06:51 <mchua> kwurst: (...and in your inbox now!) ok, that sounds great. 19:07:05 <mchua> kwurst: two thoughts I had re: local logistics. 19:07:26 <mchua> kwurst: first, hotel - do you have any particular recommendation on where out-of-town folks should stay? (if not, I can randomly pick one, I suppose, from the Worcester State hotel list) 19:08:00 <mchua> kwurst: second, Thursday's dinner - a lot of the Sugar community in Boston lives closer to downtown, I was thinking we could have Thursday's dinner in the city and just drive everyone over (big carpool, etc). Thoughts? (Food preferences? ;) 19:08:04 <kwurst> I have not really investigated the hotels yet. Is there a Worcester State list? 19:08:38 <kwurst> Downtown Worcester? or Boston? 19:09:03 <mchua> kwurst: Boston. 19:09:26 <mchua> kwurst: ...or Cambridge. But "further East," basically. 19:09:32 <mchua> kwurst: Yep, I'll get the hotel list for you in a moment... 19:09:40 <kwurst> That will add a lot of time - 45 minutes at least. 19:09:53 <mchua> kwurst: it's on the http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Worcester_State_attendees page 19:10:03 <mchua> kwurst: Yeah... on the up side, we'll probably get a *lot* more local hackers that way 19:10:08 <mchua> kwurst: sugar hackers, I mean 19:10:24 <mchua> kwurst: Alternatively, I could take a carload of Sugar folks out to Worcester, and drive them back afterwards. 19:10:40 <kwurst> How many do you think we will get? Will it be more than the attendees we have to move? 19:10:43 <mchua> kwurst: basically, one group or the other will have to make a trip. 19:10:48 <mchua> kwurst: Hrm. /me does a quick mental count 19:10:57 <mchua> kwurst: ...right now it comes out about even. 19:11:25 <kwurst> So, if we get more attendees, it becomes a bigger logistical challenge. 19:11:42 <mchua> kwurst: If we set the dinner time late enough that Boston-area Sugar hackers can leave work and get out West in time, I think we can just do it in Worcester. 19:11:47 <kwurst> How long can we wait to decide this? 19:12:10 <mchua> kwurst: I'd like to issue dinner invites a month in advance, so... another 2 weeks 19:12:17 <mchua> kwurst: (and also make a restaurant reservation) 19:12:43 <mchua> kwurst: I think we can just do it in Worcester, pick a restaurant, and then I'll figure out transport-from-Boston logistics for community folks. 19:12:59 <kwurst> If we do Worcester, the next question is which restaurant? Is there a traditional food style? 19:13:12 <mchua> we'll just say dinner starts late enough (6:30 or 7) that people will have time to head West. 19:13:19 <mchua> kwurst: Nope. "Delicious." ;) 19:13:48 <kwurst> How many community people are you expecting? I want to see what size party we're talking about. 19:14:03 <mchua> kwurst: Let's say 10. 19:14:30 <mchua> kwurst: Won't be more than that. Probably between 5-10 depending on who I can coax out west that night. 19:14:40 <kwurst> So, n attendees + 2 instructors + 1 tech guru + 10 community? 19:14:55 <mchua> kwurst: and figure that we've got a minimum $600 budget to feed everyone, but that's flexible if we have more people + something is really delicious. ;) 19:14:58 <mchua> kwurst: yep. 19:15:18 <kwurst> So currently, that's 21. 19:15:39 * mchua nods. 19:16:21 <kwurst> Do we do order off the menu, or limited menu choices/buffet? 19:17:46 <mchua> kwurst: With that number of people, probably easier to do the latter. 19:18:02 <kwurst> I know I've seen bbq mentioned, but I'm not sure if the local bbq place can handle a party of that size. I'll check. 19:18:10 <mchua> kwurst: but the former is fine. For the first POSSE we did limited-menu-choice, for the second we just had them bring out wads of seafood. 19:18:25 <mchua> kwurst: well, we tend to go for "local specialty" but I'm not sure what that is for Worcester. :) 19:18:35 <mchua> kwurst: for instance, Raleigh == BBQ, Singapore == ridiculous amounts of seafood. 19:18:51 <mchua> Rochester == ...garbage plate? As tempted as I am, we probably want to do... something else. :D 19:19:28 <kwurst> Hm... I'll have to think about that. There are a lot of Vietnamese restaurants. 19:19:47 <mchua> Oooh. 19:20:00 <mchua> well, this is the fun part of logistical planning. ;) 19:20:07 <kwurst> Ok, I'll do some thinking... 19:20:22 <mchua> #action kwurst pick a Thursday restaurant for POSSE Worcester, in Worcester 19:20:40 <mchua> #action mchua figure out transport logistics for Boston-area hackers from Boston to Worcester on Thursday night for POSSE Worcester 19:20:52 <kwurst> #action kwurst send out more invitations 19:20:55 * mchua nods 19:21:13 <mchua> kwurst: more folks would be awesome, but we can run a great POSSE with 8. I'll remind the 3 who haven't confirmed, to confirm. 19:21:19 <mchua> kwurst: anything else we can/should do? 19:21:37 <kwurst> #action kwurst choose suggested accomodations 19:21:48 <mchua> kwurst: oh - IRB for surveying people... I know you've been pinged on that, want to make sure we'll be OK on that front. anything we can/should do for that? 19:22:19 <kwurst> I think I'm OK. Talked to Heidi this morning. Expecting draft on Friday. 19:23:00 * mchua nods. 19:23:03 <mchua> Sounds good. 19:23:09 <mchua> kwurst: anything else? That's all I've got for Worcester. 19:23:19 <mchua> quaid: (California up next) 19:23:34 <kwurst> All set for Worcester. 19:23:44 <mchua> kwurst: Thanks! 19:23:53 <mchua> #topic This summer: California 19:23:55 <mchua> quaid: ping. around? 19:26:03 <mchua> ...I guess not. :) 19:26:20 <mchua> #info POSSE California needs recruiting *now* 19:26:46 <mchua> #info We have, however, finally gotten a confirmed location (the original one at CMU SV fell through due to last minute schedule changes; campus wasn't available for the original dates) 19:26:56 <mchua> #action quaid alolita mchua POSSE California recruiting 19:27:05 <mchua> #topic This summer: CMU 19:27:14 <mchua> #action mchua POSSE CMU location confirmation 19:27:19 <mchua> #action mchua POSSE CMU recruiting 19:27:25 <mchua> #topic other POSSEs 19:27:36 <mchua> mwhitehe, micadeyeye - notes? ;) 19:28:07 <mchua> #action mchua check in with POSSEs tentatively scheduled for the fall - South Africa, Manila, EMEA, Malaysia, etc 19:28:12 <mchua> KageSenshi: ^ 19:28:13 <mwhitehe> mwhitehe: I got here real late. didn't catch much 19:28:24 <micadeyeye> hi mchua 19:28:40 <mchua> mwhitehe: we were just getting through the status of this summer's POSSEs. Was wondering about kernel hacking POSSE and if you had an idea of when you wanted to go for that, or any further thoughts on plans. ;) 19:28:45 <mchua> hey micadeyeye. how's SA coming? 19:28:49 <mchua> micadeyeye: got instructors? :) 19:29:02 <micadeyeye> I am looking forward to a feedback from Harish. 19:29:30 <micadeyeye> He was the only one who replied the mail I sent out. 19:30:00 <mwhitehe> mchua: I'm actively discussing things with Clark Williams, but I'm rather at the mercy of my manager at this point. That will change when as Clark and I get firmer plans. This summer sounds too soon though. Probably the fall. 19:30:03 <micadeyeye> I guess he will the tech guru. right? 19:30:06 <mchua> micadeyeye: Ok. If Harish and I can do it, that covers us for instructors. If he can't make it, is there a backup you have in mind? 19:30:26 <mchua> mwhitehe: Ok - if we want one in the fall, we need to figure out a date and location for it within the next month or so. 19:31:21 <mwhitehe> mchua: okay. I'm actively teaching myself network drivers, and I just found several ancient ones that will make good class projects to update to the NAPI. 19:32:10 <mchua> mwhitehe: Awesome. I think a good date to set for go/no-go for the fall is June 1st - if we don't have a date and location set for a kernel hacking POSSE that you (and Clark?) have clearance to come out to, we should look at spring term instead. 19:32:22 <mwhitehe> mchua: agreed 19:34:31 <mchua> #info POSSE Kernel hacking go/no-go date for fall semester is June 1: need date, location, and clearance for mwhitehe et al to teach by then, otherwise bump to spring semester 19:34:42 <mchua> mwhitehe: ideas on location? 19:35:12 <micadeyeye> mchua: i wanted to ask you about the tech guru. 19:35:29 <micadeyeye> I was thinking Harish would be the tech guru. 19:35:43 <micadeyeye> BTW, what's the role of a tech guru? 19:35:52 <mchua> micadeyeye: Ah, glad you asked. :) We should clarify that. 19:36:02 <mchua> micadeyeye: So, each POSSE has (at least) 2 instructors and 1 tech guru. 19:36:06 <mwhitehe> mchua: Clark suggested University of Alabama at Huntsville, because wcohen is former faculty there, and it is close to them both. 19:36:55 <mchua> micadeyeye: POSSE instructors are the main instructors, they are responsible for the curriculum/teaching/learning experience of POSSE overall 19:37:03 <mchua> #info POSSE instructors are the main instructors, they are responsible for the curriculum/teaching/learning experience of POSSE overall 19:37:08 <mchua> #link http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Instructors 19:37:26 <mchua> #info POSSE tech gurus are *not* instructors (they don't have to be POSSE instructors, but they can be) 19:38:03 <mchua> #info POSSE tech gurus are contributors to the FOSS project being used for that POSSE, who are deeply involved in its development on a day-to-day basis; they serve as technical mentors to the participants to help them get started with that same sort of contribution 19:38:27 <micadeyeye> I get that. 19:38:38 <mchua> micadeyeye: so in that sense, harish couldn't be a tech guru if (1) he's already serving as an instructor, and (2) if you want to do Mozilla, since he's not a Mozilla developer (unless he sleeps a lot less than I think :) 19:38:55 <mchua> micadeyeye: what you'd need to find is a core committer for whatever project you want to focus on. 19:39:22 <micadeyeye> I will keep you posted on Harish's decision. 19:39:49 <micadeyeye> I wouldn't mind Fedora curriculum. 19:40:40 <micadeyeye> As I said, we can't get a guru, who hacks Fedora, we would go the Mozilla way. 19:41:12 <mchua> micadeyeye: well, also if the instructors are myself and Harish it would have to be a Fedora POSSE since that's what we can teach. 19:41:28 <mchua> micadeyeye: Basically, your tech guru has to be from the project for that POSSE, and your instructors have to be able to teach a POSSE for that project. 19:41:29 <micadeyeye> that's not bad. 19:41:38 <mchua> micadeyeye: Yep. I think we'll be ok. 19:42:04 <micadeyeye> shall we keep it that way? 19:42:55 <mchua> micadeyeye: I think it's a good assumption to run with for now - but we need these details nailed down before we can approve it as a POSSE that's happening. 19:43:01 <mchua> micadeyeye: so yep, keep looking for instructors. :) 19:43:19 <micadeyeye> Okay. 19:44:29 <mchua> #idea POSSE Kernel Hacking suggested to be at U of Alabama at Huntsville due to it being close to Clark, and wcohen being former faculty there... need to figure out if fall is go/no-go first though. 19:44:35 <mchua> Anything else on any other POSSEs? 19:44:43 <micadeyeye> that would be all. 19:45:13 <mchua> awesome. 19:45:24 <mchua> Ok - any questions on anything else POSSE-related from anyone? 19:45:26 * mchua is done otherwise 19:48:55 <mchua> Ok, we're done :) 19:48:58 <mchua> Thanks all! 19:49:01 <mchua> #endmeeting